The leap from Junior Primary in Grade 3 to Senior Primary in Grade 4 – the so-called Intersen Phase – can be a significant change and adjustment for children. They are faced with new subjects, new teachers, new expectations, new routines and new challenges. Some children may find this transition exciting, while others may feel […]

According to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, bullying is a serious issue that can have profound emotional and psychological effects on children and teens. “Bullying is a widespread concern that affects millions of children worldwide,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Recognising common signs that a child may be experiencing bullying […]

As we stand at the end of this academic year, it’s time to pause and reflect on the guiding principle that has shaped our journey throughout: “Balance.” This theme, “Balance” has been the North Star, illuminating the path towards a more fulfilled and meaningful life, encompassing equilibrium in justice, needs, desires, relationships, and our coexistence with […]

As a grade six English teacher at Maragon Ruimsig, I am frequently asked this question at Parents’ Evenings. The child concerned inevitably struggles with the comprehension section of my assessments and while the diagnosis is simple, the “medication” is very difficult to administer…think squirming cat here and the thankless task of attempting to force a pill down the hapless feline’s throat! An almost impossible task.

I often hear teachers from around the globe complaining about how difficult their job is. I have watched video clips where teachers moan about drinking cold coffee, having limited bathroom breaks and having to do in-service training. I have read blogs where teachers simply request sympathy from the community because their work is so hard. […]

There is a sign that can be seen on the side of sports fields around South Africa. With variations, it goes something like this: Please remember: They are only kids. They are here to have fun. The coaches are teachers. The referees are volunteers. This is not the World Cup. As a parent, attending your […]

The transition from the structured environment of high school to the expansive horizon of what comes next is a challenging one, filled with excitement and anticipation. However, for those Grade 12 students who are still unsure about their future moves, it can be an extremely anxious and perplexing time. Most Matrics who are standing at […]

It’s a common experience… your child sits down to work on Maths homework but very quickly becomes visibly stressed, frustrated, or upset. For many kids, doing Maths can seem like a daunting task, even a scary one. And while many do overcome it, some of us carry this Maths anxiety with us for much of […]

There are many terms that teachers, psychologists and other professionals may use that, at times, are perhaps not explained effectively leaving parents at a loss to the significance of these difficulties. It is important to understand what the importance of these conditions are, (especially if they have been mentioned in your child’s school report) what […]