I first heard about a mid-year slump a few years ago from a distant relative. At the time, I couldn’t relate to her thoughts, but over time I have seen the realities of a mid-year slump. The midyear slump is a phenomenon many students and educators are familiar with. After the initial excitement and energy […]

Your child’s teacher is by default one of the members of the “village” who help you raise your child. Here are examples of things that don’t make it into the school newsletter which teachers would like parents to know.  1. I care about your child as if he or she were my own This can […]

Whether your child is returning to school after a relaxing break or starting a new chapter in their educational journey, this is a crucial time to set the tone for a successful term ahead. At Kip McGrath, we understand the importance of a strong start, and in this blog, we will share some valuable tips […]

Every parent desires to see their child succeed academically, but there are times when things do not go as planned. Whether your child is struggling with understanding basic concepts, showing a lack of interest in school or experiencing emotional difficulties that affect their learning, it can be a challenging situation. However, it’s important to remember […]

Exams are a significant aspect of your child’s life. Most schools have mid-year exams coming up in the next few weeks. Exams typically create more work for the children, which means more stress, late nights and bad eating habits. Parents may not realise it, but this is a time when they need to take the […]

It’s a common experience… your child sits down to work on Maths homework but very quickly becomes visibly stressed, frustrated, or upset. For many kids, doing Maths can seem like a daunting task, even a scary one. And while many do overcome it, some of us carry this Maths anxiety with us for much of […]

Stress free studying that works  This guide has a whole month’s worth of ideas and resources to help students (and parents/carers) get to grips with stress-free studying that works!  Our rules If you know how to study, you can achieve better results in less time. Who wouldn’t want that? Don’t write yourself off before you’ve […]

As well as providing children a window through which to explore their imaginations, reading books allows for the development of essential skills for school and later life. These include comprehension, a wider vocabulary, increased concentration and self-motivation, an awareness of the world around them (particularly if they are interested in non-fiction), and higher levels of […]

To be successful at school, children need effective study habits. It’s never too early to begin thinking about the skills needed in and outside of the classroom. Here are 7 effective study habits that are essential for students of all ages. Establish a study area at home Communicate with the teacher Keep assignments organized Avoid […]