Homeschooling offers families the opportunity to tailor education to their child’s unique needs, values, and interests. With the rise of homeschooling options, families are increasingly seeking guidance on how to embark on this educational journey successfully. In this comprehensive guide, we unveil the homeschooling journey with Wingu Academy, providing valuable insights and practical tips for […]

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of children worldwide. One of the challenges that children with ADHD often face is learning disabilities, which can impact their academic performance and overall well-being. As parents, caregivers, and educators, it’s essential to understand how to provide effective support to children with ADHD […]

Online schooling has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic but our founders Haelene and Hannes has home schooled all their 4 daughters and know what these benefits are. This mode of education allows students to attend classes and complete coursework from the comfort of their own homes. […]

Wingu Academy, a leading online school renowned for its commitment to innovation and excellence in education, proudly announces the establishment of The Wingu Angela Academy Campus in Lakeside, Cape Town. This momentous endeavour signifies Wingu’s dedication to pioneering a forward-looking approach to education, underpinned by a holistic philosophy that prioritizes the well-being and development of […]

Building elaborate forts out of blankets or transforming cardboard boxes into spaceships is not just child’s play; it’s play-based learning in action. Between the giggles and make-believe, your child is developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Play-based learning can be transformative, especially for homeschooling learners.  Beyond fun and games: The science of play  Children […]

Educ8 SA has been around for 7 years now and has thousands of students…all learning on a fantastic platform.  The curriculum is easy to navigate, user-friendly and comes at an affordable price. We have a tried and tested curriculum that we are very proud of.  We believe that a good beginning never ends! And you […]

We would like to welcome all Cottage Schools and Learning Centres, Tutoring Centres, and Private Schools to partner with us for a full schooling solution. Or if you’re a teacher looking for a new educational adventure, why not join our team and start your learning centre? Our Fees: Once off-Centre Registration Fee: R1500 Marketing Material […]

Please can you tell us more about your New Learning Centre that has launched this year? So, as everyone knows, we are an online education solution that improves lives through learning and offers amazing curricula. We are excited to be a part of this wonderful educational journey and expanding into our learning centres. We have […]

READING … It has been said that in Grade 0 – 3 a child learns to read and from Grade 4 up, they read to learn. Learning to read is different from learning to communicate. Children are born with the inherent ability to learn to communicate, but they are not born with the inherent ability […]

How has 2024 been so far for Educ8 SA? We’re off to a great start in 2024, as we ended our previous year on a high note. Education is our top priority, especially when it comes to children. We’re always looking for ways to become more involved with parents and kids. To prepare for this […]