Expert Advice from Bonitas Medical Fund
Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Home births vs the hospital – what you need to know

If you’re expecting a baby then you’ll probably know that you’ll have a choice between a home or hospital birth. If a home birth is something you’re considering it’s important that you weigh up the relative pros and cons. A home birth means you’ll be giving birth at home as opposed to the hospital, and if this is something that you are considering it is important that you discuss it with your doctor. What are the benefits of a home birth? The first pro of a home birth is that you are at home, in a familiar environment with familiar people or trusted friends. It is only recently that hospital births have become so common, and prior to half way through the 20th century, most births did happen at home . Another reason why some moms choose to deliver at home is the fact that allows them to give birth with a lesser degree of medical intervention and they have more freedom in the birthing process. After giving birth you are able to be in the comfort of your own home with your new baby and family, another reason why home birth would be chosen over a hospital by moms. If you think this may be an option for you, you’ll need to find a midwife who has experience with home births so that if any issues should arise, she has a contingency plan to deal with the situation. The risk depends on your situation. If you are only carrying one baby, don’t have diabetes or high blood pressure, haven’t had a previous c-section and live around 15 mins away from the nearest hospital (in case of emergency) you are a more ideal candidate for a home birth. It’s important to weigh in on the possible risks  before deciding if a home birth method is right for you and your baby. When would the hospital be a better option? Generally speaking, hospital births are safer because there are always doctors available in the case of an emergency, for instance if the baby becomes blocked in the birthing canal or the mom starts hemorrhaging. During your home birth, you may need to be transported to the hospital if your labour or birthing process doesn’t go to plan (that’s why it’s important to live close by to one if you choose this option). If your labour is slow, you need pain relief, the baby shows signs of distress or isn’t head first it’s best to be transported to the hospital for medical assistance. What do you need to prepare for a home birth? If you are seriously considering a home birth make sure you’ve consulted with your doctor to make sure this is a good option for you and your baby. If it’s something you want to consider, you’ll probably be wondering what you need to prepare for a home birth. Before getting to the details, you’ll need to choose a midwife or health care professional to assist, create a birthing plan, a well as a plan to prepare for a hospital transfer, should this become needed. If you still have questions, Home Birth South Africa, which is a website dedicated to home births in South Africa, has many resources you can browse through.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

The Gift of Hearing

‘Blindness cuts us off from things but deafness cuts us off from people’ [Helen Keller] Hearing loss is more common than we think, up to 19% of South African school children suffer from varying degrees of hearing difficulties.  Hearing is the foundation for speech and language development as well as learning and communication.  The long-term impact of losing one of the key senses has a major impact on the quality of life.  Early detection and treatment is vital and it’s important to conduct hearing tests throughout a child’s schooling. However, the reality is that many learners have limited or no access to audiological screening and treatment. To address this important health issue and close the gap on hearing impediments, Bonitas Medical Fund has partnered with humanitarian aid organisation, Gift of the Givers, on a project that will initially screen around 15 860 learners during 2023.  ‘The Gift of the Givers Foundation is internationally recognised for its swift disaster response, community support and healthcare interventions,’ says Lee Callakoppen, Principal Officer at Bonitas. ‘We are truly excited by this partnership and we know this ambitious project will have a profound impact on so many lives.’   The importance of hearing tests According to the South African National Deaf Association (SANDA), children should have their hearing tested several times throughout their schooling: When they enter school, at ages 6, 8 and 10 and at least once during Grades 8 or 9 and Grades 10 and 12. This audiology project, which is being rolled out over a 10-month period, will initially test around 15 860 learners across Grade R to Grade 12 at various schools located in six areas in KZN: Umlazi, Indanda, Chatsworth, Phoenix, Marionhill and Durban central. The plan is to expand the project to other Provinces. Screening practicalities A South African manufactured portable audiometer, called the Kuduwave, will be used for the project. This state-of-the-art, medically certified device has revolutionised the testing and diagnosis of auditory related deficiencies. It combines a headset, audiometer and sound booth into a single, lightweight device, which can be used in just about any location.  This means the audiology team can test learners at school. ‘Two Kuduwave units will be used to increase capacity and reduce downtime,’ explains the audiology team at Gift of the Givers.   The programme is being overseen by an ear, nose and throat surgeon as well as an audiologist and speech therapist. They will provide training, consultation and oversight for the audiology team conducting the screenings. ‘Each test takes between 5 and 15 minutes,’ explains Gift of the Givers audiology team. ‘During which time the learner’s middle ear will be pressure tested for ear infections and ears will also be checked for inflammation and earwax. Diagnostics and after-care If the screening fails, a full diagnostic test will be undertaken. ‘This project not only covers the screening but goes a step further and offers an after-care element.  This includes follow-up medical treatment, if required, to ensure learners receive the assistance they need so that their development is not delayed,’ explains the audiology team. ‘I cannot even begin to imagine a life without sound,’ says Callakoppen.  ‘Not hearing someone’s voice, the lyrics of a song, rain falling on a roof or laughter. As a medical aid we advocate for prevention through early screening, detection and treatment for any ailment – including hearing.’   

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Choosing a medical aid

It’s the time of year when medical schemes announce revised contributions, benefits and enhancements for the year ahead. With all the options it can be a little confusing, which is why you need to be smart by doing due diligence to ensure you choose a medical aid that provides the cover you need and is affordable.  It’s also important to look at how you can manage your medical expenses to make your healthcare benefits last. ‘There are 17 open medical schemes in South Africa, each with their own set of plans and benefits,’ explains Lee Callakoppen, Principal Officer of Bonitas Medical Fund. ‘It can be a little overwhelming trying to decide what is best which is why we advise consulting a medical aid broker or financial advisor.’ Brokers are accredited by the Council of Medical Schemes (CMS) and are qualified to offer advice and support at no extra charge. Together you can work your way through the different options, ahead of choosing a medical aid plan. Brokers also know the financial stability of the schemes, which should be a consideration in the final decision. A starting point, with or without a broker, is to compare what is available. Most medical schemes offer a range of healthcare options – from traditional medical aids through to hospital, savings, network or income-based plans that can make private healthcare more affordable.  So, what should you consider?  Affordability is key Take a careful look at your monthly budget to determine what you can afford.  The rule of thumb is that contributions should not exceed 10% of your monthly income.  However you also need to take a look what the plan you’re considering offers and whether there are additional costs, such as co-payments. A medical aid co-payment is a fee that the member is liable for when making use of certain medical services. These co-payments usually apply to specialist or elective medical procedures and differ from one medical aid scheme to another.  Your health status Assess your current health status and that of your family so that you can determine what cover you need.  Specifically, consider pre-existing conditions or ailments, together with any chronic medication or treatment that you or your family make use of as well as how often you visit a doctor or specialist and what you spend on dentistry or optometry.  Then reflect on what expenses over the past year were once-off (like childbirth) and which are likely to come up time and again – such as flu. This will help you decide on whether you need a comprehensive medical aid or a hospital plan. The fine print It’s important to take the time to read all the information.  Benefits vary from plan to plan, so you need to establish what is and isn’t covered.  Check what supplementary benefits are available that can potentially save significant day-to-day expenses. These could include preventative care benefits, ranging from basic screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements through to mammograms, pap smears and prostate testing. In some cases, these extend to maternity programs, dental check-ups, flu vaccinations and more.  Once you understand what is on offer, you can make an informed comparison and decision. Managed Care  Managed Care programmes help members manage severe chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Ask whether the scheme you are considering has a managed care programme. Medical savings  A medical scheme allocates an annual fixed amount for medical savings – you need to know what this allocation is and whether you feel it will be adequate for your needs. Daily detail Look at what the scheme suggests will help make your benefits last, bearing in mind the following: Are you required to use a specific GP, hospital network or Designated Service Providers (DSPs)? Although this helps keep costs down, you need to check the network in your area before making a final decision Having to be referred to a specialist by your GP? Does your medical plan offer additional GP consultations, which they will pay for, after you have exhausted your day-to-day benefits?  Technology Technology and virtual care are being embraced by medical schemes, even more so since the Covid-19 pandemic. Check what is offered on the plan you’re considering and also whether you’re able to access your benefits, submit claims, find healthcare providers, WA chat and access your medical information online 24/7. Age will impact your decision If you have young children, ensure that the medical aid option you select provides sufficient child illness benefits. For young couples looking to start a family: Does the option provide sufficient maternity benefits? However, if you are slightly older, ensure you select an option that covers chronic conditions and provides sufficient in-hospital cover in the event of hospitalisation.  Waiting period and exclusions The Medical Schemes Act and the specific scheme’s rules determine this. Callakoppen recommends that you enquire with the relevant scheme about their exclusion list and waiting periods.  Financial stability of the scheme With two medical schemes recently being placed under curatorship, it’s important to choose a medical scheme with a solid track record and reputation. Check the claims payment record … do they pay on time? Equally important is the demographics and size of the scheme. Has the membership of the scheme grown over the past few years and what is the general age?  And finally, take a look at the annual contribution increase, in fact a good idea is to look at the increases over the past three to five years to see how these compare with the rest of the industry. ‘Health is the new wealth,’ says Callakoppen. ‘Your health is important, as are your finances, don’t take either for granted.  When it comes to healthcare cover, invest time to research and understand what you need. If in doubt, phone the call centre, your broker or financial advisor to ensure you find the right medical scheme to walk the healthcare path with you.’

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Intermittent fasting and pregnancy, is it dangerous?

Your baby’s health during your pregnancy solely depends on you – what and when you consume is important to both of you. Intermittent fasting is a diet that many turn to to lose weight and improve health. This is a time restricted form of fasting and you may wonder if it’s healthy to keep up this kind of eating while trying to get pregnant or when you are pregnant. Is it safe to fast while I am pregnant?  Fasting during your pregnancy is not recommended. While there is research that shows this may be a good way to help with weight loss and potentially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, this is not ideal when your body needs more calories than normal.  While pregnant your nutritional focus should be to make sure that your baby is getting all the right vitamins and minerals. While in the initial stages of pregnancy you might not need more calories than normal, as your pregnancy progresses you will need to eat more – making fasting a less viable option. However, if you are struggling with morning sickness (most prevalent in the first trimester), you’ll find that eating bland foods little and often can help ease the nausea, which isn’t compatible with fasting for hours at a time. Not only will snacking help keep the nausea at bay, but it’ll also keep your blood sugar stable. While there aren’t studies that look at intermittent fasting throughout pregnancy, it has been found that moms-to-be with lower glucose levels had lower fetal movement, which can be a warning sign of potential issues during your pregnancy. Can I start intermittent fasting straight after birth? If you’ve decided to eat regularly during your pregnancy, you may wonder if you can return to your old lifestyle after having your baby. However, while you are breastfeeding it’s best to stick to a regular eating schedule. Even after birth your body will be needing extra calories for breastfeeding – restricting these can lead to reduced milk supply

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Handling Childhood Illness Effectively

Most parents know that during the course of raising a child you will have to deal with different bouts of illness. Here is some information, from Bonitas Medical Fund, which should help you to manage common early childhood illnesses successfully.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Bonitas Medical Fund: 2023 Product Launch round up

At a glance: 340 119 Principal members 709 881 Total beneficiaries  190 000 new members over the past 36 months Average age of beneficiary: 33.9 Average age of new members is 15 years younger than existing members R7.4 billion in reserves   36.5% solvency ratio AA Credit rating  Plans Bonitas offers a wide range of plans that are simple and easy to understand. There are 15 options in five categories: Savings, traditional, hospital, Edge (virtual) and income-based. Increases  A three-month price freeze will apply in 2023: From January to March contributions remain the same as 2022 The average increase, across all plans, is 5.9%. However, factoring in the three-month price freeze, the average increase drops to 4.8% Plan increases range from 0% to 9.4% BonStart has a 0% increase By applying very low contribution increases since December 2020, the Scheme has effectively passed R1.4 billion in savings back to members Nine plans are priced under R3 000 per main member’s monthly contribution The most popular plans, with newer members, include Primary, Primary Select, BonFit, BonEssential, BonEssential Select, BonStart and BonStart Plus Note: Contributions from April 2023   What’s new? Bonitas has introduced a mental health app – in partnership with Panda. It’s a free to download mental health and wellness mobile app that uses scientifically validated assessment tools and appropriate treatment to provide the right care at the right time. Panda will be available from October 2022 The Hospital-at-Home initiative has been successful and the offering is being extended to include: A programme for re-admissions Screening and disease prevention Alternative to stepdown facilities Kidney dialysis at home An improved programme for chronic kidney disease Restructured benefits are unlimited for PMB cancers across all plans. With a set Rand amount where non-PMB cancer cover is available. Once the Rand limit is exhausted, a 20% co-payment will apply  Cover for two doses of the vaccine Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for girls aged between 9 -14 years, on BonComprehensive, BonClassic, BonComplete, Standard and Standard Select Introduction of one booster vaccine for Pertussis or whooping cough, per beneficiary aged between 7 and 64 years on Standard, Standard Select, BonComplete, BonClassic and BonComprehensive. The savings component across the savings plans have been increased from between 5% to 9.4% and amended rules allow members to use their savings as they deem fit for the new year  The Benefit Booster – introduced in 2022 which unlocked R446million in additional benefits  – has been adjusted according to utilisation Footprint and networks Our footprint extends across all 9 provinces, with our membership concentrated in Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, the Western Cape and the Eastern Cape. A GP network of over 4 400  An extensive Pharmacy network, with around 2 500 practices located in all nine provinces to dispense chronic, acute and over-the-counter medicine through Scriptpharm Dental network, through DENIS, provide access to around 3 000 practices across SA Optical network through PPN gives members access to over 2 300 practices 

