Advice from the experts
Parenting Hub

Can we solve SA’s malnutrition problem?

South Africa has constantly teetered on the edge of food insecurity and Covid-19 has officially pushed us over. While food security was highlighted during the pandemic, as the pandemic recedes it will likely become a major social and political issue as the coming year unfolds. And rightfully so. The 2020 Child Gauge identified food insecurity as one of the main reasons why South Africa remains stuck in a low-growth trajectory. The report points out that not only are 25% of South Africa’s children stunted through insufficient nutrients for healthy growth and development but that most South African children now live in communities where healthy foods are no longer available or affordable. Above inflation food prices are one reason for this especially if we consider that a food basket for the poor has increased by 15.3% over the past year, costing R4 051,20 on average. And the impact is certainly being felt. An increase in destitution Some of the NPOs we support report a dire situation on the ground. For instance, Sue Wildish, MD of The Lunchbox Fund reports that the collapse of the tourism and hospitality industry throughout the pandemic has pushed large swathes of population into poverty, with serious consequences for childhood development. It established a downward spiral in which parents were unable to pay fees into Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDCs) and consequently keep their children at home.  Those ECDCs that were able to stay open suffered from reduced capacity and teachers in turn could not be paid. With more jobs lost, even more households were pushed into food-insecurity. Schools need to be encouraged to stay open and to accept children regardless of cost so they can be in a place of safety and be fed.  People working in NPOs further note that queues at Department of Social Development and Home Affairs have increased by 50% in most areas. This increase in destitution means children are eating low quality, low-price foods with little nutritive value. Wildish reports the impact of this as being “children who are stunted, undernourished and overweight – a triple impact”. Anecdotally, she says, 25% of ECDCs that are unfunded by the Department of Social Development or who are not receiving support from NPOs have closed permanently, and two million children will no longer have access to pre-school educational stimulation and the meals they receive at school. One meal a day, if that Feedback from Kelvin Glen, Executive: Stakeholder Relations, Afrika Tikkun, is that its teams of social workers, educators and community development officers have reported an increase in the incidence of malnutrition throughout their communities. The meals served at their centres are often the only meal the children/youth receive. He believes that poverty and suffering, as well as a lack of opportunities in already overpopulated areas, lead to a rise in crime, alcohol and drug abuse, and violence. Afrika Tikkun believes that this is due to rising food prices, which has resulted in a lack of access to healthy, nutritious meals, as well as high levels of unemployment and poverty. He is convinced that the solution lies in upscaling feeding schemes by the NPO industry and government in the short term. Recognizing that battling fires all the time is impractical, Glen proposes a two-pronged long-term strategy: “We must solve the structural inequality in our society through long-term growth and mobilization of the youth to achieve economic independence.” Secondly, South Africa has an abundance of fertile land and unemployed unskilled youth, the solution is ‘agripreneurship’ training in agriculture and entrepreneurship.” Empowering the unskilled and unemployed youth to become entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector will dually address the issue of poor nutrition and create employment in the production of fresh vegetables and livestock. Worryingly, Afrika Tikkun believes that those who are poor have already hit their breaking point. In turn, the non-profit sector is overburdened in attempting to help what has been described as a “tidal wave of need.” Poverty: a hidden problem Noting a reduced media coverage around food insecurity in SA – HOPE worldwide South Africa’s Dr Marc Aguirre says his organisation continues to see many families that are suffering, caused mainly by to food insecurity and hunger and that are living lives of ‘quiet desperation’ HOPE argues that food insecurity will continue to debilitate our society by increasing illness, child stunting and mortality. It increases the direct economic costs of coping with the health impacts of malnutrition and enormous reduction in human potential and economic productivity. Aguirre offers his ‘wish list’ of what could be done in the longer term of combat malnourishment: Increase the child support grant amount to levels that will allow families to put adequate quality food on the table Reduce the cost of staple foods through mechanisms such as price subsidies Promote local food production closer to communities Continue to raise awareness through media channels about the massive and growing plight of families and children facing food insecurity and hunger Continue to raise funds through mechanisms such as the Solidarity Fund and funding for NGOs to continue to enable them to reach the most vulnerable While KFC’s Add Hope has provided 360 million meals to date – supporting more than 140 different non-profit organisations (NPOs) and feeding 150 000 children daily since inception, we are only too aware that much more needs to be done. Rising food prices has a devastating impact on impoverished communities. It means less food purchasing power both in terms of quantity and quality. This has an impact on health, child development, and social and mental well-being and given that South Africa produces enough food to feed the entire population it begs the question, why can’t we solve South Africa’s malnutrition problem? Andra Nel, CSI and sponsorship manager at KFC Africa

Prima Baby

Chicco WE Black Stroller

INTRODUCING THE NEW CHICCO WE STROLLER The Chicco We stroller is a lightweight, versatile buggy-style stroller that is perfect for parents who travel a lot or for parents who like to be on the go. This stroller has an extremely compact fold which makes it easy to travel with and of course the fact that it is light makes life much easier when on the move too. Suitable for use from birth to 15kgs, this stylish stroller with leather details will fit right into your busy lifestyle.  Capable of a full recline, your little one can safely have a nap whilst being protected from the weather with the large canopy which has UV50+ protection.  The We stroller has an ample storage basket at its base. This edgy, stylish stroller is the ultimate stroller for your little one on the go! You can find the Chicco We Stoller at participating baby outlets from only R5 999.99. For more information head to 

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School A look into our Assisted Learning Stream

In the heart of Kensington, lies a hidden gem. This gem is Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School.  As a strong establishment of 52 years in remedial and special needs support, Glenoaks offers a unique and comprehensive educational experience for any child who presents with wide-ranging barriers to learning. The school has a specific stream dedicated to learners with special educational needs. This stream is run by a team of dedicated teachers and therapists who are passionate about special needs and strive for each child to reach their true potential. The GOAL (Glenoaks Assisted Learning) Stream caters for learners from the ages of 6 to 14 years, who have special educational needs which inhibit them from learning in the ‘traditional classroom’. Our learners are unique, inspiring and present with a variety of different and individualistic learning styles. Even though they cannot cope with the pace and complexity of an academic curriculum, neither in a mainstream nor in a remedial classroom, they are able to learn within our supported environment – this is because we focus on what our learners CAN do! Each of our learners have differing areas of strengths. Some have promising potential in one or two subject areas but demonstrate functional abilities in other areas and some of them demonstrate strengths with tasks of a practical nature. A placement in the GOAL stream allows for teachers and therapists to work on enhancing the learners’ strengths whilst developing their skills in areas they find difficult without having to abide by a pre-determined curriculum that may not be suitable to their learning style or needs. Our learners all benefit from repetition, positive reinforcement, and reduced time pressure, aiming at developing skills within their levels of ability.  At present we have a Junior, an Intermediate and a Senior GOAL Stream class. These classes are divided according to a child’s age and ability. Our class sizes are between 5 – 7 learners, and the younger classes have a classroom facilitator. This allows for individual attention and support throughout the day.  We also have a multi-disciplinary team consisting of psychologists, occupational, speech and language and remedial therapists, as well as facilitators, all working together to ensure that no stone gets left unturned when it comes to your child’s educational needs. Subjects in the GOAL Stream include life skills, activities of daily living, cooking, supported reading, home management, current events and world knowledge, basic administration skills, computers, drumming, library, sport, social and emotional skills, Occupational Therapy groups, Speech-Language Therapy and communication groups, social skills groups, work experience groups, and arts and crafts. We also work on individualised numeracy and literacy programs with each of our learners. Our classroom themes are all-encompassing themes and many of our activities are ‘out of the box’ to best support learning needs and styles. Older GOAL Stream learners have many opportunities for project-based learning in preparation for in-house work experience. Our core focus for these learners includes developing their life skills, and functional mathematical and literacy skills so that they can be productive and contributing members of society, whether it be within independent or sheltered working environments.   Our school has a warm and nurturing environment. Please spend some time looking at our website, and make an appointment if you wish to come and see our gem of a school! The staff at Glenoaks take inspiration from each child as well as their families, and this poem written by a mom who was asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability, has made us look at special needs differently.  It’s like this… Welcome to Holland Written by Emily Perl Kingsley When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip – to Italy. You buy a bunch of guidebooks and make your wonderful plans. The Colosseum, the Michelangelo David, the gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting. After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, “Welcome to Holland.” “Holland?!” you say. “What do you mean, Holland?” I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy. But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to some horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It’s just a different place. So you must go out and buy a new guidebook. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met. It’s just a different place. It’s slower paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around, and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills, Holland has tulips, Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life you will say, “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.” The pain of that will never, ever, go away, because the loss of that dream is a very significant loss. But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.


