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Study Hacks and Memory Techniques for High School Students

We’re on the constant lookout for ways in which we can be our most efficient and effective selves and hacks aren’t a new concept. We use them to keep up and outsmart the challenges life throws our way. And with multiple subjects and tasks on our list hacks to prep for exams are no exception – so here’s how you can get the most out of your session. When exam season rolls around, we try and find the best possible way to absorb as much info as we possibly can and sometimes it can feel impossible. Studying require students to use memory to remember ideas, concepts and material for test day and memory is basically like a muscle, one that needs constant exercise and support. The stronger your muscle the easier it becomes to prep and with the right tools and tricks you too can improve your way around your study notes and get through study material with a breeze. How can I study and remember everything? Ah, the question that often makes an appearance as soon as we sit in front of the study books; “How can I improve my memory?” or in a more, straight forward turn of events we point to our brain with: “How can I get ALL of this inside of here?”. Memory and studying skills go hand-in-hand, that much we know, the one can’t work without the other. Your brain is an organ, one that, just like our hearts, lungs or kidneys need sustenance, care and exercises. You can’t expect to hike up a mountain if you haven’t prepared your body for the journey. Memory works the same way.  Our minds are full of memories and information that’s accumulated over time, memories that are organised in two folders: Short-term memory = things we’re doing right now; very sharp! Long-term memory = things we’ve done in the past; much duller. The goal is to better encode information into your long-term memory, that way it becomes easier to recall the information for a test or exam. Instead of asking: “How can I memorise ALL this stuff faster?”, learners should be asking“How can I use my memory more effectively when studying?”.   Study hacks to boost exam preparation It takes practice. One way of getting into the “mind exercise groove” is to regularly review material. Along with revision, there are some memory tricks you can use to help train your brain and improve memoryrecall. Instrumental Music  Did you know that listening to the right type of music can lead to more productive studying as it elevates your mood? A good mood means stress levels are down which means your brain power goes up. Avoid lyrical tracks and stick to high functioning classical tunes like Mozart or Bach. Fresh air, walks and exercise Any organ functions better when we increase its oxygen levels and the same goes for your brain. Research conducted by Dr Chuck Hillman of the University of Illinois proved that exercise can boost your memory and brainpower stating that about 20 minutes of exercise before an exam can improve performance, it also reduces stress levels. Brain food The foods you eat play a role in keeping your brain healthy and can improve specific mental tasks, such as memory and concentration. Here’s what should be on the menu: Fatty Fish Blueberries Turmeric (Date balls with turmeric is a winner and they’re easy to make) Broccoli Pumpkin seeds Dark Chocolate Nuts Oranges Eggs Green Tea Activate your senses Did you know that smell can play a key role too? One study conducted by Anne-Lise Saive, Jean-Pierre Royet, and Jane Plailly has shown that smells can evoke memories. Spraying an unfamiliar scent while studying can help jog memories when sprayed again just before an exam. To avoid spiriting perfume all over the place the team also suggests chewing flavoured gum. For example, chewing mint gum in your biology class, won’t help you directly recall the makeup of a plant, but it will evoke the memory of being in that classroom, which may, in turn, help you recall the subject matter. Efficient and fast material From diagrams and colours to the fonts and spacing you use when reading notes – less chaotic study notes help learners fly through material faster. Ever wondered why Times New Roman is the default font on most applications? It’s known as an uncomplicated typeface. Make it easy for yourself to read through your material so you can get from A to Z that much faster. Go beyond your books  More often than not we limit ourselves to the study material provided to us. There can be many more engaging ways to learn about subject matterlike podcasts about World War II or visiting a museum and even watching documentaries. And who knows, you might even score an extra point or three for taking the initiative to do some extra reading. Take breaks Let’s get back to our exercise analogy, bear with us – breaks are just as crucial as a good study hack, they need to be taken regularly. Interestingly enough, your body and brain can tell you when it requires a break. You might become agitated; struggle to focus or find yourself reading and re-reading the same sentence. Don’t ignore the signs. Breaks in between 45 – 60 minutes of studying can help your brain absorb more information and it also keeps you motivated and focused. Choose the right spot Memory can be triggered by different visuals within your direct environment. Research suggests moving to a new spot if you feel like you’re hitting a wall. While we may be creatures of habit when it comes to our chosen seats in class, information retention improves when you have a variety of spaces for studying. Study spaces are often up for discussion with regards to what works best and what doesn’t. Check out how you can set up your space in the most efficient way here: The ideal study space at home Go to bed It comes

Abbotts Colleges


Receiving report cards are one of the major annual milestones at traditional schools, aimed at providing insight into how a child is progressing in a specific year. But as students enter the second term, many parents are receiving the report cards for the first term now and already dreading the next assessments that will be arriving in about 10 weeks’ time. However the report card should not be viewed as a definitive ruling on a child’s academic ability, but rather be used as a guide on the road towards success. There are a few ways in which this can be facilitated by parents, when sitting down with their child to discuss their results. So which principles should guide the discussion that will take place when a child brings home a report card in June?  I believe that the backdrop of any such conversation must be what Dr Carol Dweck calls a “Growth Mindset”.  She coined the term in 2006 in a book entitled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Students with a “growth mindset” believe their skills and talents can be developed through effort and persistence. Whereas those with a “fixed mindset” believe their success is determined by natural talent or intelligence. Research shows that the language and actions of parents can have a powerful impact on their children’s mindsets and achievement.  The Growth Mindset theory can be put into practice by parents regardless of a child’s results – whether they be fantastic or concerning: A PARENT’S FIRST RESPONSE Distinctions… Some report cards trigger immediate praise. However, if your child brings home an excellent report card, and you praise your child for being smart, through this a fixed mindset is being promoted. It sends a message that their accomplishments are based on the constant attributes they were born with.   In contrast, praising children for working hard fosters a growth mindset. It sends a message that the child’s effort is what led them to success.  On the Abbotts College report card the effort ratings help parents and students to focus on the process and the level of effort that went into it, because even a student with good marks can get an average effort rating if the student is under-performing. You should reiterate the concept that talent is not going to keep on delivering results if it is not accompanied by the determination to work hard and grow. A “mixed” or disappointing report card If your child (and you!) is discouraged after a disappointing report, you should try to find some form of improvement or effort that you can praise to inspire them to continue developing. When improvement, even if it is just a baby step, is acknowledged, students can feel the work that they did put in, has been seen and validated. It also helps students to understand that the goal of their learning is to make progress and that success can be relative.  These positive comments can serve as a “soft frame” that can help your child to digest the “middle part” where you give constructive feedback on things they struggle with or need to work on. These are the things that have not been mastered “yet”.  By embracing the power of the word “YET” when you communicate with your child, you can help them understand that setbacks are reflection points that must be used to pause and strategise for future success.  You should end the conversation on a positive note.  In the process you are framing the challenges as an opportunity for growth, helping your child to embrace and tackle any obstacles he or she may face.  MORE INGREDIENTS OF A MEANINGFUL CONVERSATION Adding the flexibility of the brain to your conversation By emphasising to your children that they actually have control over growing their brains through the actions they take, parents are empowering their children. They should understand that what strengthens the connections in their brains is practise, asking questions, and actively participating in learning. Increased motivation and achievement will follow if the child understands that the brain physically changes when you put in effort whilst mastering concepts and skills. Accept mistakes as opportunities One of the best ways you can model a growth mindset is to speak openly about your own mistakes and lessons you took from it.  This will show your child that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Your child should know that it is by trying hard things, things that do not fall within our comfort zones, that we are growing, even if it means that the result is not perfect. Understand the role of emotions in learning Our fight or flight response is triggered when we are scared or feel threatened. It is a normal phenomenon and can manifest as stress symptoms such as sweating, stomach cramps, and your mind going blank. Obviously, such symptoms can prevent us from learning or from giving feedback on what we’ve learned. Help your child to identify such responses and to develop strategies that can be used to prevent the fight or flight response to take over when learning or doing assessments. Constantly keep having the conversation  Traditional schools only provide quarterly report cards, which can mean that the constant improvement conversation falls by the wayside until each report comes along. If your child is in this situation, try to check in more regularly to see what is happening academically. At Abbotts College we assist parents and students with this kind of constant feedback by releasing seven report cards per year. These report cards reflect three aspects: The outcome of bigger summative assessments that form part of the “School Based Assessment” which will be used to determine the promotion mark The outcome of different types of smaller assessments which are used to assess whether students mastered the concepts and skills that were taught on a continuous basis The effort ratings a student obtained in the different subjects Obviously, by giving thorough formal feedback on a regular basis, the parent or guardian can

Wingu Academy

Problem Based Learning, why do we need this in schools today?

Researchers have been hypothesizing and theorizing about Problem Based Learning (PBL) for decades. It came to life in the mid 60s when a group of scientists and physicians all had a similarly negative view of their undergraduate degrees and felt they could find a better way to present it. They developed the notion that students will understand their work better if their learning is driven by open-ended problems that challenge their way of thinking. Today, universities across the world implement Problem Based Learning in their courses to encourage students to critically engage with their subject content. Few schools have, however, implemented this learning method and the question begs to be asked, why? With the shift in education from Teacher-centeredness to Learner-centeredness, today’s educational landscape is the ideal place to implement PBL.  What does Problem Based Learning entail? Problem Based Learning is a method of learning where learners are presented with an open-ended problem and they must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to solve it. It is necessary for the learners to first identify what skills will be needed to solve the problem and thereafter they must learn and use these skills to solve it. They move through a set sequence of in-context problems by acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. The learners are guided by their learning material and assisted by teachers throughout. They work in small groups and are constantly learning from each other. Group members teach each other, rather than a teacher teaching the content at the front of the class. Why implement Problem Based Learning in schools?  Since many universities have started implementing Problem Based Learning, it may seem unnecessary for schools to implement it as well. That is the exact reason why this method of learning should be more commonly implemented in schools: to prepare learners for their tertiary studies and careers. Learners already face a seemingly insurmountable task of adjusting to university life without having to struggle to adjust to new learning methods as well. Equipping learners with the skills needed to complete a university degree makes the likelihood of learners succeeding in these degrees much larger. Equipping learners with the skills they need to succeed in University and in their careers one day should be paramount to high schools across the world and it should precede content recitation.  Some of the skills acquired through the PBL approach include: Flexible knowledge base: Problem Based Learning teaches learners the subject content in a way that moves beyond merely learning the facts of the subject. They are required to integrate the knowledge gathered from different subjects as well as from their own experiences. They have to use these skills and build upon them to solve the problems they are faced with. These skills and knowledge are organized around the deep principles in a subject. Learners use previous knowledge to evaluate the problem they are faced with and build upon this knowledge when they attempt to solve it. This means that their knowledge is continuously restructured and adjusted. This knowledge is not centred around one single point of reference and this grants learners the chance to adapt and apply it to many different scenarios.  Problem-solving skills: In Problem Based Learning, learners are presented with a scenario and they must evaluate and formulate the problem by studying the facts of the scenario. This helps learners understand the problem better and they can start hypothesising possible solutions. Learners must then identify where they have gaps in their knowledge to solve the problem and acquire these skills through research. These reasoning strategies are fundamental in any problem-solving scenarios learners may be faced within their lives and studies ahead. It builds the meta-cognitive skills that allow learners to executively plan their problems and evaluate their progress and whether their goals have been met. Self-directed learning skills: Learners are forced to identify the gaps in their knowledge in Problem Based Learning. They must identify where they lack the skills necessary to solve the problem they are faced with and must then research these skills. They are required to evaluate and direct their learning themselves, with only the occasional guidance from their teacher. This wakes the natural curiosity in learners to find the answers and skills they are requiring. These self-directed learning skills become an intrinsic part of a learner’s studies and will stay with that learner through his/her life, motivating them to become life-long learners. The curiosity they learn through these problems motivates them to explore and this in turn intrinsically motivates them to learn. This is a crucial skill for the Fourth Industrial Revolution as the learners are internally motivated to discover and this is not a skill that can be replaced by a robot. They do not have to be instructed to study certain things, they will be motivated to do so on their own. Teamwork: To implement PBL effectively, learners must work in teams to solve the problems they are faced with. Learners must learn how to function as part of a team by establishing shared goals, resolving conflict situations, deciding on the actions the group should take and coming to an agreement on the plan of action. These are essential skills for any well-rounded learner that they must acquire for the innumerable tasks that they will have to complete through teamwork. By learning these skills early in life, they have a head start on many colleagues. Conclusion Problem Based Learning prepares learners for their future by equipping them with a flexible knowledge base, life-long learning skills, teamwork skills and self-directed learning skills. They will be able to adapt to life after school much better when they learn these skills early in life as universities and most careers require them to apply the skills every day. These skills are, furthermore, essential for the Fourth Industrial Revolution where artificial intelligence will replace the majority of tasks in the workforce. The intrinsic curiosity to learn will distinguish learners from the competition in the workplace one day, both human and artificial

Wriggle and Rhyme

MUSIC MATTERS in your little one’s development!