Advice from the experts
Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Digital Covid Hub drives education and vaccinations

The 3rd wave of Covid-19, which is predominantly the Delta variant, is having a major impact on our healthcare system with reports of hospital admissions being significantly higher than during waves 1 and 2. ‘We can attest to this by the ongoing monitoring and analysis provided by our actuarial teams’, says Lee Callakoppen, Principal Officer of Bonitas Medical Fund.  ‘In 2020 we had a total of 8 111 members hospitalised due to Covid-19 as opposed to 7 815 over the past six months.’ Covid Hub – education for everyone ‘At the outset of the pandemic, 18 months ago, we created an informative and educational Covid-19 hub to create a reliable source of information and to educate and empower our members,’ explains Callakoppen. ‘The information includes helping identify symptoms, providing guidelines on how and where to be tested and receive treatment.’  Recently, the Fund enhanced and bolstered this centralised, digital Covid-19 information hub and made it accessible to all South Africans – ‘As new scientific data became available, we continued to update the hub, highlighting key topics such as safety protocols, the different types of Covid-19 tests, dispelling myths around the vaccine and explaining the difference between Covid-19, the common cold and flu. One of the key elements is the comprehensive guide to recovering from Covid-19 which includes tips for caregivers, the do’s and don’ts of Covid-19 recovery, as well as post-Covid care tips.’ ‘Now, given the increased vaccination drive and it being opened to a wider group, we have further enhanced the site to assist our members with registration and help speed up the process at Bonitas vaccination sites.’ Private vaccination sites for all To support the Department of Health’s ongoing efforts to vaccinate as many South Africans as possible, Bonitas has vaccinated over 100 000 South Africans at its private vaccination sites across the country. A quarter of whom (25 245) were Bonitas members. At present, the 50+ age groups are being vaccinated, with registration and vaccinations for 35+ now open. The 10 sites adhere to all the required safety regulations and are staffed by qualified nurses, additional sites are due to come on-line in the new few weeks.   ‘As of 13 July 2021, there were 2 031 Bonitas members in hospital, compared to 1 893 the week before and 1 598 at the end of June,’ says Callakoppen. ‘We have conducted a total of 338 981 PCR tests, 150 430 of these were between January and July 12th – with 28 097 members testing positive. This is a 44% increase over 6 months. ‘However, studies have shown that once people are vaccinated, they’re far less likely to fall seriously ill and that the vaccine provides protection against hospitalisation for the Delta variant, which is why the vaccine roll out is critical.’ This aligns with the recent statement from Dr Marian van Kerkhove of the World Health Organisation (WHO): ‘The Covid-19 situation globally is dangerous with high levels of transmission driven by four major factors. The first are these variants of concern, including the Delta variant. The second factor is that we have increased social mixing and social mobility, which increases the number of contacts that individuals have. The third factor is the relaxation or the inappropriate use of public health and social measures. Proven public health and social measures that we know prevent infections, reduce the spread of somebody who is infected with the virus to others and save lives. And the fourth factor is the uneven and inequitable distribution of vaccines.’ Herd immunity Vaccinating as many people as soon as possible remains a priority if we are to minimise the impact of Covid-19.  To achieve herdimmunity, the South Africa’s Department of Health is aiming to vaccinate 67% of the country’s population – this equates to around 41 million people.  ‘It’s heartening to learn that vaccine acceptance is growing in South Africa, with the latest Covid-19 study revealing that 76% of the population are willing to be vaccinated.  The daily average number of doses administered over the past week – counting only weekdays between Monday and Friday – amounts to 150 000 – reaching a total of just over 5 million with 1,67 million South Africans having received both doses.  This means 2.9% of the population is fully vaccinated.  Plans are in place to ramp this up over the next few weeks, which will include sites being open over weekends and to widen the groups being vaccinated. Educate and vaccinate In collaboration with service providers and employer groups, the Fund’s private vaccination sites also promote key Covid-19 messages, with take home educational leaflets that can be shared. ‘In addition, we have begun the process of opening vaccination facilities at major scheme employer sites, such as Eskom,’ says Callakoppen. ‘We are continually engaging with corporates to improve the support we provide.’ Identified high-risk beneficiaries are also being supported through various initiatives, including disease management interventions, home-based care and medicine supplies where required.  QR Code replaces forms  ‘Complaints about queues and waiting times at some sites have been taken into consideration,’ says Callakoppen. ‘We have streamlined the process for members by providing access to a QR code, upon registration on the EVDS and our portal. This means that they are scanned upon arrival, eliminating any delay by having to fill in forms – allowing for a smooth and efficient process.’ Registration should still be done via the Government website on and everyone must remember to take along their unique token, ID document or passport to the vaccinations site. If you’re on a medical aid, make sure you have your medical aid card with you.  ‘We need to remain on high alert about the pandemic,’ warns Callakoppen.  ‘It may be day 477 but we cannot afford to be complacent. We must all play our part to stay safe, which means following the protocols and getting vaccinated.   ‘The vaccination process is a key focus area for us, along with education. We will continue to use our Hub (available at as a central resource for factual information. A

Parenting Hub

Preparing for baby with Mom2B®

Oh, the happiness of hearing about a longed-for pregnancy! And what fun preparing for the tiny arrival. Where will baby sleep? What baby equipment and cute clothes are needed? Don’t forget mom’s pregnancy wardrobe to cover that expanding tum…  Meanwhile during all this activity and joy, little one is calmly doing his or her unseen baby work – growing and developing to meet the world on that important due date. To help baby and herself during this time of preparation, mom-to-be knows that it is important to eat nourishing food. But because she is the one doing the running around while baby is just a passenger, finding the time and energy isn’t easy.  What helps is to stock the house with chicken, fish, salads, vegetables, fruits and high fibre foods like brown rice, chick peas or oats. These meet her need for smaller and more frequent meals and help her cope with typical tummy problems like nausea, constipation, and cravings.  Mom2B® Pregnancy Shakes can go on the list as part of her pregnancy and breastfeeding preparation too. They are affordable and yummy meal supplements in chocolate, strawberry or vanilla flavours and can be taken once or twice a day, helping her to acquire important nutrients for herself and baby. Just add milk or water for a drink of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and an impressive nutritional content. No wonder Mom2B® is South Africa’s number one pregnancy shake. (*Nielsen MAT Aug 2019) Mom2B® Pregnancy Shakes, available from Takealot, selected pharmacies and retailers, cost around R144 for a 400 g tin of 8 servings.  For more information: or Facebook  WIN! Are you preparing to welcome your little baby, or perhaps organising a baby shower for family member or friend? Enter and stand a chance of winning a Mom2B® hamper comprising of of 6 shakes, Nema the Mom2B® lamb, and a shaker bottle. Valued at over R1000!   

Parenting Hub

Guilt Free Gourmet Chocolate Gets New Look

Sweetly synonymous with love, indulging in delicious chocolate triggers feel-good chemicals, hence the reason chocolate is often referred to as the ‘love drug’, the ‘happiness drug’ and the ‘pleasure drug’.  Whilst devouring chocolate places high on our ‘most pleasurable activities to do list in life’, most of us know that as much as we’d like to, we can’t eat chocolate all-day every day due it’s sugar content, or so we thought…  Thankfully, the Cape Town based brand of natural chocolate, GD Chocolate (formerly known as Gayleen’s Decadence), offers gourmet-quality indulgences that will leave your taste buds satisfied and your conscience clear. Unlike many confections on the market that use artificial sweeteners and preservatives, that can wreak havoc on your body, GD Chocolate’s range are made from natural ingredients, free of dairy, preservatives, refined sugars and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This coupled with the fact that GD Chocolate’s are sweetened with only the finest quality of raw unadulterated honey which contains no chemicals, making them the perfect guilt-free chocolate treat.  All products are UTZ certified.  GD Chocolate is thrilled to announce that they will be extending their range of delectable individually hand crafted soft-centered chocolates and decadent slabs. Whilst many of their favourite slabs remain the same in taste and flavour (7 different variants which are all numbered), the soft centered chocolates rebranded as GD Buttercups are available in 5 different variants (3 original flavours and 2 new ones which are Almond butter and Vanilla). Both the slabs and the Buttercups will be introduced in beautiful new packaging.   From natural nutrients and enzymes to antioxidants and antibacterial qualities, unadulterated pure honey, a key ingredient in GD’s range boasts a variety of health benefits: High level of antioxidants helps with heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol Promotes both body and digestive health Strengthens the immune system Helps to eliminate allergies Reduced glucose levels The face behind the brand Whilst working for a company promoting a healthy food lifestyle, Gayleen learned a great deal about healthy living and after introducing a whole food diet – no dairy, meat or preservatives (but still enjoying a glass of wine and chocolate treat), she felt the positive effects on both her body and her life.   Being the creative that she is, Gayleen started spending every evening after work in her kitchen experimenting with raw ingredients and new treats.  After much encouragement from friends and colleagues, Gayleen started selling her treats at regular weekend markets.  At the time, there weren’t many ready-to-eat ‘raw’ items in the shops, so her stall became very popular. However, It wasn’t until Gayleen started to experiment with chocolate, filling them with different kinds of soft fillings like mint, ginger and orange, that GD was born! The demand for her chocolates with their soft fillings increased to the point where the way forward would be to directly supply the chocolates to select shops. Her creative pastime now had the potential to become a full time enterprise, and after a few months, she took the final plunge and resigned to pursue her chocolate dream. GD is available at Wellness Warehouse, selected Spars, Health shops and Pharmacies, Deli’s and online stores.   Price of slab: R53.00 (on shelf now) Price of Buttercups: R20.00 (on shelf mid-June) Follow us on social media Facebook: GD Chocolates Instagram: @gdchocolate

Toptots Head Office

Signs your young child may be suffering from Anxiety

There are many reasons why children develop anxiety. From genetics to traumatic events, personality types that are prone to it or natural fears that have deepened. However, it is important to remember that if your child suffers from anxiety, they may not have it for the rest of their lives, and it is a condition that can be managed. Here are signs to look out for to spot anxiety in your child. Unusual tantrums may be anxiety. If your toddler has started throwing temper tantrums and showing disruptive behaviour – these may stem from them being anxious about something. If the tantrums aren’t associated with tiredness, and come about in specific situations, try to take a step back and see if there is something about that scenario that could be overly stressful to your child. Young toddlers often can’t communicate their fears and emotions, so they act out instead. Avoiding situations Have you noticed your young child hiding behind your legs whenever you are in a new place or doing everything, they can not to go to school every day? While both of these situations can be absolutely normal reactions, if you find it persists and becomes more intense, your child may be suffering from anxiety.  Sleep disruptions If your child suddenly battles to sleep through the night, and you find them tossing and turning when they didn’t before – this could be caused by anxiety. Just like adults who suffer from anxiety battle to sleep, so too can affect your child’s sleep.  Physical signs If your toddler or young child often complains of things like tummy aches or a sore head, however, doctors have said that there is nothing wrong; this could be a sign of anxiety. And they aren’t pretending. The stress that anxiety can cause their bodies can induce these psychosomatic symptoms.  The difference between being anxious and a disorder Everyone has moments when they feel anxious. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are suffering from an anxiety disorder. In actual fact, anxiety in the form of fears can be good for our children – it is our brain’s way of telling us something may be dangerous. When usual fears and stress start to become debilitating and stops your child from doing everyday things – this is when they may be dealing with an anxiety disorder. What you can do to help Not all of the above signs mean your child has anxiety – however, if you spot more than one on a regular basis, the best bet would be to take your child to their doctor and let them know your concerns.

