Expert Advice from Bonitas Medical Fund
Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Should I be exercising while pregnant, and if so, how much?

For most exercise is a part of life, so it is natural to want to keep active for as long as possible while pregnant. You may wonder how much exercise you can keep doing as your baby develops, and what routine changes you’ll need to make as your baby grows bigger. If you have a complicated pregnancy or are dealing with a weak cervix, a low placenta or suffering from a heart condition, diabetes or asthma, it is best to consult with a doctor or health professional before putting together a pregnancy exercise plan. What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy  Improving overall health and wellness, exercise is a vital part of keeping you feeling your best and can help with backache caused by pregnancy, as well as prepare you for labour and delivery. If you were active before your pregnancy, you should be able to keep training with modifications made to your program. Exercises that are low impact and carry small risk of injury are best and you should be able to remain active until birth. Exercising during pregnancy can help boost your mood and energy levels, improve muscle tone, strength and lessen back pain. Exercise can also help reduce fatigue and stress, as well as help improve your sleep, all of which helps make your pregnancy easier on your body and mind. Staying fit can also help shorten your post delivery recovery time, however, getting back into exercise postpartum can be difficult and you should avoid pushing yourself too hard in the beginning. Exercising during pregnancy isn’t only good for your overall wellness, but studies show that it can also improve your baby’s health. What type of exercise should I be doing?  During pregnancy it is important to keep tabs on how your body is feeling. If you have been exercising frequently pre-pregnancy it should be fine to continue to do so in moderation, however, if something feels strange or uncomfortable it is best to consult a health practitioner. Swimming, prenatal yoga and pilates, walking and water aerobics are all exercises that you can focus on during your pregnancy. Water activities are good as they give you buoyancy and put very little strain on your body, especially when you are close to giving birth. If you were an avid runner before, you should be able to continue into pregnancy with some alterations to your program.  Exercise to avoid High impact sports with a risk of falling should be avoided. These include horse riding, mountain biking, downhill skiing. Contact sports, such as rugby, kickboxing and soccer are also preferable to avoid as there is a risk of being hit. Scuba diving is a big no-no as the baby has no protection against decompression sickness.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Preparing your home for your baby

Waiting for you baby to arrive is both exciting and nerve wrecking. In order to mentally prepare yourself and your family, you can start getting  your home ready for the newest addition of your household. The urge to get your home ready for your baby is also known as nesting, and it’ll normally happen near the end of your third trimester. If you are ready to start spring cleaning, here are some tips on how best to organise your home for little one. Have everything ready for your return from the hospital When you and your baby return from hospital you’ll probably be feeling tired and sore, so making sure your home is ready before you go into labour is a good idea. Food prep, cleaning and buying home supplies are all things that’ll become more difficult with a newborn. Meal prepping, having a stocked baby changing table and home essentials stock piled will all be things you’ll be glad to have done beforehand. Baby proofing your home Baby proofing your home can ideally start up to 3 months before your due date, as this will give you time for any projects that may take slightly longer. Cover all electrical sockets, get safety latches for cabinets and get rid of any loose or dangling cords. Not only can you take your time prepping your home, but you can also make sure that you are ready with baby essentials, such as a changing table, a baby monitor and newborn baby clothes. All things you don’t want to be looking for postpartum with a baby to look after. Don’t over do it Although it can be tempting to go full throttle with home adjustments there are certain things you should avoid to prevent injuring yourself. Don’t move large furniture, as your ligaments and tendons are softened by pregnancy hormones, making a strain or injury more likely. Avoid reaching too high, as this can put strain on your lower back (which may already be achy). Delegating to your family and friends eager to help will give you the opportunity to rest while making sure that your home is perfect for your newest addition.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Physical Touch & Newborns- Why is this so Important

The birth of your baby is a beautiful and special moment in both of your lives. You may be wondering about your newborn’s senses, while they are born with all necessary senses, some are less precise than others and develop as your baby grows. Physical touch is an important aspect of your child’s growth, coming from your womb, where they are tightly cocooned in your womb. Skin to skin contact offers benefits to both you and your baby, and touch is one of the senses that can help comfort your baby, making them feel more secure and helping strengthen the bond between the two of you. Why is touch important? Touch enables your baby to learn more about the world, bond with their mother and learn communication skills, as touch and body language will be the first way that you can ‘speak’ to one another. Breastfeeding is an important part of this, as your baby then spends time in her mother’s arms. The benefits of touch goes beyond the physical. Contact between mom and baby has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which in turn benefits the functioning of the immune system.  Children that are deprived of touch can be more aggressive with other conduct disorder problems. What is swaddling? Coming from a tightly packed womb, you’ll find that your baby is comforted by touch and close cuddles. Swaddling your baby in a blanket is also another technique that you can use on young babies to help them feel more secure, as it stops them from upsetting themselves from their own startle reflex. It’s important that your newborn finds their new world a comfortable and soothing place. Swaddling is an old technique, and beyond helping your little one feel safe and secure, your baby is likely to sleep better and will be kept nice and cosy in their blanket. If you decide to swaddle your baby it’s best to do so from birth, as opposed to introducing it when they are older as this can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Using the proper techniques when swaddling is also important, as incorrect wrapping can lead to issues.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Why should I breastfeed my baby, and what if this is not an option?

Breastfeeding is important to your baby’s health and is the safest and healthiest thing that you can feed your little one. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) you should feed your baby exclusively with breastmilk for the first six months. Unfortunately, some moms can’t breastfeed due to medical or health reasons. Read on if you want to know the benefits of breastfeeding, or if you can’t breastfeed your baby, here are some healthy alternatives. What are the benefits of breastfeeding?  Breastfeeding is the perfect way to get all the nutrients needed to your baby, as well as being a special bonding experience between mom and child. Breast milk is optimally suited to babies providing all the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals, being easily digestible and helping protect your baby by providing important antibodies. Baby’s who are breastfed have less ear infections, issues with diarrhea and respiratory issues. Benefits of breastfeeding include lowering your baby’s chance of getting infections and breastmilk can also help lower instances of asthma and eczema, and is thought to lower the risk of diabetes as well. Not only is breastfeeding good for your baby, but it’s also good for you. It helps your bond with your baby as your body releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps your uterus reduce to its pre-pregnancy size as well as lowers stress levels. And it’s an added bonus is that breast milk is cost effective and easily available. The only thing lacking from breast milk is vitamin D, and you can supplement this to your little one from birth. What are alternatives if I can’t breastfeed? Sadly some moms aren’t able to breastfeed their babies due to not having enough breastmilk supply, being on medication that could damage their baby’s health and, infectious diseases such as HIV. Although it’s hard not to be able to breastfeed, remember this won’t stop you bonding with or providing nutrients for your baby. The best alternative to your own breast milk is donated breast milk. However, if you are struggling to find adequate supply you can make use of baby formulas. In South Africa, the South African Breastmilk Reserve and Milk Matters supports breastfeeding moms through the provision of donated milk.  SABR focuses on helping premature babies under the age of 14 days, and Milk Matters supports babies in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in the Western Cape.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Safe cribs and playpens to use when travelling

The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Make sure the mesh is less than 1/4 inch in size so it’s smaller than the buttons on your baby’s clothing. Make sure the mesh is in good repair without any tears, holes or loose threads that your baby can get caught on. Make sure the mesh is fully attached to the top rail and bottom of the bed so there are no holes for the baby to get caught in. Make sure there are no bare, missing or loose staples or nails. When in doubt throw it out – don’t use cribs or bedding that might pose a risk to your baby. It’s your job to keep them safe! Fire safety for home with newborn The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they have fresh batteries and are in working order – install them in your home if you don’t have them already. Check your fire extinguishers to make sure they are in working order – purchase them if you don’t have one on each floor of your home already. Make sure clothing and bedding meet fire safety standards – information on their fire safety rating should be on labels and tags. Insist that your home be smoke free to prevent your baby’s exposure to second-hand smoke and also as a fire prevention measure since cigarettes are a common cause of home fires. Review or update your fire escape plan to include your new baby – review the plan with everyone in the household. For more information on fire safety visit websites like the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Fire safety prevention in home with newborn The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Do a fire safety walk-through of your entire house, check for burnable substances near heat sources, frayed or damaged electrical cords, matches or lighters within reach of children and other situations that may be a fire hazard. Never leave space heaters of any type unattended and turn them off while you are asleep. Never store flammable liquids like paint thinner, charcoal lighter fluid or gasoline in the house and always keep them a safe distance from heat sources. Check all mattresses, bedding and sleep apparel for your baby to make sure they meet fire safety requirements – this information should be on the product label. Early warning of a fire is key to keeping your family safe, so make sure your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers meet local codes and are in working order. Be prepared and have a fire escape plan that is understood by and has been practiced by the entire household, it could save lives in a fire emergency. For more information on fire safety visit websites like the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Newborn safety tips The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Never leave your baby alone for even a minute unless they are in a secure place like a crib or playpen. Make sure you follow safe sleep recommendations when putting your baby to bed. When in the car always use a safety approved rear-facing car seat that is specifically made for newborns. Never ever leave your baby alone in a car – be especially careful during warm or cold weather. Always use safety approved car seats, cribs and toys – if they are hand-me-downs or you are buying them used, choose items that still have a safety tag attached and check to make sure they haven’t been recalled. To prevent burns never carry hot liquids or food while you are holding your baby. Pet safety and newborns The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. If you have a dog, know that certain breeds may require extra caution with a newborn – German Shepherds, Rottweilers and Pit Bulls account for more than 50% of fatal dog bites. Always closely supervise infants when in the presence of dogs even if they are not one of the above breeds – they may experience jealousy and have other unexpected reactions to a new member of the household. Keep in mind that some pet reptiles can carry infections, like Salmonella, so keep turtles, snakes and lizards away from children under 5 years of age to prevent the spread of infections. Small pets like rodents should be kept away from newborns and infants to prevent bites or the spread of Salmonella and other possible infections. Other issues: Make sure your pet is healthy – take them to the veterinarian for a check-up and any needed vaccinations before the baby is born. Keep your pet’s nails trimmed. For cats and dogs especially, you may need to work to prepare them for the new member of the family – for example, invite friends with babies over if your pets aren’t used to children – supervise their interactions as they learn about these new additions to their world. New situations can be stressful to pets so be patient and understanding with them as they adjust to the changes in their life – scolding and punishment will only add to their stress. There are many things you can do to ensure a smooth transition, so contact your local Humane Society or other animal-focused organization for additional suggestions on preparing your pets for the arrival of your new baby. Newborns and sun exposure The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