Ready, Set, Go! Top Tips and Tricks to Starting Solids with Your Baby

Your baby is nearing six months and excitement starts to mount as you prepare to introduce solids for the first time. This is often called first-foods (weaning) or complementary feeding, implying that foods complement milk at this stage of the weaning journey, instead of replacing it entirely. Even though milk alone may not meet your baby’s nutritional needs anymore, it is still an important source of nutrients and minerals essential for healthy growth and this means that you will still offer baby milk when you first start with solid foods. Ready… The best food to start with is one that is culturally acceptable and familiar to the family. Traditionally, this may be a soft porridge like rice porridge or maize porridge, but other options may be single flavours like puréed sweet potato, or butternut, carrots, apples, pears, pawpaw, or peaches. Regardless of the food you choose, prepare it with breast milk (or formula) to help your baby recognise a flavour that they have been used to for the past 6 months. Offer this food for three days before moving on to another food or changing the flavour in the food. For example, if your baby likes pumpkin, mix with pureed apple or a sprinkle of cinnamon next time as you can mix foods together from early on. It is good practice to continually offer baby’s tastebuds new flavours and taste dimensions as you progress on your solids journey. There is no evidence that babies will not like veggies if they have already had naturally sweeter fruit. It is also suggested that you try a food that is not an allergen for now, avoiding for example a wheat-based cereal (gluten), yoghurt (cow’s milk) or egg at first. For a convenient way to get your baby to try its first foods, why not try Squish 100% fruit and veg purees? Squish offers a range of 100% fruit and veg purees and pressed 100% fruit and veg juices. The convenient pouches are well-loved amongst mommies and are perfect for babies from the first introduction of solids, right through the weaning process – from babies to toddlers and beyond. Squish 100% fruit and veg puree and juice flavours give parents a broader range of taste options for even the fussiest of eaters, right from the first introduction of solids through to a full meal, or tasty snack. Set… Time to stock up on baby-friendly spoons, bowls, and bibs. Think about where you want to feed your baby. Choose an appropriate feeding space, one that will help promote sensory stimulation and the social aspect of mealtimes. Remember, meals do not need to be limited to the feeding chair and you can feed your baby on the lap. Meals also do not need to be limited to the kitchen or dining room.  When age appropriate, sit on the floor with a blanket or outside under the trees on a warm day. Regardless, it is important to ensure however that your baby is always well supported and sitting upright when being fed. Invest in different sized bowls with fun colours (silicon cups work great) and a fun mini cooler bag for when you’re out and about. Squish 100% fruit and purees and pressed juices offer convenient meal solutions whether at home, on the go, right from the start of the weaning journey.  And because Squish purees are free from preservatives, flavourants, colourants, you can rest assured you are offering your baby a meal that is pretty much the same as making it yourself. Go! It’s go time which means it’s time to choose the right time of day, ideally when both you and your baby are calm, relaxed, and not in a rush. This may be the weekend for working parents, or a weekday for stay-at-home moms. You may also want to include other family members for this memorable milestone. The best time of the day to start offering solids to your baby is when your baby is most alert and awake, and in a happy mood. This may be after waking from a midmorning nap and between milk feeds so that your baby is not too tired, too hungry, or too full. During the beginning stages, do not worry too much about the formality of mealtimes as we know it, like offering cereal for breakfast at 8am or a vegetable with lunch at 1pm. Follow your baby’s lead and enjoy these special first moments watching your baby’s taste buds get excited about solid food. You can then start to add other tastes and eventually other textures when your baby is ready, and Squish 100% fruit and veg purees offer a meal solution for every occasion.

Recruit My Mom

I work from home: can I claim tax benefits?

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it a shift towards long term workplace flexibility no one could have predicted. Some parents see it as a blessing, others find it distracting and long for the ‘good old days’ of canteen coffee and conference room catch-ups. Whatever your views, if you are an employee who finds themselves with a newfound level of workplace flexibility, there is a benefit you might not have thought about. Did you know SARS offers tax benefits for work from home and remote working employees? And if you read the word ‘tax’ and your mind went to a dark place filled with thoughts of deductibles and deadlines then fear not, we’ve broken it down into four easy steps for you.  Do I qualify for tax benefits? If you are a freelancer or independent contractor working from home in South Africa, then yes, you absolutely do qualify for various income tax benefits. In addition, people who are employed on a fixed term contract or as a permanent employee, who work from home for all or part of the year can claim expenses from their income tax but the requirements are a little more stringent. This includes employees who work partly in office and partly at home in a more hybrid working manner, and would require that you keep a log of the amount of time spent in the office versus at home in order to see if you qualify for the work-from-home tax savings.  What kind of costs can be deducted from income tax? If you own your own business (even as a sole proprietor), you can track any costs related to operating your own business from home as it can reduce your annual income tax bill. If you are employed and work from home, track any costs you need in order to do your job, such as telephone bills, internet costs, office equipment, stationery, cleaning, rent, bond interest, repair costs to your office premises and other expenses in connection to the wear and tear of your operating equipment and working space. Bear in mind the working space needs to be specifically dedicated for the purpose of work, e.g. a home study set up as an office, it cannot be your kitchen counter or a communal space in the home. How do I claim income tax back from SARS? Start by retaining all invoices and slips for expenses incurred. This way you can substantiate that the expenses claimed relate directly to working from home.  For hybrid office and home workers, it’s best to keep a running spreadsheet of days worked from home, and days at the office. Then collate your statements and relevant documentation to the days worked at home so you have a complete record of all your work from home activities for tax purposes. Are permanent and fixed term contracting staff liable for tax deductions? With Covid-19 making it fairly mainstream to work from home, it is welcome news that all employees are liable for tax deductions for home office expenditure, provided they have worked from home for at least six months of the tax year. This is in line with the ‘Section 11(a) as part of the South African Income Tax Act (58 of 1962).’  As remote working becomes more and more the norm, it’s important to keep track of the Income Tax Act as it is sure to evolve and reflect the ever expanding population of remote workers. 


Say Cheese!

Cheese contains a unique combination of valuable nutrients. It is not only nutritious but also delicious and versatile. Add it to dishes for flavour, eat it in moderate amount by itself or on a sandwich, or put it in a lunch box as a convenient snack.  There are many varieties of cheese. Some of the well-known ones are Cheddar, Gouda, Mozzarella and Feta. Cheese Packed with protein, calcium, zinc and other essential nutrients, cheese deserves its place as a healthy food item in your family’s diet – whichever one you choose. Here’s why cheese is good for you: Cheese is an excellent source of good-quality protein. It contains all the essential building blocks (amino acids) you need to build strong bones and muscles. With one portion of cheese per day, that is two slices of cheese or 2 tablespoons of grated cheese (40 g), you get: 15% of your daily vitamin A needs – for good eyesight and to fight against disease 30% of your daily calcium needs – for strong, healthy bones and teeth 27% of your daily needed zinc – to support your immune system and help protect you against disease.   Cheese fills you up with a unique combination of valuable nutrients and makes you feel fuller for longer, preventing unnecessary snacking. You can have a portion of cheese daily even if you have high cholesterol. Research shows that cheese has a neutral or even protective effect on heart disease. Hard cheeses such as Cheddar and Gouda contain little to no lactose, which makes them good choices in case of lactose intolerance. Protein, calcium and phosphorus in cheese help to protect your teeth against decay. Research shows that eating hard cheese directly after a meal is a good way to protect your teeth and keep them healthy. To make cheese an affordable option in your diet, buy it in bulk when it is offered at a good price. Grate everything and then store it in smaller amounts in an airtight container or plastic bag in the freezer. This way the cheese will last long. You can use it directly from the freezer as needed. Choose cheese as a snack or part of a meal to: Help you reach your goal of 3 servings of dairy a day so that you get enough calcium for healthy bones Keep your teeth in tip-top shape so that you can keep smiling Help you regulate your appetite and feel fuller for longer. For more cheese tips, visit

Parenting Hub

Type A Personality Jobs Ideal for Anyone Who Likes Organising

Perhaps you know all about the Type A personality. Do you love living by a regiment to-do list and stand out for your planning skills, tidying up, and organising? Chances are high that you’re a Type A! Your organisational skills keep your life running smoothly, and when put to good use, they can also help you achieve career success. Your personality might be the ideal fit for managerial roles where processes must be followed and things need to get done without hiccups. While there are many career avenues where Type A personalities can thrive, Adzuna compiled a list of the most rewarding career paths for people that love organising. Embrace your inner anxiety and try the following picks on for size! Best Roles for Type A Personalities Data Entry Data entry roles are great ways of earning extra income in your spare time, but you can also pursue a full-time career in this niche. This job involves using a computer for various tasks like transferring information from one place to another or transcribing audio files. A role in data entry is very detail-oriented. But this is where your keen eye for paying attention to the tiniest bits of information is a huge bonus. Editing or Proofreading Editing and proofreading are all about picking up minute mistakes in the written word and improving the content to appeal to readers. It’s a perfect role for Type A personalities with impeccable grammar skills. PR Specialist It takes a great deal of dedication and patience to become a public relations specialist, but it’s a great challenge for people that like organisation. PR specialists usually liaise with influencers and publicists, ensuring the company’s presence is presented in the right light. These professionals also do a lot of administrative work that includes filing and spreadsheets. PA Personal assistants are responsible for managing their boss’ schedule. They create and organise calendars, arrange business trips, and run errands as required. Pas typically supports senior managers by offering administrative help like email management, drafting communications on their behalf, and organising meetings. Project Manager Project managers work within every industry imaginable. These professionals ensure that ongoing projects run smoothly. They’re also responsible for creating and delegating tasks. Project managers plan, organise, and direct the completion of projects. They also ensure these projects get done on time, on budget, and within scope. Logistics Management Logistics managers plan, direct, and coordinate departments such as purchasing, distribution, forecasting, and customer service. As detail-oriented professionals, logistics controllers ensure that operations between various departments run smoothly. LMs also supervise the movement, distribution, and storage of supplies and materials. They plan routes, analyse budgets, and process shipments, and form part of middle management. Training and Development Specialist Training and development experts spend the majority of their time ensuring that staff is up to date with company procedures. They also train teams to ensure they perform well in their jobs. These professionals can work in-house with various teams, or they can work as contractors within a variety of companies to help with training issues. Conclusion As you can see, there are many great jobs for Type A personalities that love organising and planning. Essentially, these personalities are determined to succeed in their personal and professional lives and don’t accept failure as an option. Jobs that require them to keep their eye on the prize are ideal for these personalities. After reviewing the list of opportunities, it is clear to see that Type A personalities thrive in managerial roles.

