Power Tips on Creating the Perfect Homeschool Environment
With the changes that we have all faced over the last seventeen months, now more than ever before, parents find themselves having to manage their children’s virtual and or home-based education. Despite the many benefits of homeschooling, at-home learning can be challenging for both parents and students. Challenges like creating order and structure in a home learning environment can lead to frustration and even cause students to fall behind on assignments or learning objectives. Your child’s curriculum has many moving parts—and if you have more than one child, that complexity only increases. Teaching your children at home can be an immensely rewarding experience. One of the reasons that many parents choose to homeschool their kids is that they believe they can provide a better education for their children than a public or private school. To provide an outstanding education for your children, you will need to provide an environment that fosters learning. We can help you to keep your kids on track and successfully navigate the ins and outs of independent learning with the following tips. Create a designated learning space While it can be tempting to set up shop at the dining room table or on the couch, these areas aren’t the most conducive to learning. Creating a dedicated learning space can make it easier for children to concentrate on schoolwork. Consider a room that is large and open that has natural light. This dedicated space should be used for schoolwork and no outside activities. It would be best if this room is used solely for schooling otherwise may find that your children lose focus if they have distractions around them. Not all kids like to sit in a chair all day, so perhaps offer different seating options in the room to make the space more comfortable for those who want to sit on the floor or a beanbag chair. You could also offer yoga balls for deskwork. Follow a daily schedule Homeschooling brings a wonderful level of flexibility and spontaneity to a child’s education. However, without a clear structure, it can be easy to get distracted and go off track. Kids thrive when they have a basic structure and routine. Creating a daily schedule will be hugely beneficial in giving your child direction and structure. You can always adapt this schedule as you go along. Pick a system that works for you. Your schedule can be as detailed or as relaxed as you want. The key is having some set routine and structure for you and your child to follow so you can both stay on track. Use Technology Technology plays a considerable role in education, and access to it will make homeschooling that much easier. It enables you to become more productive, efficient, and better communicate with other people. It is, therefore, essential to include the necessities in your homeschool environment. A computer, laptop or tablet, digital calendars, and task managers will be extremely helpful in managing time and progress. Time trackers and cloud-based folders like Dropbox or Google Drive will also be helpful. Information is at our fingertips with internet access so your child will have the ability to research topics and collect information with ease. Map out the school year ahead of time Map out your school year to track progress on your goals and plan out big projects. Breaking up big goals and projects into smaller steps makes them more manageable and you’re less likely to let details fall through the cracks. Setting goals and visualizing your plans can help you stay organized and see your progress at a glance, which makes targets more reachable and less overwhelming. Take learning beyond the classroom One of the best parts of homeschooling, and one of its greatest advantages, is the flexibility to learn outside a traditional classroom setting. Make time for these opportunities in your daily schedule and keep an open mind. Outdoor spaces are excellent learning places for exploring new skills, meeting new people, and experiencing through play. Always look for learning opportunities beyond the classroom and be open-minded about the benefit of learning through a practical example. Collaborate with other homeschoolers It is important to know that you are not in this alone, there are rich and diverse homeschool communities all around the world. It is important and beneficial to connect with other homeschoolers in your area or online to collaborate and share resources. This will not only make the schooling process easier for you, but it will also enrich your child’s experience and expand their educational opportunities in and out of your home. Communicating with other homeschoolers also provides important social opportunities for your child. Leave Time for Breaks It is difficult to work for extended times without a break. When your kids start to get restless or hungry it is a good idea to schedule regular breaks. Morning snack breaks and afternoon exercise breaks allow your kids to get a good balance of work and chill time. scheduling them into your day. While some children might require frequent short breaks, others might like only one or two longer breaks. Read your children and let them help create your schedule in this matter. Learning need not be boring, and neither does your homeschool environment. Always consider what your kids like, who they are, and what are their interests, ideas, distractions, and sources of inspiration to come up with a suitable learning space.