Parenting Hub

Avoid financial fraud when getting your vax

People are feeling more positive about dealing with the pandemic now that more healthcare workers and senior citizens are being vaccinated – but financial caution is still the name of the game, warns personal finance website “Keep tabs on your personal information when getting your jabs,” says marketing manager Shafeeka Anthony. “Sadly, even a pandemic does not stop fraudsters in their tracks. The vaccination programme has the potential to increase economic activity and restore some business confidence, but it also offers new opportunities for charlatans and tricksters.” People may also be tempted to spend cash more freely when they are vaccinated, return to office work, and participate again in social and sporting activities. However, even if the vaccine rollout picks up speed, it’s vital to remain vigilant when it comes to managing your money. “The pandemic is by no means over, and we were already in a recession before Covid hit,” says Anthony. “South Africa has the highest unemployment rate in over a decade. Many people who enjoyed permanent jobs have had to adapt to contract or freelance work. Even those who were on track to pay off their debt have experienced setbacks. The situation is dire for many, and likely to remain so for some time.” Vaccination scams News that the vaccines are being rolled out has made many people impatient to get their jab. It’s important, however, not to allow your anxiety or eagerness make you vulnerable to Covid-related scams. For example, you could fraudulently be asked for a payment in order to get a place in a queue or to obtain a vaccination. Scammers also use telemarketing calls, text messages, social media platforms and door-to-door visits to pick up personal information. This can lead to medical identity theft, when someone who has no right to claim on your medical aid uses your information to gain access to healthcare services. This usually involves out-of-hospital claims, such as filling a prescription at a pharmacy or visiting a general practitioner and accessing medical services in your name. Read an article on medical identity theft here. People are also vulnerable when they search online for better prices for specialist medication. You could end up buying a fake drug, not only losing your money, but potentially damaging your health too.  “Should you require accurate information pertaining to Covid, vaccinations and other medical questions, check out the official Covid government site, contact your medical aid provider, or get in touch with a health professional. Do not share your personal or health information with a stranger,” says Anthony. If the pandemic has made you more aware of medical costs, read a handy guide to medical aid here.  Ailing investments People with some spare cash could also be tempted to invest in companies that produce medical devices or drugs. The healthcare sector has caught investors’ attention as some companies have received regulatory approval for drugs to treat Covid, while others are rushing to develop products and get approval. Unscrupulous operators are well aware of this. “If an investment sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” warns Anthony. “Before you invest in a potentially dodgy company, do your homework. Preferably discuss your personal circumstances and goals with a qualified financial advisor. The key to reducing investment risk is to have a balanced, diversified portfolio and to plan for the long term.” Read a handy article on who can benefit from the services of a financial advisor, and how you will be billed for this here. Unhealthy debt A key tip to remaining financially healthy is to avoid getting into debt, and if you already have one or more loans, do your best to keep up your repayments. The general rule is that 20%-30% of your salary should go towards repaying your large debts such as a house or car. “Create a budget, stay in touch with your creditors, and if you experience problems with repayments, discuss your situation. People will be more understanding if they see you have a plan.” Read a article on how to keep your debt under control here. If you are having problems with debt, find out more about debt counselling and consolidation here. “Taking the time to learn a few critical financial rules can help you build a healthy financial future,” says Anthony. “At, we understand that juggling all the demands of a pandemic is stressful enough without worrying about how to manage your money matters. “That’s why we’ve made it straightforward to find trustworthy articles, guides, budget calculators and products on our website and our credit management portal, CreditSav. You can quickly get the information you need on your desktop or mobile phone and make informed decisions,” Anthony concludes. Find advice you can bank on at

Parenting Hub

GD Chocolate Launches Nutritiously Delicious Chocolate Loaded Logs

As more and more people are opting to eat healthier and lead more active lifestyles, there’s been an increase in consumers looking for better-for-you options, especially when it comes to sweet treats and chocolates (after all, who doesn’t love chocolate).  Cape Town based brand of natural chocolate, GD Chocolates recently launched their nutritiously delicious chocolate Loaded Logs (RRP R24.75) packed with only healthy and flavourful goodness.  Blended with the finest quality of raw honey and the smooth, enticing taste of GD’s dark chocolate each flavour offers many unique nutritional properties. Whether you’re looking for a collagen or energy boost, a dose of vitamin C or something to ease inflammation, GD Chocolates Loaded Logs boost a number of benefits.  Collagen Loaded Log Lusciously chewy, with a deliciously malty flavour, the Collagen Loaded Log contains collagen and Vitamin C (which promotes collagen production in the body), providing a collagen boost essential for great-looking skin, hair and nails. Ingredients: Cocoa (powder, butter, mass), raw honey, collagen, blueberries, macadamia oil, Vitamin C and Himalayan salt. Vitamin C Loaded Log Tart, yet sweet with a tangy citrus zing, the Vitamin C Loaded Log sparkles on the tongue, leaving you craving for more… just another taste-burst, please! Your body needs vitamin C every single day. We can’t think of a more exquisite way to get your daily dose. Ingredients: Cocoa (powder, butter, mass), raw honey, cashew nuts, baobab, Vitamin C, lemon oil, bioflavinoid (orange peel). Maca Moringa Loaded Log With its marzipan-texture and sweet, malted-nutty taste, the Maca Moringa Loaded Log is an energy boost that lasts, sustaining you for hours. Have one for lunch (literally have one for lunch!) and Maca’s mood-improving energy shotplus Moringa’s abundant phytonutrients will see you through until dinner-time. Ingredients: Cocoa (powder, butter, mass), raw honey, Almond nut butter, Maca powder, Moringa powder. Turmeric Loaded Log The Turmeric Loaded Log delivers a load of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties along with a sweet, coco nutty chocolate bliss with subtle, peppery-ginger warmth. Ingredients: cocoa (powder, butter, mass), raw honey, coconut, coconut oil, himalayan salt, vanilla extract, turmeric, ginger, black pepper. From natural nutrients and enzymes to antioxidants and antibacterial qualities, raw honey, a key ingredient in GD Chocolate’s range contains a variety of health benefits too: High level of antioxidants helps with heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol Promotes both body and digestive health Strengthens the immune system Helps to eliminate allergies Excellent remedy for skin wounds, inflammation and ulcers Available at Wellness Warehouse stores, selected Spars, Health shops and Deli’s nationwide.


Cheese fits into almost any meal plan

Cheese is a tasty, convenient and versatile food and it pairs well with fruit, vegetables and many other foods. Including cheese in a meal plan may help to complement foods from other food groups to optimise total nutrient intake. Broccoli with a cheese sauce, for example, or sliced apple, pairs well with sliced cheese. Many different types of cheeses can fit into almost any meal plan as a nutritious option: 1.Cheese helps to fill the nutrient gaps. Cheese is a source of quality protein. The protein in dairy and cheese is complete, which means it provides all the essential and non-essential amino acids (building blocks) needed to build the body. Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body itself and need to be acquired from protein-rich foods. Complete protein is necessary for growth and development, especially in children.  The protein in dairy is also a good vehicle of the amino acid lysine, which typically lacks in a diet consisting mostly of starches such as bread and pap. Protein in cheese also makes you feel fuller for longer and can help prevent unnecessary snacking. It can be served as a snack between meals and is a perfect sandwich filling for school lunches. For sports enthusiasts, the protein in cheese helps with muscle recovery and repair.  But cheese is more than purely its protein. It provides many important nutrients that work together to keep us healthy and strong. Most cheese is an excellent source of calcium, important for growing children between the ages of 9 and 19, when most bone growth takes place. The calcium is well absorbed in the presence of the naturally occurring nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. 2.What about the fat content in cheese? The average hard cheese (Cheddar and Gouda) contains between 28% and 32% fat, compared to the fat content of other products often used as a snack, e.g. mixed nuts, with almost 55% fat, crisps at 36% fat, or peanut butter at 50%. Although cheese is relatively high in fat, it also provides many other important nutrients. A typical serving size is about 40 g (two tbsp grated cheese) and is just enough to cover a slice of bread. The good news about cheese is that emerging research has shown that the fats in dairy and cheese do not contribute to an increased risk of heart disease and may even have a protecting effect. 3.Other important facts about cheese Sodium in cheese is important as it controls the moisture content of cheese and provides texture and taste. The average hard cheese is not very high in sodium, but take note that cheeses packed in a brine such as feta can have a higher sodium content. Read the labels on the products to make sure you stay in line with your personal dietary goals. Processed cheese also provides important nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and protein. It is shelf-stable and can be a convenient product when on the go. It does not age and the flavour, texture, and smoothness are maintained. Processed cheese is a healthy and convenient alternative bread topping to jams and spreads.  For those who are lactose intolerant, cheese is an important source of calcium and can be enjoyed without the negative symptoms associated with lactose intolerance. 4.How much cheese does a child need and how can it be incorporated into the daily diet? Three servings of dairy per day are recommended. This can be made up of milk, cheese, yoghurt, or maas. 5.Protein requirements for children and the contribution of a 40 g serving of cheese. As cheese is an important source of good quality protein, it can also replace other protein sources in the diet. Cheese is an affordable source of protein, especially when it replaces meat in the diet. The protein in two servings of 40 g cheese can replace one chicken drumstick and one serving of cheese can replace the protein of one egg. Nutrition table:  Did you know that milk has been part of human nutrition for many years? Evidence shows that humans tamed and started farming with dairy animals 9 000 years ago! The consumption of milk and cheese can be traced back to Anatolia, the modern-day Turkey.

Parenting Hub

Who took my collagen and how can I get it back?

Four benefits of taking a collagen supplement to support your body through menopause There’s so much about menopause that just isn’t discussed. Deepening wrinkles, sagging skin and weight gain go hand-in-hand with hot flushes and broken sleep. Most of us know this is due to waning estrogen levels but did you know this hormone also plays a powerful role in the promotion of our human elastic glue: collagen. So, what can you do during menopause to help restore your collagen and reclaim some of your youthful virility? Catherine Clark, the Owner and Founder of Harvest Table says that generally, menopause begins 12 months after a woman’s last period. Women enter this stage of life anywhere from their mid-40’s to their late 50’s and when it hits, your body has a sudden and steep drop in estrogen, triggering major changes throughout your body.  “The decrease in estrogen as women age is directly tied to the decrease in collagen production. In fact, when you hit menopause, you experience a 30% drop in collagen which means that your skin becomes thinner, your bones become more brittle and your organs struggle to maintain levels of tissue,” Catherine explains.  Catherine explains four key symptoms of menopause and how regular collagen supplementation can improve women’s health as they age: 1. Sagging skin Estrogen is key for the normal functioning of your skin and as your levels of this hormone decline in menopause so does your collagen production. As a result, our skin loses its firmness and begins to sag causing jowls to appear and wrinkles to become more pronounced. That’s because your whole body is actually kept together by collagen protein, which makes up the majority of tissue that connects organs and skin. It, therefore, makes sense that collagen originates from the Greek word ‘kolla’ – or ‘glue’. Supplementing your diet with collagen can help restore this glue and support your system’s ability to improve your skin’s elasticity and hydration and reduce the signs of ageing. 2. Cellulite While most women are familiar with cellulite – that dimpled “orange peel” look that appears on your thighs, upper arms, buttocks and stomach, it develops much more quickly in menopause. Cellulite is fat that pushes up through the connective tissue under the skin creating an uneven or lumpy surface. Cellulite may appear anytime in a woman’s life, but when estrogen levels decline, cellulite generally increases.  Again, taking a collagen supplement on a regular basis will help reduce cellulite as it will increase the skin’s thickness and elasticity and thus reduce the appearance of cellulite.  3. Hot flushes Your liver is one of your most important organs as it regulates your health. It performs over 500 different functions on a regular basis so when your body changes during menopause, your liver suddenly gets hit with a lot more things to do and it’s no surprise that it starts to protest. Cravings, mood swings, hot flushes and sleep issues are just some of the symptoms that your liver is taking strain. Collagen feeds not only your liver but all your organs, so by taking a regular collagen supplement, you will also be supporting your liver too, helping it to deal with all the changes taking place in your body. 4. Weight gain The hormonal changes of menopause may make you more likely to develop an extra tyre around your middle as well as heavier hips and thighs. This is part of the natural ageing process because as your muscle-mass decrease, it is replaced by fat. By taking a collagen supplement you will be able to build more lean muscle mass which is great news for weight loss as muscle burns calories faster than fat. Muscle fires up your metabolism and your body becomes a calorie-burning machine. So if you couple collagen with a sensible, healthy diet, you should lose or maintain a healthy weight and feel great. Catherine concludes: “Once you’ve started taking a collagen supplement, the health benefits are notable. Whether you are concentrating on the appearance of your skin, maintaining a healthy weight or overall wellbeing, taking a collagen supplement can help you reach your health goals and counteract the symptoms of menopause.” Harvest Table has a wide range of collagen products that are available from Follow Catherine on Instagram: @whole_healthy_me.


Preventing Childhood Burn Injuries

It is winter again.!!! Time for warm clothes, hot drinks, food, heaters and fireplaces. Young children like to explore.  They do not know what is dangerous and what is not. Many parents do not realise how many burns hazards are within easy reach of a child. A child’s skin burns much quicker than that of an adult. Let us continue to take care this winter not to endanger a child’s life through one careless moment. Here is some useful information to keep your family happy and safe this winter season.

Toptots Head Office

Baby’s physical milestones for every age

As parents, we naturally want to keep track of how our little ones are developing or if there are any concerns around things they are supposed to be doing. This milestone guide, written by Occupational Therapist Megan Smith, gives you the average milestones children reach at certain ages. It is important to note that not all children are the same, and many develop at different paces than others. If you are concerned about drastically missed milestones, we always suggest booking an appointment with your child’s doctor to check everything is on track.  Milestones for 0 to 6-month-old babies During the first 0 to 2 months of the baby’s life, they have limited control over their own movements as they are generally due to reflex actions. (Baby massage and exercises will assist in muscle strength and tone development).  During the first few weeks, babies will lie in a flexed position (tucked inwards, knees to chest and arms towards trunk centre). This mimics the position they maintained in the womb and allows them to feel safe and secure. Swaddling assists babies in maintaining the contained position.  Babies first motor milestone are to overcome flexion and uncoil into a more neutral lying position. As their back muscles strengthen, this becomes easier and more natural.  4 to 6 weeks – during tummy time, babies will start to lift their heads off the mat for short periods of time. As the neck muscles start to strengthen, this movement becomes easier and will be sustained for longer.  By six weeks, they should be able to hold their head up for a few minutes in supported sitting and on their tummy.  12 weeks – arm movements start to appear more controlled as babies start to swipe for objects held in their visual field. This is important for developing arm strength.  By 3 months old, when babies are placed on their side, they can roll over onto their back. 3 months – babies can hold their heads up at a 45-degree angle during tummy time.  During the 8 to 12-week period, babies will start to notice their hands and bring them to their mouths actively. This is the starting point in developing hand-eye coordination.  4 to 6 months – babies start to prop up on their elbows during tummy time and may even hold themselves up on straight arms in this position. They may collapse on one arm, causing them to roll over accidentally.  4 to 6 months – when lying on their backs, babies will start to play and engage with their toes, bringing them right up to their mouths. This is important as the position strengthens their tummy muscles.  By 6 months, babies should be rolling one way – back to tummy or tummy to back.  By 6 months, babies will love to be supported on your lap in the standing position and bounce. This strengthens the leg muscles to prepare them for pull-stand.  6 months – babies should achieve the sitting position.  6 months – babies hands become more functional, and they start to actively grasp and manipulate objects.  Milestones for 6 to 12-month-old babies 9 months – independent sitting where babies will be able to get in and out of the sitting position on their own.  While sitting, babies will start to reach forward for objects and turn their trunks to the sides to reach objects. During the reach, they may find themselves propping forwards into the crawling position.  9 months – babies should have a good contralateral crawl.  By 9 months, babies can pick up an object between their thumb and forefinger.  Around 9 to 10 months, babies can pass toys from hand to hand.  At 9 to 12 months, babies will start using external objects to pull themself into a standing position.  Once in a supported standing position, babies will bounce and rock on their legs, preparing their muscles for weight shifting needed to achieve walking.  During this period, one bounce will eventually turn into a step, and they will learn how to cruise – holding onto something with their hands for support and moving their feet. Walking is the most variable milestone and really depends on the individual child. Some walk at 9 months, others at 16 months.  Milestone for 12 to 18-month-old babies  At 12 months, they will point to objects with their index finger.  At around 15 months, they can now bend in standing to pick up a toy. At 15 months, babies can crawl up a few stairs.  At 18 months, babies can start to take a few steps backwards. At 18 months, babies can page through a thick paged book.  Milestones for 18 to 24-month-old babies  Towards 2 years, toddlers can now run more rhythmically, faster and with better balance.  At 2 years, toddlers can walk up and down stairs unaided, holding onto a rail.   They can stand and kick a big ball without losing balance.  They can catch a ball if you through it into their arms.  Milestones for 2 to 3-year-old’s At 2 years, they will start to ride a tricycle.   They can hit a ball lying on the floor with a bat.  They are able to hold a crayon with all fingers and their thumb in opposition, using elbow and shoulder to draw.  They can jump down a step with two feet together. At 2,5 years, they can walk between two lines.  They will start to cross the midline of their body during activities.  They can stand on one leg momentarily.  They can throw a ball in a specific direction.  They can kick a ball without losing balance.  They can use their fingers separately – touching their thumb to their index finger.  Milestones for 3-year-olds They can walk backwards, forwards and sideways.  They can walk heel-toe with good balance. They can walk on a straight line.  They can throw a ball from above his head.  They start to use an inferior pencil grip – holding the pencil between their thumb, index