Parenting Hub

Excellent Remote Volunteering Opportunities for 2021

Volunteering opportunities aren’t only for individuals with a lot of free time on their hands. They allow you to contribute to important causes while helping you grow on a personal and professional level. Furthermore, they make you more employable. Obviously, many of us have hectic schedules and personal responsibilities that leave little room for volunteering. But luckily, online volunteering offers a solution. Similar to in-person volunteering, they enable you to do your part. But from the comfort of your own home. And in just a couple of hours per week. Ready to add some experience to your resume? Adzuna recently did a little digging and found an impressive collection of opportunities to help you gain volunteering experience. Check out the list of options and see which one resonates with you! United Nations Volunteers The UN Volunteers Programme offers a plethora of volunteering opportunities worldwide that all strive to boost sustainable development. It’s super easy to find an option you’re interested in on the UNV website. Simply select the sector you’d like to participate in and navigate through the opportunities until you find something that suits your skills and experience. Create the Good Create the Good was established to enable people to share their skills and passions within their communities. Depending on your skillset, there are numerous causes you might be able to contribute to. With options to work with veterans, the elderly, children, and the youth, there’s something here for everyone. Catchafire Catchafire is a skills-based volunteer-matching platform that allows you to connect with nonprofits in need of your professional skills. By volunteering your expertise, you’ll be contributing to meaningful projects and initiatives. They also have one-hour phone call opportunities where you’ll have the chance to consult and brainstorm with nonprofits even if you’re really short on time. Translators without Borders Translators without Borders aims to bridge the language gap by offering translation and language services to nonprofits and humanitarian groups. You can apply for their volunteering opportunities if you’re fluent in two or more languages and would like to make a difference in humanitarian crisis response as an interpreter or translator. TechSoup TechSoup empowers nonprofits with mission-critical technology resources and skills. For instance, if you’re particularly tech-savvy and looking for a way to do your part, this is a terrific way to use your IT expertise for a good cause. As a remote volunteer, you can offer your services by writing for TechSoup’s blog or answering some questions on their online forum to help NGOs. Grow Movement Grow Movement enables you to work with entrepreneurs in developing countries. If you’ve got commercial experience, any kind of mentoring experience, and experience with improving business performance, this is the ideal volunteering opportunity. After completing 12 mentoring sessions, you can teach an entrepreneur new skills and help them improve their business performance. Amnesty Decoders If you’re passionate about human rights and have a trusty computer or smartphone, joining Amnesty Decoders as a volunteer might be the right move for you. The organisation investigates human rights violations and relies on volunteers to get the job done. Once you register, you can join various projects through Amnesty Decoders’ website. Essentially, volunteers help Amnesty International further its efforts for equal human rights. Learning Ally Learning Ally’s Volunteer Nation offers excellent volunteering opportunities for anyone passionate about education. Their volunteers assist with producing audiobook versions of textbooks and literature so students with dyslexia and other disabilities like visual impairment can stay engaged and independent. Volunteers have the option of recording audiobooks as narrators. They can also offer feedback to other narrators, or work in quality assurance to ensure the audio is of high quality. In Conclusion You can tweak your resume, polish your LinkedIn profile, research companies, and brush up on your interview skills until you’re blue in the face. But there’s one thing that will always make you appear more employable than the rest of the crowd. Volunteering experience. All things considered, volunteering is the best way to give back. Ultimately, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Online volunteering opportunities are great ways to put your free time, professional expertise, and talents to good use.


The Tell-Tale Signs That Your Baby is Ready for Solids

The first bath. The first sleepover at granny. The first giggle. And now, the first taste of solid food. Initially babies only need milk (breast or formula) but as your baby grows the more proteins and minerals as well as thicker textures are needed, which is why the introduction of solid foods is crucial in baby’s development. Starting solids is an exciting milestone for the family but can also bring about some distress as to when to start. The World Health Organisation, supported by the South African Department of Health, encourages that babies start solid food from 6 months. This is an optimal time when your baby’s gut and kidneys are physiologically mature enough to handle solid food. Another reason is that your baby is born with only enough iron and certain other mineral stores to last about 6 months, after which your baby will need to start getting iron and other necessary minerals from food. Your baby will also start to show physical and developmental signs that they are ready to start eating solid food. Baby will sit without support and can hold their head steady. Baby will watch as you or a family member moves food to your mouth. Baby may try to grab your food and put it in its mouth. Baby will instinctively open the mouth when a spoon approaches. Baby may start to wake up more frequently for night feeds than before, indicating hunger. If your toddler starts to show these signs, in addition to the age consideration, it may be time to consider introducing solids. During this time it is important to continue to offer your baby milk. It is a good idea for the first solid meal to be offered during the day after a mid-morning nap and milk feed and when your baby is not too tired or too hungry. Your baby needs to be in top form to learn this new skill and to start its first food journey. It is always a better time to start when your  baby is happy, healthy, and well, and not when ill, has a fever or any rashes. For a convenient way to get your baby to try its first foods, why not try Squish 100% fruit and veg purees, perfect for babies from the first introduction of solids, right through the weaning process – from babies to toddlers and beyond. Squish convenient puree pouches are well-loved amongst mommies and provide delicious tasting convenience, whether at home or on the go. Even better is that Squish purees are preservative free, colourant free and flavourant free with no added starch. Squish 100% fruit and veg puree and Squish 100% fruit and veg pressed juices flavours give parents a broader range of taste options for even the fussiest of eaters, right from the first introduction of solids through to a full meal, or tasty snack. For individualised professional advice for premature babies or any health or nutritional concerns, contact a healthcare professional such as a registered dietitian, paediatrician, or paediatric nurse. Brought to you by Squish 100% fruit and veg puree meals for babies, toddlers and beyond

Syllabis Learning

The Myths and Facts about socialisation and homeschooling

The socialisation myth was born out of a misconception of what it means to be homeschooled. Many critics, educators, and parents still believe that homeschoolers hit the books at 9 am do schoolwork until 4 pm, and spend the entire day alone and isolated from the rest of the world. This notion, of course, is quite uninformed! This topic of the effect homeschooling has on socialisation has been one of the most heavily researched issues for years now. People still have trouble conceiving how or if a child can develop optimal social and emotional skills when homeschooled. These concerns are almost always goodhearted but usually said from a position where people assume that the conventional way of schooling is the only way, and have done very little research on the subject. These assumptions arise from a variety of misconceptions and If you’re thinking about homeschooling, this article can help you understand the myths and facts about socialisation and homeschooling. Let us first understand the definition of socialisation. Socialization is (1) the activity of interacting with other people through which (2) the process of internalizing occurs. We internalize norms, rules, appropriate behaviors, values, ideologies, basic attitudes, self-image, and everything else that’s culturally dependent.  Children do not always respond well in large groups of 20 or 30, where peer pressure is high and kids feel the need to look and act the same way as their counterparts. Learners find themselves surrounded by rivalry, competition, and ridicule. Large groups of children become noisy and result in kids becoming nervous and over-excited. Learning becomes difficult and this is when behavioral problems develop. Does this sound like an environment for healthy socialisation? Dr. Raymond Moore, an author of over 60 books and articles on human development, who has done extensive research on homeschooling and socialisation says this in his book, The Hurried Child, “The idea that children need to be around many other youngsters to be ‘socialized, is perhaps the most dangerous and extravagant myth in education and child-rearing today.” After analyzing over 8,000 early childhood studies, Dr. Moore concluded that, contrary to popular belief, children are best socialized by parents – not other children. A homeschooler knows she is part of a family unit that needs, wants, and depends on her. She does not have to follow the crowd or continuously be compared to her peers. By interacting with her parents and siblings she has a greater opportunity to build confidence, self-respect, and self-worth. The result is an independent thinker who isn’t influenced by peers and is self-directed in her actions and thoughts. Children need time to dream and grow and find out what it is they love to do. This is something few children enjoy today as they spend the majority of their time at school trying to fit into the same mold as every other student, never given the freedom to be an individual with their own set of needs. They are never alone at school, and their after-school lives are packed full of activities, as well.  Homeschoolers have a wonderful opportunity to spend more time on the things that drive them and by joining sports clubs and group programs in their community they can enjoy all forms of socialisation. Socialization, like learning and life, takes place every day. How you interact with your kids – and how they watch you interact with the outside world – teaches them all the social skills they’ll need to know. Stop worrying about socialization. It’s a “problem” that never existed!

Parenting Hub

Play Sense launches winter holiday program for pre-schoolers

South Africa has a long winter school holiday over July, when the harshest, cold weather is usually at its peak.  With SA’s third wave of the pandemic on the rise and more lockdown restrictions, families are mostly planning to batten down the hatches at home.  That’s going to be a particular challenge for parents of pre-schoolers who have to adapt to a homebound, indoor existence.  Having your little one home for the entire holidays can be daunting when the opportunities to ramble and play outside are so limited, and many parents are wondering how they are going to cope.   Award-winning early childhood education specialists, Play Sense are coming to the rescue this winter with a free four-week holiday platform, Play Box, which will guide South African parents and their pre-schoolers through an enriching, connected time.  The winter holiday program, aimed at two- to four-year-olds is easily accessible on-line, so parents around the country can sign up and tap into an array of professionally developed resources that will give them structure for their day and loads of fun content. “The winter holiday program artfully blends on and off-line so parents can choose what works best for them,” says Play Sense CEO and Co-founder, Meg Faure.  “Each holiday week has a lovely learning theme, and every day there are two fresh activities that ignite imaginations and enable sensory play, which is so important for this age group.  We have also included optional zoom sessions with our best-loved online teachers who are experts at engaging interactively with little ones on-screen.” The beauty of Play Box is that parents are empowered to proactively share in their child’s development, and it gives them unique opportunities to experience their child learning through play like they do in their pre-school environments. Lara Schoenfeld, Play Sense’s Co-founder and Director of Education says, “It’s a simple, straightforward way for parents to access early childhood education content this holiday.  It’s a simple free registration to Play Box with no need to access any additional platforms or go through a range of logins.  It’s so interesting for parents to get these first-hand insights into how their child responds to different learning materials and activities, and the whole experience fosters deep parent-child bonds.” Play Sense is a SA trailblazer of a unique home environment micro-playschool model based on the development of super-skills, such as creativity, self-regulation and executive function, through imaginary play.  Play Sense learning programs are developed by occupational therapists and qualified pre-school educators to meet the specific needs of toddlers, who are arguably, in the most exciting development stage of human life.  Play Sense offers both off and on-line playschool programs and are adept at getting the best out of both high-touch and high-tech. “What many parents will appreciate in the Play Box holiday program is that it gives them a structure,” says Faure. “Week by week they will journey through the fun worlds of the Jungle, MyTown, Dinosaurs and Bugs.  This is the answer to parents wondering what they are going to do to keep their little ones occupied.  As parents ourselves, we know how to make it easy for others to access well-developed activities and to be smoothly guided through a learning by play experience.  The real spin-off benefit is that your child is going to delight at connecting with you this way, and day by day, your heart will fill up as you see how you are making a wonderful difference for your child.” Here are some activities you and your little one can expect from Play Box this school holiday:  Imaginary play ignites your child’s language, social and emotional skills development  The Jungle-theme week includes going on a safari. Using language and props that are easily found around the house your toddler will be engaged in an imagined scenario. Imaginary play is one of the most powerful ways toddlers learn, and by facilitating this activity, parents will improve their skills to facilitate other fun games to play with your child around the house. Sensory play develops your child’s motor skills, cognitive reasoning, language, creativity, and imagination The Bug-theme week includes creating the amazing butterfly lifecycle using play dough, one of Play Sense’s favourite toys. This extra sensory activity will spark other ideas of the magical worlds and scenarios you can create together at home using simple and inexpensive materials. Creative play encourages your child’s cognitive and language development, as well as motor skills The My Town-theme week will explore different human roles and includes engrossing art activities. Your toddler’s creative activities from working with paint to create pictures to building Lego walls is more about the creative process than the end product. Movement play develops your child’s language and gross motor skills while having so much fun The Dinosaurs-theme week includes lots of enriching music and movement play. Movement play activities are not only designed to develop your little one’s body sense but is perfect for setting off fits of giggles and having silly fun together.  The Play Sense Winter holiday Play Box is available from 28 June to 28 July 2021.  The program is accessible for free, and you can register here.

