Time management for kids is a life skill that can set them up for success. It is particularly important for children to learn time management at an early age in order to be successful in their education, as well as other areas of life. Having time management skills as a child is important because it […]

Whether you realise it or not, we use maths concepts to solve real-life situations every day. From cooking with recipes to figuring out the correct money to give at the store, maths is everywhere. Teaching your children fundamental maths skills at a young age is easier than you think! With research stating that 80% of a […]

It’s hard to believe, as it feels like the school year has only just started, but school holidays are almost upon us! During the break you may find yourself searching for new ideas to keep your kids entertained. Although things may look a little different, there are still so many fun activities to make the […]

 Albert Einstein once said: “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”  Developing a child’s reading proficiency and igniting their passion for literature is a priority for parents all year-round, however awareness days like the upcoming International Children’s […]

Settling in to the new school year and a classroom-ready mindset isn’t always easy. Beyond the excitement of  physically going back to school full time (after the 2020 restrictions), new classes and even new friends, children and parents alike can get easily overwhelmed by the changes the new school year brings. Here are six tips […]

Studying Mathematics and English can sometimes be so difficult and learners often find it hard to see how they are going to benefit from these or whether it has any relevance for their future lives. In fact, contrary to their feelings of how irrelevant these are, there are many benefits of developing an excellent ability […]

The start of a new school year is a time when resolutions and goals are a trending topic for many — even for kids! Many kids have dreams and ideas on what they want to accomplish, but it can be hard to remember with so many other activities going on. That’s why creating a goals […]