As parents, we want what’s best for our children.  This means that we want them to be healthy and develop holistically.  We want to give them the best possible chance to thrive!   I don’t know about you, but I often feel bombarded with information. It can be quite overwhelming at times! If you’re feeling like that already, I certainly don’t want to add to that as you read this!  But, I do want to share something of my passion for one of the oldest activities known to humanity – MAKING MUSIC. Since the dawn of time Music has been around since the dawn of time.  The oldest piece of evidence for this was discovered by archaeologists in a cave in southern Germany – a 42,000-year-old flute made from the wing of a vulture.  One doesn’t need to be a scientist or educator to know the enormous impact that music has on children.  From a little baby beginning to sway or babble along to music, to a toddler dancing and singing, to a pre-schooler playing a simple instrument … the list goes on!   Music is a phenomenal teaching tool … but what’s going on in a child’s brain when they’re engaged in music-based activities? What does Neuroscience tell us? With significant progress in the field of Neuroscience over the past decade, there is now more and more data available to review. Functional MRI scans allow neuroscientists to see what’s happening in the brain, when engaged in various activities. What they’re learning, is that music is the one activity that lights up all areas of the brain simultaneously – effectively giving the brain the equivalent of a full body workout! (For more reference material or research on this, look at the work of Dr Anita Collins www.anitacollinsmusic.com and the work of Dr Nina Kraus at the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory www.brainvolts.northwestern.edu, amongst many others). The research is very exciting, because it confirms what parents and educators have witnessed all along – that intentional musical activities are powerful tools for learning and development. There are many, many ways that music exercises the brain – these are my top 5: 1 MEMORY Music has a way of embedding information into our memory in a powerful way – not just the information, but often the circumstances as well.  For example, you may struggle to remember a poem, but as soon as it’s put to music, you can recall it really easily. Music acts like the brain’s search engine!  It connects the dots between experiences, information and emotions. That’s why when you hear a familiar song, you won’t just remember the song itself, you’ll often remember other details too – where you were when you first heard the song, who you were with, and how you felt! This makes music a powerful tool for learning!  It can be used to embed learning and experiences into a child’s brain in a positive and safe way, which the child can then recall at a later stage. 2 LANGUAGE and LISTENING Music connects with the language centre of the brain. It’s also a powerful tool to increase vocabulary, strengthen auditory processing, extend speech and build tools for early literacy – skills needed for learning to read at a later stage. 3 EMOTIONS Music has the ability to make us feel a certain way because it connects us with our emotions.  One poet said that “music is what feelings sound like”. This means that music can be used, not only to help children identify and express their emotions but to give them the tools to help them to regulate their responses. These are the building blocks of developing emotional intelligence. 4 MOVEMENT Music was made for movement. Intentional movement to music promotes fine and gross motor skills, as well as hand-eye co-ordination. All of this stimulates oxygen flow to the brain, setting up the brain to concentrate and learn. 5 SOCIAL SKILLS All team-based activities promote social skills such as working together, sharing, etc. However, music is unique, because we can incorporate emotional awareness into the social aspects – especially sensitivity and consideration to those around us. Just like a group of instruments playing together is full of unique and beautiful sounds, they need to work together with sensitivity and emotional awareness, for the greater good. Some ideas to include more music in your child’s life Music-based learning matters!  Here are some ideas for including music in your child’s daily routine: 1.Wake up your child in the morning by singing a little song / rhyme to them 2.Play music when you’re travelling to listen to together 3.Switch off screens and consider adding audio stories to your child’s “down- / rest-time”.  This stimulates imagination in a way that visual resources cannot.   Wriggle and Rhyme has a range of musical stories which you can access on your favourite streaming service (Apple music, Spotify, iTunes, etc.) or take a look at www.wriggleandrhyme.co.za/our-music  4.Use music to help to set a mood in your home – e.g. at bedtime, play gentle, soothing music but at playtime, play upbeat, energetic music. 5.Make singing together part of your daily time with your child.  Expose them to your favourite music too – it’s not just about them!  6.Consider enrolling them for a music programme at their school, or encourage them to learn a musical instrument.  You don’t have to spend a fortune!  An instrument like a recorder is a cheap and easy way to get started! Whatever your circumstances or resources, make sure that you put music on the map!  Because when it comes to your child’s development, MUSIC MATTERS! Wriggle and Rhyme also offers a host of unique musical stories which can be accessed on your favourite streaming platform.  They also have a YOUTUBE channel where fun episodes called “MUSICAL FUN WITH FROGGY” can be found. @wrigglerhyme  #wrigglerhyme  YOUTUBE – Wriggle & Rhyme SA Article by Kirsty Savides Founder and Programme Director, Wriggle and Rhyme South Africa

CambriLearn Online Education

Future-Proof Education

As adults we often find ourselves asking children, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”. We are usually quite pleased to hear answers like “a vet, a doctor or a teacher”. Years of conditioning and upbringing have led us to believe that these careers are aspirational and that our kids will be “successful” if they finish school, get a degree and work in a respected profession.  What we sometimes forget is that the job landscape in 10 years’ time is going to look quite different to the one that we are used to. As new industries emerge and existing industries start to dwindle there is an entire new pool of occupations that our kids can explore.  In this article, we will take a detailed look at the job landscape of the future in an attempt to understand how parents can better prepare their children for a technology-driven career.  Back to the future From self-driving public transport to customer service chatbots, the world as we know it is developing at a rapid pace. Robots, artificial intelligence and other technologies are poised to radically change the future of work and improve our lives through automation. Staying abreast of these technologies will be of great value for future employability.  A 2017 McKinsey & Company report estimates that AI and robotics could eliminate about 30 percent of the world’s workforce by 2030. The truth is whilst technology could displace 75 million jobs, it will also create 133 million new ones. According to a Dell Technologies report, 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet.  It is worth noting that occupations have been coming and going for centuries. We no longer have milkmen or switchboard operators. Around 85% of the job roles from 1900 were obsolete by the year 2000, and the number one cause for these jobs becoming obsolete is technology.  The jobs of the future Let’s take a look at some of the popular jobs of today that didn’t exist 20 years ago. From Digital Marketing Managers to Social Media Content Creators and App Developers, these have fast become highly sort after and well-respected professions, and we can assume that new professions will continue to emerge as society continues to evolve and advance.  Many respected professions will continue to exist but they will morph into new versions of the roles as we know them. For example, we will always need doctors, but instead of these physicians spending days, weeks or months running tests in an attempt to accurately diagnose a patient, a supercomputer can process patient data and provide a diagnosis in seconds.  When it comes to prescribing medications, doctors won’t need to stay abreast of new drugs and advances in medicine, instead, AI will cross-check a patient’s medical records with a pharmaceutical database to come up with a personalised treatment plan.  Preparing your child for an unpredictable future The key to future success is ensuring that our children are equipped with the innovative skills necessary to navigate a disruptive job space. Understanding that the world is constantly changing, evolving and innovating will help our children become adaptable to the unpredictable industries of the future.  More than ever, parents need to be thinking about how and what their kids are being taught and whether schools are adequately preparing children for the future. Schools systems and curricula are very often outdated and the subject matter and course content are no longer relevant.  Robotics, Coding and Artificial Intelligence Courses Courses like Robotics, Coding and Artificial Intelligence are fundamental to a child’s education. Not only do these courses teach children technological foundations and principles, they also teach children important problem-solving skills in a more meaningful and interactive way. CambriLearn offers a range of supplementary learning courses designed to complement a traditional education to provide a child with the necessary skills to better understand these key learning areas.  The benefits of enrolling a child in a Robotics, Coding or Artificial Intelligence course include: Improved creativity and problem-solving abilities: Robotics and Coding promote an environment for children to think freely and creatively. Whilst brainstorming programming concepts children will be faced with obstacles in their creation process that will encourage them to come up with solutions to overcome these challenges. Robotics and coding teach children to work through complex problems, to see things analytically and improve problem-solving abilities. Technological career development: The demand for STEM-related jobs will remain strong in the future. Programmers are required in almost every field and coding is a valuable skill set to introduce children to a digital career pathway. Being computer literate is now mandatory in many job roles and it has become a necessity for children to learn essential computer skills. Science and math concepts: Coding takes a different approach to teaching children science and math concepts that would otherwise be difficult for them to understand. These concepts give children practical examples of lessons that were previously learnt from a textbook and help promote a more hands-on learning environment. Promotes a love of learning: Children learn better when they have an active interest in the subject matter. Coding is FUN and therefore assists in promoting an environment where children want to learn. This helps destigmatise science and math education concepts. Coding isn’t only about the app, software, robot or digital solutions, coding is a multidisciplinary field where students will gain knowledge and tools that go way beyond the pure line of code. Enrolling your child in a robotics or coding course teaches them to become more comfortable and confident in a field of technology. This helps promote critical thinking skills, boosts self-confidence and sets them up to explore a career in technology Social and emotional skills Building a robot is a complex task that takes patience and courage. Coding provides an ideal environment for a child to work through complex puzzles and teaches them how to handle making mistakes. In Coding, mistakes are welcomed as they usually reveal crucial information that is needed to

Wingu Academy

Cyber Wellness – how to protect children in a cyber world

The internet is a vast and expansive space. It allows us to connect, create and become whoever we want to be. It provides unlimited opportunities and freedom one can only imagine. However, within all the space and freedom, there is also danger. This danger could include people with malicious intentions, scams and even bullies.  For this reason, the concept of Cyber Wellness has become an imperative part of our Wingu vocabulary. Cyber Wellness refers to an individual’s feelings of safety and positivity regarding online spaces. It also refers to one’s capacity to be able to protect themselves and others, from internet dangers.  While there is a wide range of tips, tricks and rules that Wingu learners and internet users everywhere should follow; the way individuals engage with others on the internet is constantly changing! “Think about it; one of the main rules of using the internet when I was a child was don’t talk to strangers! However, young people these days, meet most of their friends through social media or gaming platforms. Therefore, just providing learners with a standard, one-size fits all set of rules, is ineffective. We need to teach learners more than how to follow rules. We need to teach them to think on their feet in order to protect and promote their Cyber Wellness,” says Jenna Chetty from the Wingu Wellness Hub. One of the ways we can do this is by helping learners strengthen and enforce their boundaries. A boundary is basically the rule that you set, about how others are allowed to treat you. A learner with strong boundaries can easily identify when behaviour is inappropriate and put a stop to it immediately. Another way to teach learners how to protect themselves, is by helping them foster resilience. Resilience is simply the ability to bounce back, after experiencing something unfavourable or unkind. Due to the freedom the internet allows, it is almost inevitable that children will be exposed to harmful images, language, opinions and people who want to break their confidence. Resilience will allow them to stand up again, after being knocked down by other people’s irresponsible use of online spaces. Lastly, we can promote Cyber Wellness by teaching learners how to be responsible online. If we want to experience positive internet spaces, we need to be an injection of positivity every time we enter an online space. This means that we are always respectful, do not judge and always treat others the way we want to be treated. Of course, the general tips and tricks such as don’t talk to strangers, don’t share your password, don’t engage with bullies etc, are still important! We just want to offer learners more than the standard procedure for Cyber Wellness. Therefore, Wingu Wellness has developed a three-session Cyber Wellness Course for our Wingulians. The sessions focus on the three topics mentioned above. Namely, boundaries, resilience and promoting cyber wellness. It also includes the tips and tricks, as well as an in-depth look into what learners can do if they are being cyber-bullied. If you have any questions about cyber wellness or the course, please don’t hesitate to contact wellness@wingu-academy.com The concepts of Cyber Wellness and Cyber Safety are evolving and ever-changing. So, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t have all the answers.  The most important thing is to be there for your child and keep the communication channels open.

