With restaurants and most fast food outlets closed since the start of the national lockdown, more South Africans were cooking from scratch at home (if the banana bread photos on social media were anything to go by). Many saw this as an opportunity to start making healthier choices but for others, however, the stress of […]

When we think of a learner getting good results in tests and examinations, we usually picture that learner cramming until the early hours of the morning, or “burning the midnight oil”. Many people think that sleepless nights are the way to achieve good academic results, because sacrificing sleep means working hard, right? Well, no, not at all – research has shown that depriving one’s self of sleep to cram information the night before a test is not a good way to achieve better academic results. In fact, the opposite is true – sleep is essential for a student to get good results in tests and examinations for a variety of reasons. Let’s have a look at a couple below:

Many teenagers are stereotyped as lazy and unmotivated children who want nothing more than to sleep in, socialise with friends and entertain themselves with their smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles. But this stereotype isn’t really fair at all. It’s an understandable stereotype because this behaviour is what parents see, but it’s ultimately misguided. Teenagers can be, and are, motivated when they have reason to be, and when this motivation is properly instilled. Here we discuss five tips on how to motivate your teenager.

Having to stay at home is hard for everyone, especially children who would otherwise be at school. When they’re not doing their lessons or homework, they might get frustrated or restless. This is tough to contend with, especially when the alternative is often hours spent on smartphones, tablets or game consoles. But we’ve rounded up a few fun and educational activities you can do with your children at home, regardless of how old they are, or at what stage they are in their learning journey.

Many learners who normally attend traditional schools have temporarily become homeschoolers due to the national lockdown. While some are finding it easy to adjust others are struggling. We wanted to help, so we asked the experts: Impaq’s learners and parents. They successfully study from home all year round, so we asked them to share their creative tips and tricks on how to study from home during the lockdown.

Keeping up with your studies during the national lockdown? Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler or usually attend a traditional school, keeping up with your studies during lockdown can be challenging. You’re confined to your home with family members around. To succeed in studying at home, you need to be prepared and become actively involved in your studies.

The national lockdown due to COVID-19 has not only seen many parents temporarily become teachers but it has also changed the way many teachers teach. While some struggled to make the transition to online teaching, others did not have quite such a hard time. We asked a local teacher to share his advice on how to teach during the national lockdown.

The national lockdown due to COVID-19 has seen many learners who normally attend a traditional school temporarily become homeschoolers. Parents in turn now have to juggle working from home and educating their children. And, while it might seem like a daunting task at first, the flexible nature of home education means that you can work and homeschool your kids. With some planning, flexibility, teamwork, and creative scheduling, it can be done.

One of the most memorable days of your child’s schooling career is most definitely the first day of Grade 1. This day comes with a combination of different emotions from excitement to uncertainty and the question most parents wonder about:

It is no secret that practice is a crucial element in the learning journey and is effective in many different educational contexts. Proverbs such as “practice is the best master” and “practice makes perfect” all contain a grain of truth, and in this article, we discuss why this is the case.