New Dad’s roles

The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Know that it’s normal to have fears – there is no simple way to prepare for parenthood and all new parents (yes Moms too!) have some concerns or fears about their new role. Learn as much as you can about your baby’s daily routine and offer to help out with activities you are comfortable doing. Make “Daddy Time” a special time every day by spending one-on-one time talking, reading or singing to the baby – work with Mom to build these activities into the daily routine. Offer to attend your baby’s doctors’ visits whenever possible – it helps you learn about your baby and provides a second set of ears to hear what the doctor has to say. Be actively involved in providing a safe environment for the baby – help keep an eye out for safety hazards. Make sure your baby is never exposed to second-hand smoke and has a drug free place to live. Be gentle with the baby – never shake your baby or toss them in the air. Be mindful of how you talk and act around the baby – a gentle voice and kind gestures are always best. Support from Mom to Dad The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Ask Mom to teach you to do things you may not know how to do yet – this way you can help out and support her as you learn about your new baby. Once you’re comfortable, offer to watch the baby so Mom can get some extra rest – this gives you time with the baby while supporting Mom as well. Take care of yourself, get regular check-ups and exercise daily – work to stay healthy for the newest member of the family. Set a good example and keep smoking and drugs out of your baby’s home. Talk with Mom about how she feels about herself after her pregnancy – she may need your support and encouragement to resume intimacy and sex since things like her self-image and her body may have changed. Treat Mom to small gifts and simple gestures that tell her that you care about her – these will help her understand that she is still special to you even if she is feeling tired and her self-image has changed. Emotional aspects for Dad The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Especially in the first few weeks after birth, use compassion when dealing with both Mom and baby. They both have just been through a difficult experience and your compassion will go a long way in supporting them as they move into the next part of their journey. You may often find yourself in new and challenging situations where you have the choice to either laugh or cry – choose humour, it helps everyone survive and thrive during challenging times. Life doesn’t always prepare us for our role as a parent so as a new Dad you will often find yourself in new situations with no rulebook – rise to the occasion by using your creativity and imagination to overcome new challenges. Remember that patience is a virtue – this is especially true when you have a newborn, so remember to slow down, take a deep breath and relax before you react to trying situations. Always keep in mind that much of what you are doing in the early days after the birth of your baby is a form of service for both baby and Mom – don’t see it as a negative, rather see it as a time for you to develop a new leadership role as you offer yourself in service to others. Dad comforting a crying baby The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. As a first step, always make sure your baby has been fed and changed and that they are comfortable – if so then go on to the next steps to soothe them. Swaddling: holding a baby close can help them feel more secure, so snuggle them in a soft blanket. Side/Stomach: holding your baby on their side or stomach may help calm them. Shhh: making this noise often helps sooth your baby. Sucking: is very comforting for your baby, so if it’s not feeding time, give them a pacifier to suck on. Swinging: gentle movement is often soothing to a baby, so gently rock them in your arms or put them safely in an infant swing. Remember that even though it may be frustrating, it’s important for you to be patient and gentle with your baby. Use this time to bond with your baby and allow Mom a much-needed break from her role as a caregiver. Getting Dad involved The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Talk with Dad about his thoughts, feelings and concerns regarding his role in caring for your newborn – this will help you understand his comfort level. Get Dad involved in your baby’s care – he may need help in learning how to hold the baby or change diapers so include him in as many of the day-to-day activities as you can. Have Dad help with a night feeding when possible – if you are breast feeding consider pumping a feeding ahead so he can take one feeding for you during the night. Have him talk, read or sing to the baby every day – build these activities into your baby’s daily routine. Involve Dad in doctors’ appointments whenever possible. Ask Dad

Advice from the experts
Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Physical Touch & Newborns- Why is this so Important

The birth of your baby is a beautiful and special moment in both of your lives. You may be wondering about your newborn’s senses, while they are born with all necessary senses, some are less precise than others and develop as your baby grows. Physical touch is an important aspect of your child’s growth, coming from your womb, where they are tightly cocooned in your womb. Skin to skin contact offers benefits to both you and your baby, and touch is one of the senses that can help comfort your baby, making them feel more secure and helping strengthen the bond between the two of you. Why is touch important? Touch enables your baby to learn more about the world, bond with their mother and learn communication skills, as touch and body language will be the first way that you can ‘speak’ to one another. Breastfeeding is an important part of this, as your baby then spends time in her mother’s arms. The benefits of touch goes beyond the physical. Contact between mom and baby has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which in turn benefits the functioning of the immune system.  Children that are deprived of touch can be more aggressive with other conduct disorder problems. What is swaddling? Coming from a tightly packed womb, you’ll find that your baby is comforted by touch and close cuddles. Swaddling your baby in a blanket is also another technique that you can use on young babies to help them feel more secure, as it stops them from upsetting themselves from their own startle reflex. It’s important that your newborn finds their new world a comfortable and soothing place. Swaddling is an old technique, and beyond helping your little one feel safe and secure, your baby is likely to sleep better and will be kept nice and cosy in their blanket. If you decide to swaddle your baby it’s best to do so from birth, as opposed to introducing it when they are older as this can increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Using the proper techniques when swaddling is also important, as incorrect wrapping can lead to issues.

Rush Extreme Sports

Rush Extreme and Discovery Vitality: Active Family Fun with Health Benefits

Rush Extreme, South Africa’s leading indoor adventure park, has teamed up with Discovery Vitality to make family fun both active and affordable in Cape Town and Johannesburg. This exciting partnership now offers Discovery Vitality members the opportunity to earn vitality points at Rush, making it easier for families to enjoy thrilling activities that promote physical fitness. Whether it’s bouncing on trampolines, scaling climbing walls, or navigating ninja obstacles, every visit to Rush provides significant health benefits in a fun, social environment. One of the standout attractions at Rush is the trampoline activities, which is more than just fun – it’s a powerful workout. Trampoline activities are a fantastic way to enhance cardiovascular fitness, build endurance, and improve balance and coordination. Just a few minutes of jumping can engage multiple muscle groups, strengthening legs, core, and even upper body stability. Studies have shown that trampoline exercises can burn more calories than running, while being gentler on joints, making it ideal for kids and adults who need safe yet active play. Through Rush’s partnership with Discovery Vitality, members can enjoy an active family environment, encouraging families to incorporate more active play into their weekly routines. The Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course at Rush further enhances physical fitness by offering activities that require agility, strength, and mental focus. Inspired by the popular show, this obstacle course challenges kids to climb, swing, and balance through a range of obstacles, building flexibility and resilience along the way. It’s a perfect fit for Discovery Vitality members looking for fun ways to stay active while earning Vitality points (100 points every time you sign in for a session on the Vitality iPad!) for their participation, rewarding healthy choices with a host of Vitality incentives. In addition to trampolines and the Ninja Warrior course, Rush’s Dodgeball Arena provides a dynamic team environment, allowing kids to build coordination and teamwork skills. Playing dodgeball on trampolines takes the classic game to new heights – literally! Kids jump, dodge, and aim in a high-energy activity that promotes cardiovascular health while encouraging social interaction and friendly competition. For Discovery Vitality families, this arena provides a space for regular activities that are both fun and rewarding. With locations in Cape Town and Johannesburg, Rush provides Discovery Vitality families with a convenient and affordable way to stay active together. This partnership makes it easy for families to engage in regular physical activity in a safe, supervised environment, while earning Vitality points! The collaboration between Rush Extreme and Discovery Vitality embodies a shared commitment to healthy living, ensuring that families have access to fun, fitness, and wellness-focused entertainment in every visit. Book your visit to the indoor adventure park in Cape Town here and in Greenstone here.  For more information about Rush Extreme’s exciting activities, locations, and how you can earn Discovery Vitality points, visit their official website at

Parenting Hub

TEARS Foundation Launches Soothing the Nation campaign

In South Africa we have great laws addressing our gender-based violence (GBV) problem, but we fall very short on implementation and accountability. As a result, very few of these laws help with the aftermath of rapewhilethe body and mind try to process the devastation of sexual violence.   Our system is broken and subsequently there is very little trust in it and often people do not know where to turn to in order to get help. “To help victims get the support they need, we need to change the way we view and help survivors. They are not a statistic or a trend. They are broken people who, besides carrying the trauma of abuse, often also carry the burdens of not being believed, the stigma, the shame, the self-blame, and the fear of retaliation,” says Mara Glennie, founder and CEO of TEARS Foundation and a GBV survivor and advocate.  All these factors work together to silence the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, child abuse and all other forms of GBV, despite the countless calls for victims to speak up about their abuse, to break the silence, to take action. It is no surprise that these are sometimes not heeded when victims might not know who they can trust to hear them, believe them and help them without judgement.  TEARS Foundation, one of South Africa’s foremost anti-GBV organisations, now proudly launches the Soothing the Nation campaign — a deeply moving initiative designed to confront the country’s gender-based violence (GBV) crisis – by taking a step back and letting people know that there is in fact somewhere for them to turn… a place they can trust. The work done by TEARS Foundation by offering free, confidential help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, acts as a soothing lullaby that can be heard across the nation by survivors of all types of abuse.  TEARS Foundation has become a national symbol of hope. The organisation is celebrated for its pioneering work in crisis intervention, survivor advocacy, counselling, and education, creating pathways to safety and recovery for countless individuals. Its robust network connects survivors to emergency shelters, medical care, child-friendly centres, and legal assistance. Their team provides hands-on support with police follow-ups, protection order applications, and strategies for safely exiting abusive environments. Leveraging innovative technology, TEARS Foundation connects survivors to critical resources through multiple platforms, ensuring help is always just a call or click away: By combining innovation, compassion, and tireless dedication, TEARS Foundation ensures that no survivor faces violence alone. The Soothing the Nationvideo was produced by creative communications agency DarkMatter, with assistance from sound engineer Kevin Leicher at Jazzworx and Johannesburg Queer Chorus on vocals. Watch the full version of the video here 


Sun Safety for Babies: Protecting Delicate Skin in Summer

While some sunlight is important for bone and muscular development and the immune system as it helps the body create vitamin D, particularly in children, too much sunshine is dangerous and can cause sunburn. Research shows that just one blistering sunburn during childhood hugely increases your risk of developing skin cancer later on. So, sun safety for babies and children is vitally important! Especially in our harsh South African sun.  Since young skin is not as effective at protecting itself as adult skin, it must be especially protected from UV rays. Babies up to one year old should never be exposed to direct sunlight. Let older children get used to the sun gradually, and always use a sunscreen with a high SPF factor, as well as protective clothing and shade.  TIPS FOR SUN PROTECTION So, why is a baby’s skin so much more sensitive than an adults? BABY SKIN – A SENSITIVE CLOAK Babies are miraculous yet very vulnerable beings since, in contrast to adults, their skin lacks important protective functions.  The topmost layer of a baby’s skin is around 20% thinner than an adult’s. In the first few months of life, your baby’s skin lets more moisture pass through and dries out faster, making it prone to irritation and inflammation. The cells of baby skin are smaller and not as close together, which makes the skin more porous. Baby skin hardly produces any sebum (oily secretion) before puberty. Perspiration is not able to regulate a baby’s body temperature as effectively as it does in adult age. The acid mantle (fine slightly acidic film on the skin) only begins to develop after a baby has been born.  Sensitive baby skin requires particular care and protection in the first year of life. That’s why it is so important to use baby care products which are tailored to the special needs of baby skin. German family-owned skincare brand sanosan, newly launched in South Africa, uses only nature’s very best ingredients for the most delicate skin in the world to ensure clinically confirmed maximum tolerability. Their scientifically tested products contain no nasties, and more than 90% natural ingredients to keep your little one, and the environment, safe.  Sanosan Baby Sun Cream SPF 50+ is a top-tier sunscreen designed specifically for delicate baby skin including broad range of UVA+UVB protection SPF 50+. With its pleasant texture, this cream absorbs quickly for easy application. It does not leave a white cast or sticky residue, making it ideal for everyday use. This cream delivers 24 hours of nourishing care, making it suitable for babies, children, and adults alike. With its gentle formula, Sanosan Baby Sun Cream helps maintain skin hydration while protecting against sun damage, allowing for worry-free outdoor playtime. Plus, its microplastic-free, and safe for our oceans  – winwin!  More info on Sanosan Baby Sun Cream SPF 50+  High level of protection: High level of skin care: High level of safety: With respect for our oceans: Sanosan Baby Sun Cream SPF 50+ – RSP R307 Sanosan is available from selected Babies R Us Stores and Clicks Baby and Online stores,,, Makro Online  For more info visit  Follow: Facebook:  Instagram:  Sanosan is available from selected Babies R Us Stores and Clicks Baby and Online stores,,, Makro Online 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Why should I breastfeed my baby, and what if this is not an option?