The Bridge Assisted Learning School

The impact of poorly developed visual perception skills on reading and learning

Many educators would agree that there is a close connection between vision and learning.  Much of what a child learns is through the visual system, as this is our most influential sense. If we consider that reading and writing, along with using computers and problem solving are all visual tasks that children perform daily, one could agree that much learning takes place through our eyes. Coupled with letter recognition and retention and handwriting, it becomes clear how a poorly developed vision system can impact on what and how a child learns.  Visual processing issues present with life-long challenges; however, it is not considered a “learning disability”.  It not only affects what a child learns, but also the capability to execute commonplace tasks such as sorting a variety of objects or playing a soccer game.  This may lead to socialisation problems or frustration and withdrawal.   Most children are very excited about learning to read.  Visual processing is one of the most important cognitive skills and it includes the ability to discriminate between foreground and background, position in space and size, shape and colour.  Children who have visual processing issues find it difficult to see the difference between letters.  These letters may also appear in the wrong sequence.  Research has found that between 2 and 20 percent of U.S. school going children have some type of reading disorder.  This has been linked to an immature visual system.  When a child is learning to read letters, numbers and words, these are seen through the eyes, but processed through the brain.  So, the visual system does not only refer to the eyes, but includes the brain too.   The vestibular system, which is like an internal GPS system, works hand-in-hand with the visual system.  If the vestibular system is underdeveloped, letters and numbers may appear to dance around on the page or even appear backwards.  This may hamper reading progress and may, initially, be interpreted as a ‘reading problem’. It could also be confused with an eye sight problem, yet the child has perfect 20/20 vision.  The real problem is one of visual processing.  In order to support information recall and retention, visual processing needs to be strengthened.  This would be done by including movement into a child’s daily routine.  Movement builds eye-hand co-ordination, core muscles and gross motor, which in turn supports the vestibular system.  This in turn strengthens their visual memory and visual motor skills. Because a child uses visual processing daily for reading, writing and mathematics, experiencing difficulties may result in poor attention in class or a lack of self-confidence. So what can we as teachers and parents do to help children who have a poorly developed visual system?  Torch Tag can be played at home just before bedtime.  In the dark bedroom, shine a torch light on the wall, moving in haphazard patterns.  The child must follow this pattern, using their own torch.  This activity is fun and will strengthen eye tracking as well as visual motor skills.  Swing Toss is a game played while the child is swinging.  While holding a hula hoop, stand in front of the child a short distance away.  As the child is swinging, they throw a fluffy toy, bean bag or such like toy into the hoop. This will boost balance, core strength, sensory integration and visual motor skills. By Michelle Rowland (Grade 1 Teacher at The Bridge Assisted Learning School in Lonehill)

CambriLearn Online Education

Which learning environment best suits your child?

A child’s learning environment has a direct and lasting impact on the way in which they absorb and retain information. Children learn better when they want to learn… when they have an active interest in the subject matter and when they are self-motivated.  Parents need to consider which learning environment best suits their child’s unique needs in order to harness their love for learning. This liberates them to pursue their own interests and teaches them how to manage themselves throughout their education journey.  We have created this short online quiz to help parents and guardians better understand the different learning environments and to try to shed some light on which environment is better suited to your unique needs.  Knowledge Retention One of the most important factors to consider when deciding on your child’s learning environment is, how does your child best absorb and retain information? And, if they struggle with a particular topic, what is the best way to guide them through these difficulties? Is the child more susceptible to learning in a large classroom environment or are they better able to comprehend difficult topics through one-on-one tutoring and interactive online resources?  Socialisation Many parents opt to send their children to a traditional school as they fear homeschooling may lead them to miss out on key peer interaction. In this instance, parents should consider what kind of social interaction is most valuable to their child. Does your child thrive in a large group setting with children of the same age or are they better suited to a smaller class environment with students of all ages? Whilst traditional schooling does offer great benefits to socialisation, many homeschooling parents feel that the freedom and flexibility of a homeschooling schedule allows their children more time to pursue their passions and extramural activities where they can socialise with children with similar interests.  Key motivators Another important factor to consider is what are your child’s key motivators? Do they thrive in a nurturing one-on-one environment or are they motivated through praise and recognition. The best approach to education is one that teaches a child to be self-motivated through goal setting and goal smashing. By achieving clearly defined objectives, children learn to love the feeling of accomplishment rather than to wait for someone to give them a pat on the back.  Flexible schedules Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic flung us into lounge-wear and at-home working environments, it also opened our eyes to the possibilities of interacting and learning through online resources. Online learning and homeschooling allow families the freedom to structure their schedules according to their unique needs. For families who want to travel or for children who excel in a particular sport or cultural activity, homeschooling provides the ability to structure your day around your unique needs with the opportunity to learn from anywhere in the world.  The different types of learning environments The three main learning environments to consider are; traditional schooling, hybrid learning and homeschooling or online schooling.  Traditional Schooling The traditional schooling environment has been around for centuries and it is the most common schooling environment. Many parents opt to send their child to a traditional school for the mere fact that this is how everyone else does it. A traditional schooling environment involves sending your child to a brick and mortar school where they will be placed in a classroom environment with allocated teachers. In this environment students generally follow a structured lesson timetable and work through the course content according to the planned schedule and school calendar.  A traditional schooling environment is great for students who learn best in a large group setting. In this environment, children are motivated through the recognition of awards and badges. This learning environment is best suited for families who prefer a more disciplined and structured approach to their studies and schedule and who would prefer their child to socialise with peers of the same age group in a traditional classroom environment. Homeschooling or Online Learning Homeschooling or online learning involves educating a child at home, usually through the assistance of an online learning platform, like CambriLearn. In this environment, parents are usually responsible for ensuring the child completes the necessary coursework. Students have teachers, virtual live lessons and an on-demand lesson library. This approach to learning has become a popular alternative for parents who are looking for a more flexible and self-paced education solution.  The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic saw many families in a homeschooling/online learning environment. Whilst pandemic parenting and online learning isn’t necessarily a true reflection of what homeschooling entails, many parents have seen firsthand the benefits of allowing their children the freedom to navigate their coursework at their own pace through the use of online resources.  A homeschooling or online learning environment is great for students who learn best through online resources that they can work through at their own pace. This environment is best suited for families who want to follow a flexible schedule. Homeschooled students generally have more time to pursue their passions and are able to socialise through planned events and extra-curriculum activities like soccer and horse riding. Students who are homeschooled tend to be self-motivated through goal setting and achievement.  Hybrid Learning Hybrid learning involves making use of a tutor or educator to assist in guiding a child’s education, usually with the assistance of an online learning platform. In this instance, students enrol with a particular online learning provider whilst also being able to get one-on-one assistance on their coursework through a tutor. When making use of a local tutor, students are able to gather for in-person support or meet up with other students for events and extramural activities. Hybrid learning combines the freedom and flexibility of online learning with the support and social interactions of studying alongside a group of peers.  A hybrid learning environment is best suited to children who like to get on with their work independently whilst asking for help from a dedicated tutor when required. Students who study through a tutor

Wingu Academy

How to achieve deeper learning

Deeper learning is an educational outcome where students develop the ability to apply their knowledge in new contexts, to extend their ideas and to critically and creatively solve problems. Deeper learning should encourage self-directed learning, academic mastery, working collaboratively and communicating effectively. This stands in contrast to learning which focuses on students simply recalling and regurgitating information to pass a standardized series of tests or checkpoints. As an example, when students are presented with a study of World War 2, a student who displays only the ability to reproduce facts, would be able to name dates associated with the war, as well as prominent figures or events, but would fail to answer essay type questions of which the content could not be memorized beforehand. But a student who possesses deeper learning skills, would, for example, be able to argue what the socioeconomic and political circumstances were that led to this war, by critically interpreting the narrative of the events. Unfortunately, through the traditional education system’s standardized and lecture based approach, deeper learning is often not encouraged in the classroom. There are however, numerous ways in which educators can encourage deeper learning in their students, as will be discussed below. Parents who are home schooling their children might also be interested in finding out how they can achieve deeper learning outcomes through their parent-led teaching. And other home schooling parents who make use of a curriculum service provider should ensure that their chosen provider employs strategies that leads to deeper learning outcomes. 1.  Contextualize learning Humans are emotional beings. We remember things better if we can feel some personal connection to it. This explains why we can remember the plots of movies or films even long after we’ve finished watching or reading it, as we relate to the characters and circumstances. But how can we leverage this to enable deeper learning of academic content? The answer is to contextualize the work being learned. For example, instead of just teaching students about the basics of atmospheric pressure, contextualize the learning by asking them to consider why their ears block when an airplane rapidly climbs or descends. As this is something that students may have experienced before, presenting the information in this way allows students to integrate this new-found knowledge into their pre-existing reference framework, which in turn enables them to visualize and understand the underlying principles better. A quote by Dr. David Bilkey explains this well: “Most of the time, when you are presented with new information, you will remember it much better if you can integrate it into your pre-existing scaffold – your knowledge of the world and how it works”. Another wonderful way in which educators contextualize learning, is to demonstrate to students how certain knowledge and skills are applied to real world careers. For example, if you know someone in the field of forensic anthropology, why not invite them to give a presentation on their work, once the students start studying the skeletal system in Biology. 2.  Empower students to take charge of their own learning Inquiry based learning is a great tool to help students reach deeper learning outcomes. Getting students invested in projects, such as to design a crash safety system for an egg dropped from a building, or to redesign an app, allows them to actively participate in the problem solving process and encourages critical thinking. For example, if students are tasked to design an app that can track the energy expenditure of a household, the students will have to think critically and creatively about the different metrics involved, and how these will be monitored. These kind of projects also afford students the opportunity to work in groups, which teaches them essential communication and collaboration skills. These kind of projects can also afford an opportunity to create a community of learning. Older students can act as mentors to younger students, to encourage an environment of collaboration. Furthermore, a clever way to get students invested in their learning, is to personalize the learning according to their age group, or to the individual student themselves. Most upper and lower secondary students know recently popularized superhero movies. Incorporating examples of these characters into the explanation of certain concepts can be the “hook” that gets students invested in the underlying subject matter. For example, when explaining conservation of momentum, sketch a scenario where Ironman and Captain Marvel are involved in a collision, instead of using more generic examples. Want to teach students essay writing skills? Instead of presenting students with a predefined list of topics or prompts, involve students in their learning by having them draw up their own list of prompts from which to choose, in class. 3.  Leverage technology Technology can be a brilliant way through which to encourage deeper learning in students of all ages. However, as with all tools, the power of technology as an educational medium, lies in the way in which it is implemented. By using computer programs such as spreadsheet software to handle complex data, or collaborative cloud computing tools such as shared drives and cloud based software (Google docs, Google slides), students are encouraged to effectively communicate and collaborate, whilst developing research and critical thinking skills. In an online learning management system, interactive games, quizzes and simulations can be used to guide self-directed learning, where incentives such as badges or a gamified leader board can encourage students to attain academic mastery of subject topics. Furthermore, technology associated with the 4th industrial revolution is increasingly shaping the way in which we work, and it is also shaping the future career landscape in which our current students will find themselves upon graduation. Using technology to teach students vital 4IR skills is essential, and can be used to enable a rich, deeper learning experience. For example, additive manufacturing (3D printing) has seen remarkable growth in recent years. Students can be taught Computer Aided Design (CAD) skills, which – if integrated with their knowledge of coding and electronics – can be used to design systems that

CambriLearn Online Education

Social and Emotional Development

The term ‘Social and Emotional Development’ has become a hot parenting topic over the last few years… and quite rightly so! Since the onset of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we have become more attuned to the emotional well-being of not only ourselves but also, and more importantly so, the emotional well-being of our children. If there is one thing that we can thank the pandemic for, it is being more aware of the need to provide our children, and ourselves, with an increased focus on social and emotional development, self-care, listening with empathy, being empathetic to those around us and having perspective. What is social and emotional development? Social and emotional development is a broad umbrella term that encompasses many facets of our general well-being and development areas such as: peer pressure,  how children form friendships and relationships and how they maintain them,  how we interact with one another,  how we express and show emotions. Children growing up today are bombarded with so many messages, some of them conflicting, on how one should behave, speak or dress. Children are exposed to so much information that it is often difficult for them to manage the big emotions and behaviours that accompany society’s expectations. Social and emotional learning at home Social and emotional development starts in the home, where a child’s first and most important role models, their parents, are modelling the behaviours that they want to see in their children. In the home environment, parents should focus on teaching their children sharing, caring, affection and nurture. Children should be encouraged to say how they feel, be respectful, listen for understanding and empathy, caring not only for themselves but for the world around us.  Young children look to their family members as role models. How we speak, how we interact, how we support and listen to our children has an incredible impact on their development, particularly in the key stages of early childhood development (ECD). Underpinning this is helping our children to eventually become independent, solution-driven, thinking adolescents and adults.  Social and emotional development is providing children with a safe, non-confrontational space to express their emotions and unpack the overwhelming feelings they are trying to process. To gently guide and provide opportunities for them to develop positive behaviour and a positive image of themselves so that they grow into well-adjusted, socially conscious human beings. EQ vs. IQ You may have heard the saying, ‘EQ is equally as important as IQ’, if not more so. An unhappy child will struggle to learn. So it is equally as important to attend to the emotional well-being of a learner, as to their academic needs. Social-emotional learning should be integrated into every subject area as it is an integral part of us as human beings – developing self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills that are not only important for learning but also vital to succeed as adults in a workplace environment.  Online social emotional learning course CambriLearn offers an in-depth social emotional learning course to help children navigate these key developmental areas. The course is completed online through interactive lessons and group projects to help learners discover constructive ways to process their emotions and interact with others in a respectful way.  In this course, students learn to:  Recognise and practice character strengths, like curiosity, persistence, and collaboration. Understand and manage their emotions, like fear and anger. Work in a team, listen and appreciate each other. Understand the consequences of their actions to others.  Students who have completed the social emotional learning course with CambriLearn have shown improved:  self-esteem and self-awareness attitude and relationships ability to cope with social and peer pressures learning outcomes 16 Habits of Mind The 16 Habits of Mind, originally developed by Art Costa and Bena Kallick, are “thinking dispositions that are committed to growing individuals who are more thoughtful, responsive, and innovative”. These 16 habits encourage students (and adults!) to have a positive growth mindset; to be persistent when faced with challenges; to respond with wonderment and awe to the world around them. When this framework is applied consistently and children are provided with opportunities to link the 16 habits to their everyday life, the habits will soon become second nature. These 16 habits or thinking dispositions essentially, lay the foundation for all social, emotional and cognitive behaviour. Developing social-emotional skills is a crucial task that every person will face at some point in their life. By focusing on these skills as early as possible and systematically continuing learning through the school years, we provide our children with a critical toolset to navigate life successfully, happily, and healthily. 