Parenting Hub

How to make sure the kids’ feeding time is not mission impossible

When a baby or toddler refuses certain foods or does not eat at regular mealtimes which adults are accustomed to, it can create tension and anxiety. Without an understanding of how young children eat, many parents find themselves disillusioned about feeding their child and misunderstand them as “fussy” eaters. This can lead to life-long issues around food.  This is the view of Dr Iqbal Karbanee, paediatrician and CEO of Paed-IQ BabyLine, who says that a lot of conflict arises when parents expect their children to conform to certain unfounded expectations around eating patterns and food preferences, which can be avoided. BabyLine is South Africa’s trusted telephonic medical advice service for the first 1000 days of a child’s life, starting from conception to birth and beyond.  “Childhood is a dynamic phase, and as a child grows and changes developmentally and physically, their nutritional requirements are also changing, ” says Karbanee.   He says that when it comes to butting heads with “fussy” eaters, it is often within the 18-month to 3-year-old category where feeding tantrums, food refusal and picky or select eating give parents headaches. He adds that parents must learn to be more dynamic in adapting to the unique needs of their child.    “Although feeding and nutrition should be viewed in the context of a child’s individuality, unfortunately we also have to consider the cultural and societal norms that come with the family, as well as the influence of others on our expectations of eating,” says Dr Karbanee.  He stresses the need for parents to understand that their young child is an individual,  and as long as they fall  within the basic developmental parameters, then they’re still within normal limits and doing fine.  Below he gives his top tips to help parents and children survive the very normal “fussy” eating phase:  Patience is a virtue – parents may need to offer a certain food to a child on many separate occasions before they’ll stop rejecting it. Just keep trying while showing your child how much you enjoy the food yourself.  A child’s stomach is only the size of their fist, so they’re only comfortable eating small portions of nutritious meals and snacks.  Sometimes it’s also as if children go through certain phases where they crave more protein or more carbohydrate in their diet. Go with the flow and allow your child to eat when they are hungry, and don’t become stressed if they skip a meal here or there. Look at your child’s food intake over an entire week before worrying whether there’s a problem.   Don’t give your child excess fluids like milk or juice or other snacks between meals. Allow them to develop that hunger so that they can eat in a healthier way.  Keep mealtimes happy, positive and fun.  Don’t react if your child refuses food. Provide positive feedback even when their food is only touched, smelled, licked or tasted.  Parents should only seek professional help if their child is not drinking fluids, not growing well, and/or becoming anxious or upset around food. If you are uncertain whether your child’s fussy feeding behaviour is anything serious, consider phoning a reputable medical advice line, which can help you quickly understand whether or not you need to take your child to a doctor.   “Children eat very differently to adults. Adults seem to have regular meals at certain times, sometimes whether they’re hungry or not. We should actually aim to eat more like children, because they will eat only as much as they need to eat,” Dr Karbanee concludes. 

Parenting Hub


A national lock-down together with winter descending may have seen some of us reaching for comfort food more often than we should be.  And to be fair, it’s understandable that we have felt the need for some extra sweetness to get us through these rather bitter times. Something else has happened during lock-down – Gayleen’s Decadence, the artisanal, gourmet chocolate that packs a powerful but delicious health-boosting punch, has re-branded as GD Chocolate and received a stylish new look, with all the good stuff that Gayleen’s many fans love – dairy, preservative, refined sugar and HFCS free, and sweetened only with raw honey.  Furthermore, GD Chocolate recently launched their chocolate Buttercups. Retailing at R20, the Buttercups are a treat-sized favourite that allow you to get your chocolate fix without the temptation to over-indulge.  GD Chocolate Buttercups are made with 71% dark chocolate and about 80% raw ingredients, providing all the superfood benefits of cacao.  The buttercups are available in five deliciously indulgent soft-centre fillings to choose from – Mint, Mocha-Coffee, Turkish Rose, and newcomers to the range, Almond Butter and Vanilla. GD Chocolate Buttercups provide the perfect pick-me-up before exercising, and are a great substitute for coffee when the dreaded mid-afternoon office slump kicks in.  And if you’re inclined to share them, they make a healthy yet delicious addition to school lunchboxes or as after-dinner dessert nibbles with friends. GD Chocolate and Gayleen’s journey started more than 10 years ago, when she adopted a healthier lifestyle but was loath to give up her favoured sweet treat.  She started experimenting with chocolate and soft fillings, and became the first chocolatier in the world to replace sugar or sweeteners with raw honey. She says, “I was told by other chocolatiers that it wasn’t possible to make chocolate sweetened with honey, and eventually had to have my chocolate analysed to prove that I wasn’t lying!  Not only did honey work, but what started out as a stall at a local market is now a national business, with GD Chocolate now sold at Wellness Warehouse, health shops, pharmacies, deli’s, on-line retailers and selected Spar stores around the country – all thanks to my loyal customers!” Follow GD Chocolate on social media Facebook: GD Chocolates Instagram: @gdchocolate For more information or imagery, please don’t hesitate to contact me or visit

Advtech Group

Mood disorders – know the signs & ways to help your teen

One in eight young people between the ages of 5 and 19 are at risk of developing a mental disorder, of which Mood and Anxiety Disorders are the most prevalent. Emphasis on the mental health of young people recently increased as a result of the disruption caused by Covid-19 and lockdowns which exacerbated challenges that existed before the pandemic. It has therefore once again become important to not only start talking about the mental health of young people, but also to recognise symptoms and know where to look for help, an education and mental health expert says.  “The prevalence of mood difficulties among young people is increasingly becoming a concern internationally,” says Dr Jacques Mostert, Brand Academic Manager at ADvTECH, SA’s leading private education provider. Dr Mostert holds a PhD in Psychology of Education and is globally renowned in his field, having conducted experiential research in education in Denmark, the UK, South Africa and The Netherlands. Dr Mostert notes that an estimated 24% of teens between the ages of 11 to 19 suffer from depression caused by the home environment, 25% are subject to cyber-bullying and loneliness, 92% of LGBT youth report depression during the ages of 11 to 19, and 80% of teens between the ages of 11 to 19 report a sense of isolation that causes them to feel depressed. “It is very important to understand the signs of depression, so that action can be taken timeously should concerns about the mental wellbeing of a child arise,” says Dr Mostert. “Teachers and parents can recognise the onset of depression when a sudden change in behaviour becomes apparent and continues for at least 3 weeks or longer. These include an atypical lack of energy, becoming increasingly irritable and agitated without a rational explanation, and a sense of being down in the dumps for no reason.” Some adolescents may withdraw from friends and family over a sustained period of time, he notes, adding that this is especially concerning if this is atypical of the normal interactions of the teen. “Another red flag is the inability to concentrate in class where ADHD or other non-neurotypical difficulties are not present, as well as regularly failing to complete classroom and homework assignments in time or often being late to class because of feeling overwhelmed. “This, coupled with unusually defiant behaviour towards teachers and other school staff, especially if this is non-typical behaviour, may indicate that the teen is experiencing difficulties with mood and affect.” In the same way as with anxiety difficulties and disorder, the student often asks to go home because of feeling ill with no discernable symptoms.  The teen often has days off from class time due to doctor’s appointments, hospitalisation, or inability to attend classes. Changes in sleep patterns, a significant weight loss or gain in a short period of time and disinterest in hobbies or areas where the teen previously showed interest also raise concerns about the mental wellbeing of the teenager. Finally, a loss of future-mindedness, or talk about death or suicide, engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviour (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or cutting, for example) are clear signs of the teen suffering from mood difficulties or a possible mood disorder. “Not all of the above need to be present, but if there is a discernable and drastic change in a young person’s behaviour which continues for a period of several weeks or longer, intervention is necessary,” Dr Mostert says. He says first steps teachers and parents can take to help their child deal with depression at home and in the classroom include: DEVELOPING COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS Parents of teenagers should develop the habit of listening with empathy and not give in to the easier way out of lecturing. However, it must also be said that parents should be gentle yet persistent when it comes to holding realistic expectations of their child. AVOIDING NEGATIVE TECHNIQUE STRATEGIES Punishment, sarcasm, disparagement, and passive-aggression is a way of affirming the depressed teenager’s belief of not being worthy or a valued member of the family or society. Parents must be willing to be vulnerable and acknowledge their own and their teenager’s feelings, especially at a time of disruption such as the Covid-19 pandemic. NOT LOWERING EXPECTATIONS OR GIVING UNEARNED REWARDS Realistic and earned rewards is one of the most important tools in a parent’s approach to supporting their depressed child. The sense of having earned a reward, and receiving acknowledgement for an aspect of their life they find significant affirms a sense of value. However, the opposite is also true. Unearned praise leaves the teenager with a feeling of inauthenticity and affirms their already negative self-perception.  PLANNING FOR EARNED SUCCESS Activities that are of interest often fall by the wayside when teenagers are depressed. Often parents try to arrange and engage in these activities as a panacea to their teenager’s depression. However, this may exacerbate the young person’s feeling of worthlessness. Parents should find novel and interesting activities that may lead to earned success. This may include DIY activities around the house or asking for help with a specific app or technology in which, when success is achieved, due praise is earned. “Most importantly, parents should trust their gut,” Dr Mostert says. “If your teenager insists that nothing is wrong, despite a prolonged period of depressed mood or being diagnosed with major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, parents should trust their instincts and seek help. “Should the above techniques not bring about an improvement in the mental wellbeing, parents should seek advice from their medical practitioner or a psychiatrist.”


How to Tell if Your Baby is Hungry

Just as your baby is learning how to eat solid food, so too will you be learning the skill to read your baby’s hunger and fullness cues. A healthy baby will eat without being coaxed and stop when full. Being responsive to your baby’s signs of hunger and fullness will help manage many frustrating mealtimes and also leave you rest assured that your little human is happy and content with a full tummy. Feed Me! Your baby will let you know when they are hungry by reaching out or pointing to food. They may even become excitable when placed in a familiar eating place like a highchair, and be rather expressive with smiling, cooing, squeals of glee, and maybe even a frustrated cry. Your baby may also move their fingers towards their mouth or try and reach out for the spoon as you prepare to feed. Fill Up! Adults, babies, and children are less likely to eat beyond fullness and your baby will very clearly tell you if they need more food or if their tummy is full. What started out as a content baby in a feeding chair, now becomes fussier and more irritable. The pace of eating will slow down, and your baby will close the mouth, push food away and even spit it out. Older babies may grab and throw food to the floor. There will be a change in posture from excitable and upright to disinterested and slumping in the chair, and some babies may even fall asleep. It is good to know that it is normal for your baby’s appetite to change from day to day, and even from meal to meal. Be guided by your baby’s interest in food and appetite levels to know how much to offer, rather than worry about an exact amount eaten. It is recommended that you check your baby’s weight regularly and if you are concerned about the amount your baby eats or about its weight you should consult your doctor or specialist. For a convenient way to get your baby to try its first foods, why not try Squish 100% fruit and veg purees? Squish offers a range of 100% fruit and veg purees and pressed 100% fruit and veg juices. The convenient pouches are well-loved amongst mommies and are perfect for babies from the first introduction of solids, right through the weaning process – from babies to toddlers and beyond.