Breastfeeding is important to your baby’s health and is the safest and healthiest thing that you can feed your little one. It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) you should feed your baby exclusively with breastmilk for the first six months. Unfortunately, some moms can’t breastfeed due to medical or health reasons. Read on if you want to know the benefits of breastfeeding, or if you can’t breastfeed your baby, here are some healthy alternatives. What are the benefits of breastfeeding?  Breastfeeding is the perfect way to get all the nutrients needed to your baby, as well as being a special bonding experience between mom and child. Breast milk is optimally suited to babies providing all the right nutrients, vitamins and minerals, being easily digestible and helping protect your baby by providing important antibodies. Baby’s who are breastfed have less ear infections, issues with diarrhea and respiratory issues. Benefits of breastfeeding include lowering your baby’s chance of getting infections and breastmilk can also help lower instances of asthma and eczema, and is thought to lower the risk of diabetes as well. Not only is breastfeeding good for your baby, but it’s also good for you. It helps your bond with your baby as your body releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps your uterus reduce to its pre-pregnancy size as well as lowers stress levels. And it’s an added bonus is that breast milk is cost effective and easily available. The only thing lacking from breast milk is vitamin D, and you can supplement this to your little one from birth. What are alternatives if I can’t breastfeed? Sadly some moms aren’t able to breastfeed their babies due to not having enough breastmilk supply, being on medication that could damage their baby’s health and, infectious diseases such as HIV. Although it’s hard not to be able to breastfeed, remember this won’t stop you bonding with or providing nutrients for your baby. The best alternative to your own breast milk is donated breast milk. However, if you are struggling to find adequate supply you can make use of baby formulas. In South Africa, the South African Breastmilk Reserve and Milk Matters supports breastfeeding moms through the provision of donated milk.  SABR focuses on helping premature babies under the age of 14 days, and Milk Matters supports babies in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in the Western Cape.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Safe cribs and playpens to use when travelling

The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Make sure the mesh is less than 1/4 inch in size so it’s smaller than the buttons on your baby’s clothing. Make sure the mesh is in good repair without any tears, holes or loose threads that your baby can get caught on. Make sure the mesh is fully attached to the top rail and bottom of the bed so there are no holes for the baby to get caught in. Make sure there are no bare, missing or loose staples or nails. When in doubt throw it out – don’t use cribs or bedding that might pose a risk to your baby. It’s your job to keep them safe! Fire safety for home with newborn The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they have fresh batteries and are in working order – install them in your home if you don’t have them already. Check your fire extinguishers to make sure they are in working order – purchase them if you don’t have one on each floor of your home already. Make sure clothing and bedding meet fire safety standards – information on their fire safety rating should be on labels and tags. Insist that your home be smoke free to prevent your baby’s exposure to second-hand smoke and also as a fire prevention measure since cigarettes are a common cause of home fires. Review or update your fire escape plan to include your new baby – review the plan with everyone in the household. For more information on fire safety visit websites like the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Fire safety prevention in home with newborn The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Do a fire safety walk-through of your entire house, check for burnable substances near heat sources, frayed or damaged electrical cords, matches or lighters within reach of children and other situations that may be a fire hazard. Never leave space heaters of any type unattended and turn them off while you are asleep. Never store flammable liquids like paint thinner, charcoal lighter fluid or gasoline in the house and always keep them a safe distance from heat sources. Check all mattresses, bedding and sleep apparel for your baby to make sure they meet fire safety requirements – this information should be on the product label. Early warning of a fire is key to keeping your family safe, so make sure your smoke detectors and fire extinguishers meet local codes and are in working order. Be prepared and have a fire escape plan that is understood by and has been practiced by the entire household, it could save lives in a fire emergency. For more information on fire safety visit websites like the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Newborn safety tips The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Never leave your baby alone for even a minute unless they are in a secure place like a crib or playpen. Make sure you follow safe sleep recommendations when putting your baby to bed. When in the car always use a safety approved rear-facing car seat that is specifically made for newborns. Never ever leave your baby alone in a car – be especially careful during warm or cold weather. Always use safety approved car seats, cribs and toys – if they are hand-me-downs or you are buying them used, choose items that still have a safety tag attached and check to make sure they haven’t been recalled. To prevent burns never carry hot liquids or food while you are holding your baby. Pet safety and newborns The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. If you have a dog, know that certain breeds may require extra caution with a newborn – German Shepherds, Rottweilers and Pit Bulls account for more than 50% of fatal dog bites. Always closely supervise infants when in the presence of dogs even if they are not one of the above breeds – they may experience jealousy and have other unexpected reactions to a new member of the household. Keep in mind that some pet reptiles can carry infections, like Salmonella, so keep turtles, snakes and lizards away from children under 5 years of age to prevent the spread of infections. Small pets like rodents should be kept away from newborns and infants to prevent bites or the spread of Salmonella and other possible infections. Other issues: Make sure your pet is healthy – take them to the veterinarian for a check-up and any needed vaccinations before the baby is born. Keep your pet’s nails trimmed. For cats and dogs especially, you may need to work to prepare them for the new member of the family – for example, invite friends with babies over if your pets aren’t used to children – supervise their interactions as they learn about these new additions to their world. New situations can be stressful to pets so be patient and understanding with them as they adjust to the changes in their life – scolding and punishment will only add to their stress. There are many things you can do to ensure a smooth transition, so contact your local Humane Society or other animal-focused organization for additional suggestions on preparing your pets for the arrival of your new baby. Newborns and sun exposure The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

New Dad’s roles

The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Know that it’s normal to have fears – there is no simple way to prepare for parenthood and all new parents (yes Moms too!) have some concerns or fears about their new role. Learn as much as you can about your baby’s daily routine and offer to help out with activities you are comfortable doing. Make “Daddy Time” a special time every day by spending one-on-one time talking, reading or singing to the baby – work with Mom to build these activities into the daily routine. Offer to attend your baby’s doctors’ visits whenever possible – it helps you learn about your baby and provides a second set of ears to hear what the doctor has to say. Be actively involved in providing a safe environment for the baby – help keep an eye out for safety hazards. Make sure your baby is never exposed to second-hand smoke and has a drug free place to live. Be gentle with the baby – never shake your baby or toss them in the air. Be mindful of how you talk and act around the baby – a gentle voice and kind gestures are always best. Support from Mom to Dad The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Ask Mom to teach you to do things you may not know how to do yet – this way you can help out and support her as you learn about your new baby. Once you’re comfortable, offer to watch the baby so Mom can get some extra rest – this gives you time with the baby while supporting Mom as well. Take care of yourself, get regular check-ups and exercise daily – work to stay healthy for the newest member of the family. Set a good example and keep smoking and drugs out of your baby’s home. Talk with Mom about how she feels about herself after her pregnancy – she may need your support and encouragement to resume intimacy and sex since things like her self-image and her body may have changed. Treat Mom to small gifts and simple gestures that tell her that you care about her – these will help her understand that she is still special to you even if she is feeling tired and her self-image has changed. Emotional aspects for Dad The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Especially in the first few weeks after birth, use compassion when dealing with both Mom and baby. They both have just been through a difficult experience and your compassion will go a long way in supporting them as they move into the next part of their journey. You may often find yourself in new and challenging situations where you have the choice to either laugh or cry – choose humour, it helps everyone survive and thrive during challenging times. Life doesn’t always prepare us for our role as a parent so as a new Dad you will often find yourself in new situations with no rulebook – rise to the occasion by using your creativity and imagination to overcome new challenges. Remember that patience is a virtue – this is especially true when you have a newborn, so remember to slow down, take a deep breath and relax before you react to trying situations. Always keep in mind that much of what you are doing in the early days after the birth of your baby is a form of service for both baby and Mom – don’t see it as a negative, rather see it as a time for you to develop a new leadership role as you offer yourself in service to others. Dad comforting a crying baby The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. As a first step, always make sure your baby has been fed and changed and that they are comfortable – if so then go on to the next steps to soothe them. Swaddling: holding a baby close can help them feel more secure, so snuggle them in a soft blanket. Side/Stomach: holding your baby on their side or stomach may help calm them. Shhh: making this noise often helps sooth your baby. Sucking: is very comforting for your baby, so if it’s not feeding time, give them a pacifier to suck on. Swinging: gentle movement is often soothing to a baby, so gently rock them in your arms or put them safely in an infant swing. Remember that even though it may be frustrating, it’s important for you to be patient and gentle with your baby. Use this time to bond with your baby and allow Mom a much-needed break from her role as a caregiver. Getting Dad involved The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Talk with Dad about his thoughts, feelings and concerns regarding his role in caring for your newborn – this will help you understand his comfort level. Get Dad involved in your baby’s care – he may need help in learning how to hold the baby or change diapers so include him in as many of the day-to-day activities as you can. Have Dad help with a night feeding when possible – if you are breast feeding consider pumping a feeding ahead so he can take one feeding for you during the night. Have him talk, read or sing to the baby every day – build these activities into your baby’s daily routine. Involve Dad in doctors’ appointments whenever possible. Ask Dad

Parenting Hub

The Festive Favourite that avoids a diet disaster come the new year!

But instead of priming a diet disaster come the new year, you really can deck the halls, line your stomach and, above all, bulletproof your wellbeing over the festive season by adding loads of fresh mushrooms to your table – while not skimping on flavour or festive feels in any way! The key is embracing blendability – and a bit of balance and self-control at the dessert table too. But mushrooms have you sorted on the starters, mains, sides and snacks! Mushrooms are very low in calories, cholesterol and salt, while being titans of taste. And all you have to do is halve the meat in any recipe you are cooking and substitute with finely chopped mushrooms for all the flavour and meaty-mouthfeel, and a whole lot more good health.  Added fungi feasting points:  • Fresh mushrooms are amazingly budget-friendly when compared to meat.  • Mushrooms are readily available in every supermarket. • Mushrooms can easily be used to stretch a meal like potjie to feed a bigger crowd – just chuck a punnet or two into the pot! • Mushrooms are extremely versatile, and easily adaptable to most cooking methods and cuisines.  • Mushrooms are a marvellous meat substitute. Grill a few over charcoal with your usual braai marinade and you’ll be blown away! • Mushrooms have a unique nutrient profile, providing nutrients found in animal derived foods like meat, fish and chicken, and plant derived foods such as grains and vegetables. • Mushrooms are a mainstay of the Mediterranean diet, which is considered the healthiest lifestyle and eating plan in the world.  • Along with moderate exercise, studies show that eating mushrooms can improve your mood.  • Mushrooms are incredibly delicious! In Central and Eastern Europe, mushrooms are a big part of Christmas Eve celebrations, with mushroom soup always served in Germany and fungi-filled pierogi or uszka on every Polish table.  But what about at home here in South Africa? Well mushrooms make themselves welcome in every situation. If you’re braaiing, give Mixed Mushroom Braai a try, with sides of Spicy Chicken Livers, Baby Buttons & Creamy Samp or Cheesy Mushroom & Spinach Loaded Polenta, and make a giant bowl of Mushroom Chakalaka for your meats.  And don’t forget the other big flavours of South Africa. Maybe some Mushroom, Pea & Potato Samoosas with Mint & Yoghurt Dipping Sauce for that end-of-year party and a Mushroom & Mince Bobotie for the Christmas table.  Then there are refreshing cold lunch salads like Grilled Mushroom, Chicken & Papaya Salad, late night messy-hand treats like Portabello Shawarma and those little-bit-fancy kuir-snacks from Mushroom Hummus with Sesame Mushroom Topping to Mushroom Summer Rolls  Come Christmas Eve, Mushroom & Kingklip Ceviche should hit the spot after a day of baking and getting ahead on dishes like Festive Mushroom Wellington & Cranberry Sauce, which promises all the right kind of Big Day drama. So for your health, for your waistline and for your overall mood, this festive season, whenever your tummy rumbles, go to to fill your mouth with a mushroom! Mushroom & Walnut Tart Serves 8-10 Ingredients: Crust: Filling: To serve: Method: For the crust: For the filling: Image and Recipe Credit :  The South African Mushroom Farmers’ Association