The Bridge Assisted Learning School

Dissecting Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia is a disability that is believed to affect 2 – 10% of the population.  This disability can be defined as “a development disability of organisation of movement.  It is caused by an immaturity of the brain resulting in messages not being properly transmitted to the body.” [1] In laymen’s terms, dyspraxia affects motor planning.  Before looking further at how this happens, let’s first look at what motor planning is. ‘Motor planning is the ability to conceive, plan and carry out a skilled, non-habitual motor act in the correct sequence from beginning to end…. The child with motor planning difficulties may be slow in carrying out verbal instructions and often appears clumsy in new tasks.” [2]   For motor planning to be effective, all sensory systems of the body need to be working correctly.  With dyspraxia, the messages that are being sent from the brain are not being reliably transmitted to the rest of the body.  Dyspraxia does not change intelligence, but it does change how the child learns. Children with dyspraxia are seen to be clumsy, accident prone and extremely messy.  They will take time and repetition to master a new skill.  Dyspraxia can hinder thought processes and these children will often experience difficulty with planning and personal organisation.  Time management concerns arise, as well as difficulties in memory, perception and processing. Some other issues that arise are poor co-ordination, immature speech, poor attention and social and emotional difficulties.  Self-belief and confidence are affected, and the child often experiences anxiety and stress.   In order to help a child with dyspraxia, it is imperative that the teacher, school and parents work together in order to best facilitate the child to reach his or her full potential.  Regular meetings must be held between teacher and parents in order to ensure that the child is receiving all the support needed and achieving the goals that he / she is capable of. As a teacher and in order to obtain optimal performance, it is imperative that the child’s confidence is developed.  Always motivate the child and focus on what they can do.  Goals must be within the child’s reach.   The following steps can be taken in order to further benefit the child: Verbal instructions are to be given slowly and are to be kept short and simple.  Ideally, only one instruction should be given at a time. Minimalise distractions for the child. The child should be placed close to the front of the class. When setting work, this child requires work of a shorter length, that he / she will be able to complete in the allocated time, thus feeling the success of completing a task.  This can be done by creating worksheets for the child which require minimal handwriting (e.g. fill in the missing word) Work that needs to be written can be printed out for the learner beforehand, giving the child time to focus on the actual work, rather than the pressure of copying it down. In order to help with handwriting, it is suggested that the child is given books with larger lines to accommodate for writing, as well as larger quad paper, to facilitate in mathematics. During examinations, this child will require certain concessions, such as additional time, rest periods, a reader and perhaps amanuensis. Homework can be scribed by parents in order to take pressure off of the child. The optimal learning environment for a child with dyspraxia would be a one on one learning environment, but with the correct support and intervention, will thrive in a small, nurturing environment where he / she can reach his / her potential, as well as helping him / her with social skills and development. By Linda Langefeld, Grade 4 Teacher at The Bridge Assisted Learning School 

Global Village College


In raising our children, most thinking parents instinctively focus on the essential elements that are required to prepare children for the opportunity to live a good life.  Should we not also require a focus on these elements in the education systems we choose for our children? Diane Tavenner, author of “Prepared:  What kids need for a fulfilled life”, believes that schools that are truly designed to prepare every child for the opportunity to live a good life, focus on three elements.  In her Keynote at EDUtech Asia, 2021, she explains that: Preparing schools: 1. Nurture and develop a child’s curiosity Schools that prepare children for a full life, do several things to nurture curiosity. They create a curriculum and learning experiences that are real world and authentic. Their students ask and seek to answer big questions that are relevant to them, their community and the world around them. They intentionally teach and nurture skills such as inquiry, analysis, hypothesising, research and questioning. They reward original thinking and view failure as an opportunity to learn, and in doing so, they attract and engage students in a learning environment that feels rich and relevant, as well as social and active. 2. Actively support every child and young adult in developing a specific identity or purpose The core elements of a good life are community, relationships, and purposeful work.  Young people who don’t engage in a journey to learn about themselves, what they value, what brings meaning to them and how that intersects with what they will do with their life, are often lost or asleep to themselves as they enter adulthood. In preparing schools, each child is valued as a unique individual with a contribution to make and everyone in the community benefits when each child can develop their own sense of self and civic identity.  We know from the science of learning, that a key factor in that developmental journey is mentorship, and being exposed to lots of ideas and experiences, with the options to explore and deeply pursue those that feel real. 4. Create self-directed learners Preparing schools create self-directed learners.  In many ways, this focus translates to one of the most dramatic changes in the schooling experience. Schools that are preparing students for life, know that people who live good lives make their own paths.  They put themselves in the driver’s seat of their life.   Learning schools know that learning the skills to be self-directed, takes years to practice and develop, and they: make learning accessible and transparent have taken advantage of modern technology and build interactive and engaging platforms that allow each and every student to learn anywhere, anytime and at a pace that maximises what they come to know and are able to do. reconceptualise the role of a teacher to be a mentor and facilitator of engaging experiences think about the entire learning journey of the student and how they can help them to foster the skills to ultimately own and drive that journey for themselves, so that when they do launch into adulthood, they are truly prepared to live a fulfilling life. SCHOOL AT HOME WITH GLOBAL VILLAGE COLLEGE We believe that, with appropriate resources and support, parents can give their children the opportunity to learn at home to prepare them to live fulfilled and successful lives.   The delivery of the Cambridge curriculum by Global Village College is the complete educational solution to school at home.   We want to give children the academic advantage and we also want them to develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. We believe they can achieve all this by obtaining Cambridge International qualifications.   These qualifications can open doors to South African and international universities and will get them future ready so that they can forge their own independent paths in the world. For matriculants, Cambridge offers an international qualification that is a less stressful option than the South African National Senior Certificate. Instead of writing all exams in one sitting, Cambridge offers IGCSE and AS Level exams (Grade 11 and 12) over 2 sittings.  Your child could write some subjects in November, others the following June and still have a third opportunity to write subjects in the following November.   In addition, once your child has written and passed a Cambridge subject, the certificate is issued by Cambridge International (UK) and your child will not need to write the subject again, unless they choose to.  This means they can concentrate on their remaining subjects.  There is no age limit to write subjects with Cambridge. Global Village College provides tutors and course material from specialists in each subject.   We offer a variety of options to suit different home-schooling needs.  We will recommend the one that best suits your child and your involvement as a parent.  We advise and assist you every step of the way, ensuring your child is supported and challenged where necessary.   Our courses include: Access to Google Classroom digital organising and communication system 30-week curriculum aligned course material with: Infographics and carefully selected internet links, including relevant video lessons Activities & Answers 5 Assignments & Memorandums Exam Papers & Memorandums We will help you design a custom-made educational experience for your child.    A range of subject options is available and can be selected to meet the USAF minimum admission requirements for exemption for entry to South African universities.   We have pleasure introducing you here to two of our subject offerings. YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER STUDYING HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY History and Geography are possible subject options for learners to include to meet the USAF minimum admission requirements for exemption for entry to South African universities.  They also provide a good foundation for navigating life. History gives us a time orientation – past, present, future.  Geography gives us a spacial orientation – our place on earth, in the world.   Dr Richard Chernis, one of our highly experienced tutors, explains why you might want to consider

CambriLearn Online Education

From “below average” to CEO

Meet Claudia Swartzberg, co-founder and CEO of CambriLearn and Top Dog Education. We sat down with Claudia to hear about how she went from “a below average” learner in primary school to graduating top of her class with a degree in actuarial science. Not every child fits the mould of traditional schooling, and Claudia explains why… Traditional schooling looks at achievement in terms of test scores, in a very limited number of academic areas. The problem with this approach is it doesn’t take into account problem-solving ability, motivation levels, perception or social intelligence.  A child who couldn’t cut straight When I was five years old, the school that I was at didn’t want to progress me to grade one because I couldn’t cut straight. Coming from a family of rocket scientists, my father wouldn’t hear any of it and put me straight into grade one – despite the advice of my teachers. I wasn’t a great performer in primary school and this led me to become very anxious. I began doubting my academic abilities and started to dislike school.  My father recognised this and started to spend his evenings taking me through my coursework, creating practice material in a way that felt relevant to me. Soon my grades began to pick up and that feeling of success became addictive. My goals grew not only to wanting to perform but wanting to be the best. I had a new sense of confidence and purpose. In high school, I graduated top of my class I went on to study actuarial science specialising in data science.  Breaking the mould of average One of the first things we teach people in stats is how to eliminate the outliers so that we can find the average. This is fantastic if I’m trying to find out the average amount of sugar a person consumes, but when I am looking at a child’s true potential then this approach falls short. If I asked the question, how fast can a child learn to read in a classroom? Scientists would change this question to how fast does the average child learn to read in a classroom?  If we study what’s merely average, we are going to remain merely average. So instead of trying to fit all students into the mould of average, at CambriLearn, we try to deeply understand what makes each student perform and we nurture that.  In a typical classroom environment, with a 1:25 teacher to learner ratio, a teacher isn’t able to tailor-make each lesson to suit each individual child. Most teachers will pitch the coursework to the average student. This approach can lead to many children feeling left behind as they struggle to keep up with the coursework. It can also lead to many students feeling bored and disinterested as they may comprehend the lesson quickly and feel frustrated at the pace of average.  At CambriLearn, we provide an intelligent learning system that makes it possible for an educator or parent to teach individuals and not classes. This approach not only moves students above average but moves the entire average up.  It’s about perspective It is not reality that shapes learning, but the lens through which your brain views information that shapes your reality. In other words, it’s about perspective. We optimise a child’s perspective by promoting social and emotional intelligence in every class that we teach.  Most people think that the more gifted you are academically, the more successful you’ll be in life. Studies have shown that only 25% of your success is determined by IQ, whereas 75% of your success is determined by your perception, your optimism levels, your social support and your ability to see stress as a challenge rather than as a threat. This is why we put a lot of focus on social and emotional intelligence.  The absence of failing is not success If your child is getting good grades, it’s not a guarantee they will be successful. If they have the right perception, not only will their performance improve, but they will harness an essential lifelong tool – resilience. At CambriLearn, we focus on driving positive perception, self-regulation, and confidence in our students.  I often hear from parents, “I’m sending my kids to the best schools in the country with the best teachers, how can they still not be doing well emotionally or academically?” Embedded in that question is the key to understanding the science of learning. What the question assumes is that our external learning environment is predictive of our academic success. When in reality 15% of your long term academic success is determined by your external environment. 85% is determined by the way your brain processes information.  According to the World Economic Forum, some of the skills a child needs in order to be successful in the future include; judgement and decision making, active learning, evaluation, deductive reasoning and complex problem-solving. The fear of isolation The number one concern that we hear from parents who wish to move away from a physical school is the fear of less social interaction. They worry that their child will be at home all day with no outdoor activities or group interaction. What they struggle to realise is that our students actually have more time and energy to participate in a schedule that is flexible and more effective.  We have top athletes studying with us and the very reason why they study with CambriLearn is so that they can optimise their day. Also, not one of our sports stars did sports at school as the schools were simply not specialised enough and they needed more specialised training and support.   Another contributing factor to success is your network and your support system. Our students form part of a powerful global network, they are able to connect and interact with students from across the world through our online forums or through face to face interactions at one of the planned events. CambriLearn has students in over 50 countries and almost all

