As a parent, how often have you questioned whether your parenting techniques have made fundamental impacts on your child’s development or are they inherently “who they are” based on their genetic build-up? The nature vs. nurture debate is a longstanding question and popular parenting discussion that has fascinated phycologists for decades.  Nature refers to genetic […]

A child’s learning environment has a direct and lasting impact on the way in which they absorb and retain information. Children learn better when they want to learn… when they have an active interest in the subject matter and when they are self-motivated.  Parents need to consider which learning environment best suits their child’s unique […]

The term ‘Social and Emotional Development’ has become a hot parenting topic over the last few years… and quite rightly so! Since the onset of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we have become more attuned to the emotional well-being of not only ourselves but also, and more importantly so, the emotional well-being of our children. If […]

Meet Claudia Swartzberg, co-founder and CEO of CambriLearn and Top Dog Education. We sat down with Claudia to hear about how she went from “a below average” learner in primary school to graduating top of her class with a degree in actuarial science. Not every child fits the mould of traditional schooling, and Claudia explains […]

A child’s primary school years are some of the most important in terms of their cognitive development. If developmental foundations are not established at this crucial age, then it will become very difficult to harness these skill sets later on in life.  A child’s physical, social and emotional development has a direct impact on the […]

As the online world and technology advance, parents need to consider that the career pathways that their children will explore may look very different to what they knew growing up. One can assume that the demand for coding related jobs will remain strong in the future. Programmers are required in almost every field and enrolling […]

Subject and Career Choice Assessments are specifically designed, using scientific tools, to help understand a child’s unique personality and interests in order to navigate their ideal subject and career choices. These assessments are conducted by a professional education psychologist and enable learners to better understand their personal interests and strengths and encourage them to use […]

Different people with different personalities will tackle the same project with different strategies. No two children are the same and therefore they will not learn in the same way or at the same pace.  In a traditional classroom setting the teacher to learner ratio is usually around 1:25. It is simply not possible for a […]

It is safe to say that parenting through a pandemic has dished out a few lessons on how to cope with the daily dose of mom guilt. People speak of the ‘new normal’ and we slowly find ourselves levelling out – back into the daily routine. But things are different now; it has become a […]