Parenting Hub

Chase the happiness highway this festive season

We all need to eat, to sustain life and for the pure enjoyment of it. A delicious meal can reset your thinking as well as give you energy. And mushrooms have a lot to offer when it comes to good food, good mood, good life.  Mom was right when she told you to eat your greens because they’re good for you. And while mushrooms are technically fungi, rather than vegetables, they hold the same eating and nutrition pluses as plants.  A study by the University of Kent and the University of Reading found that uplifting your health by eating good-for-you mushrooms, fresh vegetables and fruit, and taking part in regular exercise, can indeed make you a happier and healthier person. Now we all know what foods we should eat for optimal health and mood, but we simply don’t do it. Mushrooms offer an amazing quick-fix to this conundrum, because they’re not only easily accessible and budget-friendly, they are also delicious and amazingly versatile, adapting to all sorts of dishes and cooking styles! But most importantly, mushrooms are simple to ADD to your meals, rather than a hard-to-stomach subtraction. Feel like pizza? Choose sliced mushrooms as one of your toppings. A braai with friends? Marinate and chargrill big brown mushrooms in place of some of the meat you’d ordinarily serve. Making a stir-fry, pasta dish or stew? Throw in some fresh mushrooms. It’s no extra effort but always a positive mental and lifestyle choice.  Often when we want to feel better, we reach for the sweets and cakes, but nutrient dense foods like mushrooms will actually do more for your long-term mindset. Some of the reasons mushrooms are a mental health marvel, include:  Vitamin D Fresh mushrooms were lauded in a recent CNET article titled, 8 Foods That’ll Make You Happy, According to Science. The reason? Vitamin D. “Mushrooms are packed with vitamin D, which has been linked to antidepressant qualities and may boost your mood,” states the article. “If you’re vegan or vegetarian, you’re in luck, since mushrooms are the only non-animal-derived food source with a substantial amount of vitamin D that’s bioavailable (the body can easily absorb it). To get the most vitamin D benefit from mushrooms, expose them to sunlight for a few hours before cooking.” Vitamin B6 A study published in 2022 in The National Library of Medicine “concluded that vitamin B6 actively helps in relieving symptoms that accompany depression and anxiety, making it an important supplement to be added to our daily lives.” And you guessed it, fresh mushrooms are a good source of B6.  Selenium  Mushrooms deliver a significant amount of the antioxidant selenium, which has long been associated with brain health, with studies mentioning benefits that range from lowering inflammation in brain cells to dementia support. According to WebMD, “research shows selenium’s antioxidant properties fight cell damage that may worsen brain and nervous system diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis.”  Ergothioneine A 2021 study at Penn State College of Medicine that looked at mushroom consumption and individuals’ mental health, and considered the information from more than 24 000 US adults between 2005 and 2016, collected from that country’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, reported a connection between individuals eating moderate-to-high levels of mushrooms and depression. “Higher mushroom intake gave participants lower odds of experiencing depression or depression symptoms, compared to those who ate a low amount of or no mushrooms,” noted the authors. The lead researcher, Djibril Ba, then went on to says that “mushrooms are the highest dietary source of ergothioneine, an amino acid that works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Inflammation has been linked to depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, so this inflammation-fighting nutrient may help combat these common mental health woes.” Clearly fungi brings the chill, feeds the mind and boosts your happy days!   And while happiness is not one of those things we can really strive for directly, it’s certainly a byproduct of good living, including eating well – and that means great flavour, fullness and overall satisfaction too.  Chase the happiness highway with tasty mushroom meals from Then add some exercise and time with good friends to the mix, serving up happy-to-share classics like Mushroom Loaded Nachos with Homemade Queso to get those good vibes going.  ______________________________________________________________ Mushroom Loaded Nachos with Homemade Queso (cheese sauce) Serves 8 INGREDIENTS For the cheesy sauce / queso: 2 Tbsp butter1 small onion, finely diced3 garlic cloves, grated 2 tsp ground cumin½ tsp cayenne pepper2 cups full cream milk1 Tbsp cornstarch300g cheddar cheese, finely grated Salt, to taste  For the nachos: 500g corn tortilla chips2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded1 onion, finely diced2 garlic cloves, grated 1 Tbsp Mexican spice mix / Taco seasoning 500g mixed mushrooms, sliced (baby button, portabellini & white button) 1 x 400g tin crushed italian tomatoes 1 x 400g tin black beans, drained & rinsed Olive oilSalt and pepper, to taste  Optional nacho sides for serving:Guacamole, sour cream, tomato & onion salsa, fresh coriander, grilled corn METHOD For the cheesy sauce / queso: Heat butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are tender but do not brown. Add cumin and cayenne pepper and cook until fragrant.  Stir in all but ¼ cup of the milk and bring to a bare simmer. With the remaining ¼ cup of milk whisk in the cornstarch until smooth.  Add cornstarch slurry to the pot and whisk it through. Whilst simmering, continue to whisk and cook the cornstarch into the mixture for 2 minutes until thickened and mixture coats the back of a spoon.  Turn off the heat and switch to a spatula. Adding a handful at a time, sprinkle in the cheddar and stir until it is fully dissolved. Do not add too much at a time. If you need to increase the heat, switch the burner on to the lowest setting to help the melting along. Continue adding the cheese until it has all melted.  Cover the queso with a lid while preparing the rest of the

1st for woman

The Journey to Generation None: Building Safer Futures for South African Women and Children

At 1st for Women, we know that addressing gender-based violence (GBV) requires not only immediate action but also a long-term commitment to dismantling the cultural mindsets that allow such violence to persist. Our five-year strategy to tackle GBV in Diepsloot exemplifies our dedication to creating an environment where future generations can live free from fear, writes Seugnette van Wyngaard, Head of 1st for Women Insurance. This commitment is why we’re proud to have launched our Generation None campaign for this year’s 16 Days of Activism, envisioning a world where the next generation will be free from the shadow of violence that’s affected too many for too long. Our approach in Diepsloot is grounded in a partnership network designed to address GBV from multiple angles. Through programmes implemented by Action Breaks Silence and REPSSI, we’re reaching young people in schools—starting as early as grade two—to help shift the cultural attitudes that underpin GBV. By educating students on concepts like self-esteem, empathy, and healthy boundaries, these school-based programs aim to address the root causes of gender-based violence by challenging ideas around gender roles, masculinity, and patriarchy. Think of it as a proactive, preventive approach. Because, as research shows, if we want to foster new mindsets and behaviours, we need to reach people when they’re young. This is why our focus is on equipping today’s youth with values that encourage respect and equality—values that will become deeply ingrained as they grow into adulthood. We’re seeing firsthand how this approach impacts communities. By emphasising respect and understanding in schools, we’re already witnessing reductions in behaviours like bullying. This progress reflects that if we can help young people understand the importance of treating others with dignity and empathy, we can set the groundwork to reduce not just bullying but future incidents of gender-based violence. However, we also recognise that prevention alone is not enough. GBV survivors in Diepsloot need immediate support and access to justice, which is why our network also includes essential resources for those affected today. Tears Foundation, for example, provides a 24-hour support system that survivors can contact anytime for immediate assistance, assisting over 133,000 users in the last year alone. Lawyers Against Abuse is another critical partner in our mission, providing legal assistance and counselling to over 890 GBV survivors since the programme began. In the past year alone, LvA has supported survivors in 84 criminal cases, including 53 cases of sexual violence, 27 cases of assault, and three cases of child abuse. Beyond legal help, LvA has also reached over 2,000 young people through GBV awareness campaigns, promoting a community-wide culture of support and vigilance. One of the most significant additions to our work in Diepsloot is the Post-Violence Clinical Care Centre (PVCC), which opened in May 2024. To date, 132 survivors have received medical and counselling assistance in this dignified, safe space designed specifically for survivors of GBV. Unlike conventional police facilities, the PVCC is equipped with trained counsellors and medical staff who can provide immediate trauma support, enabling survivors to give clear statements and begin their journey toward justice. This facility is a critical step in helping to overcome barriers to reporting, which is often hampered by a lack of appropriate infrastructure and support in public institutions. By ensuring that survivors feel protected, respected, and cared for from the moment they report an incident, the PVCC is a model of how holistic support should look. The infrastructure and partnerships we’ve established in Diepsloot reflect a carefully considered strategy that prioritises both prevention and response. Our hope is to bring this model to other areas in South Africa. As we collect data and measure the impact of this program, we’ll be better equipped to replicate it in other communities that need it most.  Diepsloot is a challenging environment, but that’s precisely why we chose it. If this program can make an impact here, we believe it can make an impact anywhere. To date, our Foundation has supported nearly 67,000 people in Diepsloot through our flagship schools and community programs. We understand the daunting statistics around GBV in South Africa. Fewer than 7% of incidents are reported to the authorities—a figure that underscores the urgent need for facilities like the PVCC, where survivors can feel respected, protected, and empowered to speak out. Our commitment remains to make these essential resources as accessible as possible. By supporting both present and future generations, we’re striving toward a South Africa where the next generation will be able to live without the threat of GBV. The Generation None campaign captures this vision perfectly. Through focused investment, compassionate care, and a long-term strategy, we are hopeful that the landscape of GBV prevention and support will change for the better. At 1st for Women, we believe that every woman deserves a life free from violence. Our work in Diepsloot is one step forward in that journey, and we remain steadfast in our mission to ensure this becomes a reality across South Africa.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Reasons why your baby is crying

The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. If your baby is crying, the first step is trying to figure out the reason.  Some of the most common reasons why a baby is crying are: Hunger is usually the first thing you should think of – they may give other signs first like rooting, fussing, smacking their lips and putting their hands to their lips. A dirty diaper – many infants don’t like a wet or dirty diaper, so changing their diaper when they cry is a simple thing you can do to help calm them. In need of sleep – babies may not just nod off to sleep when they are tired, they may get fussy and cry, so after feeding and changing diapers you may want to try soothing activities like finding a quiet place, holding them close and rocking them to help them get to sleep. Wanting to be held – babies like to be cuddled, so if you have tried all of the above tips without success it could be that your baby just wants you to hold and cuddle them; also talk in a soft voice or sing softly. Tummy troubles – babies can develop gas pains, colic, constipation, milk allergies and other conditions that make them cry; if this happens often talk with your doctor about ways you can soothe their tummy. Needing to burp – a trapped gas bubble in your baby’s stomach can make them uncomfortable, so if they are crying after a feeding, try burping them to see if that helps. Additional reasons are mentioned in the following tip. Additional reasons why your baby is crying The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. In addition to the reasons mentioned in the previous tip, the following are reasons why your baby may be crying: Temperature troubles – babies will often cry if they are too cold, this may happen when you are changing them or washing them; it can also happen if they are too hot, though this is less common. Little irritations – babies are very sensitive to small discomforts like a hair wrapped around a finger or toe, scratchy clothing or being placed in the wrong position, so look for little discomforts if the big things don’t appear to be the cause of their distress. Teething – newborns don’t have teeth coming in but sometimes their teeth will move around under the gums causing them discomfort; their teeth won’t usually start to come in until they are about 4-7 months; a cold washcloth and gentle pressure on their gums may be soothing. Over stimulation – newborns can’t always process all the things that are going on around them, so if you think your baby may be suffering from too much stimulation take them to a quiet spot away from bright lights, hold them close and soothe them until they can calm down. Not enough stimulation – some babies are outgoing and like to see what’s going on around them, so if you think this is your baby’s issue try carrying them in a sling, front carrier or backpack so they can get the extra stimulation they need. Not feeling well – if you’ve met all your baby’s basic needs and they are still crying and fussy they could be coming down with something, so keep a close eye on them, check their temperature if you think they might have a fever and contact your doctor if needed. Things to try to comfort a crying baby The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Sucking is soothing for a baby and can lower their heart rate and relax their stomach, so give them a pacifier or a clean finger to suck on when nothing else seems to stop their crying. Babies are used to being warm and secure in the womb so when all else fails try imitating that experience by swaddling them and holding them securely or carry them with you in a sling. Some babies respond well to sound and movement, so try putting on some music and dancing with them – gently of course! Try white noise – often babies like noises that mimic the whooshing sounds they heard before they were born, so try running the vacuum cleaner, a fan or the water faucet or use a recording of a water fountain, a gurgling stream or waves. A change of scenery can sometimes help, so dress your baby appropriately and step outside your front door; walk around slowly and talk in a soothing tone. Get them moving – babies like motion so try carrying them around or take them for a ride in the stroller or the car; sometime this will work when nothing else seems to help. Massage may be helpful for some babies – don’t worry about knowing the right movements, just try a soft, gentle massage in a warm place free from drafts. Start all over again – sometimes it’s helpful just to start at the top of the list again; change their diaper, hold them close, feed them if their hungry and see if something works the second time around. If you ever think your baby is in distress because of a health-related issue don’t hesitate to contact your doctor. No question is ever “dumb” if it involves the wellbeing of your baby! Feeling frustrated when a baby won’t stop crying The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Keep in mind that crying won’t hurt your baby, they may just need a release so let them cry. Put your baby down and let

1st for woman

1st for Women Insurance Unveils Generation None Campaign for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