A balanced diet with dairy for optimal growth

All growing children need good nutrition to build healthy bodies. Eating patterns that are formed while growing up influence dietary patterns throughout life and is a good prediction of overall health in adulthood. Therefore it is important that parents should not only strive to feed their children a healthy balanced diet, consisting of a variety of foods, but also set a good example by eating healthy food themselves. Maretha Vermaak, registered dietitian at Rediscover Dairy says: “Growing children need vital nutrients, including those found in dairy foods, to help them develop strong, healthy bodies. It is important to make sure that children are not at risk. Hunger and poor nutrition are not only connected to their growth and development, but also their readiness to learn. When children have regular access to nutritious meals, especially breakfast, research shows a connection to better performance in school.” Everyone in the family needs dairy in every stage of their life It starts at pregnancy. Because dairy is important for bone health and development, it is important for a pregnant mother. When a woman expects a baby, she needs to make sure that she gets enough calcium to maintain her own bone mass and the skeleton of her growing baby. Healthy, sensible eating and planning are necessary to give your body and the growing baby everything needed for a healthy outcome. Dairy will help provide you and your baby with many of the important nutrients you need. Your daily calcium needs during the life cycle Your baby grows very fast in the first year of life: Birth weight triples Length increases by 50% Head circumference increases by 30% The percentage of water in the body decreases, whereas the percentage of fat and protein increases At one year of age, your baby should have at least developed four teeth It is well recognised that the period from birth to two years of age is a ‘critical window’ for the promotion of optimal growth, health, and behavioural development. Breastfeeding your baby is the best start for any child. Breast milk helps keep your baby healthy and it supplies all the necessary nutrients in the proper proportions. It also protects your baby against allergies, sickness, and child obesity. Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby – it changes constantly to meet babies’ needs. The milk volume and composition changes according to the time of day, nursing frequency, and the age of the baby to promote healthy growth. The World Health Organisation encourages exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. By the age of six months, your baby is now ready to be introduced to solid foods. This is the time to start with complementary feeding.  Complementary feeding is defined as the process starting when breast milk alone is no longer enough to meet the nutritional requirements of infants, and other foods and liquids are needed in addition to breast milk. When you introduce your baby to solids, start with small amounts of one food at a time and increase the quantity as the child gets older.  Examples of introductory foods include: soft maize meal porridge; iron-fortified rice cereal; sweet potatoes or potatoes; butternut and other mashed or strained vegetables; chicken livers or fine, soft meat or chicken; and mashed fruit like bananas or pawpaw. Subsequently, a variety of foods is recommended.  This is also the ideal time to introduce yoghurt and cheese to your child. Yoghurt is a perfect base for lunch or an in-between snack. You can mix plain full-cream or double cream yoghurt with fresh mashed fruit. Remember your baby does not know the taste of  sugar or salt and you do not need to add any sugar or use sweetened yoghurt. You can grate cheese into their vegetables or allow them to eat a piece of cheese just like that – it is a perfect finger food. Full-cream milk may also be used to mix their cereal or in a white sauce as an addition to vegetables. Adding milk to your baby’s food ensures the addition of many important nutrients and good quality protein.  At the age of six months your baby still needs breast milk and mothers are strongly advised to continue breastfeeding. If possible, breastfeeding should continue up to two years. At six months your baby still needs 150 ml milk per kilogram of body weight. Acceptable milk sources include fresh full-cream milk, long-life milk (UHT), fermented milk (maas), or yoghurt.  Increase the consistency and variety of food gradually as the infant gets older, adapting to the baby’s requirements and abilities. Infants can eat pureed, mashed, and semi-solid foods from six months of age. By eight months, most babies can also eat ‘finger foods’, which is food that they can eat on their own. By 12 months, most children can eat the same types of foods as the rest of the family. However, keep in mind the need for foods rich in nutrients. It is important to teach children from an early age to enjoy their food. Mealtimes should be times of relaxed social interaction in a loving environment.  How and when to introduce dairy in your child’s diet There is a dairy product to suit everyone’s taste and dietary preferences.

Parenting Hub

A Little GLO on the Inside and Out

WHITE GLO UPS THE ANTE ON ORAL HEALTH AND BEAUTY AS ONE  Australian owned brand and leading dental innovator, White Glo is taking over our daily beauty and hygiene routines once again with a new range of hotly anticipated products. No stranger to pushing the boundaries of dental health and beauty, White Glo has launched world first innovations in their Curcumin and Turmeric, Instant White and Micellar Whitening Toothpastes – shaking up our daily brushing routine as we know it.  Maintaining our health and wellbeing has never been more important than right now, and oral health and hygiene are no exception. Our mouths are the gateway to our immune system and vital organs and is often the first port of call when assessing our overall health. But a nod to oral health doesn’t just benefit our insides – taking care of our teeth, tongue and mouth with a consistent routine inevitably brings a freshness to our smiles, and there’s nothing quite like the confidence that a bright white smile brings.   Getting there is not as tricky, disruptive or time consuming as you may think. Enter: the next generation of White Glo. Guaranteed to be working harder and smarter than the toothpaste sitting on your bathroom counter right now, White Glo’s new range heightens every health and beauty routine with a little pizazz you didn’t even know you needed. White Glo Curcumin and Turmeric Whitening Toothpaste (R72.95) – Stockist – Dis-Chem You’ll be forgiven for questioning whether you really did read turmeric in the same sentence as whitening toothpaste. These days, turmeric conjures images of spiced lattes and fragrant recipes, but it also works wonders for gum inflammation and keeping plaque and tartar build up at bay. White Glo’s Curcumin & Turmeric Whitening Toothpaste is equipped with extra strength agents that whitens and protects against decay at the same time.    White Glo Instant White Whitening Toothpaste (R79.95) –  Stockists – Clicks, Dis-Chem & Pick n Pay The joys of a product that make us feel glowing in a moment and has long-term health benefits is truly a thing to behold. White Glo Instant White Whitening Toothpaste has a firm seat at the table, as just one brush will leave you with a new spark to your pearly whites while simultaneously working to whiten the enamel on your teeth in the long term. The Blue Foam Optical technology is based on colour science – blue offsets yellow in the colour spectrum therefore this formula is designed to give teeth an immediate boost for when you need it most. White Glo Micellar Whitening Toothpaste (R49.95) –  Stockist – Dis-Chem Health and beauty gurus are no stranger to the wonders of micellar water for when our skin needs a deep clean. It turns out the same goes for our teeth! White Glo Micellar Whitening Toothpaste is formulated with micelles – an active cleaning molecule which acts as a magnet to capture stains, plaque and tartar on the enamel. No vigorous brushing, no lengthy whitening processes – just a gentle brush with micellar and you’ll be on your merry way to a fresh white smile.                                                                                                              A bright smile goes hand in hand with oral health. It’s never been simpler to satisfy both at once than with White Glo!

Parenting Hub

The Scoop on Soup

Five benefits of enjoying a hearty bowl of homemade soup We’ve just come out of a country-wide cold snap and it’s likely we will face another before winter is up. The cooler weather definitely offers the perfect opportunity to indulge in a hearty bowl of homemade soup. Be it a bisque or broth, Catherine Clark, the owner and founder of Harvest Table says that soups are not only an easy choice to warm you up, they are the ultimate healthy meal or snack that the whole family will love.  “Whatever the season, my favourite go-to meal for my family is soup. The most wonderful thing about this easy, convenient meal is the health benefits that come with it. Combining so many essential food groups, soups are rich in the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that your body needs to keep you going, especially in the colder months,” Catherine says. She offers five reasons why you should be eating more soup this winter are: 1. Soup is inexpensive Making soup is a great way to use up all the leftovers you’ve got in your fridge and a little goes a long way. If you have veggies that are starting to wilt, tossing them into a soup can give them new life. Play around with ratios and measurements to create a warming, delicious bowl of goodness and add a variety of herbs and spices to create new flavours.  2. Soup is easy to prepare Soup is one of the easiest, stress-free meals to cook. You need zero “cheffy” skills to whip up a mouth-watering homemade delight. It’s simply a case of sweating off some onions, leeks or even celery, adding water or stock and whatever else you fancy, be it root vegetables, chicken or greens, and just waiting until everything is cooked through. It couldn’t be simpler.  3. It’s good for you Soups are versatile and you can pack them chock full of nutrient-dense fibrous vegetables, meats, lentils and beans. And because soups are slow-cooked, these ingredients retain their nutritional value, delivering a meal in a bowl that is easy to digest, appealing in texture and tastes great. Just go easy on the salt and cream, and your bowl of soup will always be a nutritious and filling option. 4. It freezes well Forget ready-made meals, soup is the last word in convenience foods. To prepare lunches or dinners in advance, whip up a big batch of your favourite soup over the weekend and you can stash half in the freezer to enjoy later. A bonus: you’ll have a healthy, homemade meal at the ready when you’re busy, under the weather or too tired to cook.  5. It can give your immune system a boost While all the ingredients used to make a homemade soup are nutritious, you can also give your immune system an extra boost by adding Harvest Table Bone Broth Powder to your soup. Good immunity starts in your gut, and bone broth ensures a well-functioning digestive system as it helps seal up any holes, heals the lining and nourishes the gut with important nutrients. Plus, bone broth is mild enough to be able to blend into almost any dish without the risk of it overpowering, or even changing the flavour. In fact, in soups, it is known to enhance the flavour. In hopes of tempting even beginner cooks to jump on the soup bandwagon, here is a much-loved simple, but delicious soup recipe by @drjoshaxe from the Harvest Table kitchen: Home-made Chicken Broth INGREDIENTS: 2kg chicken necks/feet/wings 3 carrots, chopped 3 celery stalks, chopped 2 medium onions, peel on, sliced in half lengthwise and quartered 4 garlic cloves, peel on and smashed 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt 1 teaspoon whole peppercorns 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 bay leaves 3 sprigs fresh thyme 5–6 sprigs parsley 1 teaspoon oregano 18–20 cups cold water **Optional: 8 tablespoons of The Harvest Table Bone Broth DIRECTIONS: Place all ingredients in a 10-quart capacity slow cooker. Add in water. Simmer for 24–48 hours, skimming fat occasionally. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly. Discard solids and strain remainder in a bowl through a colander. Let stock cool to room temperature, cover and chill. Use within a week or freeze up to three months. Harvest Table has a wide range of collagen products that are available from Follow Catherine on Instagram: @whole_healthy_me.

Paarl Dietitians


Cravings’ are often the cause of overindulging and cheating on everyday healthy eating that contributes to weight gain. But…did you know that your ‘craving’ could be the cause of a deficiency in your diet or your body telling you that it needs a certain nutrient. Continue reading, if you want to know which nutrients you really need to nip those ‘cravings’ in the bud. Craving this…. Means you may be missing this… General overeating The science behind overeating, hunger and cravings is vast and can easily fill a book. We overeat for many reasons — hunger (the rumbling in your stomach) and appetite, of course — but also when we are tired or to celebrate, to be social, to soothe and to relieve boredom. However, a lack of silicon (found in nuts and seeds), tryptophan (found in cottage cheese, raisins, sweet potato and spinach) and tyrosine (present in orange, red, green fruits and vegetables, Vitamin C supplement) could also contribute to overeating. If you ‘crave’ the following foods, it could be your body telling you what you really need. Hormones and cravings As many as 70% of women suffer from PMS-related food cravings, bloating, fatigue, sleep disturbances, mood swings and irritability – any of which have the potential to sabotage a healthy diet. First, you have food cravings, usually for sweet, starchy foods with an underlay of fat, like chocolate ice cream. And then, your bad mood makes you say, ‘To hell with it!’ You lose your willpower to exercise and any control over what you are eating. What do we eat when those cravings hit? Chocolate is no. 1 on the hit parade, followed generally by other sweets. Salty foods, particularly chips, are a distant third. The hormonal ebbs and spikes that occur throughout a woman’s cycle are the major culprits in PMS. Cravings during PMS could further be exacerbated by a deficiency in zinc! Cravings, foods and moods Food also influences our mood and mood influences our food choices or could be the cause of you succumbing to that ‘craving’. If you find that your mood changes after meals and snacks, it may be that you’re lacking the nutrients that can help promote good mental health. Anxiety is often due to a deficiency of folic acid and magnesium. Folic acid can be found in foods such as meat, spinach, beetroot and asparagus. Depression could be made worse if your diet is lacking in vitamin B6 and B3 found in lean meat, oily fish (salmon, trout, tuna), whole grains, some fruits and vegetables as well as avocado. If poor concentration & attention is a problem then you need omega-3 fats and Vitamin B1 found in pork, seafood, whole grains, seeds and most vegetables. Insulin: Fuel for cravings Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body produces insulin but the body’s cells do not use the insulin properly. Insulin helps cells use blood glucose for energy. After you eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner, insulin is released into the bloodstream. Insulin’s job is to give muscles and organs permission to access sugar in the bloodstream. When people are insulin resistant, their muscle, fat and liver cells do not respond properly to insulin. As a result, their bodies need more insulin to help glucose enter cells. The pancreas tries to keep up with this increased demand for insulin by producing more. When there is too much insulin present, it contributes to sugar cravings as well as the “mid-afternoon lows.” Eventually, those sugar cravings lead to weight gain if we give in. Insulin resistance increases the risk of developing pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A person is classified as being insulin resistant if their middle circumference is >88cm (women) and >102cm (men). So get those measuring tapes out……or alternatively your Dietitian would be able to arrange for the necessary blood tests to be performed to determine if you are insulin resistant. Insulin resistance is a major global health concern that proves to be difficult to combat. Are you a victim? Tips on controlling those nasty cravings Have regular meals as well as snacks and DON’T skip meals. This will help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and prevent cravings. Limit starchy carbohydrates intake to meal times only and choose Low Glycemic Index starches. NO Starchy carbohydrate snacks – rather choose lean protein e.g. biltong, a small portion of nuts or yoghurt Exclude refined sugar like jelly, sweets or biscuits – this will only make the cravings worse! Know your metabolic rate: use it as an indication of the total carbohydrates that you need (and are allowed to eat) in a day –Your dietitian would be able to measure this for you. Have yourself checked out! Our dietitian’s take a complete diet history, assess your diet and establish which nutrients you are lacking in. Anél, Caryn or Sanmare can then advise you on how to make the necessary dietary changes to ensure a nutritionally balanced diet. If you are concerned about the nutritional adequacy of your diet, then make use of a good quality, comprehensive multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. Ask your dietitian for advice. Craving sugar and carbohydrates? Then consider using a chromium supplement. Chromium helps to maintain blood-sugar levels, by assisting insulin to do its job and keep the blood-sugar levels even which reduces sugar cravings. You require 200 mcg Chromium, twice a day, for control of cravings. Some forms of chromium may be toxic – so make sure you use the correct supplement. Discuss this with your dietitian, otherwise come and have a look at the practice where we stock the correct brands of chromium. Brushing your teeth is a tactic to help avoid late night snacking, which is mainly something that’s habitual. Many times when we eat late at night, it’s by force of habit, not because we are really ‘craving’ or hungry. Another tactic is to avoid the kitchen after a certain time at night, say 8pm. Many of us go in the kitchen like mindless zombies looking for stuff to munch on, so this “no kitchen re-entry” rule