Parenting Hub

Have you had your Vit D3 sunshine shots?

Here’s a winter health fact. Our bodies need Vitamin D for many important processes including supporting the immune system, bone and muscle building, and to promote better sleep and mood.  We can even produce enough vitamin D ourselves. That’s if we bare our arms, legs, back, chests or faces to the sun for a limited period of time, because the sun’s UV rays produce Vitamin D in our bodies. Scientists reckon that five to 15 minutes, or five to 30 minutes for darker skinned people, of sun exposure two or three times a week will do it.  But during winter, just when we need this immune boosting and stress relieving sunny gift to help us through the season of colds and ‘flu, the days are short, we stay indoors, and are usually covered up head to toe for much of the time. But, fun tip ladies: if you wear a cami under your warm clothing, you can head for a sunny spot at a warm time of day, strip off the top layers and you’re all set for a short spot of winter sunbathing. You may not wish to try this at the office! For those of us who can’t do the sun thing, vitamin D is also available in some foods, mainly in fatty fish like pilchards, tuna and salmon. Milk, yogurts and cereals are often fortified with Vitamin D too. Still, there are good reasons why many of us can’t get enough Vitamin D from sun or food (being elderly, covered up clothing for religious reasons, no time to go outside, being darker skinned…). In those cases, a one-a-day Nativa Complex® Vitamin D3 can fill the gap. It’s the newest addition to the well-established Nativa Immune Complex® range.  Nativa Complex® Vitamin D3 supplies 1000 IU of Vitamin D and can be administered from 6 years of age. Cost is around R100 for a month’s supply, from Takealot, Dis-Chem, Clicks and selected pharmacies nationwide. Read about this well formulated immune boosting range at, and then enter our competition for a chance to win one of two R750 vouchers from Cotton On . Their stylish men’s, women’s and kid’s clothing can see you through winter, and (yay) into Spring.   #VITAMIN D3  #sunshine vitamin



Join your favourite Mushroom Kingdom characters on the fairway for a super speedy round of golf. With Mario Golf: Super Rush, the Mario Golf series makes its return in its speediest instalment yet. Players can join a variety of Mushroom Kingdom characters in different multiplayer modes or start your own Golf Adventure now that the game is available on the Nintendo Switch.  Watch the latest trailer here:  Simple button controls make it easy for new players and seasoned pros alike to get their game on. It’s as simple as taking aim, choosing the shot strength and sending the ball flying. Players can curve their shot to avoid hazards and put spin on the ball to affect how it rolls after landing. Several features are on hand to help players conquer the course, including a shot gauge that adapts to the angle of the slope and a scan that lets you read the terrain. Additionally, it’s possible to use motion controls by holding a Joy-Con controller like a golf club*. Players can choose from a cast of 16 Mushroom Kingdom characters, each featuring different strengths and equipped with their own unique special moves. Pauline, Chargin’ Chuck, and King Bob-omb will make their first appearance in the series. Players can hit the fairway with up to three others, both locally and online**, in a variety of modes. With a selection of six lavish courses to choose from, including standard courses and courses with special hazards, every round of golf is different and there is still more to come from the Mushroom Kingdom-infused golf game. Free updates to the game that include additional courses and playable characters will be released in the future. Modes range from Standard Golf to the energetic Speed Golf, Battle Golf – a more frantic variation of Speed Golf – and an RPG-like story mode in Golf Adventure. In Golf Adventure, players can enrol their Mii character in golf training at a prestigious country club and go all the way from rookie to pro. They’ll be able to interact with familiar Mushroom Kingdom characters, learn how to play and take on a variety of challenges. Players can even bring their Mii character – and their customised stats – into other modes, too. Mario Golf: Super Rush is now available only on Nintendo Switch. Swing over to and take advantage of their Star Bundle offering, where you can build your own unique Nintendo Switch bundle including Mario Golf: Super Rush and get a free carry case and Nintendo Labo Kit with your purchase. * Motion controls cannot be used during Golf Adventure. ** Internet connection required. To use online services, you must create a Nintendo Account and accept the related agreement. The Nintendo Account Privacy Policy applies. Some online services may not be available in all countries. Online play requires paid online membership. Find out more about the paid membership service.


10 reasons to download the all-new MiVoice app

We’re so fortunate in South Africa as many of us have domestic employees to help us raise our children right and keep our homes and gardens in tip-top condition. Unfortunately, less than half of those domestic employees have the security of a formal work contract. This means that they could be unfairly disciplined or dismissed, and may be underpaid or given less leave than they’re due because these factors rely on the memories of both the domestic employer and employee.  Fortunately, there’s now an app to manage your domestic employees from start to finish. The MiVoice app is the world’s first fully mobile HR management solution for domestic employees and offers everything you need to simplify your life and improve the way you work with these valuable  helpers. Read on to discover ten reasons why you should download the free MiVoice app today. 1.Oh-so-easy sign-in MiVoice’s GPS-enabled sign-in and sign-out feature is not only invaluable when pay day rolls around, but lets you raise an early alarm if someone you rely on doesn’t arrive as expected. 2.Keep Covid compliant It is now law for all employers, even domestic, to screen workers for Covid-19 symptoms on arrival at work. MiVoice ensures you’re Covid-compliant, with screening questions built into the app’s sign-in feature. 3.Protection under the law Falling foul of the CCMA is the last thing you need in your busy life. Yet if you don’t have a formal contract with your domestic employees, signed proof of leave requests, and detailed records stretching back for three years, that’s exactly what you might one day face.  MiVoice puts you on the right side of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, while giving your valued home helpers the legal workplace recognition they deserve. With MiVoice, you get compliant app-generated employment contracts, pay slips and leave requests, all safely stored for future reference. 4.Get smart with task management No more scrawling notes on scraps of paper and taping them to the fridge. With MiVoice’s daily task lists, you can plan tasks in advance and clearly communicate what you expect from your domestic helpers. Employees check off tasks as they do them, leave comments where needed, and alert you if anything is preventing a task’s completion. 5.Leave the leave calculations to MiVoice No more forgetting who’s on leave when or scrambling to find a fill-in at short notice. MiVoice’s leave application feature lets your employees formally request leave in advance, covering you legally and making future-planning that much easier. Formal records also ensure your employees get the full quota of leave they’re entitled to. 6.Take the hassle out of month-end Pay day is a breeze with MiVoice. Thanks to the sign-in feature, MiVoice knows exactly when and for how long your employees worked. It automatically calculates and generates compliant pay slips for each employee, based on their specific remuneration package and structure. 7.Safe, effortless payments Top up your MiVoice account, and the app seamlessly deposits the wages into your employees’ MiVoice wallets, keeping appropriate records of course. All MiVoice’s systems are protected by the same security measures already audited by its sponsoring bank and as required under its Third-Party Payment Processer license; so you can rest assured that your employees’ wages are in secure hands. 8.Easy, secure, zero-cost wallet Use of the MiVoice wallet costs employers a minimal R49 per month per employee. With bank fees subsidized by their employer, domestic employees can use their MiVoice wallet to make five free transfers per employer to their bank account, free payments to any account, and withdraw cash from selected major retailers (charges are levied for this by retailers). The MiVoice wallet also offers charge-free airtime, data and electricity purchases, as well as digital vouchers for everywhere from Boxer to Wimpy that they can use themselves or send via text message to a child or caregiver back home. 9.Help when they need it most With a quick tap of a button, your child-minder and domestic employees get immediate medical and security help when they need it. MiVoice instantly connects with Response24’s control room which coordinates ambulance and armed response dispatch if required.  Less critical situations like a child-minder running out of fuel on the school run can also be handled through the emergency function, connecting your staff to a chatroom of contacts for quick and easy problem resolution. 10.Keeping employees covered A MiVoice subscription includes commuter accident insurance that pays out R10 000 to your employee’s beneficiaries in the event of accidental death. Accidents leading to a hospital stay pay out R250 daily for up to 20 days to both employee and employer, to cover expenses like transport costs for family visits, or temporary help while a carer is out of action. So download the MiVoice app from the App Store or Google Play today and make the way you manage your household employees easier, better, safer and legally compliant. Because sometimes, the best thing and the right thing are the same thing.

Parenting Hub

Review: REMY – A Book About Believing In Yourself

REMY is a short story revolving around the everyday life of a school boy named Remy. This young boy has very own battles to face and conquer. Along the way, comfort characters not only come to give him comfort but some guidance which would really love to master.  Naidoo has written an encouraging story to help and direct others in conquering their own battles. I enjoyed the journey of Remy going through bumps and realistic fallbacks as the lessons throughout the story can be applied in other scenarios. I feel that not only would young children, tweens and teens relates to this book but to many adults who lack self confidence in themselves and what they would like to achieve. Remy’s character was developed in a way I do not often see or read about. I think that everyone would benefit from taking a page out of his book. The story makes sense and gave a simplified view on growth at a well written flowing pace that replicates a natural journey for someone to go through.  Overall, I highly recommend this book. I found Remy’s story to be quite heartwarming, enjoyable and encouraging in my own story. This book is perfect for parents who are encouraging self growth and the understanding of emotions.  You can grab yourself a copy at This lovely story was written by Mayuri Nadioo


“No One Can Live on Just One Food”. Toddler: “Challenge Accepted!”