1st for Women Insurance today launches its Generation None campaign, an initiative aimed at eradicating gender-based violence (GBV) to create a safer, more just future for South African women and girls. Taking place throughout the annual 16 Days of Activism, the campaign is premised on the fact that 28,000 girls will be born in South Africa during this period, and asks us to consider ‘How many of them will experience GBV?’ ultimately landing the point that: ‘it’s up to us to ensure it’s none.’ Despite the troubling statistic that one in three South African women will endure gender-based violence in her lifetime, Generation None envisions a future where none of these girls will grow up to be part of that statistic. This future—Generation None—represents 1st for Women’s commitment to a society in which no woman experiences violence simply for being a woman. The campaign calls for all individuals, communities, and corporations to take a stand to make this vision a reality. “For over 15 years, 1st for Women has been dedicated to fighting GBV and supporting victims through various initiatives and programs. We have raised more than R100 million to support GBV victims and prevention projects, but we know our work is far from over,” said Seugnette van Wyngaard, Head of 1st for Women Insurance. “Generation None is our commitment to amplifying the voices of those fighting for change and creating a safer society for future generations. Together, we can turn ‘1 in 3’ into ‘none.’” At the heart of Generation None is a vision of a future free from GBV. This mission emphasizes that ending GBV requires a united effort and a firm commitment to ensure: Introducing the Generation None Time Capsule To mark the Generation None commitment, 1st For Women will be unveiling a symbolic Time Capsule project that allows South Africans to make a tangible commitment today for a future free of GBV. The Time Capsule invites participants to: Each message, pledge, and post becomes part of a larger movement, a reminder to future generations that South Africa took a stand against GBV, actively working toward a world in which girls are free from harm and fear. “This campaign is more than just a vision — it’s our call to action,” added van Wyngaard. “Generation None represents the world we all deserve—one free from violence against women. Together, we can create this future.” The Generation None campaign ultimately serves as a promise, a responsibility, and an invitation to every South African to take action. Join us in shaping a violence-free world for these 28,000 baby girls, and for every girl yet to be born.

Lamelle Research Laboratories

What to do if you get sunburnt this summer

When it comes to sunburn, prevention is better than cure. The sun’s rays are incredibly dangerous, and for those of us living on the African continent, summer can be brutal on our skin. Not only are we at risk of getting a painful sunburn, but we are also at risk of developing skin cancer. Each of us should do everything we can to prevent getting sunburnt, particularly during summer, when we are most at risk. This includes applying SPF daily, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding the sun during peak hours. However, we are only human, and even the most diligent of us slip up sometimes. Developing a sunburn should not be a part of your annual summer holiday, but if you do get one, it’s essential to know how to ensure your skin heals quickly.  Why does our skin get sunburnt? When our skin is exposed to too much UV (ultraviolet) light, it results in sunburn. The primary source of UV light is the sun, however, artificial sources such as tanning beds may also burn the skin. The sun’s UVA rays can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, leading to premature ageing and DNA damage. On the other hand, UVB rays penetrate the skin more superficially and are responsible for sunburn.  When exposed to the sun, we are at risk of developing sunburn, long-term skin damage, and skin cancer. Everyone can get sunburnt, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity, so it’s essential to take steps to protect yourself when you go outdoors.  What are some of the symptoms of sunburn? The most apparent symptom of sunburn is redness, particularly in fair skin tones. The skin may feel hot to the touch, painful, itchy, or tender, and in severe cases, there may be swelling or blistering.  When does a sunburn require medical attention? Do not underestimate the power of the sun. A bad sunburn can be life-threatening if not treated. You should seek immediate medical attention if you experience severe symptoms such as chills or fever, headaches, blistering, nausea, muscle cramps or dizziness.  How can you treat a sunburn at home? In most cases, a sunburn can be treated at home, but the discomfort will take some time to be alleviated. Here’s what to do:  Stay out of the sun—This may seem obvious, but the worst thing you can do is expose your sunburnt skin to further damage. Stay indoors while your skin heals, or wear protective clothing if you need to go outside. Drink lots of water – Sunburnt skin draws fluid to the skin’s surface, so your body will need more water than usual to avoid dehydration.  Take cool showers or baths – The cold water will help soothe your skin. Don’t rub your skin when you get out; pat it dry gently to avoid further pain and irritation. Do not apply ice as it may worsen the damage. Take painkillers if necessary. Ibuprofen or aspirin can be taken to relieve pain and swelling. Wear loose clothing – Tight-fitting clothing irritates burnt skin and may cause unnecessary friction. Avoid perfumed products – Fragrances, scented soaps, or lotions should not be applied to sunburnt skin as they may cause irritation. Apply a cooling gel with healing properties – Lamelle Research Laboratories recently launched Helase Rescue Repair Gel, an after-sun skin saviour that can be used by the whole family.  Helase Rescue Repair Gel is intended to nourish, repair, and soothe sun-exposed skin. The product’s potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cooling agents work rapidly to reduce the extent of the injury. It reduces and soothes redness, heat, and irritation and turns off damaging free radicals if you’ve been overexposed to the sun. Not only does it offer immediate relief from discomfort, but it also limits the damage done by sun exposure.  Directions for use: Apply the required amount of product to the affected area two to three times a day until the redness has subsided. In severe cases of sun exposure, there may be a slight stinging sensation that quickly subsides. Once the Rescue Repair Gel has fully absorbed, additional moisturisers should be added to the affected area over it. Lamelle Serra Soothing Cream is an ideal option for extremely dry, inflamed, and sensitive skin. Be patient – Sunburn is uncomfortable and takes time to heal. Allow your body to heal naturally – do not pick at your skin or blisters, and once it begins to peel, do not rub, tug at or pull the skin.  Protecting your skin from the sun should be a priority all year round, but it becomes increasingly important during summer when the sun’s UV rays are at their most dangerous. Be vigilant regarding sun protection, especially with young children whose skin is highly vulnerable. 

Parenting Hub

Here’s that show-stopping dish you want for your festive table!

It’s almost that time of year again! We’re planning our end-of-year holidays and, equally important, the holiday menu!  You’ll be pleased to know that mushrooms are especially great for this time of year.  They’re robust and substantial enough to keep you going, delicious enough to have more and light enough not to ruin the next feast scheduled. PLUS our Twice Baked Mushroom Souffle is a winner – not only because it is a showstopper but because it is really easy to make….. Do we need to say more? The recipe is below the image and if you need more mushroom inspiration for the holidays, our website has it all. Check out Enjoy the cooking and the togetherness this Festive Season! Twice Baked Mushroom Soufflé Image and Recipe Credit the South African Mushroom Farmers’ Association Serves 6 Ingredients: Method: Bake for 15 – 20 minutes until puffed up once again and the cream has thickened and caramelised. Serve straight away with a lightly dressed green salad on the side. 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Everything you need to know about having a miscarriage

Deciding to become a mom, or even finding out by chance that you’re pregnant can be an exciting time in your life. However, sometimes you will spontaneously lose the embryo before 20 weeks and this is known as a miscarriage. You may be wondering what causes a miscarriage and how to notice the symptoms and signs of one.  What is a miscarriage and what causes them? Miscarriages are defined as the spontaneous ending of a pregnancy before 20 weeks. Miscarriages can both be emotionally and physically painful to deal with, but it is thought (according to the NHS) that 1 in 8 pregnancies end in miscarriage, with many happening before a woman notices that she has missed her period (meaning she probably won’t even know that she’s been pregnant.  American Pregnancy Association (APA) states that the most common cause of miscarriage is an embryo that is genetically abnormal, which can be either genetic or spontaneous. However, miscarriages can be caused by underlying health conditions such as diabetes, or poor lifestyle choices, such as drug use and drinking. Maternal age is also a contributing risk factor, as women over 35 have higher chances of pregnancy loss.  How do I know if I ‘m having a miscarriage? Symptoms of a miscarriage can be similar to that of your menstrual period. You may experience cramps and abdominal and back pain, as well as bleeding which can vary from light spotting to heavy discharge. It is normal to have pain and bleeding after a miscarriage, and these period-pain type signs should stop after two weeks.  If you experience heavy bleeding, fever or chills be sure to seek professional help as you could have an infection. Unfortunately, the miscarriage process can’t be reversed and if you think you are having a miscarriage you should speak to your doctor about how to manage it.  Can I have a normal pregnancy after having a miscarriage? Many women may worry that having a miscarriage may affect their chances of getting pregnant again – however, many women have healthy pregnancies after miscarriage. Most doctors recommend waiting a period of time before trying again, so speak to your health care provider about the best way forward. 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Cwebeni gets a lifeline of water

In many rural villages across South Africa, access to clean, running water is not a convenience – it’s a lifeline.  For the villagers of Cwebeni in rural Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape, fetching water for drinking, cooking and bathing is a daily struggle.  It requires long, exhausting and treacherous walks along a narrow path to a spring, while balancing buckets. Today (November 21) there is cause for celebration as the lives of this local community are being transformed, thanks to the provision and activation of a borehole and access to running water. The need The village of Cwebeni of around 400 households and 3 000 residents, face many challenges. There are few employment opportunities and little access to basic services – such as clean water, sanitation and road infrastructure. They have not had water in the communal taps for the last eight years. This means locals, including the elderly, walk up to 5km every day to access water from a water hole they share with the livestock.  ‘The entire community has suffered because we don’t have easy access to water,’ says Zuzukeli Duna, Principal of Cwebeni Junior Secondary School.  ‘Without water, daily tasks like cooking, bathing and growing food in our gardens are very difficult. A borehole would make a significant difference to us. It will greatly improve life for thousands of people in our community as well as the 361 learners at our school.’ ‘For many of us, water is readily available, so we don’t stop to think what life would be without it,’ says Dr Imtiaz Sooliman of Gift of the Givers.  ‘But access to water is a human right and, without it, communities face huge challenges including the threat of diseases, poor hygiene and malnutrition. Clean water and sanitation go hand in hand with dignity.’ Which is why when Gift of the Givers visited Cwebeni on a hunger alleviation intervention and were alerted to this crisis, they stepped in and approached Mr Duna for permission to drill on the school grounds to look for a good source of water. ‘We always attempt to place boreholes at institutions, such as schools, to secure the infrastructure,’ explains Dr Sooliman.  ‘This provides a solution for both the school and community as we extend the water outlets to outside of the school property, so that the community can benefit too.’ The intervention Gift of the Givers began exploring the possibility of a borehole and approached Bonitas Medical Scheme for funding, as part of the Scheme’s ongoing commitment to community upliftment. Feasibility studies were conducted in March, drilling began in April when water was found, yielding 960 litres per hour. The borehole, at a depth of 200 metres, was completed in July and is solar powered. The pump and control box are run off 4 x 430-watt solar panels and the system has a 1.1 kw solar motor and a Dab 24-1/37 pump. The borehole has been lined with a PVC casing to lessen the risk of collapse and 2 x 5 000 litre storage tanks are on site, as well as two taps – one inside the school grounds and the other outside for community access. Due to the water testing results showing elevated levels of coliform bacteria and to provide  safer and better-quality water, 4 x UV lights have been installed to kill the bacteria. However, it is recommended that water be boiled for drinking. The perfect partnership The partnership between Gift of the Givers and Bonitas began in 2018, the key objective: To provide relief to the most vulnerable and marginalised communities, specifically in the field of healthcare interventions.   Lee Callakoppen, Principal Officer of Bonitas says, ‘It’s wonderful to be able to make a difference in the lives of the villagers of Cwebeni. This precious resource is essential to every aspect of life. Water provides the chance for a brighter, healthier future and no one should be denied this fundamental right. ‘This project – and others – rolled out with Gift of the Givers, reinforces our commitment to being the medical aid for South Africa.   It’s the perfect partnership, as we have the same passion and drive to assist where it is needed most. We have over 65 000 members based in the Eastern Cape and so are pleased to support this Province, in a small but meaningful way and help change lives.’ Impacting lives ‘We are so grateful to Gift of the Givers and Bonitas for undertaking this project,’ says Duna.  ‘Life has been tough, especially during the winter but we’re so happy that we now have a borehole and access to running water within the village. It is going to make the lives of our community so much easier’.   Dr Sooliman says, ‘The simple act of turning on a tap and seeing water flowing, inspires hope and possibility for a more prosperous life.’ Future investment Bonitas has committed to continuing to work with Gift of the Givers on projects that help impact the lives of vulnerable and marginalised communities, with a bias towards health interventions and access to clean water. 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Due soon? What to include in your hospital bag