14 July is Mac and Cheese Day!

This easy-to-make classic is a failproof winner for all busy moms! We’ve taken our version of this dish to the next level by adding more flavour and some extra crunch. Cheese is a good source of calcium, protein, and phosphorus; three nutrients particularly important to help build and maintain healthy bones, making our Triple Mac and Cheese a nutritious meal with each serving including about 60 grams of cheese.  Serves 4-6 people Ingredients 100 g salted butter 100 g (3/4 cup) flour  750 ml full-cream milk 180 g (1.½ cup) grated mild cheddar cheese 120 g (1 cup) grated white mature cheddar cheese 40 g (1/3 cup) parmesan cheese 1/4 tsp paprika 1/2 tsp mustard powder 500 g pasta – fusilli is recommended For the topping  60 g (1/2 cup) mild cheddar cheese (as a topping) 1 small packet sour cream and chives crisps – crushed (get the kids to help out)  salt and pepper to taste Method Pre-heat the oven to 180°C.  Bring a big pot of water to the boil then season well with salt. Cook the pasta by following the package instructions. Whilst the pasta is cooking, start the triple cheese sauce. In a large saucepan, on a medium-high heat, melt the butter, then add all the flour. Whisk it together and cook them for about a minute. It should form a smooth paste called a roux. Then remove from the heat.  Heat up the milk in the microwave for about 2-4 minutes, this will prevent lumping. Add small amounts of the hot milk to the roux, and mix well until incorporated each time.  Cook the sauce for a few minutes, whisking the entire time with a hand whisk for about 5-10 min. Your white sauce should be nice and smooth and quite thick. If it’s too thick then just add a bit more milk. Remove the pan from the heat and then add the cheeses, give it a good stir until all the cheese have melted. Add the paprika and mustard powder, mix well. Season with salt and ground pepper. Set aside. Once the noodles are done, firm to the bite – al dente, drain and then return them to the pot, pour about 3/4 of the cheese sauce into the pasta and give it a good stir with spoon. Pour the Triple Mac and Cheese into a greased, oven proof dish. Add the remaining cheese sauce on top of the pasta and smooth it out using the back of a spoon. Make sure you cover the entire surface. In a small bowl decant the packet of crisps and crush it. Mix the half cup of grated cheddar cheese with the crisps. Sprinkle this mixture on top of the Mac and Cheese. Pop it in the oven for about 20 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Enjoy!  Nutrition analysis Serving size: 280 g Energy (kJ) 1434 Protein (g) 13.2 Total Carbohydrates (g) 34.2 Fat (g) 16 Calcium (mg) 162 To download the recipe card and find other dairy inspired recipes, visit


The Do’s and Don’ts of Baby’s First Foods

Your baby is nearing six months and excitement starts to mount as you prepare to introduce solids for the first time. To help you navigate your way through this journey, here are a few top do’s and don’ts. DO: ● Even though milk alone may not meet your baby’s nutritional needs from 6 months, milk is still an important source of nutrients essential for healthy growth. This means that you will continue to offer your baby milk when you start with solid foods. Squish 100% fruit and veg purees are the perfect way to introduce solids to your baby – free from preservatives, flavourings, colourants and starch, the Squish range of fruit and veg purees offer a convenient solution to baby’s weaning needs.  ● Look beyond cereal or porridge as a first food. Traditionally, starches like cereals and soft porridge (e.g. rice porridge or maize porridge) are preferred. While these are good options, you can also try other foods like puréed sweet potato, butternut, carrots, apples, pears, pawpaw, and peaches. ● For a convenient way to get your baby to try their first foods, why not try Squish 100% fruit and veg purees? Squish offers a range of 100% fruit and veg purees and pressed 100% fruit and veg juices. The convenient pouches are well-loved amongst mommies and are perfect for babies from the first introduction of solids, right through the weaning process – from babies to toddlers and beyond. ● Prepare your baby’s first food with milk. Regardless of the food you choose, prepare it with baby’s milk to help your baby recognise a flavour that they have been used to for the past 6 months. Offer this food for three days before moving on to another food or changing the flavour in the food, to check that babyyour  is not allergic to anything. The Squish range of single fruits like Squish 100% Apple puree or Squish 100% Pear puree are a convenient way to start baby on solids. ● Offer your baby a variety of flavours from early on. It is good practice as you progress on your solids journey, but continually offer baby’s tastebuds new flavours and taste dimensions. Blend starches, fruit, vegetables and flavours in interesting combinations e.g. beetroot and blueberry, cinnamon and pumpkin, oats and apple puree, cauliflower and peach, etc. Squish 100% fruit and veg purees offer a wide range of flavour choices, all ready for you and baby to try, no mess, no fuss. Like Squish Summer Berries, Squish Medley of Fruits, and Squish Mixed Veg, or why not try our NEW Squish apple, sweet potato and sweet corn, or NEW Squish sweet potato, apple and cinnamon puree. ● Let your baby play with food. The eating experience is about more than just taste and the other senses like sight, feeling and smell are equally important. Allow your baby to experiment with the food you are serving by adding some to the tray of the feeding chair or scooping into their little hands. This will encourage your baby to start moving the hand to the mouth to learn the important skill of self-feeding. DON’T: ● Do not introduce solids for the first time when your baby is sick. Illnesses, fever, teething, and runny stomachs are not a good time to try solids as your baby will not be in a happy space. ● Do not limit your baby’s exposure to other textures. While it is important to start with pureed options as your baby first experiences the change in texture from liquid milk, it is easy to get stuck here. Be sure to progress to lumpier foods over time. Go from fully pureed to leaving some lumps, and rather than using a blender roughly mash with the back of a fork. The ability to handle lumpier foods is important long term for your baby’s oral development for speech and can happen quicker than most parents realise. ● Do not prepare baby’s food with added salt and sugar. A baby’s kidneys are not mature enough to manage a lot of salt. There is no need to prepare food with added salt, and it is advised to avoid adding salt when preparing your baby’s meals. There is also no need to add sugar. Let your baby get used to the natural sweetness from foods like fruit and dairy. Rather use a variety of herbs and spices to excite your baby’s taste buds, such as cinnamon, cumin, mint, vanilla essence, etc. ● Do not avoid rejected foods. Studies have shown that it takes up to 15 exposures of a new food before a baby is likely to eat it. To help track this, make a list of foods like fruits, vegetables, protein and starches and place on the fridge. Every time you offer it to your baby, mark it off with a tick (if liked) or cross (if baby spits it out). Simply freeze the pureed food that your baby rejects and try (and try and try) again another time. ● Do not avoid fruit. There is no evidence that babies will not like vegetables if they have already had naturally sweeter fruit. Suitable fruits can be introduced early on, such as apple puree or mashed banana. You can also mix fruits with yoghurt and vegetables, such as carrot and apple puree or sweet potato and pear puree. Do not worry or stress too much, follow your baby’s lead and enjoy these special first moments watching your baby learn and find their way. Whatever it is, remember your baby will let you know when it is ready and you should enjoy the process. 

Parenting Hub

The Goodness of Tomatoes – 5 simple meals

Winter is here, it’s the ideal time to spend with family by the fireside, wrapped up snuggly with deliciously warm meals. Winter is also a time to stay healthy and boost your immune system. Did you know? Tomatoes are rich in natural vitamins and antioxidants and perfect to fight off those nasty winter bugs! Rhodes Quality has a range of canned tomato and paste products that will have you making the tastiest, heartiest winter recipes with ease. With the goodness of mother nature sealed in every can, rest assured you will create nourishing and satisfying meals for your family prepared with love. Everything from lasagne to slow-cooked pulled pork, an easy pumpkin and chickpea curry, beef and veg pie or a lighter lunch with chicken parmesan wraps – these 5 simple meals all have the goodness of Rhodes Quality tomatoes in them. Mexican Baby Marrow Lasagne A delectable, spicy, Mexican-inspired no-carb lasagne that is perfect for a cosy Mexican themed dinner night in with the family. This dish uses Rhodes Quality Mexican Style Tomatoes, Onions & Chilies, which has been made by sealing in all the goodness of the spices in one can for your convenience – for an added Vitamin C boost serve the dish with  a glass of pineapple juice. A delectable, spicy, Mexican-inspired no-carb lasagne that is perfect for a cosy Mexican themed dinner night in with the family. This dish uses Rhodes Quality Mexican Style Tomatoes, Onions & Chilies, which has been made by sealing in all the goodness of the spices in one can for your convenience – for an added Vitamin C boost serve the dish with  a glass of pineapple juice. Ingredients (serves 6)    1 x 400g can Rhodes Quality Tomato Mexican Style 15 ml (1 Tbsp) 1 onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 500 g lean beef mince salt and freshly cracked black pepper 400 g baby marrows, washed and thinly sliced lengthways 250 g plain cream cheese 2 eggs 60 g (½ cup) grated mozzarella cheese 60 g (½ cup) grated cheddar cheese 1 red pepper, seeded and diced Method Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add the onion and fry until softened. Add the garlic and fry for a few minutes more. Add the can of Rhodes Quality Tomatoes, Mexican Style and bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 15 minutes and season to taste. In a casserole dish that has been sprayed with non-stick spray, layer up the mince alternatively with the baby marrow slices, ending with a layer of mince. Whisk together the cream cheese and the eggs until smooth and season to taste. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the top of the mince. Mix the cheeses and sprinkle over the cream cheese then sprinkle over the red pepper. Bake the lasagne in an oven that has been preheated to 180° c for 30-40 minutes or until the top is golden and set. Serve hot. Slow-cooked pulled pork Tender enough to pull apart with a fork, this slow-cooked pork can be served on buns, in wraps or over rice and mash and is a versatile meal for lunch or dinner and the sauce uses Rhodes Quality Tomato and Onion Gravy for your convenience. Pair with a delicious Rhodes Quality 100% orange juice to pack a vitamin C punch. Ingredients (serves 6) 2 x 400 g cans Rhodes Quality Tomato and Onion Gravy 500 ml (2 cups) Rhodes Quality Orange 100% Fruit Juice Blend 1.5 kg pork shoulder salt and freshly cracked black pepper 125 ml (½ cup) brown sugar 4 garlic cloves, crushed 250 ml (1 cup) prepared chicken stock Method Place the pork into the bottom of a slow cooker and season well. Pour the Rhodes Quality Tomato and Onion Gravy and the Rhodes Quality Orange 100% Fruit Juice Blend over the meat. Add the brown sugar, garlic, and chicken stock. Cook over medium heat for 5 -6 hours or until it shreds easily. Remove the meat from the sauce and shred using two forks. Pour any excess oil off the top of the sauce and whisk well. Season to taste. Serve the meat on buns or wraps with the sauce on the side. Pumpkin and Chickpea Curry An easy vegetarian curry, prepared in under and hour made with Rhodes Quality tinned Chickpeas for your convenience. Ingredients (serves 6)   1 x 400 g can Rhodes Quality Chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1 x 115 g Rhodes Quality Tomato Paste Cup 500 g (2 cups) peeled and chopped pumpkin 30 ml (2 Tbsp) vegetable oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 carrots, peeled and chopped 1 red pepper, seeded and sliced 1 garlic clove, crushed 30 ml (2 Tbsp) Pakco Curry Paste  1 x 400 ml can coconut milk 200 g broccoli, washed and cut into florets to serve: rice, poppadums and fresh coriander Pepper Steak Pie A South African winter favourite. Homemade conveniently with Rhodes Quality Tomatoes Chopped and Peeled. Deliciously saucy. Ingredients (makes 4 pies) 1 x 400 g can Rhodes Quality Tomatoes Chopped & Peeled 1 x 50 g Sachet Rhodes Quality Tomato Paste 1.5 kg beef steak, de-boned and cubed 125 ml (½ cup) cake flour salt & freshly cracked black pepper 30 ml (2 Tbsp) sunflower oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 10 ml (2 tsp) dried mixed herbs 500 ml (2 cups) prepared beef stock 20 ml (1Tbsp + 1 tsp) cracked black pepper 1  x 400 g roll ready-made puff pastry 1 egg, lightly beaten Method Place the beef cubes in a large bowl. Add the cake flour and season well with salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Heat the oil in a large heavy bottomed saucepan. Shake the excess flour off the meat and fry in batches until sealed on all sides and set aside. Add the onions to the saucepan and, over a low heat, fry until softened. Add the garlic and herbs and fry for a few

Parenting Hub

Is seeking mental health support online better than face to face support?