Parenting Hub


SACAP (South African College of Applied Psychology) has announced the 2022 launch of two new Higher Certificate educational programmes in its Management and Leadership faculty offering school leavers a vocational pathway into the South African business sector.  The SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resources Management are accredited, one-year programmes that include industry-oriented content and applications so that graduates are fit to enter the workplace. While a Higher Certificate qualification can make up for a Matric without a Bachelor’s pass and serve as a bridge into a degree educational program, it is also relevant to those who want to make a career change or update their skills-set.  The new SACAP Higher Certificate programmes builds on the success of their popular Higher Certificate in Communications and Counselling, and augment SACAP’s overall portfolio of Higher Certificates, Bachelor’s and Honour’s degrees. Lee-Ann Drummond, SACAP’s Head of the Management & Leadership Faculty says, “The new Higher Certificate programmes are a form of bridging into the B.App.Soc.Sci providing a certain number of transferable credits.  However, they are distinct from the first year of the B.App.Soc.Sci and are NQF5 qualifications with a distinct purpose and learning outcomes.  As such, they are independent, coherent and academically credible as a qualification focused on vocational skills-building.” What can you do with a Higher Certificate in Human Resources Management? This programme with its real-world focus equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide administrative support to HRM services in industry and to execute various human resource functions in the workplace. The qualification is a gateway for further higher education but is also relevant to those wanting to enter the workforce, and those needing to upskill in the field of HRM.  Drummond says, “With SACAP’s strength in Applied Psychology, this programme emphasises putting ‘human’ back into HRM through understanding people and the value of human capital in the workplace.  It’s ideal for those returning to the workplace and needing to update their skills; for entrepreneurs who need to build HR capacities in their start-up companies and for school leavers who want to acquire vocational skills and begin building their careers in business.” What can you do with a Higher Certificate in Business Management? This qualification is aimed at building foundational business management skills based on an understanding of basic business management theories.  It’s a comprehensive programme to acquire the skills needed to competently assist and support a variety of business management functions in the workplace.  Drummond says, “Once again the design of the Higher Certificate educational programme is based on providing highly relevant, industry-oriented content and to help students develop practical skills so that they are work-ready and capable of building careers, upskilling or taking a pathway to further studies.” The full-time CHE-accredited SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resource Management are available at SACAP’s Online campus and each comprise of nine modules and 120 credits over one year.  Registrations for 2022 are open now. To find out more or enrol SACAP Higher Certificate in Human Resources Management To find out more or enrol SACAP Higher Certificate in Business Management

Parenting Hub

Four Tips to Support Kids Hygiene in Post-Covid School Life

With the country finally opening up, businesses, entertainment venues and schools will see more people than ever coming into contact with each other since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.  While grown-ups should have the presence of mind to adhere to healthy hygiene protocols, children may need a bit of extra help in staying safe from viruses and bacteria at school, especially when using high-traffic areas like toilets. Nobuhle Ngubane, Senior Brand Manager at Domestos South Africa, offers parents the four following tips on protecting their children from germs during this crucial time of transition. 1.      Educate Them  Knowledge is power, and you might be surprised at how much informationchildren, even those as young as two years old, can retain. Make sure to talk to them, repeating terms like germs, cleanliness, washing hands, water, soap, sanitising and so on. Make it fun – use songs and pictures – to each them about social distancing and how to clean up thoroughly. 2.      Ask Teachers  Do not be shy about engaging with teachers on the hygiene protocolsinside the school, particularly where toilets are concerned. It’s important to be aware of how frequently cleaning takes place – especially considering that the facilities are used by hundreds of learners throughout the day. Aim to be helpful rather than confrontational – share information and resources and express understanding for the load educators have to bear.  3.      Equip Them  While your child’s school may already have thorough cleaning protocols you can always help your child further by packing a safe and mild sanitiser spray bottle and a small pack of wipes that they can use to wipe their hands after coming into contact with surfaces that may have germs.  4.      Keep them Healthy  As much as you can keep external surfaces clean, your child’s bestdefence is a healthy diet and even supplements, where necessary. As always, reinforce the need to wash hands before and after eating, using soap or sanitiser, and wiping with clean paper towels.  The reality is that millions of learners around the country attend schools without adequate ablution facilities. This not only affects their health but their ability to learn due to the proven negative psychological impact of poor sanitation. Over the past 10 years, Domestos has led the charge on addressing unsafe sanitation and poor hygiene in schools, impacting over 5 million children through school refurbishments, school toilet maintenance programs, as well as participating in an educational program that educates learners on good hygiene and sanitation habits in over 15 000 public schools around the country. You can also get involved in this fight against the sanitation crisis.Purchase a 750ml Domestos bleach bottle, and R1 will be donated towards helping over 1 million learners gain access to clean and safe toilets.

Koa Academy


The pandemic years shut down a lot, but also created unexpected openings and many digital escalations. For instance, school choice has been irrevocably changed across the world.  Online school may not be the solution for every child, or every family, but many got a taste for the greater flexibility and wider scope in education that can be offered in the digital realm.  When it comes to decisions about school, geography has ruled supreme, but this is no longer the case.  Going the digital school route, parents can place more emphasis on other considerations such as the different curriculum and assessment systems that can help set your child up for success. Koa Academy, a high engagement online school is IEB-accredited.  The Independent Examinations Boards (IEB) governs the curriculum and assessment standards of private educational institutions in South Africa.   Koa Academy’s Principal, Mark Anderson says, “The IEB offers internationally recognised qualifications which are becoming increasingly important to today’s South African parents who are raising kids likely to become global workers, or who may want international study options available to their children once they have finished school.  Many see the advantages in their children achieving an IEB National Senior Certificate that is well-recognised as equivalent to the UK’s AS Level.” Proudly South African, the IEB has an impressive track record with many of their NSC and Advanced Programmes in Mathematics and English graduates going on to study at elite international universities.  While that might not be an aspiration of all parents, the benefits of an IEB qualification have come into focus in this era of globalization.  Parents do want their children to have an education that opens doors for them when it comes to further studies and employability.  Anderson says, “Opportunities for remote working are increasing vastly and we want our children to be able to join the pool of global workers so that use their talents wherever and however they can in a world of work that is rapidly changing and radically evolving. There’s no doubt that solid international recognition for your school qualification can be a significant enabler of modern careers, which is one of the reasons that Koa has opted for the IEB system.  However, it is important to note that the IEB also has a particular style and system of teaching and assessing that is also a significant advantage. It’s less about memorisation and more about the application of learning which sets kids up better for success at university which has a similar approach.” Discover Koa Academy here.

CambriLearn Online Education

Cognitive Development Activities for Primary School Kids

A child’s primary school years are some of the most important in terms of their cognitive development. If developmental foundations are not established at this crucial age, then it will become very difficult to harness these skill sets later on in life.  A child’s physical, social and emotional development has a direct impact on the adult they will become. In order to maximise a child’s future well-being, it is vitally important to practice developmental activities at a primary school age. Whilst an effective primary education will give a child a significant developmental boost, children will further benefit from a home environment that also focuses on stimulating these essential skills.  In this article, we will look at the different stages of cognitive development and provide practical ideas to help harness essential skills at each stage.  Cognitive Development When we refer to development areas we aren’t just talking about academics. Cognitive development refers to how a child thinks, how they understand concepts and their problem-solving abilities. John Piaget’s theory of cognitive development highlights four key stages that a child progresses through in their developmental years.  As a child develops and engages with the world around them, they continually build their knowledge base and adapt these learned concepts to accommodate new information. Piaget defined the four stages of cognitive development as: Sensorimotor stage: birth to 2 years Preoperational stage: ages 2 to 7 Concrete operational stage: ages 7 to 11 Formal operational stage: ages 12 and up The Sensorimotor Stage From birth until around the age of two a child undergoes dramatic physical and sensory developmental changes. As infants and toddlers interact with the world around them, they continuously learn new skills and begin to understand how the world works. Most of a child’s experience at this early stage occurs through basic reflexes, their senses and motor responses. From crawling to walking to learning to talk and expressing their emotions, the cognitive development that occurs during the infant to toddler years involves a great deal of noticeable growth.  There are many activities that parents can engage their children in at this early age based on their developmental progress. A six-month-old baby will enjoy different activities to an 18-month-old so it is important to engage in age-appropriate activities that are stimulating to the child.  The Preoperational Stage Piaget refers to the age of two until around seven as the preoperational stage. In these years, children begin to think symbolically and learn to use words or visuals to represent objects. At this age, a child has not fully developed empathy and they often struggle to see things from the perspective of others. Whilst they are beginning to communicate and comprehend concepts more effectively they still tend to think about things as very “black and white” and struggle to find exceptions to situations.  The most notable and important developmental milestones that occur in this stage are language and imagination. Whilst they may be able to communicate and understand basic concepts at this stage, children between the ages of two and seven may still struggle with basic logic and understanding the idea of constancy.   Parents who want to stimulate their child’s preoperational development can engage in activities that encourage language development, listening skills and creativity.  The Concrete Operational Stage Piaget referred to the age between seven and eleven years as the concrete operational stage. During this stage, a child’s thinking becomes more logical and organised.  While children are still very concrete and literal in their thinking at this point in their development, they do begin to use logic in their decision making and they begin to develop empathy and consideration for others. Whilst IQ was previously considered as a benchmark in a child’s educational success, studies in recent years have shown that developing a child’s EQ can have a direct correlation to academics and long term success.  Children at this stage of development would benefit from enrolling in activities and courses that stimulate social-emotional learning. The Formal Operational Stage From the age of around twelve, a child begins to think more abstractly and is able to apply reason to hypothetical problems. At this age, children also begin to think more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social, and political issues that require theoretical and abstract reasoning. They start seeing multiple potential solutions to problems and think more scientifically about the world around them. This abstract thinking ability allows a child to systematically plan for the future and hypothesise potential outcomes.  Online courses that teach principles of robotics and coding will be beneficial as they teach children how to solve complex problems through trial and error. Children at the operational stage will also benefit from developmental activities like playing board games, baking and volunteering activities.  It’s a qualitative process… Piaget did not believe that each stage of a child’s development was a quantitative process. In other words, he did not believe that each stage simply added more information to their existing knowledge base. Instead, he believed that the process was qualitative and that there are fundamental changes in how a child thinks. It is not simply a process of adding more information but rather the changing of thought processing patterns and abilities to comprehend the world around them.  How can parents aid in their child’s development? Many parents might be daunted by the idea of adequately equipping their child during the early development years. It is important to note that whilst most children will develop these essential life skills in a natural progression, there is a direct correlation between education and cognitive development. Ensuring that your child’s education provides a platform for them to learn according to their unique personality and strengths will further aid their cognitive development. 

Abbotts Colleges

Ready, steady, go make a success of your 2022 academic year!

At the start of a school year there is much to consider and for high school students the start of a school year is just the time to start afresh, where need be, or continue their strong trajectory towards academic success at the end of Grade 12. The release of the results of the Class of 2021 serves as a tangible reminder to the Class of 2022 that they will either be celebrating their results in early 2023, or face some tough decision making when less than desirable results are achieved. Academic performers are seldom “born”, they are created through hard work, determination and the development of a mature work ethic over a number of years. Students in the various grades have different important considerations and habits that need to be developed.  Grade 8s:  You are settling into the rhythm and excitement of high school.  This is the year to immerse yourself in the subject content of all your subjects and explore which you truly enjoy and which you will probably (happily) be leaving behind at the start of Grade 10.  You should be cultivating and developing a mature work ethic from the get-go, which will lead to great success in your final school year and beyond. Grade 9s: This is such an important year for you.  You should be considering your interests and exploring the various career options, as well as researching what is required for the degree you wish to pursue post Matric. Very importantly, consider all your options – not just public universities – because private higher education institutions often have exciting new work-focused qualifications not offered at the public universities. You need to be working hard at the subjects you may require for your desired degree course, which you may find challenging – Mathematics and Physical Sciences come to mind.  This is the year you make subjects choices that need to align with your considered tertiary studies and your future career. Don’t panic though, your teachers and Academic Heads are there to assist, and interest and aptitude tests will help guide your decisions. Grade 10s: You have FINALLY entered the last phase of your high school career. You will be getting used to the increased workload and pace in your chosen subjects, a higher level of difficulty and learning and practicing the methods needed to answer questions in your Grade 12 final examinations.  It’s practice time! Make it count and Grade 11 and 12 will not be as daunting.  Remember to account for the much-increased volume of work when preparing for tests and examinations.  Grade 11s: This is it! You will be applying to universities in 2023 for your 2024 1st year of tertiary study. This is not the year to take it easy. You must ensure that you meet the requirements to be provisionally accepted into your desired course with your Grade 11 final results.  You need to have a strong work ethic from the start to ensure that you achieve your best possible marks.  This is not a drill, this is the real deal! You can do it, just remain focused. Grade 12s: You are entering the stadium after a gruelling marathon. The crowds are cheering you on (your family, friends and teachers)! Finish STRONG! It is vital that you put in your best effort and work hard from the start of the year.  You will be applying to universities for your desired courses (have a few alternatives ready in the wings) – make sure of the deadlines and entrance requirements. Those of you who did not achieve the results you needed to apply for specific courses or did not achieve a bachelor’s degree pass, must not dwell in the past. Rather look to the present and the future. Get the help you need (in the form of tutors or extra lessons) and consider and research your options for 2023. What can you study in 2023 to put you on course for the degree you want to study? Have you considered doing a Higher Certificate first, which allows access to degree study?  If Grade 11 was a bust, don’t let Grade 12 be too. Set realistic goals and develop good habits around your academics. Although a cliché – your future is truly in your hands! All the best for the 2022 academic year high school students! Written by: Mignonne Gerli, Principal: Abbotts College Pretoria 