Is your toddler going through a [insert latest favourite food craze here] phase? Think about how they want to hear the same song on repeat and play with the same toy, all day, every day. Eating the same foods every day is just another version of this. So, while we can helplessly blame this on a toddler’s love for routine and repetition, as parents, there are few things we can do to make these phases as healthy as possible. Up the Nutrition Bread, cheese, potatoes: whatever the food, be sure to always offer up the most nutritious option or version of that food. For example, leave the skin on the potatoes, a valuable source of nutrients and fibre, offer up wholewheat pasta or whole grain bread, or choose sugar- and salt-free peanut butter (may contain allergens). A good tip for starches like pasta, bread or cereal is to be guided by the food label. Aim to choose a starch product that has more than 6g of fibre per 100g, as this is defined as a high fibre food. Feeding your little one Squish 100% Fruit and Veg purees you can rest assured you are giving your little one the best. Squish is preservative-free, colourant free, flavourant free and contains no added starch, what’s more, they come in a convenient pouch perfect for meal-times or on-the-go-snacks. Texturize It is a good idea to offer up the favourite food in a variety of textures, as and where possible. This will at least allow for your little one to be exposed to various textures of foods at this time, which is important for motor and oral development. For example, bread can be toasted and cut into fingers or triangles or offered as a softer, round bread roll. Potatoes can be cut into chunks or mashed, and you can mix small, diced pieces of banana or strawberries into yoghurt. Try adding a Squish 100% Fruit and Veg Puree to a small dish and get your little one to dip their finger foods into it.  Good news for moms with slightly older babies and toddlers – Squish 100% fruit and yoghurt purees now come in a new, bigger toddler-friendly 200ml pack for growing babies with growing appetites. The bigger pouch size means you can serve your toddler a full meal or snack in one handy serving, as their appetites increase, in a convenient pouch format.  The Squish 200ml bigger pouch range comes in 6 delicious fruit and yoghurt flavours, are free from colourants, flavourants and preservatives, and are ideal for your little one’s growing needs. Flavour Focus Focus on a variety of flavours with this food, both to challenge the taste buds and offer a nutrient variety. For example, if the bread is your toddler’s current favourite you could dip in egg to up the protein and make French Toast or serve up peanut butter and banana sandwiches with added healthy fats. You can mix pureed veg like carrot into mashed potato or try different types of cheese, from softer Mozzarella to stronger Cheddar. Make them scrumptious fluffy and warm breakfast flapjacks filled with sweet, hidden fruits and yoghurt:  Patience makes Perfect Throughout this time, keep presenting your toddler with other healthy foods at mealtime, as well as the favourite food.  According to research, between 8 and 10 exposures to food may be needed before a child is willing to try it. This means that patience is key when getting through these phases of food obsessions.  Like all things, it is comforting to know that this too shall pass, and it is unlikely that your little human’s current food obsession will have any long-term negative health effects. If you are concerned, speak to a registered dietitian or pediatric nurse for more helpful advice.

Parenting Hub

14-year-old mental health advocate Jess Robus shines a light on youth mental health in her inspiring debut book

A FEW SLIVERS OF LIGHT A collection of poetry By Jess Robus With a maturity that belies her 14-years, vibrant Jess Robus is already a singer, songwriter, debater and musical theatre aficionado. On 3 June 2021, she added ‘published author’ and ‘published poet’ to those accolades, with the release of her debut book A Few Slivers of Light, now available for purchase online on Amazon, on her own website or via PayStack. A Few Slivers of Light is a beautifully-written, vulnerable and emotive collection of poems of a teenager’s journey with anxiety and depression. Author Jess Robus hopes she will inspire other teens and young adults to speak up about their struggles and to reach parents who might have children experiencing these challenges. With May having just been Mental Health Awareness Month and June being Youth Month, there is no better time for Jess to release her poetry collection for the world to see. Starting to write poetry at the tender of age 8, Jess chose this medium as a means for her to process the world around her. Jess explains; “I’ve always loved writing, and poetry in particular I’ve found to be a very engaging medium both from the perspective of the reader and the writer. It’s an art form that can so eloquently capture emotions and thoughts and enables me to deal with them and process them constructively. Publishing this book is a way for me to share my struggles and recovery and hopefully show others that they are not alone.” Award-winning author & poet, Raashida Khan has written the Foreward to the book.  An excerpt of that Foreward captures the essence of the book; “A few Slivers of Light is more than a collection of beautiful and evocative poetry. It is a revelation. An insight into the psyche of a young woman walking her journey of life while dealing with challenges, both internal and external. Jess Robus displays insight and talent that belie her young age. Her writing journey mirrors her personal journey so that as readers, we are drawn in and are captured by the turn of phrase, use of words, and interesting take on writing style. The imagery used in her descriptions are sometimes startling, but always concise and targeted. Jess fearlessly invites us to experience her thoughts, feelings and emotions in the most intimate way. That takes courage and is inspiring to see in one so young.  As readers, we are more than observers being given a glimpse of the depths of despair and heights of triumph. The poems speak to the heart, mind and soul of the reader, taking us into deep recesses of our own consciousness.” Mental health and awareness around it is very important to Jess. She went through a two-year depressed anxiety spiral and has witnessed the struggles that her friends and fellow teenagers have experienced with their own mental health.  Her poetry book as well as some of her music, chronicles her own journey of accepting and constructively dealing with the challenges she has faced. With A Few Slivers of Light, she gets to share her story and reassure others that whatever they may be going through, they are not alone.  Jess is often asked what motivates her to put her thoughts into poetry; an unconventional medium for teenagers. She responds; “In terms of self-expression, poetry is honest, raw and real. It can truly capture the emotions of a moment and in doing so helps me to recognise them, express them and deal with them.”  Jess had her guests captivated at her book launch held in Johannesburg on 3 June. Family, friends and members of the media were mesmerised as she shared her poetry with the group. This captivating teenager showed maturity beyond her years as she answered question after question by convenor Raashida Khan and then the audience. Says Jess; “It was really such a wonderful experience to get to share the book and my thoughts with people and to see how many are passionate about normalising discussions about mental health. If I can reach just one person and let them know that their feelings are real and valid and that they are not alone, then this book will have accomplished its purpose.” Jess concludes; “I’m so excited for my poetry to be out in the world and for people to have the opportunity to read it. I’m hopeful they’ll find some meaning from it.” A Few Slivers of Light is self-published, and now available for purchase online on Amazon, via Jess Robus’s website or via PayStack Follow Jess Robus on Social Media Website          Instagram       Facebook       YouTube         Wattpad         JCDuValier  For interview and photo requests, please contact Collett Dawson from The CoLab Network on Publicity Photographs courtesy of Vivid Images Photography


It’s all about control

As parents, we all want to protect our children. The question for many parents is how you can monitor what games your children are playing in order to avoid exposing them to content you might deem unsuitable depending on their age. Luckily, most consoles have some kind of parental control system in place, and the Nintendo Switch is no different. The Nintendo Switch Parental Controls supports a safe and fun environment for your child’s gaming experience So what kind of functionality can you restrict with the parental controls and how do you do this?  To begin with, there are the obvious reasons – you think some of the games on your console, which might be appropriate for you as their parent, are just too violent or with too many adult themes for children to understand. You might want to restrict what your children can buy on the eShop, which is likely loaded with your credit card details. Or perhaps you might want to restrict the amount of online time your child has every day.  There are a number of ways you can do this – either directly on the console, or via the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app, which you can link to your Nintendo account (which you will need in order to be able use this feature). The app also offers a few more features if you’re looking for additional levels of control.  On the console itself you go into System Settings, and scroll down to Parental Controls, which will encourage you to download the app. You’re not required to do this but it really is the more comprehensive and the easier option, especially if you have kids who might be able to circumnavigate the parental settings.  You can set the age level of your child in order to be able to control what kind of age-appropriate content they’re exposed to, select the rating board of the country in which you reside, disable voice communication so your child can’t speak to others online, and disable VR controls which is recommended for children under the age of seven.  Make sure you choose a PIN that your child isn’t likely to be able to guess!  Setting up the controls on the app is likewise very easy. You’ll need to sign into your Nintendo account, and once you’ve linked your Switch to the app via a registration code (remember where I told you it would tell you to download the app earlier?), and now you’re ready to set up things like daily play limits. You’ll be asked to enable push notifications so you can monitor your kids’ activity.  If you want to restrict access to the Nintendo eShop, there are a separate set of restrictions for those as well which will ensure your child doesn’t make unauthorised purchases, whether those are games or add-ons you might not want your child spending your money on!  Ultimately you can remove the parental controls as well if you feel you no longer need to monitor your child’s activity – for whatever reason – but it’s comforting to know that Nintendo is equally as invested in protecting your child as you are. Feel free to read more about how Nintendo is supporting a safe and fun environment for your child’s gaming experience here. By Pippa Tshabalala on behalf on Nintendo Distributor SA


Why sMOOthies can make your breakfast seamless

About one in three people tend to skip breakfast. Breakfast is undeniably one of the most important meals of the day and smoothies are a quick and easy way to provide you with all the important nutrients you need to start your day. Why smoothies for breakfast? They can be prepared with as little as three simple, nutritious ingredients that are part of a healthy eating pattern. MILK contains a powerful combination of 9 important nutrients, such as high quality protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins A, B12 and B2, as well as magnesium, phosphate and zinc. Milk is a versatile ingredient, because in a single product you get a variety of nutrients, that are easily absorbed and ready to be used. YOGHURT, like milk, is a source of high quality protein, which helps to keep you satisfied and at the same time builds and maintains your muscles. Yogurt is a fermented dairy product that is a vehicle  of friendly bacteria and contributes to good intestinal health. These friendly bacteria are used during the manufacturing process to acidify the milk. Similar bacteria also occur naturally in the human digestive system to ensure that nutrients are absorbed efficiently from food. By eating yogurt, you help maintain the bacterial population in your intestinal tract so that you can get the best possible nutritional value from food. FRUIT is packed with important nutrients, which complement milk and yogurt. It is a rich source of folic acid, vitamin C and fiber. Together with milk and yoghurt, it makes a perfect combination for your smoothie. You can also add nuts, seeds, peanut butter, vegetables or oatmeal for texture and flavor. Smoothies are so easy to make! Try this delicious Peanutbutter Whip With Apples smoothie created by the team at Rediscover Dairy. Make it at home with a regular whisk or in a food processor. You can make it in advance and freeze it and then use it to keep your lunch box cool. It is advisable to use plain, unflavoured yoghurt because in this way you can limit unnecessary sugar. Milk and yoghurt are also available in different options. From full-cream, low-fat, medium-fat to fat-free milk which means there is an option for everyone. Alternate the type of fruit and vegetables you add to ensure variety and to give it a new, interesting flavor every day. Smoothies are a quick, easy and “trendy” breakfast option, packed with nutrients. They are a delicious, easy grab-and-go meal. Make sure you give your body the support and nutrients it needs. Try to include 2-3 servings of milk and dairy in your diet daily. Milk and dairy are good for the whole family – young and old! For more dairy tips and recipes visit the Rediscover Dairy Facebook page.