Covid-19 has changed the way we do things. It has simplified the aspect of staying home. Whether you need to get vegetables, fast food, host an important meeting or even get your child to catch up with school work, it can all be done from the comfort of your home. The pandemic has allowed us to stay home but still remain connected.  It has even made it possible for patients seeking mental health assistance to get help from their home. From scheduling your medication to virtually speaking to your provider it is all possible for the patient’s benefit.  There are also a number of support groups that have been made available to help people who are unable to cope with social distancing to the anxiety of contracting the virus. This new age of no longer needing to sit in a therapy chair and pour out your trouble has been received well by patients.  Infact studies show that most people are very comfortable with the idea of not needing to leave their home to seek help. In the United States more than half of the patients say the pandemic has changed the way they speak to their doctor. And most of them have also said they would switch to a different provider if the current one did not offer telehealth appointments. In South Africa this has also become the new way of seeking help. Many helplines have already been setup to assist people who need the mental health support online.  But the real question is where does it leave real life support? There are still a number of people that feel they are more comfortable seeking help in person.  This means that while many have adopted to the online portal there are still those who need face-to-face contact.  Let us look at some of the benefits of online treatment versus face-to-face treatment.  Online: Using this platform allows you to seek help without leaving your home. This means those that are dealing with issues of anxiety and agoraphobia would prefer this method of therapy.  Face-to-face: This has been the way of treatment for a long time and for many this what they are familiar with.  Online: A big advantage for people with physical disabilities as well as those that are located in remote areas. This way they can still be in contact with their health care provider regardless of where they are at the time.  Face-to-face: Therapist are able to engage all senses. By having a patient physically in front of you in a session you are able to read their body language and reactions. It also helps patients take in the atmosphere and treatment.  Online: This might be disrupted if you share an apartment or home with multiple people. One might not be able to find a quite space to engage with the therapist during the session.  Face-to-face: A therapy session might be the only safe place for a patient. This means that they would only find comfort and escapism in the confines of the offices of this trusted person. For someone like this online would be a major adjustment.  The differences might not mean that there needs to an adjustment in the way therapy is conducted. However, what it does open us up to is the possibility of having an alternative medium to seek help.  This might have been practised on a small scale pre-covid, but now that the accessibility to mental health care is constant, there is a good chance more and more people would be on board to seek help.  As we continue to accept this new way of living let us be open to these possibilities and encourage a living that is both holistic and convenient.  Devan Moonsamy is the CEO of ICHAF Training Institute, a South African TVET College. He is the author of Racism, Classism, Sexism, And The Other ISMs That Divide Us, AND My Leadership Legacy Journal available from the ICHAF Training Institute.  The ICHAF Training Institute offers SETA-approved training in business skills, computer use, and soft skills. Devan specialises in conflict and diversity management, and regularly conducts seminars on these issues for corporates. To book a seminar with Devan or for other training courses, please use the contact details below. Tel: 011 262 2461 | 083 303 9159 |  Email: |  Website: | By Devan Moonsamy 

Parenting Hub

Can we solve SA’s malnutrition problem?

South Africa has constantly teetered on the edge of food insecurity and Covid-19 has officially pushed us over. While food security was highlighted during the pandemic, as the pandemic recedes it will likely become a major social and political issue as the coming year unfolds. And rightfully so. The 2020 Child Gauge identified food insecurity as one of the main reasons why South Africa remains stuck in a low-growth trajectory. The report points out that not only are 25% of South Africa’s children stunted through insufficient nutrients for healthy growth and development but that most South African children now live in communities where healthy foods are no longer available or affordable. Above inflation food prices are one reason for this especially if we consider that a food basket for the poor has increased by 15.3% over the past year, costing R4 051,20 on average. And the impact is certainly being felt. An increase in destitution Some of the NPOs we support report a dire situation on the ground. For instance, Sue Wildish, MD of The Lunchbox Fund reports that the collapse of the tourism and hospitality industry throughout the pandemic has pushed large swathes of population into poverty, with serious consequences for childhood development. It established a downward spiral in which parents were unable to pay fees into Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDCs) and consequently keep their children at home.  Those ECDCs that were able to stay open suffered from reduced capacity and teachers in turn could not be paid. With more jobs lost, even more households were pushed into food-insecurity. Schools need to be encouraged to stay open and to accept children regardless of cost so they can be in a place of safety and be fed.  People working in NPOs further note that queues at Department of Social Development and Home Affairs have increased by 50% in most areas. This increase in destitution means children are eating low quality, low-price foods with little nutritive value. Wildish reports the impact of this as being “children who are stunted, undernourished and overweight – a triple impact”. Anecdotally, she says, 25% of ECDCs that are unfunded by the Department of Social Development or who are not receiving support from NPOs have closed permanently, and two million children will no longer have access to pre-school educational stimulation and the meals they receive at school. One meal a day, if that Feedback from Kelvin Glen, Executive: Stakeholder Relations, Afrika Tikkun, is that its teams of social workers, educators and community development officers have reported an increase in the incidence of malnutrition throughout their communities. The meals served at their centres are often the only meal the children/youth receive. He believes that poverty and suffering, as well as a lack of opportunities in already overpopulated areas, lead to a rise in crime, alcohol and drug abuse, and violence. Afrika Tikkun believes that this is due to rising food prices, which has resulted in a lack of access to healthy, nutritious meals, as well as high levels of unemployment and poverty. He is convinced that the solution lies in upscaling feeding schemes by the NPO industry and government in the short term. Recognizing that battling fires all the time is impractical, Glen proposes a two-pronged long-term strategy: “We must solve the structural inequality in our society through long-term growth and mobilization of the youth to achieve economic independence.” Secondly, South Africa has an abundance of fertile land and unemployed unskilled youth, the solution is ‘agripreneurship’ training in agriculture and entrepreneurship.” Empowering the unskilled and unemployed youth to become entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector will dually address the issue of poor nutrition and create employment in the production of fresh vegetables and livestock. Worryingly, Afrika Tikkun believes that those who are poor have already hit their breaking point. In turn, the non-profit sector is overburdened in attempting to help what has been described as a “tidal wave of need.” Poverty: a hidden problem Noting a reduced media coverage around food insecurity in SA – HOPE worldwide South Africa’s Dr Marc Aguirre says his organisation continues to see many families that are suffering, caused mainly by to food insecurity and hunger and that are living lives of ‘quiet desperation’ HOPE argues that food insecurity will continue to debilitate our society by increasing illness, child stunting and mortality. It increases the direct economic costs of coping with the health impacts of malnutrition and enormous reduction in human potential and economic productivity. Aguirre offers his ‘wish list’ of what could be done in the longer term of combat malnourishment: Increase the child support grant amount to levels that will allow families to put adequate quality food on the table Reduce the cost of staple foods through mechanisms such as price subsidies Promote local food production closer to communities Continue to raise awareness through media channels about the massive and growing plight of families and children facing food insecurity and hunger Continue to raise funds through mechanisms such as the Solidarity Fund and funding for NGOs to continue to enable them to reach the most vulnerable While KFC’s Add Hope has provided 360 million meals to date – supporting more than 140 different non-profit organisations (NPOs) and feeding 150 000 children daily since inception, we are only too aware that much more needs to be done. Rising food prices has a devastating impact on impoverished communities. It means less food purchasing power both in terms of quantity and quality. This has an impact on health, child development, and social and mental well-being and given that South Africa produces enough food to feed the entire population it begs the question, why can’t we solve South Africa’s malnutrition problem? Andra Nel, CSI and sponsorship manager at KFC Africa


Ready, Set, Go! Top Tips and Tricks to Starting Solids with Your Baby

Your baby is nearing six months and excitement starts to mount as you prepare to introduce solids for the first time. This is often called first-foods (weaning) or complementary feeding, implying that foods complement milk at this stage of the weaning journey, instead of replacing it entirely. Even though milk alone may not meet your baby’s nutritional needs anymore, it is still an important source of nutrients and minerals essential for healthy growth and this means that you will still offer baby milk when you first start with solid foods. Ready… The best food to start with is one that is culturally acceptable and familiar to the family. Traditionally, this may be a soft porridge like rice porridge or maize porridge, but other options may be single flavours like puréed sweet potato, or butternut, carrots, apples, pears, pawpaw, or peaches. Regardless of the food you choose, prepare it with breast milk (or formula) to help your baby recognise a flavour that they have been used to for the past 6 months. Offer this food for three days before moving on to another food or changing the flavour in the food. For example, if your baby likes pumpkin, mix with pureed apple or a sprinkle of cinnamon next time as you can mix foods together from early on. It is good practice to continually offer baby’s tastebuds new flavours and taste dimensions as you progress on your solids journey. There is no evidence that babies will not like veggies if they have already had naturally sweeter fruit. It is also suggested that you try a food that is not an allergen for now, avoiding for example a wheat-based cereal (gluten), yoghurt (cow’s milk) or egg at first. For a convenient way to get your baby to try its first foods, why not try Squish 100% fruit and veg purees? Squish offers a range of 100% fruit and veg purees and pressed 100% fruit and veg juices. The convenient pouches are well-loved amongst mommies and are perfect for babies from the first introduction of solids, right through the weaning process – from babies to toddlers and beyond. Squish 100% fruit and veg puree and juice flavours give parents a broader range of taste options for even the fussiest of eaters, right from the first introduction of solids through to a full meal, or tasty snack. Set… Time to stock up on baby-friendly spoons, bowls, and bibs. Think about where you want to feed your baby. Choose an appropriate feeding space, one that will help promote sensory stimulation and the social aspect of mealtimes. Remember, meals do not need to be limited to the feeding chair and you can feed your baby on the lap. Meals also do not need to be limited to the kitchen or dining room.  When age appropriate, sit on the floor with a blanket or outside under the trees on a warm day. Regardless, it is important to ensure however that your baby is always well supported and sitting upright when being fed. Invest in different sized bowls with fun colours (silicon cups work great) and a fun mini cooler bag for when you’re out and about. Squish 100% fruit and purees and pressed juices offer convenient meal solutions whether at home, on the go, right from the start of the weaning journey.  And because Squish purees are free from preservatives, flavourants, colourants, you can rest assured you are offering your baby a meal that is pretty much the same as making it yourself. Go! It’s go time which means it’s time to choose the right time of day, ideally when both you and your baby are calm, relaxed, and not in a rush. This may be the weekend for working parents, or a weekday for stay-at-home moms. You may also want to include other family members for this memorable milestone. The best time of the day to start offering solids to your baby is when your baby is most alert and awake, and in a happy mood. This may be after waking from a midmorning nap and between milk feeds so that your baby is not too tired, too hungry, or too full. During the beginning stages, do not worry too much about the formality of mealtimes as we know it, like offering cereal for breakfast at 8am or a vegetable with lunch at 1pm. Follow your baby’s lead and enjoy these special first moments watching your baby’s taste buds get excited about solid food. You can then start to add other tastes and eventually other textures when your baby is ready, and Squish 100% fruit and veg purees offer a meal solution for every occasion.

Parenting Hub

World Chocolate Day!

It’s World Chocolate Day on the 7th of July and this year we are celebrating this sweet occasion with GD Chocolate! World Chocolate Day is all about championing one of the greatest culinary innovations in human history while educating ardent chocolate fans on the processes, resources and methods that go into each slab. GD Chocolate is a unique chocolate manufacturer in that not only do they focus on delicious taste but also seek to highlight the inherent health benefits of authentic cocoa and elevate them with natural, superfood ingredients. Let’s take a look closer at all the different treats you can indulge in this Chocolate Day.  GD Chocolate Slabs GD Chocolate prides itself in sourcing sustainable, natural and authentic cocoa to champion in all their chocolates. Besides being mouth-watering delicious, chocolate’s initial popularity is accredited to cocoa’s immense health benefits, especially when kept as natural and unprocessed as possible. With each slab of GD Chocolate you are getting a dose of essential mineral magnesium, theobromine (which strengthens and improves heart function), anti-oxidants and tryptophan which boosts serotonin levels and gives us that good-feel chocolate is so famously associated with. Furthermore, all chocolates in GD’s range are dairy-free with no preservatives, no soy lecithin, no artificial colourants or flavourants. The slabs come in seven different flavours: Lemon & Black Pepper, Himalayan salt, Vanilla, Coffee, Orange, Mint and Rooibos & Matcha. GD Loaded Logs  One of GD Chocolate’s most unique and innovative products, the GD Loaded Logs pack a superfood punch. Brimming with ingredients that contain powerful health-benefits, these chocolates are delicious and deliver the nutrients your body is looking for. The four different flavours target different specific health areas:  Collagen: If you’re looking for the spring of eternal youth, The Collagen Log is your ticket. Loaded with collagen and sporting a lusciously chewy toffee-like taste, this is your go-to if looking to add some extra TLC to your skin, hair and nails.  Vitamin C: Vitamin C plays an important role in strengthening your immune system and should be consumed daily. With a sweet citrus tang, GD Chocolate’s Vitamin C Loaded Log has made it an easy pill to swallow.  Maca Moringa: In need of an energy pick-up? The Maca Moringa Loaded Log is made specifically to give you an extra boost that, unlike other chocolate bars, is sustained and won’t suddenly leave you hanging.  Turmeric: Finally, help your body out with a punch of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory benefits with the ginger-warm, coconutty Turmeric Loaded Log. Buttercups: With crisp, thin, quality chocolate enveloping a soft, mouth-watering centre coming in five delectable flavours, you really can’t beat GD’s sensational buttercups. These decedent, bite-sized gourmet chocolates are the perfect treats to indulge in when wanting something just a little more exciting than your run-of-the-mill chocolate experience. With flavours like Almond Butter, Mint, Mocha-Coffee, Turkish Rose & Vanilla, there is something for everyone.  Vegan Slabs: GD now offers three delectable vegan options in the form of slabs (R65 ea). GD’s Vegan & Sugar Free Slabs are full bodied, dense, rich-tasting chocolate that are keto and vegan diet friendly as well as free from cane sugar. They have been sweetened with Erythritol and are made with love.  They contain nosoya lecithin, preservatives, artificial colourants or flavourants. No matter if you’re feeling adventurous with one of GD’s innovative loaded logs, looking to treat yourself with a delectable buttercup or are just craving a classic chocolate slab, get ready to boost your body and satisfy your every chocolate dream this World Chocolate Day. With GD Chocolates in your corner, forget New Years and consider July 7th the new best day on the block.  About GD Chocolate:  GD Chocolate is passionate about bringing deliciously healthy chocolate options to the South African market. GD chocolates are dairy-free and contain no cane sugar as only the very best local raw honey is used. They also contain no soya lecithin, preservatives, artificial colourants or flavourants. The Vegan GD Chocolate range is sweetened with erythritol, making it 100% vegan friendly.