Syllabis Learning

How to Adjust from Traditional school to Independent Learning

Thinking about making a change to your child’s method of education? Or perhaps you have already decided to change to homeschooling, or what we prefer to call Independent Learning? This could be due to various reasons, some of which may include wanting to remove your kids from a negative school environment, to protect them from bullying, or giving them the freedom to learn in a progressive way that may be more appropriate for them. An environment where creativity is nurtured and celebrated, a method of schooling that better prepares your child for his or her future. Let us offer you peace of mind as you transition to what we believe to be a brilliant way to educate your kids. Here are some valuable tips to ease the transition from traditional school to Independent Learning: 1. Include your kids in the conversation  Talk about this decision with your whole family, share your goals with your children and listen to their excitement and concerns. Identify what your education goals are, and the endless possibilities you can achieve by them learning independently. 2. Legalities Homeschooling is legal in South Africa and only grade1 to 9 are required to be registered for homeschooling with the Department of Basic Education (DBE). Withdrawing your child from school and registering him or her as a homeschooler with the DBE is a relatively easy process and a Syllabis consultant will guide and help you with all the necessary steps once you have purchased a Syllabis curriculum. 3. Try not to mimic school at home Trying to recreate the school environment for your child is a trap that many parents easily fall into. Consider this in your schedule or approach and try not to separate your role of teacher and parent. It helps to integrate your learning and teaching into your parenting and lifestyle. 4. Give yourself time to adjust and de-school Realize that it may take some time for your children to find their feet so give them some room to breathe. Every child is different so make decisions and schedules that fit with your child’s needs. Some kids take a few weeks to adjust, and some may take a few months, try enjoying being together as a family again and work slowly into new routines. 5. Set up a daily schedule You will want to create a basic schedule for your new homeschool day. Having a basic plan in writing will aid in the transition process. It will also help you stay on track and feel like you are getting the necessary things accomplished. Even if you do not stick to your schedule like glue, having something basic in writing will greatly aid your organization.  6. Decrease the time spent in “official” school Mainstream school requires 6-8 hours of schooling while if your child focuses, he or she will soon realize that school can be done in 2-3 hours a day, leaving hours to be spent doing extra-curricular activities or spending time on hobbies or playing. 7. Increase the breaks in-between subjects Who says school must take place in 8 hours? A lot of independent learners have found shorter study times, interspersed by frequent breaks, can boost productivity.  8. Adapt as you go Observe your family as you go and continue to adjust to what works best for you. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn about your children’s personalities and abilities and how best they learn.  9. Sign up for extra-curricular activities Sign up for sporting and extra-curricular activities, to stay active and social. We can aid with extra-curricular activities like Online Music School, Life Coaching, English Pronunciation and Reading Skills program, Golf instruction, Marshall Arts, video Gaming, 3D Printing, Medical School, and Driving School. 10. Take advantage of a support network While you are transitioning from traditional school to homeschool you may have questions, take advantage of the support your curriculum provider provides. Syllabis will guide you through the full transition and provide in-depth support and guidance. One of the fundamental services we offer is our tutoring service- Syllabis Tutoring has been a leading provider of tutoring services in South Africa since 2014. While our focus at that time was 1 on 1 personalised tutoring, we have expanded to offer the following products and services around tutoring: 1 on 1 in-person tutoring 1 on 1 online tutoring Group tutoring – online or in-person Study skills course – online or in-person Learners License K-53 Language tutoring Why Choose Us? All our tutoring packages come bundled with our world-class e-books, and progress reporting system. We offer a pricing option on average 20% less than our competitors. Independent Learning teaches learners to become independent and allows them the space to become more creative thinkers and doers. It gives them the freedom to learn by their own rules and work by their own schedule, as well as the freedom to soar ahead academically! Syllabis Tutoring Solutions: Cutting Edge Home Based, Group and Virtual Tutoring Solutions in South Africa. Contact us on 087 150 9461 Today.

Parenting Hub

Preparing children with ADHD for the new school year

The new school year is an exciting time – new experiences, new learning, and new friends. Yet, for a child with ADHD, it typically spells academic pressure and school stress.  Nicole Jennings, spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics says the transition back to school can be fraught with anxiety, for both children and parents. “If your child is at school full-time, on the hybrid model or doing online schooling exclusively, structure, routine and predictability is key to making the transition back to school as smooth as possible.”  Here she cites essential tips to get the school year off to a flying start: Resume or review medication. Some children go on a medication vacation over the holidays or they adjust their dosage. Therefore, ensure that your child’s medication is resumed, readjusted or reviewed for the school year. Collaborate with the teacher. Meet your child’s teacher as soon as you can to discuss your child’s needs, and any challenges that they may have experienced last year. Help your child get organised. With impaired executive function and poor time management, prioritise getting your child organised. For younger kids, this can be in the form of a visible calendar where they can see their schedule for the day and week.  For your older child or teen, develop an organisational system together; set up binders, folders and diaries before school starts. If your child forgets the steps for getting ready in the morning, for example, put up visual prompts to jog their memory. Work out a method with your child for checking homework completion, e.g. sitting down to tell you about the homework and to show you when it’s completed or listing homework tasks on a whiteboard and marking them off when they have been done. If your child finds assignments daunting, break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks, and work out a plan of action with them. Then, let them diarise the dates for delivery.  4.Organise your home environment. Set up a study area and an organisational system to make your home conducive for studying. Keep their school bag and stationery supplies in a set place. Let them lay out their school and sports uniforms before going to bed, for example. 5.Settle your child into their weekday morning and bedtime routine. Children with ADHD generally struggle with falling asleep and waking up early, so make sure they get enough sleep. As the school year progresses, let them review their work before bedtime as this technique helps with processing and retaining information. 6.Plan your child’s extra mural activities. Understand your child’s interests and hobbies and encourage extramural activities that will boost their confidence and give them an opportunity to excel. Regular exercise is particularly important for your child, considering its role in managing ADHD symptoms, so either include sport as part of extra mural activities or schedule time for your child (and yourself) to exercise on a regular basis. 7. Start developing your child’s metacognition. Metacognition, defined as “thinking about your thinking,” is an important tool for developing self-awareness and self-regulation around one’s cognitive ability. With metacognitive practices, you become aware of your strengths and weaknesses. As a learner; you recognise your knowledge and abilities; you know what your weaknesses are, and adapt your learning strategies and resources accordingly. This is an excellent tool for ADHD-diagnosed children, of all ages, and parents can guide their children in developing these practises. Here are a few points to start the coaching process:  8.1. Ask open-ended, process-oriented questions about their thinking process, such as: What are you thinking? Why did you do it that way? Why did you react the way you did? How could you handle that differently? How do you intend to study? How do you know when this (task) is finished? 8.2. Have conversations with your child about learning, strategies and resources they intend to use, and how to determine what’s working well or not.  8.3. Model the practise to your child by explaining to them how you monitor your learning, how you adjusted your thought processes, and what the outcome was as a result.  9. Build confidence and morale. School is challenging for the ADHD- diagnosed child and their self-esteem will take a knock. Parents and caregivers can also be very critical at times and point out weaknesses. Remember to focus on your child’s strengths, and use positive reinforcement tools to build their self-esteem.  10.Create calm and connection. A child’s development is significantly impacted by their parents’ stress levels. While parenting an ADHD child is stressful, it’s important that you don’t transfer your own stress onto your child. Creating low stress environment by practising self-control during stressful situations will give your child the security they need to thrive.  As a trusted provider of central nervous system medication and understanding the difficulty parents face when raising children with ADHD, Pharma Dynamics has partnered with leading health tech company, Augmental Technologies, to launch an innovative app, geared at empowering parents. “The Tracto app allows parents to invite teachers, healthcare professionals and other caregivers of a child’s care team to monitor symptoms and side-effects collaboratively, stay on track by setting reminders for medication, activities and assessments and to keep a digital history of their child’s care journey and response to different stimuli. “Beyond medication and behavioural therapy, a well-coordinated care team is at the heart of an effective treatment plan for children with ADHD,” says Jennings. Pharma Dynamics’ Tracto app can be accessed via either Google or Apple app stores or downloaded here.

Koa Academy


At a recent Koa Academy & Fully Alive webinar for parents, Koa Academy Principal, Mark Anderson took a deep-dive into what schools need to be doing now to prepare our kids for a future of work that is ever-changing and deeply uncertain. He says, “As parents and grandparents, we were schooled in times when the world of work changed gradually and mostly, predictably.  It’s a different, rapid-paced, and uncertain world for our current digital natives, who may in a few years’ time find themselves job-seeking or job creating in the metaverse.  This very different future of work demands different skills and qualities, and schools today need to be adaptive in helping them develop the characteristics and having youthful experiences that will set them up for fulfilment and success in their adult lives.”  Fully Alive founder, Meg Bruyns was the guest co-presenter at the webinar, and she works regularly with teens and parents to support the development of personal skills that help each of us get what we need and want from life.  Meg says, “Having purpose and clarity around our strengths, interests and passions is a vital roadmap, and school education can play an important role in fostering this in individual children.  Different skills have come to the fore in the digital age, such as reflective thinking and critical thinking.  Employers have very different needs from today’s employees – and young people have very different expectations and demands of work.” Once regarded as ‘soft’ skills which were not necessary but nice to have, the capabilities to solve problems and create solutions, to communicate, collaborate and work as a team now feature at the top of the lists of essential 21st Century skills.  Mark says, “For businesses, the abilities to be flexible and agile are superseding characteristics such rule-following and acquiescence.  So, the question is how do schools provide environments where children have varied opportunities to develop these important competencies?” To find out about some of the practical ways that Koa Academy has implemented to enable kids to develop skills for the unknowable future watch the Koa Academy and Fully Alive Future of Work webinar here

Syllabis Learning

How Education has Forever Changed

Reflecting on the days of lockdown in South Africa and the rest of the world, it’s clear that education has undergone immense changes that will forever alter the way that our children learn. In our internet-connected age, adults have learned that they can work from anywhere in the world and that they don’t always need to be in the office. This thought process has now begun trickling into the decision-making process when it comes to our children’s education. Ultimately we have learned that Learning really can happen from anywhere. The pandemic broke the rules on what school looks like, where and when learning occurs, and who is performing the role as teacher or facilitator. A wave of parents and caregivers have elected to homeschool because of the pandemic—and they are part of a new group that isn’t going back to traditional schooling. The crisis gave rise to a diverse swath of families that are using tech to customise their kids’ learning, and they might even change what “going to school” means in the post-pandemic world. It is becoming more apparent that the school system — a network of adult-led public and private school buildings where children and youth spend most of their days for most months of the year — is flailing. Progressive families from various racial and economic backgrounds are becoming more critical of traditional schools. Some of these families share concerns about how issues of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, and other identities, are dealt with in schools. They also identify a broad range of other concerns about schooling, such as: Increased academic pressures at younger and younger ages The sedentary nature of schooling The lack of focus on teaching social and emotional skills Outdated teaching practices that are not aligned with what research tells us about how children learn Standardised testing Lack of self-directed, child-led, and interest-based learning  Lack of flexibility for the individual ways in which children learn and develop The physical and emotional safety of children The number of hours spent in school  The load of homework students are expected to do Insufficient preparation for the tech jobs of the future Bullying and negative social influences While homeschooling is legal in South Africa, it has never been considered the norm, but for parents unhappy with Covid-era education, or the above-mentioned factors, homeschooling could seem like a respite from public and private schools and an opportunity to reclaim a part in their kids’ learning. Ali-Coleman, a longtime homeschooling parent and a researcher who studies African American homeschool students points out that “the pandemic was the catalyst that pushed parents to seriously consider what they really wanted their kids’ educations to look like, the roles they wanted to play as parents, and the options they had outside the default educational institutions.” If Covid-19 was the publicist for homeschooling, then the internet is the connecting force that binds long-time homeschoolers and the new crop of wired, inspired parents. Technology has not only aided a more diverse set of parents start to homeschool—it has given parents a curricular blank canvas, free from the parameters of institutionalised education. “There is absolutely no one way that people are homeschooling,” Ali-Coleman says. “And what parents are finding is this level of flexibility that doesn’t exist within these traditional school settings.” As the unknowns around the pandemic play out and as technology evolves, there is no doubt that our education landscape will experience further major changes down the line. What then is the role of education in the model of the future?  Is it to make sure kids pass tests built for a society of the past? Or is it to cultivate a generation of critical thinkers, innovators, and justice-minded self-starters who are prepared for what is looking to be a trying future? This is the conversation we should be seriously, collectively, strategically, and proactively having. It seems more and more clear that despite the hard work of so many committed educators, the traditional system of students spending 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, sitting in classrooms, learning from lectures, textbooks, and worksheets, in 50-minute subject-area blocks, largely unconcerned with issues of social or climate justice, with loads of homework to be completed in the few hours they spend at home, isn’t desirable, functional, or sustainable.  Families shouldn’t have to choose between a system that isn’t working or opting out of schooling altogether. With this new system of ‘School from Home’ becoming more and more acceptable and desired, we could build something new, different, sustainable, and altogether better for our children.

CambriLearn Online Education

Is your child’s education future-proof?