Parenting Hub

How to cope with school closures amidst the third wave

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues its upward trend, more stringent lockdown regulations could follow, including the closure of schools and a return to more regular remote learning.  Several schools have already taken the step to start closing partially or fully amid community or localised outbreaks. In addition, many parents may be taking their children out of school in a bid to protect themselves. For many parents, especially homeschoolers, this is familiar territory by now, but for others, they may need some extra advice on how to cope with learning at home. We look at five tips on how to cope with school closures.   Talk about the current situation Firstly, have a conversation with your children to make sure that they are calm and understand what is going on regarding the current situation. By now, many children may have a better grip of this situation. However, it’s still important to try to reduce any possible anxiety while also communicating that learning will now occur at home for the next few weeks. Also read: How to help a child struggling with (coronavirus) anxiety  Supplement learning with e-learning  If your child’s school has handed out learning packs, make sure you have them on hand. If possible, look through the lesson material and search the internet to see if there are ways to supplement the learning topics with e-learning.  There are many providers out there who offer free e-books. One local South African example is this e-book library from Optimi Classroom, which consists of 45 000 free e-books Stay organised Being organised is critical. Make a schedule that you and your children agree to and stick to it. You don’t have to follow a strict timetable to complete academic work throughout this period, but having a plan does help.  If you need assistance with setting up a timetable, we have put together this simple daily schedule to guide you and your children with staying on track during school closures.  Bear in mind that you might not be able to stick to a timetable if someone in your household is sick, needs to return to work, or do other activities. Your child will then have to adapt the schedule and complete the academic work at another time. However, even loosely sticking to a timetable will help everyone know what is expected while ensuring that learning takes place. Also read: Ten tips to help you cope with school closures Exercise It’s also critical to ensure your children engage in physical activities such as playing in the garden or even going for walks. You can add playtime into your timetable as a reward for completing academic work.  Apart from this, you can also encourage your children to participate in hobbies or even certain extracurricular activities, where it is deemed safe from a social distancing perspective. Also read: Why exercise is important for good academic results Hire a tutor Finally, if you feel you need extra help and resources, look to credible homeschooling providers out there that follow the CAPS curriculum. Homeschooling providers, such as Impaq, can offer a structured approach to learning and guidance on what to teach and when. Learners can also continue their learning journey at home amidst school closures when registering with a home education provider. Plus, you do not have to do it alone. There are independent tutors across the country who can meet virtually to help guide you and your children during this time. Calling in a tutor is also a great option when you have children in multiple grades or at different levels; the tutor can work with one child while you help another. In addition, tutors are also a valuable resource for more challenging subjects, especially in the higher grades. by Louise Schoonwinkel, MD of Optimi Home

Parenting Hub

Father’s Day grooming gift ideas

Tired of gifting Dad new socks and hankies every Father’s Day? It’s time to switch it up. This year, we’re swapping out predictable accessories for great quality, trendy grooming products he’ll love. After all, dads need some TLC too! Here’s our guide to finding a fantastic Father’s Day gift. Up his scent game A new fragrance is always a winning gift. The key to choosing the perfect scent for Dad is to find the right balance between modern and classic: a fragrance that is fresh and on-trend, but one that he won’t grow tired of. Surprise him with one of Mercedes Benz’s newly-launched men’s fragrances.  For the sporty dad: Mercedes Benz for Men The Move (R1499 for 100ml). A dynamic scent filled with fragrant grapefruit, cardamom, apple blossom, geranium and wild tonka bean. For the sophisticated dad: Mercedes Benz for Men (R1595 for 120ml). A refined fragrance that marries citrus fruits, aquatic notes and woody accents, resulting in an innovative scent full of contrasts. For the bold dad: Mercedes Benz Man (R1595 for 100ml). Powerful, timeless and intense, this scent embodies masculine elegance. Fruity and woody, it has a luxurious composition and unique scent.  For the old school dad: Mercedes Benz Select (R1699 for 100ml). A classic scent that opens with a burst of fruity freshness, followed by aromatic heart and warm base notes. The perfect shave Whether Dad shaves, wears stubble, a beard or a moustache, he’s bound to need some shaving products to keep his facial hair (and skin!) healthy and soft. The Clubman 3-In-1 Trio (R399.95) contains everything a beardsman needs: a Beard Conditioner (combines a facial moisturizer and beard conditioner), Beard Balm (controls the beard without stiff paste or heavy wax) and Beard Oil (soothes dry skin, provides light shine and moisture). For dads who shave, a good quality shaving oil and aftershave gel is a good option. Shaving oils provide plenty of nourishment, plus, because they’re transparent on the skin, they make it easy to shape a beard or moustache. We recommend Clubman’s Shave Oil (R159.95) and Clubman Pinaud No Bumps Gel (R209.95), which can be used as a post-shave lotion to help prevent razor bumps and irritated skin. If Dad prefers a cream formula, he’ll love Cantu Men Smooth Shaving Cream (R97.00). It contains willow bark, caffeine, hemp seed oil and shea butter to prevent razor bumps, while tightening pores and moisturising skin.  Healthy skin Dads tend to avoid fuss – especially when it comes to skincare. But that doesn’t mean he can skimp on his skincare regime. A good quality cleanser, day cream and night cream will ensure his skin stays healthy, and he looks his best. We recommend choosing a brand that offers plenty of nourishment in minimal steps. ZERO Face Wash (R299.00) a truly 100% natural, vegan, plant-based cleanser that removes dirt and impurities from the skin without leaving it feeling dry or tight. Follow with ZERO Day Cream (R399.00) and Night Cream (R399.00) for hydrated, nourished and restored skin. Shop ZERO skincare products at a 30% discount at Foschini stores until the end of June – bonus!  A bright smile Does Dad love his coffee, tea or red wine? Gift him with high-performance oral care products to ensure his smile doesn’t lose its sparkle. White Glo Toothpaste Coffee & Tea Drinkers Formula (R65.99) is an extra-strength whitening toothpaste formulated with micro-wax to prevent staining caused by coffee and tea consumption on your teeth enamel. To remove stains, we recommend White Glo Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder (R159.99). Sweet mint-flavoured activated charcoal adsorbs superficial stains left on teeth by food, and beverages like tea, coffee, and wine. Complete Dad’s oral care stash with a mouthwash that eliminates bacteria, plaque and germs while whitening teeth and freshening breath. We recommend White Glo Charcoal Total Mouth Detox Mouthwash (R69.95). A healthy head of hair Whether Dad wears his hair short, long, messy or styled, he’ll appreciate hair care products to keep his hair soft and healthy.  Does Dad style his hair? Gatsby has a range of products available to help him get the desired look with ease. Gatsby British Layered Hard & Free Wax (R89.99) is ideal for short and medium length hair and helps create texture and movement. Gatsby Emo Tough Touch & Shine Wax (R89.99) gives you a hard setting with natural shine that is perfect for short or medium length hair. Gatsby Harajuka Volume Up Mat & Hard Wax (R89.99) is a waxy styling aid that helps you volume up to maximum effect.  Looking for an all-in-one shampoo Dad can use as a body wash too? Cantu Men 3 In 1 Shampoo, Conditioner & Body Wash (R139.99) deeply nourishes skin and hair with a combination of hemp seed and tea tree oil, shea butter, and caffeine. Together they prevent flaking caused by dryness, and encourage hair growth and perk up skin, leaving it visibly nourished and moisturised.  Is Dad’s hair in need of some extra care? Jamaican Mango & Lime Jamaican Black Castor Oil Original (R155.00) is an all-purpose soothing oil that can be used on skin and hair alike. Made with grounded Jamaican castor bean and boiled to perfection, it softens and moisturises hair and skin leaving it nourished and treated.


You wouldn’t work without an employment contract, so why should your domestic worker?

Did you know that, according to the Western Cape Department of Labour, less than half of South African households comply with the laws governing the employment of domestic workers? Because of this, many domestic workers are exploited by their employers. Newly launched local mobile app MiVoice aims to help break this cycle by managing domestic employee relationships and ensuring both parties legally comply with HR laws governing the employment of domestic workers. Hennie Heymans, CEO of StratPay, the company that developed the app, says that MiVoice was conceived in response to evidence that domestic employees are among the most vulnerable employees in SA. “The unfortunate consequences of COVID-19 led to approximately 250 000 local domestic workers losing their jobs and only 21 000 of them succeeded with UIF claims. This predicament created the opportunity for the company to use its intended mobile wallet to uplift this much-neglected sector of workers.” “Domestic employee relationships survive on the balance of many pillars, such as scope of work, remuneration, trust, payment on due date, legal requirements, compassion, financial, etc. But, until now, there has been no programme, no blueprint, no financial account and no effort to combine all of these and manage it on an equal footing for people who are sometimes closer than actual family,” says Heymans. In some dispute instances, the domestic employee is coached by a trade union official to convince the CCMA that the employer is a tyrant who has treated them unfairly, so employers also need to protect themselves, notes Heymans. He adds that, as the app evolved, it soon became clear it would add convenience as well as protection to domestic employers and employees alike. “The app has truly been designed to make managing household employees easier, better, safer and legally compliant, and we believe it will revolutionise domestic employment relationships in SA.” The world’s first fully mobile HR management app, MiVoice administers all employment-related tasks, including legal employment contracts, pay slips and UIF calculations, and offers smart time and task management features, household safety features and commuter accident insurance. Employers are also able to deposit wages into employees’ MiVoice zero-cost e-wallets, who can then make free transfers to bank accounts, make account payments and withdraw cash. The wallet also offers charge-free airtime, data and electricity purchases, and digital vouchers for selected retailers. MiVoice also offers insurance and personal protection services to employers at a premium, which is used to subsidise the transactional financial products made available free of charge in the hands of employees. So download MiVoice on the App Store or Google Play today and make the way you manage your household employees easier, better, safer and legally compliant. 