Say Cheese!

Cheese contains a unique combination of valuable nutrients. It is not only nutritious but also delicious and versatile. Add it to dishes for flavour, eat it in moderate amount by itself or on a sandwich, or put it in a lunch box as a convenient snack.  There are many varieties of cheese. Some of the well-known ones are Cheddar, Gouda, Mozzarella and Feta. Cheese Packed with protein, calcium, zinc and other essential nutrients, cheese deserves its place as a healthy food item in your family’s diet – whichever one you choose. Here’s why cheese is good for you: Cheese is an excellent source of good-quality protein. It contains all the essential building blocks (amino acids) you need to build strong bones and muscles. With one portion of cheese per day, that is two slices of cheese or 2 tablespoons of grated cheese (40 g), you get: 15% of your daily vitamin A needs – for good eyesight and to fight against disease 30% of your daily calcium needs – for strong, healthy bones and teeth 27% of your daily needed zinc – to support your immune system and help protect you against disease.   Cheese fills you up with a unique combination of valuable nutrients and makes you feel fuller for longer, preventing unnecessary snacking. You can have a portion of cheese daily even if you have high cholesterol. Research shows that cheese has a neutral or even protective effect on heart disease. Hard cheeses such as Cheddar and Gouda contain little to no lactose, which makes them good choices in case of lactose intolerance. Protein, calcium and phosphorus in cheese help to protect your teeth against decay. Research shows that eating hard cheese directly after a meal is a good way to protect your teeth and keep them healthy. To make cheese an affordable option in your diet, buy it in bulk when it is offered at a good price. Grate everything and then store it in smaller amounts in an airtight container or plastic bag in the freezer. This way the cheese will last long. You can use it directly from the freezer as needed. Choose cheese as a snack or part of a meal to: Help you reach your goal of 3 servings of dairy a day so that you get enough calcium for healthy bones Keep your teeth in tip-top shape so that you can keep smiling Help you regulate your appetite and feel fuller for longer. For more cheese tips, visit

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Generics and biosimilars – champion cost savers in the healthcare industry

It is common knowledge that healthcare costs rise exponentially and medical schemes have to find ways to reduce costs both for the medical scheme and its members. Kathy Malherbe spoke to Dr Morgan Mkhatshwa, Head of Operations at Bonitas Medical Fund, about generics and biosimilars and how they contribute towards reducing healthcare costs. One of the cost drivers is medication which is why The Pharmacy Act of 1997 and the Medicines Control Amendment Act, among other things, have made it mandatory for dispensers of medicine, be they doctors or pharmacists, to offer a patient a generic substitute if one is available. However, generics are not the only cost savers.  The patent expiry on many biological medicines is opening the door to more affordable, life-saving ‘biosimilars’ to be produced – another ‘champion’ in the pharmaceutical industry.  Increased consolidation in the healthcare industry is also having a positive impact on medicine prices and availability. Medical aids are trying to create more competition, even among medicines that are still under patent. They are also tightening up their formularies, in part to encourage pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide better pricing.   What is a generic drug?  A generic is a pharmaceutical drug that contains the same chemical substance as a drug that was originally protected by chemical patents. It is an exact copy of brand-name drugs that has the same dosage, intended use, effects, risks, safety and strength as the original. In other words, their pharmacological effects are identical to those of their brand-name counterparts. But at a much more affordable price… Generic medicines cost, on average, between 30 and 80% less than the original.  What guarantee is there that generics are true replicas?  In South Africa, the Medicines Control Council (MCC) carries the responsibility of making sure that generic drugs are safe and effective. Generic drug manufacturers have to prove their medicine is bioequivalent to the original brand before a product is approved into the local market.   What is a biosimilar? Biological drugs are large, complex proteins made from living cells through highly complex manufacturing processes. Biosimilars are a close equivalent but not exact copies of biologicals. and are manufactured after the patent for the biological/reference drug ends. To be called a biosimilar drug, it must be shown to be safe, work as well as, and work in the same way as its reference drug – the biological. It must also be used in the same way, at the same dose, and for the same condition as the reference drug. The cost of manufacturing biological medicines is more expensive than conventional chemically produced medicines and, because biosimilars are close copies, they remain expensive but are still more cost effective that the original.  What are they used to treat? The most important biological medicines are used to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and cancers. How are they different from generics? The reason biological copies are called biosimilars is that, unlike generic medicines, the active ingredients are not exactly the same as the original but ‘similar.’ It is impossible to make identical copies when ‘translating’ biological molecules from living cells in the laboratory. Very importantly to note though, is that even though biosimilars are not a direct copy, the therapeutic effect is the same as the original biological product. Why are generics and biosimilars less expensive? Generics Pharmaceutical companies are researching and testing new active ingredients and medicines all the time. The patent is valid for about 20 years which means that only the approved company may research, create a new formulation (the ‘recipe’ and process for creating the actual medicine) and register the medicine. This takes years and carries a huge financial burden. After about 8 to 10 years on the market the patent usually expires and other drug companies can make an exact copy of the drug without the initial clinical research costs. Biosimilars While these medicines have revolutionised treatments for many diseases, the research and development expenses, including the costs of highly skilled scientists, clinical trials and the specialised equipment needed, are the main cost drivers. Companies are required to fund these costs, often in excess of 10 years, before registration for use by patients.  Biosimilars save costs because: The molecule and effects have already been discovered and identified by the originator The number of patients required in the clinical trials is reduced The original biological medicine would have been ‘manufactured’ at least 20 years ago. New manufacturing methods are more efficient. The cost-efficiencies, which generic and biosimilar medicines provide, are assuming greater importance for state and private health funders as populations age and the prevalence of cancers and other non-communicable diseases increase.  SA’s already stretched healthcare budget is coming under increasing pressure to fund the high cost of pharmaceuticals, especially biological medicines. While generics and biosimilars may not be a panacea for high healthcare costs, they will go a long way towards offering a cost-effective, quality treatment for a large range of diseases. In addition, these breakthrough treatments can halt progression and sometimes even prevent recurrence by acting on proteins that affect the genome/immune system.


The Tell-Tale Signs That Your Baby is Ready for Solids

The first bath. The first sleepover at granny. The first giggle. And now, the first taste of solid food. Initially babies only need milk (breast or formula) but as your baby grows the more proteins and minerals as well as thicker textures are needed, which is why the introduction of solid foods is crucial in baby’s development. Starting solids is an exciting milestone for the family but can also bring about some distress as to when to start. The World Health Organisation, supported by the South African Department of Health, encourages that babies start solid food from 6 months. This is an optimal time when your baby’s gut and kidneys are physiologically mature enough to handle solid food. Another reason is that your baby is born with only enough iron and certain other mineral stores to last about 6 months, after which your baby will need to start getting iron and other necessary minerals from food. Your baby will also start to show physical and developmental signs that they are ready to start eating solid food. Baby will sit without support and can hold their head steady. Baby will watch as you or a family member moves food to your mouth. Baby may try to grab your food and put it in its mouth. Baby will instinctively open the mouth when a spoon approaches. Baby may start to wake up more frequently for night feeds than before, indicating hunger. If your toddler starts to show these signs, in addition to the age consideration, it may be time to consider introducing solids. During this time it is important to continue to offer your baby milk. It is a good idea for the first solid meal to be offered during the day after a mid-morning nap and milk feed and when your baby is not too tired or too hungry. Your baby needs to be in top form to learn this new skill and to start its first food journey. It is always a better time to start when your  baby is happy, healthy, and well, and not when ill, has a fever or any rashes. For a convenient way to get your baby to try its first foods, why not try Squish 100% fruit and veg purees, perfect for babies from the first introduction of solids, right through the weaning process – from babies to toddlers and beyond. Squish convenient puree pouches are well-loved amongst mommies and provide delicious tasting convenience, whether at home or on the go. Even better is that Squish purees are preservative free, colourant free and flavourant free with no added starch. Squish 100% fruit and veg puree and Squish 100% fruit and veg pressed juices flavours give parents a broader range of taste options for even the fussiest of eaters, right from the first introduction of solids through to a full meal, or tasty snack. For individualised professional advice for premature babies or any health or nutritional concerns, contact a healthcare professional such as a registered dietitian, paediatrician, or paediatric nurse. Brought to you by Squish 100% fruit and veg puree meals for babies, toddlers and beyond

Parenting Hub

Lifegain® – for those who want more

Our bodies have more of a chance of managing the difficulties that life throws at them if they are well nourished. Indeed, good nutrition is one of the few things under our control when we need renewed vigour.  Tip: Exhaustion can be an early warning that the body is not getting enough needed nutrients.  We could be recovering from surgery or injury, struggling with illness, undergoing stress or be elderly. Or busy lives may result in our relying a bit too heavily on fast foods and snacks. Over the longer-term this can result in essential nutrients lacking, carrying a greater risk of degenerative disease. At all these times we have increased nutritional needs, especially for protein. Lifegain® Advanced Nutritional Shake has been tried and trusted by South Africans for 20 years, and its excellent formulation can help to restore nutrient levels and assist in repairing body tissues and maintaining muscle mass.  Visit for inspiring stories from users.  Lifegain® is also a nutritious choice for healthy people who want to stay that way!  In its 20 years on the South African market there has never been an equivalent nutritional supplement packing the ALL-IN-ONE cost-effective punch of Lifegain®. So, when shopping for various supplements, it is worth comparing content and cost per serving. It would take a lot of tablets to get the protein and nutrients that once-a-day Lifegain® provides at only R13-R14 a serving for example. Mixed with milk or water, Lifegain®’s gently processed triple protein blend of soy, milk and whey protein isolate provides 15 grams of protein a serving, plus essential amino acids, antioxidants, isoflavones, vitamins, minerals, glutamine and polyunsaturated fatty acids.  Blitzed up with ripe pawpaw or berries, bananas, peanut butter or chocolate powder, Lifegain® also makes a delicious breakfast or anytime smoothie  Available from Takealot, selected pharmacies and retail outlets nationwide. Price:  Lifegain® 1 kg tin in vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry flavours, around R435. Lifegain® 300 g tin in vanilla, chocolate, cappuccino, or strawberry flavours, around R180. Lifegain® single serving sachets in strawberry or vanilla, around R19. Lifegain® Junior from 3 years, 300 g tin in vanilla, around R180. Lifegain® Glutamine 200 g tin, around R170. Enter here to win one of 2 hampers of Lifegain® products each valued at over R1000

Parenting Hub

Have you had your Vit D3 sunshine shots?

Here’s a winter health fact. Our bodies need Vitamin D for many important processes including supporting the immune system, bone and muscle building, and to promote better sleep and mood.  We can even produce enough vitamin D ourselves. That’s if we bare our arms, legs, back, chests or faces to the sun for a limited period of time, because the sun’s UV rays produce Vitamin D in our bodies. Scientists reckon that five to 15 minutes, or five to 30 minutes for darker skinned people, of sun exposure two or three times a week will do it.  But during winter, just when we need this immune boosting and stress relieving sunny gift to help us through the season of colds and ‘flu, the days are short, we stay indoors, and are usually covered up head to toe for much of the time. But, fun tip ladies: if you wear a cami under your warm clothing, you can head for a sunny spot at a warm time of day, strip off the top layers and you’re all set for a short spot of winter sunbathing. You may not wish to try this at the office! For those of us who can’t do the sun thing, vitamin D is also available in some foods, mainly in fatty fish like pilchards, tuna and salmon. Milk, yogurts and cereals are often fortified with Vitamin D too. Still, there are good reasons why many of us can’t get enough Vitamin D from sun or food (being elderly, covered up clothing for religious reasons, no time to go outside, being darker skinned…). In those cases, a one-a-day Nativa Complex® Vitamin D3 can fill the gap. It’s the newest addition to the well-established Nativa Immune Complex® range.  Nativa Complex® Vitamin D3 supplies 1000 IU of Vitamin D and can be administered from 6 years of age. Cost is around R100 for a month’s supply, from Takealot, Dis-Chem, Clicks and selected pharmacies nationwide. Read about this well formulated immune boosting range at, and then enter our competition for a chance to win one of two R750 vouchers from Cotton On . Their stylish men’s, women’s and kid’s clothing can see you through winter, and (yay) into Spring.   #VITAMIN D3  #sunshine vitamin

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