With your due date fast approaching, this is a very exciting, yet stressful time for most moms to be. Here is a great list of what to pack for the big day! Ideally, you should have your bag ready to go by 36 to 37weeks, apart from the last minute grabs such as your tooth brush and phone charger. Please see our extensive list of the essential items and also items to make you feel more comfortable for mom and baby (and dad, of course!) Baby Car seat – Many hospitals won’t let you leave without one. Please make sure you know how to strap baby properly into the seat and the seat is secure in the car. Safety first! A going home outfit: It’s important to keep baby skin to skin (this means no clothes on baby; only a nappy) for as long as possible, as this promotes growth, bonding and a calming period for you and your baby. When it’s time to go home, pack different outfits in different sizes as you don’t know how big or small baby will be. Aim for an outfit in Newborn sizes, and 0-3 months. Don’t forget a beanie or socks if the weather is cold. Blankets or Muslin wrap to keep baby nice and cosy. Bottles – If you are going into the hospital knowing you are going to bottle feed, take your bottles with. The hospital usually supplies the formula, but if you have a preferred brand, take some along. If breastfeeding doesn’t work for you, don’t stress! The nurses will provide the bottles and formula. Nappies and wipes to keep baby clean and dry. The nurses in the hospital will show you how to change baby if you are a first time mom. Mom Your medical aid information, your pre authorization/ doctors forms, your ID card and all other important documents you may need. Keep this safely in a folder all together to avoid any stress. A robe or dressing gown – This is such a handy item to have to cover up and make you feel comfortable Pyjama’s that button down at the front – If you are breastfeeding it’s a lot easier to undo the buttons than lift your top continuously. Comfortable, soft and loose pants such as lights weight shorts, stretchy leggings or sleep pants are ideal. Maternity pads and disposable breast pads. Nursing bras are also wonderful and offers great support for breastfeeding moms. Slippers or slip in shoes. Your feet may be a little swollen after delivery, so don’t feel bad leaving the hospital in the snuggest and easiest pair of shoes you can slip into. Slipper socks also work great. Cotton underwear, preferably in a dark or black colour. One that fits you well but rises above the uterus. This is good for moms who have a caesarean section and natural birth as it offers support and doesn’t cause pain along the wound site. Nipple cream – If you’re planning on breastfeeding, your nipples will be happy you are being so proactive. Toiletries – You will want to brush your hair and have a shower after baby has arrived. Take your shampoo, face cream, lotion and body wash, as well as your toothbrush and toothpaste. Deodorant, lip balm and extra hair ties are also a great items to have on hand. Cell phone charger – Because your phone will be full of photos of your new addition to your family. Water bottle and snacks. Take a reusable water bottle as its very important to keep hydrated during and post-delivery. Snack on dried fruit and wine gums to keep your sugar up and to give you energy (with permission from your midwife or doctor of course) A magazine or book, your laptop or some music. Labour may sometimes become a little long. It’s good to keep busy. Most hospitals and birthing clinics supply towels, pillows and blankets. If you have a favourite, take yours along to the hospital. A set of clothes to go home in. Your make up bag and straightener or curling iron. While you won’t be focused on looking great during labour, you may want to take some photos after the birth of your little one. Get someone to help you and make you feel good about yourself (and the great work you’ve just done!) Dad/Birthing partner Camera – Take photos! Lots of them. This is a great job for dad to do during birth. It will make them feel a lot more involved. Snacks: Another great job for dad. Full his bag with plenty of snacks and treats that you can both enjoy during your stay. Comfortable clothes – As he may be sitting with you for quite some time, let him pack some tracksuit pants, t shirts, slippers and hoodies.  Extra underwear is also a winner if he is staying overnight. Chargers – For phones, laptops and cameras. The longer the wire, the better, as most plug outlets are likely to be far from you. Toiletries – He may want to freshen up during the course of your stay. Many private hospitals offer you a baby bag when you are admitted for delivery. This is a great item and will contain most, if not all baby’s toiletries such as soap and creams. If you forget something, it’s not the end of the world. The nurses may be able to help or someone can go to the shop for you. All baby ideally needs is a clean nappy, milk, and most importantly, you.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Putting together your birth plan

As you enter your third trimester you’ll have probably done a fair bit of research on the birth process (if this is your first) and may have a good idea of what you want before, during and after delivery. There are many options and opinions, from whether or not you want pain medication to how many people you would like supporting you. However, trying to keep track of your choices during labour may be tricky, which is why you’d put together a birth plan. So what exactly is it and how do you put one together? Why should I put together a birth plan?  Your birth plan is your choices or preferences before, during and after labour and delivery. While things may not always go according to plan, having your preferences written down and communicated means you, your midwives and doctor have a more mutual understanding. However, if your pregnancy doesn’t go accordingly, you need to be prepared to make adjustments on the day. What should be in my birth plan? Your birth plan is how you’d like everything would go in the best-case scenario. Your birth plan will also have to take into consideration what is available at the hospital or place where you are giving birth. Some birth plans are very basic, just outlining a simple overview, whereas others may be far more detailed and in-depth. The choice is yours. Typically a birth plan will include before, during and after labour and birth preferences. Such as who you want to assist you during birth, whether or not you want any pain medication,  you birthing positions, and requests for newborn care, such as skin-to-skin time. How can I learn more about the birth process?  If you feel like you need to top up your birthing knowledge before putting together a plan they are a few ways you can go about this. Joining antenatal classes are a good way to learn more and to meet other women in your position. Chatting to friends or family who has been through the birthing process themselves is another good way to see what would work best for you. If you and your partner are having a baby together, keep them in the loop as well. Find out what they expect during labour and you can chat about what you want, and what role you see them playing in the process.

Parenting Hub

Building Healthy Sleep Habits for Kids of All Ages

Quality sleep is essential for children’s growth, development, and emotional well-being. However, getting kids to establish healthy sleep routines can sometimes be challenging, especially with varying needs at different ages. This guide provides practical tips to create age-appropriate sleep habits that help children thrive. Why Sleep is Important for Children Sleep Recommendations by Age The amount of sleep required varies by age: Healthy Sleep Tips for All Ages 1. Create a Consistent Sleep Routine 2. Foster a Comfortable Sleep Environment 3. Age-Specific Strategies 4. Monitor Nutrition and Activity How Parents Can Support Better Sleep When to Seek Help If your child experiences frequent sleep disruptions, insomnia, or signs of sleep disorders (like snoring or night terrors), consider consulting a paediatrician or sleep specialist. Conclusion Healthy sleep habits are essential for children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. By implementing consistent routines and age-appropriate strategies, parents can support their children’s sleep and overall development. Prioritising good sleep practices now will establish lifelong habits that benefit kids well into adulthood.

Parenting Hub

Coping with Parental Burnout: Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms and Dads

Parenting is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be incredibly demanding. With the pressures of work, household responsibilities, and the never-ending needs of children, many parents find themselves feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. This phenomenon, known as parental burnout, can lead to feelings of frustration, fatigue, and even resentment. However, with the right strategies, parents can manage burnout and prioritise their well-being. Here are some self-care tips for busy moms and dads to help navigate the challenges of parenting. 1. Recognise the Signs of Burnout The first step in combating parental burnout is recognising the signs. Common indicators include chronic fatigue, irritability, feelings of inadequacy, and a lack of enthusiasm for activities you once enjoyed. If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms, it’s essential to acknowledge them and take proactive steps to address your needs. 2. Prioritise Self-Care Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential. Here are some self-care practices that can make a difference: 3. Set Boundaries Learning to say “no” is crucial for maintaining balance. It’s okay to decline invitations or limit commitments that add unnecessary stress to your life. Setting boundaries around work and personal time can help you manage your responsibilities more effectively. 4. Create a Support Network Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, or parenting groups. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others can provide relief and help you feel less isolated. Consider setting up a regular coffee date or virtual hangout with fellow parents to discuss challenges and share advice. 5. Schedule Quality Family Time While it’s important to take time for yourself, connecting with your children can also be a great stress reliever. Plan activities that everyone enjoys, whether it’s a family movie night, game day, or an outdoor adventure. Quality time together can strengthen bonds and create lasting memories, reminding you of the joys of parenting. 6. Seek Professional Help If feelings of burnout persist and interfere with your daily life, consider speaking with a therapist or counsellor. Professional support can provide valuable coping strategies and a safe space to express your feelings. 7. Establish Routines Creating a daily routine can bring structure to your day and make managing responsibilities feel less overwhelming. Involve your children in setting up a family schedule that includes chores, homework, and downtime. This not only lightens your load but also teaches your kids valuable skills. 8. Make Time for Hobbies Don’t forget to nurture your interests outside of parenting. Whether it’s reading, painting, gardening, or any other hobby, taking time for yourself can recharge your energy and creativity. 9. Limit Screen Time While technology can be a helpful tool, excessive screen time can contribute to feelings of burnout. Set aside specific times for social media and entertainment, allowing more room for real-life connections and activities. 10. Practice Gratitude Take a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal or sharing positive experiences with your partner or family can shift your focus from stress to appreciation, fostering a more positive outlook. Conclusion Parenting can be a tough job, and feeling burnt out is not uncommon. By implementing these self-care strategies, busy moms and dads can reclaim their energy, reduce stress, and foster a more positive parenting experience. Remember, taking care of yourself is not just beneficial for you—it also sets a healthy example for your children. Embrace the journey of parenthood with the understanding that prioritising your well-being is key to being the best parent you can be.

Parenting Hub

School and work lunchbox ideas from Krazy Kiwi Kookbox!

School and work lunchbox ideas from Krazy Kiwi Kookbox! 1. Quinoa and Veggie Power Bowls Ingredients: Instructions: 2. Chicken and Avocado Wraps Ingredients: Instructions: 3. Greek Yogurt Parfait Ingredients: Instructions: 4. Veggie and Hummus Pita Pockets Ingredients: Instructions: 5. Brown Rice Sushi Bowls Ingredients: Instructions: 6. Chickpea Salad Ingredients: Instructions:

Parenting Hub

Time to screen men too, for osteoporosis?