Parenting Hub

Fisher Price: Baby’s First Blocks & Rock-a-Stack™

Baby’s First Blocks Open a bucket of fun for your little one with Baby’s First Blocks. These chunky, colorful blocks help introduce colors and shapes as babies sort, stack and drop the blocks through the slots in the bucket lid.Open a bucket of fun for your little one with Baby’s First Blocks.… Open a bucket of fun for your little one with Baby’s First Blocks. These chunky, colorful blocks help introduce colors and shapes as babies sort, stack and drop the blocks through the slots in the bucket lid. 10 colorful blocks to sort, stack & drop All blocks fit inside bucket for storage Easy-carry handle for take-along play Introduces colors & shapes Rock-a-Stack The Fisher-Price® Rock-a-Stack® toy is classic, colorful fun for your little one! Younger babies will love grasping, holding, shaking and exploring the five colorful rings. The littlest ring has a shiny, reflective surface for baby to discover inside—with colorful… The Fisher-Price® Rock-a-Stack® toy is classic, colorful fun for your little one! Younger babies will love grasping, holding, shaking and exploring the five colorful rings. The littlest ring has a shiny, reflective surface for baby to discover inside—with colorful, swirling beads that make fun rattle sounds! When they’re ready to sit and stack, babies can place the rings on the post, then bat at the wobbly base to make it rock back and forth. Stacking helps them develop hand-eye coordination and introduces them to the concept of relative size as they learn to sort and stack from biggest to smallest! 5 colorful rings, perfect for grasping and stacking Bat-at rocker base Top ring has shiny surface with rattling beads inside Introduces babies to relative size and stacking Both are available to purchase from Takealot


What Your Toddler Wants You to Know About Their Eating Habits

As a first-time parent, you may have thought that the most challenging part of parenting would be the newborn stage. Little did you realize the trials you would face as you enter the toddler years. Little personalities coupled with big emotions and an inability to express themselves makes it feel like you are having a conversation in an exotic language. But while our toddlers may not be able to speak to us (yet), if we pay attention, they are particularly good at communicating, especially when it comes to their eating habits. As babies become toddlers the parenting role of nourishing growing tummies continues – it’s still about the need to provide tasty, healthy meals and snacks that are nourishing, filling and simple to get into little people. With growing appetites comes growing independence and it’s exciting and liberating when little people can eat and enjoy snacks and meals by themselves.  It is normal to be a picky eater It helps to know that you are not alone in the dinnertime struggles with your toddler. According to research, fussy eating is quite common in young children, peaking at 20 months and gradually fading away by 5 – 8 years of age. This frustrating toddler habit is also about the need to express their independence as they figure out this new and exciting world. Like all things, this too shall pass. Great news for parents of picky eaters, there is a new Squish 200ml 100% fruit and veg puree offering, available in 6 delicious flavours specially made for growing kids with growing appetites. The Squish purees are preservative-free, colourant free, flavourant free with no added starch and come in a convenient pouch, perfect for meal-times, snack-times or on-the-go. “My appetite is never the same” Your child may eat breakfast like a king yet they will barely taste their dinner. It is very normal for your toddler’s appetite to change from day to day, and even from meal to meal. Every toddler is different. Some wake up very hungry to eat a lot at breakfast, while others have bigger appetites at dinner when eating with the family. Teething babies and toddlers are often not extremely interested in food, while growth spurts may mean you cannot keep up with what is on offer. Be guided by the interest your toddler expresses in food rather than assuming they will eat the same amount at each mealtime. “I’ll tell you when I am full” Babies and toddlers are particularly good at listening to their bodies and eating when hungry and stopping when full, unlike adults. Pay attention and you will quickly learn when your little one has had enough to eat. The pace of eating slows down and your toddler will purse their lips closed. They may turn their head in defiance, push food away, and even throw the food to the floor. If you don’t notice these initial signs, your toddler might get rather irritable and demand to leave the dinner table or exit the feeding chair. “Please can I feed myself” With good intentions, many parents will feed their toddlers at mealtimes. However, stepping back and letting your toddler feed themselves is a vital part of their development. The practice of self-feeding stimulates hand-eye coordination and is also important to encourage them to learn to listen to their fullness cues. From about 8 – 9 months you can start offering your baby age-appropriate finger foods like scrambled egg, small soft chunks of butternut, or grated cheese, and toddler-friendly utensils can be used from 15 – 18 months. If you are nervous, serve some meals that allow your toddler to eat on their own and others that you guide.

Syllabis Learning

30 Brilliant Reasons to Homeschool!

Thinking about homeschooling your kids? Or perhaps you have already made the decision to homeschool? This could be due to various reasons, some of which may include wanting to remove your kids from a negative school environment, to protect them from bullying or giving them the freedom to learn in a progressive way that may be more appropriate for them. An environment where creativity is nurtured and celebrated, a method of schooling that better prepares your child for his or her future. Here are 30 reasons you should consider homeschooling your child: Your child can learn at his or her own pace. Your child can create their own curriculum. Your child can learn a wider variety of subjects. Learning can happen anywhere and at any time. When they are done work for the day, they have free time to focus on things they enjoy. Your child will learn valuable life skills. Your child’s creativity can be nurtured and celebrated. Your child’s work is not done for mastery, not for a grade. It is easier to accommodate your child’s specific learning needs. Your child can learn in the way that suits them best. Your child won’t fall through the cracks. There will be less peer pressure to deal with. Children learn to challenge assumptions and think for themselves. Your kids will have more time to play. Homeschooled kids grow to become independent thinkers. You can limit the opportunity for your child to be bullied. You can ‘shelter’ your child from negative influences like drugs and sex for longer or until they are older and can handle things better. Your kids can relax and be themselves and be free of the pressure to conform to the masses. Children become empowered when their ideas are heard and validated. Family bonds become stronger as your family will spend more time together. Kids are able to learn in a safe and supported environment. School can be taken outside, or anywhere for that matter. Kids are more confident. Kids learn time management skills, a valuable skill to have. Your child will not have to wait for everyone to reach the same level before moving on. Children get to be themselves. Kids get to learn for the sake of learning – not to pass a test or mark a box on a list of set standards. Greater opportunities for kids to focus on hobbies. Kids can work with fewer distractions than there are in typical classroom settings. Your child will be able to set their own schedule as they get older. These are only a few of the amazing advantages to homeschooling, Syllabis Learning can help you achieve all of the above and more with our integrated and independent learning curriculum. Make the decision to give your child the best in education.

Prima Baby

Chicco Multiride – Stroller Of The Week

The Chicco Multiride stroller is the all new off-road stroller that has multi-terrain wheels and is ready for all the action your little one could want as they grow up living the great outdoors.  Strong and reliable, the Multiride has already become a global best-seller due to the fact that more and more families want to take their kids out into unpredictable terrain without the fear of wheel-locking or damaging the stroller.  Equipped with ball-bearings and a full swivel, the wheels are made from a strong rubber than can withstand gravel, tar, grass and sand. Sturdy suspension makes the journey all the more comfortable. The Multiride stroller also has a fully extendable canopy that offers baby the best protection from the elements at all times. Couple this with the large storage basket and you are ready to face the world. As baby grows, the stroller maintains strength and accommodates your child with ease, allowing 22kgs of weight to be carried. Without a doubt one of the finest strollers on the market right now, the Chicco Multiride stroller is also compatible with the Kaily Gro 0+ car seat which turns  the stroller into a newborn travel system that will last until they are 9kgs in weight. Give them the most comfortable ride ever whilst offering convenience and value for money with the Multiride stroller. See for more details.


Losing weight and getting fit with a video game!

Exercise and video games seem a bit odd at first glance. Sitting on your couch with a controller or a handheld device doesn’t seem like the best way to get up and active. Over the years there have been a few games and consoles focused on getting its players up and moving, to varying degrees of success. For the current generation however, one of these is a game I was at first a bit skeptical about – Ring Fit Adventure.  At first glance I figured it was like every other gimmicky peripheral, but if you’re looking for something to get both you and your kids off the couch and moving about, then this might be what you’re looking for.  It’s not a straight exercise game, unlike some other releases in the market, but rather the entire premise is set in a hero ‘saves the world’ narrative, by completing challenges and – you guessed it – exercising while doing it.  It comes with the gaming equivalent of a Pilates ring, in which you dock one of the motion sensitive Joy-Cons. The other Joy-Con is strapped to your leg, and this monitors your movement as you quite literally run (on the spot in real life) around the environment collecting items and defeating enemies.  The Joy-Cons are surprisingly sensitive for this kind of work, and the game will tell you to correct your form if you’re holding the ring incorrectly so you can get the most out of your workout.  When we first got it, my kids were quite enamoured with the game, which gets you to complete a series of challenges that get progressively harder. It also consistently monitors your movement and heart rate, feeding back on how hard you’ve worked in each session. As a parent I was pleased that they were up and moving around, and then a part of me figured, “Hey why don’t I give this a try?”  I can honestly say that I was breathing hard and sweating by the time I finished a couple of levels, which meant that I could use it (and did) to exercise on my own as well. Apart from the fact that you can set the difficulty level, each exercise is designed to work different parts of your body, so you’re working your core, your legs and arms, as well as getting some cardio in there.  The game narrative itself is quite basic, but it does keep you coming back, even if it’s just because you feel like you’re accomplishing something as you progress.  If your kids are more inclined to play video games than run around outside, this is a great way to get them moving and perhaps more interested in exercise overall. Being able to see real world fitness results from a video game is a big draw card in my book!  If you’re a parent looking to give their kids some motivation, or perhaps looking to fit in a quick workout of your own without leaving the house when you have a few minutes, I can highly recommend giving this a try. To find out more about Ring Fit Adventure, visit the Nintendo Online Store South Africa and maybe even take advantage of the current promotion to save R1000 on the Ring Fit Adventure set which includes the Nintendo Switch console. By Pippa Tshabalala on behalf of Nintendo Distributor SA