As the online world and technology advance, parents need to consider that the career pathways that their children will explore may look very different to what they knew growing up. One can assume that the demand for coding related jobs will remain strong in the future. Programmers are required in almost every field and enrolling your child in a Robotics or Coding course will introduce them to a wide variety of career opportunities.  Just as our children’s potential career pathways change, so the approach and content that is taught to them at school needs to be updated to adapt to the ever-changing industries of the future. Many schools do not offer subjects like Robotics and Coding and in these instances, it would be wise to enrol your child in an online learning platform, like CambriLearn, which offers supplementary courses that children can complete in addition to their current schooling curriculum.  Children who complete Robotics, Coding or Programming courses have shown improved:   creativity and problem-solving abilities social and emotional skills career development language learning and communication skills understanding of science and math concepts willingness to learn In this article, we will take a look at the long term benefits of enrolling your child in a Robotics or Coding course.  Creativity and problem-solving abilities It is a common misconception that in order to develop creative skills, a student needs to be affluent in drawing, painting or artistic practices. By promoting an environment for children to think freely and creatively, robotics teaches children how to be creative in their thought processes and problem-solving strategies. The traditional classroom model focuses on lectures and worksheets. Instead of parrot learning theorems, robotics teaches children how to find new ways to solve the same equations. Whilst brainstorming robotic concepts children will be faced with obstacles in their creation process that will encourage them to come up with solutions to overcome these challenges.  Robotics teaches children to work through complex problems, to see things analytically and it improves their problem-solving abilities.  Social and emotional skills Building a robot is a complex task that takes patience and courage. Robotics provides an ideal environment for a child to work through complex puzzles and teaches them how to handle making mistakes. In Robotics, mistakes are welcomed as they usually reveal crucial information that is needed to solve the problem at hand. This teaches children to keep going, even when they fail, and allows them to experience the rewards associated with perseverance.  Coding isn’t only about the app, software, robot or digital solutions. Coding is a multidisciplinary field where students will gain knowledge and tools that go way beyond the pure line of code. Career development In education, the acronym STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and maths. It is estimated that the number of STEM-related occupations will grow 8% by 2029, compared with 3.9% in other occupations. One can assume that the demand for STEM-related qualifications and experience will remain strong in the future. Programmers are required in almost every field and robotics is a valuable skill to introduce children to a digital career pathway.  Being computer literate is now mandatory in many job roles and it has become a necessity for a child to learn essential computer skills.  A robotics course teaches children to become more comfortable and confident in a field of technology. This helps promote critical thinking skills, boosts self-confidence and sets them up to explore a career in technology.  Language learning and communication skills Teaching a child coding and robotics can have the same associated benefits as language learning. When students learn to code, they learn how to communicate with a computer and practice a new language. This improves their language learning abilities and communication skills. Robotics offers children the opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas, which is a fundamental component of communication. With practice, the child becomes more comfortable in these skills of self-expression.  Robotics also teaches children how to interact and work together in a group. It highlights the importance of getting input from all members of the team in order to achieve a common goal. This promotes important listening skills and teaches children to show respect for their peers.  Science and math concepts Robotics takes a different approach to teaching children science and math concepts that would otherwise be difficult for them to understand. These concepts give children practical examples of lessons that were previously learnt from a textbook and help promote a more hands-on learning environment.  It comes as no surprise that children who enrol in a robotics or coding course will develop stronger maths skills as they learn to apply coding concepts in a real-world context. Robotics and coding teach computational thinking such as logic, analysing data, and breaking down problems into more manageable parts. This style of thinking is also required when solving maths and science equations.  Promotes a love of learning Decades of research link creativity and problem-solving with learner motivation. When a child is goal-focused and experiences the feeling of achieving a defined objective, they become more motivated in their learning and become inspired to continue on the path of acquiring new skills and knowledge.  Children learn better when they have an active interest in the subject matter. Robotics is FUN and therefore assists in promoting an environment where children want to learn. This helps de-stigmatise science and math education concepts and helps instil a love for learning – throughout their schooling career.   Parents, it’s time to ask yourself the question, is your child’s education future-proof? 

Koa Academy


Most working parents are impacted by the rapid transformations and disruptions in the world of work. Tech innovations have turned some industries to ashes, while ushering in new behemoths.  There are already multitudes of brand-new career paths; and even the most perennial of careers are getting digital makeovers.  So rapid and relentless is this change that it is often said that we are educating our kids for work that doesn’t yet exist.   The purpose of school is to prepare our children for the real world, and what that ‘real world’ will actually entail is uncertain and unpredictable.  At a recent parent webinar, Koa Academy’s Principal, Mark Anderson highlighted how this shaping the ‘how and what’ that are children learning.  “We are educating digital natives to be digitally literate, and to be digital citizens,” he says.  Koa Academy is a high-engagement online school, and Mark believes this is a particular advantage for this young generation.  “It’s not just the world of work – all aspects of our lives are becoming digitally connected and digitally-driven.”  Koa also focuses on customized learning pathways, real-world context, soft skills and unbundled education which all play to each child’s individual strengths. “There’s an immense need for flexibility and agility in a fast-changing world and school should be a place where this is fostered and developed,” Mark says.  “The so-called ‘soft skills’ such as communication, critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration have become top skills required by employers.” The webinar also featured Meg Bruyns, the founder of Fully Alive, who works with teams and individuals, parents and teens to help them find purpose and clarity while developing the skills needed to get the most from life and work.  Meg says, “There’s a human drive to change the future of work through pushing for meaning, purpose and making a difference.  Our young people are keen to be disruptors themselves challenging the status quo and impacting on social justice and environmental awareness.  With latest technologies in their hands, they want to push societal boundaries and go beyond what has been possible before.  So, the question is: How does their education and their youthful experience equip them for this?” You can watch the Koa Academy and Fully Alive Future of Work webinar here Discover Koa Academy here

Abbotts Colleges

From surviving to thriving in a new high school

Moving to a new school with new classmates, new teachers, and new subjects, can be overwhelming for a teenager, especially if it involves a transition to high school. It is completely normal for students to feel nervous about starting high school, but it does not need to be scary! Parents play an important role in assisting a child moving through this important life transition. Hopefully you have already started the process by doing a few basic things in the previous two years, but if you realise that you have not yet focused on it enough, do not put it on hold any longer as the workload at high school level is much more challenging than before and parental involvement is an important ingredient for academic success. Encourage and assist your child to build good study habits like note taking, proper organisation and time management throughout grade 8. This will form a solid foundation for the high school years to come. Understand your child’s academic strengths, weaknesses, and learning pace.  True support and guidance to choose the correct subjects (as an example), are not possible if you do not know whether your child is able to keep up with certain learning content or not. If you have not yet started to withdraw from your child’s learning process, now is the time to do so.  Independent learning is of utmost importance as your child starts their high school career.  Your child must take responsibility for scheduling time for homework and assignments and keeping track of deadlines.  Your child’s mentor at Abbotts College Centurion will provide some guidance as well and the supervised Homework Sessions provide extra structure, but it does not help if the healthy learning patterns are not reinforced at home.  You must have meaningful conversations with your child about attending high school or attending a new school. To assist your child to make sense of the mixture of excitement and nervousness they will most probably experience in the weeks before the school starts and the first few weeks after it started, you must ask your child about their concerns. There are practical solutions for most of the common concerns they might experience. For instance, if they are worried about getting lost, a school plan can help to ease your teenager’s mind. By providing templates for things like rosters and study timetables, you can further help to structure and ease your child’s mind about the workload.  Hopefully your child’s new school offered an Orientation Day during which they were given the opportunity to get their timetable, meet the Grade Head and the subject teachers, and learn what to expect from high school. It is obviously a great way to meet some new classmates in a more relaxed environment. Your child would typically also have been given a chance to become more familiar with the school’s layout, so they would not be completely overwhelmed on the first day.  If there was such an Orientation Day and your child could not attend, or if your child joined the school later than the rest of the learners, it might also lead to anxiety because your child might be nervous about information that they missed.  Encourage your child to go to the Grade Head or Mentor teacher to ask for access to documents and information that might have been shared. Ensure that your child has the right school supplies. You should have received the stationery and textbook list from the school. Your child can only get off to a strong start if they have the necessary tools to do so.  If your child does not yet have the prescribed textbooks (and the correct edition of the textbook) when classes start, it will prevent them from starting on the front foot and will lead to unnecessary stress.  Without realistic goals, your child will lack direction and motivation.  Sit down with your child and set goals to achieve during the year. Your child’s mentor will also provide guidance with regards to goal setting for each Mark Reading, and it will be expected from you as a parent to follow your child’s goals and the achievement thereof, as it is documented in your child’s school diary, throughout the year. Have regular talks about how things are going in each of your child’s classes. Ask about subjects your child love and about those they don’t. This information will help you to encourage your child to make use of the support being offered during supervised homework sessions.  Most teenagers do not voluntarily share information about what is happening at school. Abbotts College gives out seven report cards with marks and effort ratings which will help to solve that problem. The importance of your reaction after receiving the report card cannot be emphasised enough.  If your child is discouraged after a disappointing report, emphasise the importance of acknowledging that they have not mastered certain concepts “yet”. Explain to them the importance of perseverance and facing the challenges that cross one’s path. And if your child brings home an excellent report, reiterate the concept that talent is not going to keep on delivering results if it is not accompanied by the determination to work hard and grow. In the bigger scheme of things, the development of such a growth mindset, will mean even more that mastering certain subject content. For further help in preparing for high school, visit https://www.oxfordlearning.com/how-to-prepare-your-child-for-high-school/ or https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/school-help-teens.html . Written by : Sanet van REnsburg (Principal of Abbotts College Centurion)

Syllabis Learning

Introducing Syllabis iPublish

Syllabis iPublish is a bimonthly educational digital magazine published by Syllabis Education. Syllabis iPublish target audience is children/teens and parents, with a focus on education, innovation, and personal development. Its first issue was launched in February 2022 under the original title iPublish. The e-publication allows anyone, anywhere to submit article content based on the following content. Developments in the school-at-home market Educational Innovations Syllabis Education products and services Educational Tools such as software and games Jokes Entertainment – Movies, movie themes that link to education, new tech Submit your article – We want to showcase your creativity, whether you are a wordsmith, storyteller, tech junkie, or simply a hotshot photo snapper, we have a platform for you to show us your talent and to express yourself. Some tips for your creative writing Read! Put yourself in the readers’ shoes and take notice of pages, paragraphs, sentences, or even just single words that induce emotions in you like your reading. Reading will also enhance your vocabulary. Keep a notepad on you (or use the notes app on your phone). Whenever you think of an idea, do it a rough draft of the idea quickly on a notepad so you can keep it for later. Whenever you’re writing and setting out a scenario, put yourself in every possible position in the relevant scenario. This will help diversify the perspectives of your writing and greatly help your writing. Don’t be scared to re-do certain sections or even your entire piece. You will rarely write a perfect piece of creative writing on the first try. Many authors go through multiple rough drafts before their happy with a piece of creative writing. Don’t stop writing! Quite often people become de-motivated to write or feel like they can’t think of what to write. The best solution to this is simply to write. Just write about anything and ideas will follow. You probably won’t be writing the best piece of creative writing ever, but writing often induces new ideas. Adapt as you go, observe your family as you go, and continue to adjust to what works best for you. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn about your children’s personalities and abilities and how best they learn. What is creative writing? Creative writing is any form of writing that breaks the boundaries set by traditional writing techniques such as journalistic or academic writing. Writing, in its earliest form was seen as a form of communication, and to this day that is still one of its main purposes, but over the years people have found such joy in exploring the more creative aspects of writing. People realized that writing does not have to remain a formal means of communication but it could be used to express feelings, emotions, and most importantly creativity! Is creative writing something I should try? Yes! Besides being extremely fun and expressive, creative writing has so many pros and will help you develop some great skills. Here are a few: Creative Writing forces you to think outside of the box. With true creative writing, there are no rules and hence there is no box to think inside of. There are no limiting factors when it comes to creative writing. Developing a sense of Empathy. When you are doing creative writing, you will be creating characters and subsequently, you will be creating personalities with emotions and feelings. By doing this it will help you be more empathetic in real life as you’ll have a better understanding of emotions. Enhanced Vocabulary. Creative writing will lead you to have a much broader vocabulary. You will often find yourself having such a clear image/scenario of what you want to write, in your mind, but you’ll lack the vocabulary to describe that image/scenario in English. Over time you’ll start building up a large vocabulary as you hunt down more words to better describe your creative writing pieces. Clarification of Thoughts. When you physically write a thought down on paper it often becomes much more clear and almost tangible, which in many cases helps clarify a thought, argument, situation, misunderstanding, etc… By practicing creative writing, you will quite often be writing down personal thoughts or some of your stories and creative writing pieces will inevitably be influenced by your real life. Without even knowing it, your creative writing pieces could often guide your real-life decisions.