Did you know that 1 in 5 men is at risk of a fracture from osteoporosis in South Africa (vs 1 in 3 women)? This alarming statistic – from the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOFSA) -made dietitian, Yolandé Venter, choose to do her masters’  thesis* on diet and lifestyle risks in men with low bone density. Together with Dr Jaco du Plessis, a radiologist at SCP Radiology, they discuss osteoporosis in men, imaging to determine bone mineral density and the treatment for it.   Osteoporosis usually progresses without symptoms and sometimes your bones are so fragile that a simple sneeze or small stumble results in a fracture, commonly in hips, spine and wrists.  Often unjustly called an ‘old women’s disease’, it actually affects men in a surprisingly large way. Venter says, ‘even though fewer men seem to be at risk of developing osteoporosis, it is still a problematic percentage.’ With 15 years’ experience as a clinical dietitian, she says a healthy body weight plays a pivotal role in the prevention of osteoporosis. ‘If you are underweight, it increases the risk of osteoporosis and if you are overweight, your level of vitamin D is reduced, which can cause or worsen osteoporosis’. What is osteoporosis?  A healthy bone viewed under a microscope, looks like honeycomb. Osteoporosis, put simply, is when the ‘holes and spaces’ in the honeycomb increase in size.  Your bone mineral density (BMD) can be determined by radiologists through a diagnostic radiology exam used to measure bone mineral content and mass. It is usually performed with an X-ray, called a DEXA scan – commonly found in clinics and hospitals – or with a computed tomography (CT) scan of the bones.   A computer tomography (CT) scan produces a 3D image, as opposed to the normal 2D image of a DEXA. The CT scan is more precise and gives detailed information about bone quality and microarchitecture, diagnoses osteoporosis and other conditions. However, the DEXA uses a low radiation exposure making it safe for routine screening and follow-up. ‘The amount of radiation is minimal,’ says Dr du Plessis, ‘it’s equivalent to 1 or 2 days of background radiation at sea level.’  Osteopenia vs Osteoporosis  Osteopenia and Osteoporosis are both conditions measured on the scan and characterised by decreased bone density that is less than usual for your age. Osteoporosis is far more severe in terms of implications for bone health. Measuring bone density ‘We measure your BMD by comparing it to that of a healthy, young adult. The result will tell us how much lower (or higher) your bone mass score,’ explains Dr du Plessis. ‘Software is also used to calculate a predicted 10-year fracture risk for a major osteoporotic fracture and a hip fracture. The result is a T-score. The aim is to prevent fractures later in life by maintaining healthy bone mineral density. Fractures in the elderly population are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.’ Dr du Plessis says, ‘Understanding and managing both conditions is crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing fractures in both men and women. SCP Radiology reports a 317% increase in referrals for men over the last five years for a CT scan.  That may be indicative of a greater awareness of the dangers of osteoporosis in men.’   What causes low bone density? Risk factors for osteoporosis include those you can’t change – such as age, genetics, ethnicity, medical conditions associated with bone loss  and those you can: Tobacco use, alcohol abuse, high caffeine intake, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits, low calcium and vitamin D intake, low body weight, low muscle mass. Men who are on medical treatment for breast or prostate cancer are also at an increased risk of osteoporosis and should discuss regular bone health screening with their medical practitioner.  Male ‘menopause’  Men develop the male form of menopause, called andropause, as they age.  During andropause, men lose bone density in the spine at a rate four times greater than in the rest of the body. Andropause also lowers testosterone levels, which affects bone health and increases the risk of bone fractures. Stress Said to be the root of most diseases or medical conditions, osteoporosis is no different. Stress can play a significant role in bone loss as an excess of the stress hormone cortisol depletes vitamin D and calcium in the body. Venter says, ‘literature clearly demonstrates that prevention and treatment of osteoporosis significantly reduces fracture risk.  An observational study by Kern et al (2005) showed that hip DEXA screening was associated with a 36% lower hip fracture incidence during six years of follow-up, compared with standard medical care.’  Mortality rate after hip fracture The one-year mortality rate after hip fracture is actually high. Research shows that more men than women die after an osteoporotic fracture. Looking at the statistics, it is clear that osteoporosis represents a major public health burden, yet it does not seem that wider screening efforts are being implemented.’ Treating low bone mineral density This can be done through medication such as bisphosphonates, hormone-related therapy and other bone-building medications or through lifestyle changes. This includes an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, regular weight-bearing exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol. Regular screenings and proactive lifestyle changes can significantly mitigate the risks associated with these conditions. ‘There is no need to be harbouring this silent disease,’ says Dr du Plessis, ‘when radiography for screening can put you on a path to wellness.’   *Thesis title: The level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding diet and lifestyle related risk factors in men who have been diagnosed with osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Premature birth – what to expect

Expecting a baby is an exciting time of your life, and you want to make sure that you do as much as you can to make sure your new child is as healthy as possible. Premature birth is something you want to try to avoid or manage as carefully as possible. In many cases the cause is unknown, and according to The World Health Organisation, one in ten babies are born preterm. A birth is considered premature when a baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. The final few weeks in the womb are important to your baby’s full development, so being born prematurely can lead to longer hospital stays, short term, and long term complications. Why does it happen? Some of the more common risk factors which contribute to preterm births are having had a premature birth before, you’re pregnant with twins/multiples or you have issues with your uterus or cervix. However, often the cause of preterm birth often can’t be identified. Your health is also a factor that impacts on your likelihood to have your baby prematurely. Smoking during your pregnancy (which is not recommended), diabetes, high blood pressure (which can develop into preeclampsia) and being over or under weight are all potential premature birth causes. To try and avoid preterm birth you can talk to your doctor about any existing health issues, such as depression, diabetes or high blood pressure) before getting pregnant – this way you can manage any problems with a treatment plan. Waiting 12 months between pregnancies and eating healthy (making sure that you get the correct prenatal vitamins needed) can also help prevent premature birth. What if my baby is born preterm? If your baby is born prematurely they are at risk for long and short term complications. Many preterm babies lead completely healthy lives, however, the more premature and underdeveloped your baby is when they are born, the more likely they are to have issues. If your baby is born prematurely they may be put into a neonatal intensive care unit into an incubator. Some babies will spend longer in the unit than others, this all depends on when they are able to live without medical support.


Blushproof® Q & A

As a local manufacturer of period panties, we thought we’d answer some common questions about our business just to explain who we are and what we do. Q: How long has Blushproof® been in operation?  Blushproof® started as an idea in September 2020, with our first sales being in August 2021. I have a tween daughter at junior school and so was thinking about her, and her friends’ introduction to puberty and my own experiences. I had also seen some of the alternative menstrual products that were being offered overseas. This coincided with an increased awareness of environmental issues after learning that each person uses approximately 14,000 pads and tampons during their menstrual years, which all end up in landfills and water systems. Q: Who founded Blushproof®? I, Thandi Hartmann, founded the company. I’m married with two children, living in Johannesburg. I obtained a B.Comm in the 1990s and later did a MBA to support me working in a number of corporates in Johannesburg and London. Shortly after having children, I took the decision to step back from my career to focus on raising my family. In 2020 (that COVID time where we all had lots of time on our hands!) I came across period panties and was amazed that such a wonderful alternative existed. I knew this was something I wanted to bring to the girls and women of South Africa.  Q: How has Blushproof® expanded over the years? In 2020 I explored the topic of the menstrual product options for young girls and women and thought about what matters to them, as well as the issues that are relevant in South Africa at this time. I started thinking that period panties could be an effective solution – easy to use whilst having a lower impact on the environment. I also wanted to see if I could help (in some small way) to create jobs in our country. Finally, I believed that period panties could play a role in fighting “period poverty” by providing cost effective solutions to girls and women with limited means and limited access to other sanitary products. So the challenge started… Whilst I have a strong IT systems background and passion for the product, I had no experience in setting up a clothing manufacturing business. My team and I have learnt as we go and have had to “course correct” a few times along the way. It’s been an exciting journey so far, made possible by the support of friends and family and enabled by the tech world we live in. This has meant that it has been possible to set up Blushproof® as an E-commerce business that sells and delivers directly to consumers nationwide.  Q: What is Blushproof’s® approach to creating the best product in the community? I decided that I wanted my business to try its hand at manufacturing locally, so that I could control the product quality and achieve the aim of providing local employment. It’s been exciting for me to design the product range, import the right materials in the right quantities and then produce the Blushproof® period panties that I believe in. Plus, making locally has ensured that our sizing fits our Rainbow Nation, rather than trying to squash uncomfortably into Chinese imports. The fact that we offer exchanges and give outstanding customer service certainly sets us apart from the large retail chains. Q: What new products can customers expect from Blushproof®? This is a tough one. If it were up to me, I’d be creating new products every month but this isn’t the best way to run a business. Our customers have their absolute favourites so I’ve learnt to focus on making what the customers actually want. We’ll certainly look at designing and making gym shorts, pyjama shorts and expand our swim range over time but right now, we’re focusing on what we do best. Q: How does ordering from Blushproof® work? Since our business is primarily online, customers simply go onto our website, choose the products they want, add them to cart and pay. They can choose between collecting from our Joburg workshop or having us ship their blushproofs nationwide. We might look at getting into shops over time but again, we’re focused on our core business for now.  Q: Will/does Blushproof® offer any special programs for its customers? When customers sign up on our website for our newsletters, they always get the inside scoop on what’s new and promotional offers from discounts to free goodies to prizes. We love the support we get from our followers and like to reward them when we can. Q: Do you plan on opening any Blushproof® in person stores, or introducing your product in other stores and if so who?  I’d love to get to a point where customers can come into our workshop to choose their items and pay right away. Although this already happens to a limited degree (we have to have the right style, size, absorption and colour in stock for this to happen) I’d love to have everything available all of the time. Once we get to this point, I’ll look at possibly getting into a few stores (we actually already sell our products through TigerLilly). It all comes down to whether or not it makes good business sense. Of course we have lots of small business owners already selling our products, like salons and spas, as well as swim schools. I’m being approached more and more by people wanting to expand their product offering and am honoured that they choose to include Blushproof® products. Oh, and we have an Affiliate programme whereby our customers become an affiliate and when someone uses their referral link to make a purchase, that person gets a discount and the affiliate gets a commission. It’s a win-win for everyone! Q: What brings Blushproof® joy?  Gosh, I’d have to say it’s the positive reviews and feedback. Our customers truly find our products to be life-changing. That’s really such a wonderful thing to know as a business owner

NB Hearing & Balance

Important Questions to Ask Your Child’s Audiologist

Empowering Your Child’s Hearing Health Journey As a parent, it is essential to advocate for your child’s hearing health. If you are concerned about your child’s hearing, preparing for appointments with an audiologist can make a significant difference in understanding your child’s condition and ensuring that your child receives the best care possible. Here are some of the critical issues to consider, and why they matter. CHOOSING AN AUDIOLOGIST Finding the right audiologist is a key step in caring for your child’s audiological needs. Audiologists who work with children should be caring, supportive of your questions and need for knowledge, and careful to take the time to fully understand your child’s home and school experience. Choices that you make together must be underpinned by an attitude of child- and family-centred care. The assessment and management of hearing loss in children can differ to management of the same issues in an adult, so your chosen audiologist should demonstrate care and knowledge about your child’s ‘whole person’ environment!   What Can We Expect from a Hearing Test? Knowing what may be involved in a hearing evaluation can help ease your (and your child’s) apprehension, making it comfortable to ease into the assessment. So read this link to find out more about a common testing process. Then, also ask:  What Type of Hearing Loss May My Child Have? Understanding whether your child has normal hearing, or whether a sensorineural, conductive, or mixed hearing loss is present, is crucial. This knowledge helps you comprehend the underlying cause/s and the most suitable management options. You can follow this up with: What Are the Management Options for Hearing Loss? If a hearing loss is identified, different management options are available to help your child function more effectively. Hearing aids are often appropriate ways to restore adequate sound when a hearing loss is permanent or semi-permanent because access to sound is essential for language and academic development. You may also be referred to an ENT or GP if the problem is amenable to treatment. Transient problems represent opportunities to return hearing to normal, quickly. Be empowered to make informed decisions about your child’s care! Ask questions like: How Do I Know What Type of Hearing Aid is Best for My Child? If semi-permanent or permanent hearing loss is identified, you may be exploring hearing aid options with your audiologist. Hearing aids come in a variety of styles and technologies, suitable for different acoustic, aesthetic, or contextual needs. These differences can also affect affordability. Knowing which options may suit your child’s lifestyle and hearing needs ensures that the best benefits may be achieved. Also, ensure that your audiologist explains your child’s full management plan, including the frequency of visits, regularity of device adjustments, and maintenance or servicing requirements. Good management is likely to result in a continuously good hearing experience.  How Can We Protect My Child’s Remaining Hearing? Good hearing habits are essential to preserve your child’s remaining hearing and prevent further deterioration. Your audiologist should advise you about hearing safety so that you can protect your child’s hearing function. This may include bespoke hearing or ear protection. What Should We Do If My Child’s Hearing Changes? Monitoring your child’s hearing subjectively (through your own observation of their responses) and objectively (with regular hearing assessment) ensures that you can alter your plan if your child’s hearing circumstances change. Problems can be tiny (such as a blocked tube or dead battery) to significant (such as an ear infection). Your audiologist can teach you to troubleshoot problems for self-maintenance or help you to check your devices. A good audiologist will also advise you about what signs and symptoms to look for that may require a consultation.  Are There Support Groups or Resources Available? Connecting with other parents and families with similar experiences can provide emotional support and practical advice. Often, audiologists can provide you with details for local or online support groups and useful parent resources. You can be properly empowered, uplifted, and encouraged by the right professional to support your child’s hearing needs throughout childhood. Our NB Hearing & Balance Team Is Here to Support Your Family Being proactive and informed about your child’s hearing health is vital. By asking these questions and asserting your needs, you can make informed decisions that ensure your child receives the best possible care. If you are ready to take the next step in your child’s hearing health journey, schedule a consultation with one of our NB Hearing & Balance audiologists. We have convenient locations across the Cape Peninsula, including Wynberg, Durbanville, Sea Point, Hout Bay, and Noordhoek.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 40 of your pregnancy

Congratulations, you’ve reached the milestone that you’ve been counting up to from the beginning. It may feel surreal to think that 40 weeks ago you had your last period and now you’re about to welcome your new baby into your life. The third trimester of your pregnancy may have been fairly difficult, as your baby and belly take up more room, and your body adjusts to accommodate your growing little one. Your body at week 40 At week 40 your body is ready to give birth after housing and growing your baby for 9 months. So close to birth you may notice changes in your baby’s fetal movement, however, they will still be moving around, so if you notice a big decrease in movement, contact your doctor. Until birth, you’ll experience typical pregnancy symptoms, including leg cramps, back and pelvic pain, trouble sleeping and diarrhoea, which is normal close to birth. Your baby at week 40 At week 40 your baby is now full-term. When your baby is born you’ll notice that they are covered in a mixture of blood, vernix and amniotic fluid. On average, baby’s at week 40 weigh about 3,5 kg and they’ll be roughly the size of a pumpkin. Even though they are just about to be born, the lungs, liver and brain are still developing. Things to keep in mind at week 40 Labour can be overwhelming, and it’s important to remember that you can do this. While your doctor will have given you a due date, it is possible that your baby won’t arrive on the dot. So make sure that you keep aware of the signs of labour and have your birth plan, hospital bags and any additional plans ready (such as making sure you have someone to look after your other kids if you have).