Parenting Hub

“Mama, you’ve got this!” writes new local brand Messages for Mama

Messages for Mama is a premium, locally designed, and manufactured range of baby accessories for those intimate moments mom and baby share. From play time to feeding time, bath time to their sleep routine – Messages for Mama will hold your hand and support you when the going gets tough; when the days are long and the nights are even longer. Each product has an encouraging embroidered Message for Mama, which can either be personalised or chosen on Messages for Mama. Not only targeted to the more challenging times, Messages for Mama aims to remind mom that she’s an amazing, wonderful and strong woman who has the magic within her! Motherhood is hard, but “Mama, you’ve got this!” “Being a mom is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I completely understand why so many new moms are against having a second baby, I was one of them. Yes it’s rewarding, yes it’s magical, but becoming a new mom is extremely difficult – you not only lose your own identity but you have to keep another human alive all while trying to find the new version of yourself!” says co-founder of Messages for Mama, Jana Leonard. “My biggest struggle was getting to grips with the new me, I was no longer just a wife, daughter, entrepreneur, sister and friend – the title of MOM has been added and that meant more than what I envisioned. I wasn’t great at it, I hardly ever knew what I was doing, I had extreme anxiety and experienced PPD. I found it difficult to not be good at something ‘so natural’. It’s only now that I realise, a mother’s instinct isn’t natural, it’s something we as moms learn and then only it’s supported by our nurturing nature as women.” she adds.  When Leonard’s second baby, her daughter, was born in February 2021, she realised and appreciated the newborn phase more because she knew it would get easier. “I didn’t put so much pressure on myself, I took it day by day and lived in the moments – good and bad. I have been through this, I knew all about the challenges, I also knew a little bit more and what to do when the uncertainties kicked in. Importantly, I had (and still have) a strong support system with mom friends, my husband, sister, mom whatsapp groups and grannies helping me along the way. Those Messages of support and encouragement mean the world to me. I came to realise; I do have the magic within me. I just needed to find it!” she adds.  Fashion designer, who has shown internationally, and an aunt of two, Ricci JvR founded Messages for Mama with Leonard, and says, “after seeing many friends become moms and navigating this new season while juggling life, and also becoming an aunt myself – I realised how important it was to surround yourself with people who will cheer you on and encourage you through all seasons. The saying ‘it takes a village’, suddenly made more sense to me than ever. I wanted to be part of creating a brand that cheers you on in those self-doubting, vulnerable moments alone when you feel overwhelmed and tired. I wanted us to be your 4am cheerleaders and your daily reminder that you’ve got this, that you are valued!”  Messages for Mama products are of the highest quality, made locally and to last – both in trend and durability. Launching with 12 products including a One and two tone Summer and Double Layer Winter Muslin blanket (1×1.2m), a small (for the newborn phase) and large sherpa muslin blanket for the colder months, their revolutionary Everywhere Mat (quilted, padded and oh so gorgeous for easy transport and completely washable, with a waterproof backing), washcloths, burp cloths and more, Messages for Mama has removed all the clutter by means of pattern design offering a product that actually gets the job done. “Like a Mama, there’s no time to manage the noise and clutter, you have to get the job done – quick, effective and while playing cheerleader.” laughs Jana. “We opted for bold, but trendy colours that speak to boys and girls, because motherhood is anything but beige!” Ricci adds. Keeping the focus on the embroidered message for mama (the star of the show) – they’ve opted for solid vibrant colours in various combinations. Messages for Mama is not only a brand built on the first hand experience of a new mom, but one of passion and love. “I really want us to be there for other moms, to tell them that it’s OK to not feel like you’re nailing it – you’re not alone! I want to normalise the fact that it’s hard and that we’re all just really winging it as we go. It’s time we move away from the crippling Instagram #blessed filtered life and come to grips with the reality that new moms are finding it difficult when being compared to the highlights reel of many.” says Jana. “I’m not blind to the fact that new moms (myself included) find comfort in new and beautiful products for our babies, I wanted to combine these two human truths and create something magical!” giggles Jana. Messages for Mama has successfully launched in May 2021 and will continuously be introducing new products to their repertoire. For more information and to shop their range of premium goods at affordable prices, visit


Helpful tips for moving when homeschooling

Moving home is said to be one of the most stressful life events, ranking alongside divorce, loss of employment, and long-term illness. However, moving – whether to a neighbouring suburb, a different province, or abroad – can also present wonderful new opportunities, including new jobs, new friends, and new possibilities! While the period immediately before and after a move is stressful for any family, it can be doubly so for those educating their children at home as all the packing and preparation happens with your children around. Although moving takes up an incredible amount of time and energy, it does not mean that learning has to come to a halt when you are planning a move. In fact, the flexibility of home education becomes an added blessing during this potentially stressful time. Another great advantage of home education is that when you move, your children don’t have to change schools. While their surroundings may change, their approach to learning will largely stay the same. What may change are extracurricular activities, as you may have to find new places for your children to take art classes, play sport, or study music. This, however, is part and parcel of moving for all families.   Read more: Can homeschoolers take part in extracurricular activities? Moving tips Here are a few things to consider when moving: Teach creatively: look for alternate ways to engage your children while you are buried neck-deep in boxes. Helpful options include audiobooks, documentaries, educational content on the internet, or maybe even a ‘substitute teacher’ (ask a friend or family member to present a few lessons). Stick with the basics: do not try to do an entire day of subjects if it is going to stress everyone out. Focus on one or two subjects like Mathematics or English, then get packing. Pack like a pro: when you pack, clearly label your children’s books and lesson material. This will allow you to grab the required box at your new house easily when you are ready to start teaching. Involve your children: there are so many life skills involved in moving – organising, planning, etc. – making it a perfect opportunity to teach your children valuable life lessons. Take a farewell tour: visit any favourite playgrounds, museums, or other special places around town before the move, and enjoy a final meal at your favourite restaurant (remember to take plenty of photos). Learn about your new area: let your children do researchabout your new area. They can look at different communities, places to visit, and activities to try once you are settled. Bring a backpack: your children may feel stressed on the day of the move, so let them pack a few favourite items in a backpack that they can carry with them. Included items could be a blanket, toy, book – whatever brings them comfort. Also include items to help pass the travel time, such as materials for drawing or games. Read more:Benefits of playing games with kids Keep a watchful eye: moving is a big deal. Children who are home educated may have smoother transitions in some ways, but moving does represent a transformation in life. Even if your children are excited about the move, there are still plenty of emotions to work through: sadness about leaving friends and familiar places, anticipation about what is coming, and possibly apprehension, fear, and anxiety about the unknown. If your child displays unusual behaviour – sadness, moping, crying, yelling, defiance, hyperactivity, or inattentiveness – try to be understanding and supportive rather than punitive.    Read more: How to foster resilience in children Take a breather: flexibility is one of the keystones of homeschooling, so use it to your advantage during a stressful situation such as moving. Know that things will be different for a while, and that is perfectly fine. In fact, it is part of life. So, take a few days off to allow your children and yourself to adjust, explore, and get things unpacked. Learning to adjust and adapt to change is just as important as any academic subject. Home education allows your children the freedom and flexibility to learn these necessary life skills. It also gives your family time together to work through the emotions associated with change. So, try to be present and include your kids in the process because there is much to learn during a move! Read more: Supporting your child’s emotional intelligence development By Danielle Barfoot

Baby Tastes

Baby & Kiddies Tastes makes meal time lekker for the little ones

Many South Africans live demanding lives where time is of the essence and nobody feels their pressure more than the moms and dads who, after a long day still need to ensure that the little ones have a nutritious meal when needed. Thankfully Baby & Kiddies Tastes can relieve you of that task. What is Baby & Kiddies Tastes? Baby & Kiddies Tastes trusted meal supplier for the little ones between the ages of 6 to 12 months, then up to 6 years old. The company was started by Vanessa Crichton, a dedicated mother, wife and entrepreneur who also knows her way around the kitchen, trained as a chef in London. Having started many other successful culinary companies such as Exquisite tastes catering, Vanessa, who has eleven years’ experience in making children’s food has turned her attention to helping moms and dads when it comes to mealtime for their young kids. What does Baby & Kiddies Tastes offer? Baby & Kiddies Tastes offer nutritionally tested fully textured, natural and healthy frozen meals for children between the ages of 6 to 12 months for children up to the age of 6 years old. Meals are made using the best ingredients that are also packed with flavour. Vanessa has meticulously crafted up to 50 different flavour combinations ensuring that every meal is a great experience for your child. What are the benefits of using Baby & Kiddies Tastes? Baby & Kiddies Tastes takes away the stress of having to prepare a meal for your young ones and ensures that every meal is jam-packed with essential nutrients that children need. It is also easy to prepare as the meals are cooked and frozen with a 2-month freezer life. It is also worth noting that our meals contain no additives or preservatives and no added salt or sugar, due to this, we do not suggest freezing for longer than 2 months. What other advantages can moms and dads benefit from? We know that convenience is key when it comes to mealtime, as mentioned our meals are packed with flavour and full of nutrients but they also offer added benefits. These include innovative modular packaging which limits food wastage. We know that kids can get a bit inquisitive and might make an unwanted mess. For this reason, we provide tamper-proof Kiddies Tastes tubs for those who are slightly older. Our packaging is also recyclable. Are there currently any special offers? We have a allergen range, “Local is Lekker” options, as well as vegetarian meals.  Free delivery is offered for monthly orders. How do I get Baby & Kiddies Tastes meals? Baby & Kiddies Tastes offers free delivery on all monthly orders and we deliver to Johannesburg and Pretoria based areas. Ordering is quick and easy, just head over to where you will find a list of our meals. Customers can order individual meals or place a monthly order. Alternatively, contact us via and your order will be delivered within 3 to 5 days.  Baby & Kiddies Tastes brings the freshness and goodness of local South African ingredients to your freezer, ready for your child’s meal time, anytime. 

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