CambriLearn Online Education

When I grow up, I want to be… happy

Subject and Career Choice Assessments are specifically designed, using scientific tools, to help understand a child’s unique personality and interests in order to navigate their ideal subject and career choices. These assessments are conducted by a professional education psychologist and enable learners to better understand their personal interests and strengths and encourage them to use this self-awareness to make informed subject and career choices.  A Subject Choice Assessment is ideal for Grade 9 students who are deciding on which subjects to pursue in Grade 10, and for IGCSE students deciding to pursue A levels. An educational psychologist will use scientific tools and tests to identify and navigate a student’s core competencies and key motivators to help select their ideal subject package.  A Career Choice Assessment is perfect for students in their final two years of school (Grade 11 and Grade 12; IGCSE, AS and A level) who  want to understand and map out their best potential career pathway. A Career Choice Assessment is a vital tool to assist students in choosing a career (and lifestyle) where they will thrive (and not just survive).  Some of the benefits of completing a professional assessment include: increased self-awareness defined learning goals and targets  enhanced motivation  lower varsity dropout rate  increased employability  increased job satisfaction In this article, we will look into these benefits in more detail.  Increased Self-Awareness When a teenager has increased self-awareness, they are able to better understand what motivates and inspires them. This ability to objectively understand themselves will play a vital role in building a life(style) that promotes happiness, open communication and good health. A student who is able to identify and deeply understand their strengths, weaknesses, interests and motivators will be able to define a study and career pathway that highlights and compliments their unique personality traits.  Define Learning Goals By identifying their long-term goals, a student is able to create a targeted learning approach to achieve these clearly defined goals. When selecting subjects at high school level, a student should consider what career path they want to explore in order to ensure that they are equipped with the right skills and qualifications to enable them to pursue that career.  Some career paths may require that the child has completed certain subjects at school level in order to meet the minimum entry requirements to enrol in the course at tertiary level. For example, if a child decides that they want to pursue a career in medicine, then it would be essential that they choose Biology as a subject in high school.  Enhanced Student Motivation It is no surprise that a streamlined, goal-orientated approach will aid in a child’s motivation, especially when it comes to their education. Having a goal (or light at the end of the tunnel) helps students to visualise what they are working towards and enables them to focus on these goals.  This means that they are less likely to get distracted and despondent with activities and tasks that don’t aid them in achieving their objectives. Achievement, goal-smashing and the feeling of success are key motivators when it comes to learning. Understanding the benefits and rewards associated with their efforts will greatly aid their abilities to tackle each new day.  Lower Varsity Dropout Rate Through increased motivation and goal definition, students who complete subject and career assessments have shown a lower varsity dropout rate. This is largely due to the fact that the child (and parents) have taken the time and energy to evaluate and define appropriate learning pathways instead of just picking a career based on what will result in the greatest financial reward. Students who have clearly defined long-term goals are able to stay motivated in their studies at varsity level.  Increased Employability “Employability” refers to the likelihood of a person obtaining employment. Students who complete subject or career choice assessments tend to have an increased employability potential. This is due to their specific, targeted education approach. Learners who are subject-specialised and focused on a specific career have a higher chance of employability based on course subject matter and experience.  Students who have spent the latter half of their high school career building their skillsets towards a career pathway that highlights their unique strengths are more likely to be able to build a resumé that attracts job offers that meet their areas of interest.  Increased Job Satisfaction By identifying a student’s strengths and passions, we are able to advise on career pathways where they will be their happiest. Learners who pursue their career passions tend to have higher job satisfaction through their adult lives. Most people will change careers at least five times on average during a lifetime. As technology and industries advance so new career opportunities that require new skills and attitudes will emerge. A career assessment is, therefore, more important than ever and it is not so much aimed at choosing a specific job, but rather on making sure the child ends up in the right career, field or industry.  Online learning platforms, like CambriLearn, offer access to a professional education psychologist who can assist with conducting a virtual subject and career assessment. These assessments will help understand a child’s strengths and weaknesses and enable them to make subject and career choices that will be sustainable and enjoyable throughout their lives.  

Wingu Academy

Thrive with your tribe – enroll in a social club today!

Social interaction has always been a concern for many parents of home-schooled children. Wingu Academy who is SA’s best rated provider for online schooling from home has never seen this as a challenge, but rather as an opportunity to provide learners with an array of Social Clubs and activities to belong to, and “thrive with their tribe”. Current clubs range from the usual chess and study groups to fitness, photography, science, anime to gaming clubs. In fact, learners at Wingu Academy are so excited about the clubs that the school can boast an amazing 60% of learners have already enrolled in one or more social clubs. “We believe that it all has to do with being in touch with our learners’ interests and offering the activities that are most relevant to them,” says Ross Laubscher, Student Development Team Leader at Wingu Academy. One of the most popular clubs is the Gaming Club with 106 students enrolled in this club alone. We even have our very own Minecraft server!  Minecraft is a popular, child-friendly computer game that combines exploration and survival skills in a unique and fun way. In simple terms, it’s like digital LEGO – which you can use to create anything from a small hut to a huge, sprawling metropolis. Where the only constraint is your imagination! It is also a great educational tool that is being used all over the world to teach valuable skills such as mathematics, problem-solving and basic programming. Wingu released its very own locally hosted Minecraft server, exclusively designed for Wingu learners. It offers a safe place where learners can connect and play with classmates, outside of the classroom. They can collaborate on big projects, by using teamwork to collect resources efficiently, build structures faster, and share ideas. The server hosts both design and Redstone challenges that are intended to encourage not only innovative and creative designs, but also technical skills. This is just one of the 10 awesome clubs for learners to participate in. To much excitement and on request, a science club was introduced this year for all the budding young scientists calling themselves “The Experimentals”. In this club, we will be exploring the wonderfully wild, weird and wacky world of science, while having fun with some at-home experiments and science project. Belonging to a social club has many benefits: Learners can interact with each other outside of school. It provides a sense of belonging with like-minded learners. It keeps learners entertained while learning new skills. It provides a platform for teachers and learners to connect on a more personalised level. It promotes healthy competition among the learners, which is an important life skill to learn in order to thrive with resilience. Some of the clubs have presidents and club panels and this fosters responsibility and leadership skills “We launched the Wingu Social Clubs as a way to accentuate the holistic development of our learners and provide a safe and fun space for our Wingulians to make friends and learn more about topics they are interested in outside the curriculum. Wingu is truly the closest you will ever feel whilst distance learning.” says Panashe Tiffany Saungweme, Associate Director of Human Capital at Wingu Academy.

CambriLearn Online Education

Which learning style best describes your child?

Different people with different personalities will tackle the same project with different strategies. No two children are the same and therefore they will not learn in the same way or at the same pace.  In a traditional classroom setting the teacher to learner ratio is usually around 1:25. It is simply not possible for a teacher to create personalised lessons for each student. For this reason, when the teacher creates her lesson plan for a particular subject, she chooses an approach that will cater for the class average. Understanding your child’s preferred style of learning is vital to ensure that they feel motivated in their studies. Once you understand what style of learning is best suited to your child, you can tailor their studies to fit their needs. This is what we like to call personalised learning.  Over the last few years, more and more parents and guardians are choosing a personalised, self-paced and tailored approach to their child’s education. CambriLearn is an online learning platform that doesn’t just recognise the importance of personalised learning, they prioritise it. Every child is unique and there is no “one-size fits all” approach to education. Parents and guardians should ask themselves; is my child’s education provider harnessing and nurturing my child’s individual personality?  Understanding your child’s learning style – the VARK system It is important to note that no one learning style is better than another. As a parent, you might prefer to read a manual whilst your child might prefer to see instructions in a diagram format. This is totally ok! We should celebrate and strategically approach each student’s preferred learning style in order to promote optimal learning and knowledge retention. According to the VARK system, there are four types of learning styles – visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinaesthetic.  This short fun quiz can help you better understand your child’s preferred learning style*, and the below article will explain each of these learning styles in more detail.  Types of Learning Styles VISUAL Visual learners understand and remember things by sight. They retain information better when it’s presented to them in a graphic depiction, such as arrows, charts, diagrams, patterns, shapes and symbols. The best way to explain concepts to visual learners is by explaining ideas visually. For instance, when explaining a scientific process, it can be done by using a diagram.  Visual learners are usually quite neat in their work. They often close their eyes to visualize or remember something. They tend to have difficulty with spoken directions and may be easily distracted by sounds.  Here are a few practical examples of how to approach visual learners; Have their eyesight checked on a regular basis. Use flashcards to teach new concepts.  Draw pictures to help explain new concepts and then explain the pictures. Colour code things. Avoid distractions during study times. AUDITORY Auditory learners prefer listening to information that is presented to them orally and they retain information better when it is heard. These learners work well in interactive group settings where open communication is present and may enjoy reading aloud to themselves. Saying things out loud helps them better understand the concept at hand. Auditory learners retain information best when it is presented to them via strategies that involve talking, such as online lectures and group discussions. They can benefit from repeating back the lessons, having recordings of the lectures, and group activities. Auditory learners may hum or talk to themselves (or others), which leads people to think that they are not paying attention, when in fact they are.   Here are a few practical examples of how to approach auditory learners; Ensure that they can hear what the teacher is saying.  Have their hearing checked on a regular basis. Read stories, assignments, or directions out loud. Record yourself spelling words and then listen to the recording. Read test questions out loud. READING & WRITING Reading and writing learners consume information best when it’s in words, whether that’s by writing it down or reading it. These learners succeed with written information on worksheets, presentations, and other text-heavy resources. These learners are note-takers and perform strongly when they can reference written text. These individuals usually perform very well on written assignments. To connect with a Reading and Writing learner it is best to have them describe charts and diagrams by written statements, take written quizzes on the topics, or give them written assignments. Here are a few practical examples of how to approach reading and writing learners; Encourage them to take notes during class.  Equip them with books and reading materials to help them work through concepts.  Encourage them to make lists.  Promote activities such as essays, creative writing and writing projects. KINAESTHETIC Kinaesthetic learners (also known as tactile learners) enjoy hands-on, practical lessons and thrive when engaging all of their senses during coursework. They learn by touching and doing. Kinaesthetic learners tend to learn better when there is some type of physical activity is involved. They need to be active and take frequent breaks. These types of learners often use their hands when they talk and may have difficulty sitting still. These learners are usually very in touch with their reality, which is why they require using tactile experience to understand something better. These learners tend to work well in scientific studies due to the hands-on lab component of the lessons. The best way to present new information to a kinaesthetic learner is through personal experience, practice and examples. These learners often communicate by touching and appreciate physically expressed forms of encouragement, such as a pat on the back. Here are a few practical examples of how to approach auditory learners; Encourage lessons that involve touching, building, or drawing. Do lots of hands-on activities like experiments, art projects, nature walks, or role-plays.  Don’t reprimand them if they tap their foot, walk around, or rock their chair while reading or studying. Trace words with your finger to learn to spell. Take frequent breaks during reading or studying periods (frequent, but not long).

Koa Academy


School years are all about preparing our kids for the real world, where one day, they will work and hopefully, thrive.  With rapid rate of continual tech advancements, it’s become harder to feel certain about the shape and substance of the ‘real-world’ that our kids will soon inhabit.  There are already multitudes of new career options, as well as dramatic changes to long-established career paths.   High engagement online school, Koa Academy has introduced a monthly session, ‘The doctor will explain you now’ that brings together the entire school and a working PHD graduate.  The doctor is challenged to explain their doctoral studies to the kids in 15 minutes, and then participates in a Q&A that enables Koa learners to learn more about their work and field of study. The latest session of ‘The doctor will explain you now’ featured Dr Malebogo Ngoepe, a Biomedical Engineer working in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cape Town (UCT).  Mark Anderson, Principal of Koa Academy, says, “Dr Ngoepe does fascinating work in the computational modelling of blood clots, and this was a rare opportunity for Koa learners and educators to get insights into the ways that technology and engineering are being used in the medical field to understand diseases and improve treatments.” Dr Ngoepe, who graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and then completed her PhD in Biomedical Engineering explained how she and her team developed a model of blood clotting, set up computational experiments and then verified the computer data with simple real-life experiments.   Mark says, “The aim of these sessions is to activate learners’ curiosity and give them a glimpse into the world of work, and the study paths that professionals such as Dr Ngoepe have taken to become leaders in their field.  From her straightforward presentation they could see how she and her team are working to benefit society and make a difference to health and well-being.  Dr Ngoepe also highlighted the importance of teamwork and collaboration, which are such important 21st Century skills that we are cultivating at Koa Academy.” For parents of kids aged 8-18, the next ‘The Doctor Will Explain You Now’ is on Tuesday, 22nd March from 8:15 to 9:00am. Dr. Michelle Blanckenberg, a Conservation Biologist who investigated the effects of land-use change, from small livestock farming to protected area, on vegetation and mammal communities in the SKA region of the Karoo, South Africa, will be talking to us about her PHD. Come join us: Online | Tues 22 March | 08:15-09:00 | Ages 8-18 | Free | Register at https://forms.gle/um5wMcZwQq5pZui29

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