Doug Berry

Does your child suffer from low self-esteem?

When a child suffers from low self-esteem, it will almost always carry on into their adulthood if not addressed. Simple things such as meeting new people can be very difficult, as well as taking on challenges, valuing their own opinion and much more. It is so important for parents to understand just how crucial healthy self-esteem in a child can be because they have a crucial role to play in the development of their children’s sense of self-worth. If your child has a low self-esteem, parent intervention can prevent the following being carried through to adulthood. Poor communication skills: A child with low-esteem is likely to grow into an adult that has difficulty in communicating with others; whether it is with their spouse, coworkers or peers, as they often do not feel secure and confident with what they say and may be afraid to express themselves. Negative thoughts and feelings: Since a child with low self-worth will regularly have negative thoughts and feelings about themselves and even others, it will likely carry through into adulthood. Unfortunately, the difference in adulthood will be that they are more likely to keep their feelings internalised rather than expressing them. Hot temper: An adult with low self-esteem may have a hot temper. This is usually because of the frustration and constantly simmering negative thoughts that they experience. These bubble below the surface and spill over fairly readily when provoked. Blaming others: Instead of taking responsibility for things going wrong, they are often quick to blame others. This avoidance of responsibility takes blame from them and puts it onto others. For a while, they are able to feel buoyed up and justified. Difficulty with relationships: Relationship difficulty is common when your child takes their low self-worth into adulthood. It is hard to truly love and dedicated yourself to another when you don’t truly love yourself. What they end up giving to their partners is a less than whole self, often putting strain on the relationship. Keep in mind that while some of these signs may or may not carry through into adulthood, everyone is impacted differently. A child who has a low self-esteem won’t always be an adult with low self-esteem. Self-esteem is not a black-and-white-all-or-nothing matter. There are varying degrees of self-esteem or self-worth. A child can have very low self-esteem or just a little self-doubt which will impact how they transform into adults.

Doug Berry

Help your toddler survive your divorce

Divorce is unpleasant, emotional and can be a downright hurtful experience. The problem is that we sometimes forget that we aren’t the only ones experiencing this pain. Often our children suffer an unnecessary degree of hurt as a result of our incompatibility with our chosen partner… Some tips: Consistency This is a watchword for the divorcing parent! With toddlers, parents must be mindful of the need for consistency in the child’s life. This is not the time to drag them from house to house. If at all possible, they should stay in familiar surroundings with the noncustodial parent visiting there. Communication At this age, the toddler understands more than they are often given credit for. They can comprehend that one parent has left the home, but not understand why. At this age, their concept of time is also arbitrary. Your child may ask you when they are going to see their daddy, or why their daddy isn’t here anymore. No matter how many times you have to give them the answers, don’t get frustrated with them, as their world is very confusing at this time. This ties back into consistency, as you become their source of understanding and answers. Conflict If you have to argue or “debate passionately”, make sure to do it in a way that doesn’t cause your child undue fear or concern. Remember, you are the adults in this situation and you have a responsibility to your child, to reduce as much harm as this separation is causing, as possible. Behaviour Toddlers often test their boundaries by saying “No” to adults or testing limits, such as hitting or throwing. This behaviour and acting out can increase during the divorce process as a result of confused boundaries and definitions in the family environment. Toddlers need clear, consistent rules (back to consistency!) that are enforced in a loving way. Empathy Toddlers don’t have a very developed sense of empathy and tend to be concerned primarily with how their own needs are to be met. In the event of divorce, their sense of security becomes more self-oriented and their concern is about whether or not they will be secure, if they will be loved and nourished. Emotions As your toddler becomes more aware of their own feelings, they learn to express them through words and play. As tensions increase in the household due to impending divorce, they may become more reactive. Strong feelings are hard for them to manage and moderate. Don’t forget to let them know that its ok to feel them, but remember to help them manage the intensity by proper displays of your own emotional state, as well as appropriate levels of affection and understanding towards your child. Why do divorce rates increase? There are several reasons that have been put forward as to why there could be an increase in the number of divorces being seen. Here are just a few! Time of year There is a commonly recognised trend that causes a spike in divorce numbers around January and February. The assumption here is that partners who are already discontent often reach a decisive point after having to spend prolonged holidays with their partners over the festive season. This seems to galvanise many into initiating divorce proceedings in the New Year. Empowerment With the increase in awareness of rights according to the constitution of South Africa, more women have become more empowered and are less likely to remain in abusive or undesirable relationships.  In the past, many women would remain in unhappy relationships as they felt that they did not have another option, but in current times, a better degree of knowledge and understanding of women’s’ rights could be contributing to the rise of divorce. No-fault divorce South African law provides for no-fault divorce based on the “irretrievable breakdown” of the marital relationship. Couples no longer need to prove that one person is at fault. They can simply say that the marriage relationship has broken down. In essence, it has become much easier to secure a divorce on clear and available legal grounds, with less procedure than in the past. Traditional roles In the past, traditional roles played a strong part in maintaining the marital unit. Partners did not question their lot in the marriage as openly and as a result, there was less open conflict. This is not to say that there was more happiness, merely less interpersonal disagreement. With the blurring of the definition of these roles, there is a rise in open disagreement, ending too often in divorce. Greater social acceptance In certain cultural groups in South Africa, divorce has long held an extremely shameful cloud over the divorcee, especially for the former wife. This has resulted in shunning and community abandonment, which served to discourage others from initiating proceedings. The more accepting the societies become of the concept; the more individuals are willing to pursue it as a route out of an undesirable marriage. Less guilt It is not uncommon these days for couples to wait 10 years before having children. As a result, many do not feel the same degree of guilt over “breaking up” the family unit, or over causing children distress. The disclaimer “at least there aren’t kids involved” can be heard echoing through the divorce courts.

Mia Von Scha


The question of why children lie begs the greater question of why any of us lie. If you think back to the last time you lied (and I’ll bet my life you can think of a time), look at what was going on internally and this will give you a good idea of why your children do it and how to avoid it in future. Now before we get to that, let me just say that we all have all traits. We are all liars sometimes and every one of us will be pushed to lie under certain circumstances. So firstly, please never label your child as a liar. Once we apply a label to a child they are more likely (not less) to repeat this behaviour and to incorporate it into their sense of self as they grow up. ALL children lie sometimes (as do ALL adults). Ok, so it’s normal to lie sometimes, but why, and why do some lie more often? Going back to why we all do, lying is a fear-based behaviour. The child believes, for whatever reason, that if they tell the truth it will result in more pain than pleasure. And where do they get this message? From us, of course. We’re constantly giving kids unconscious messages that telling the truth will get you in trouble. “Who ate the sweets?” “I did” “Right, go to your room”. Sound familiar? What we need to get into the habit of doing is praising truth-telling and taking responsibility more than we punish “bad” behaviour. If our children own up and say that they “did it” we should be actively praising this behaviour and pointing out that while the behaviour is not ok with us, we’re really impressed that they told the truth. Children will only lie if they are afraid of our reaction to the truth. I know that many people worry that if they take this approach they will be too soft on the bad behaviour and will end up with unruly kids. One of the fundamental structures for well-behaved, compliant children is being their primary attachment (which implies complete trust, openness and closeness). If your children trust you completely and feel connected to you and loved no matter what they do they will actually be less likely to produce so called “bad” behaviours in the long run. Of course they will make mistakes along the way and present “negative” traits (like we all do) including lying, but this will not develop into any kind of delinquency if that adult-child connection is in place. And part of keeping it in place is keeping the lines of communication open and allowing your children to tell the truth and know they will be safe. I think this is a fundamental skill to work on when your children are little and to instil a sense of open communication and acceptance BEFORE they become teenagers. Once our kids hit the teen years, if we’ve shut off honest communication, we are in for a different level of trouble with our children lying to us about things that can be life threatening, or where they really could use our adult help and guidance. The next time your child lies to you think about why they would be afraid to tell the truth and then instead of punishing them for lying, rather address the rift in your relationship.


10 Essential Tips To Prevent Poisoning In Your Home

I was recently prescribed some analgesics for a small day procedure. That afternoon, when I got home, I placed the packet of meds on my dresser and later found my daughter sitting on the floor inspecting the packet. My heart stopped! This careless mistake could have had devastating consequences. Unfortunately poisoning data in South Africa is lacking. One study dating back to 2012 found that the most common cause of accidental poisoning in SA children is pesticides. However, the list of potential poisons throughout our homes is extensive; here are just a few more obvious ones: Medications Household cleaners and disinfectants Cosmetics and toiletries Insect and rodent repellants Weed killers and other outdoor chemicals Swimming pool chemicals Flea and tick shampoos and other products for pets I have put together a list of some useful tips to prevent accidental poisoning at home. Some of them may seem fairly obvious but as I have recently experienced it is easy to forget. Keep all potential household and other hazards in their original containers. DO NOT transfer into coke bottles or Tupperware’s. Make sure seals of potential hazards are tight and secure before locking away. Please note that child resistant packaging of medications is NOT childproof. Keep potential hazards locked away in the highest cupboard with a childproof lock. The cupboard should even be high for you, as little minds can get quite creative with boxes and stools and climb up onto countertops. Keep potential hazards out of reach of children when in use and never leave bottles or buckets unattended. Never call medicine sweets/candy. This is a common mistake parents make in order to get their kids to take medicine when sick. This could lead to a child one day consuming an entire bottle of ‘sweets’. Never leave your handbag lying around and be extra cautious when you have visitors over as many people keep painkillers in their bags. Alcohol is often overlooked and is very dangerous to your little ones if consumed in excess. Keep alcohol out of reach of children especially when hosting parties. Any kind of battery can be dangerous if leaking or ingested. Keep remote controls and other battery containing devices away from children. If you are unsure about whether or not a household item is hazardous, assume it is and keep it locked away. Things that seem harmless are most often extremely dangerous. Most importantly TEACH your children about the dangers! It may be a good idea to identify what potential hazards you have in your home. Do a check of every room in the house including your garage and make sure your home is safe. RESOURCES Balme, K., Roberts, J.C., Glasstone, M., Curling, L. & Mann, M.D. (2012) The changing trends of childhood poisoning at a tertiarychildren’s hospital in South Africa. South African Medical Journal. [Online] 102 (3), pp. 142-146. Available from: [Accessed 8 August 2018]. Veale, D.J.H., Wium, C.A. & Müller, G.J. (2012) Toxicovigilance I: A survey of acute poisoning in South Africa based on Tygerberg Poison Information Centre data. South African Medical Journal. [Online] 103 (5), pp. 293-297. Available from: [Accessed 8 August 2018].

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