Previously, we have written about why a healthy, balanced diet and getting a good night’s sleep is important for studying and concentration. We all know exercise is important for our general health, but what many of us may not know is that exercise has many benefits specifically in relation to our brain’s ability to perform […]

The coronavirus and the national lockdown have certainly created new circumstances for all of us and, as parents, one of the most common cries we yell out when confronted with assisting our child with not only homework, but also schoolwork, is “help!”. Our children are suddenly in a new situation where their home is now […]

What are the things you wish you knew when you were at university or when you moved into your first apartment?  There are certain life skills that every person needs to become well-functioning, independent human beings. Luckily, these can easily be woven into your day-to-day routine, meaning that now is the perfect time to help […]

There was a time, not so long ago, when I was that parent saying, “I will never be able to homeschool, I don’t have the patience” and “Kids need to socialise, they need school”. It never once occurred to me that I might find myself homeschooling three of our four children because I wanted to.  […]

Parents are often made to believe that screen time is inherently bad, but in today’s world we simply can’t escape it – smartphones, computers, tablets and televisions are everywhere – and now, more than ever, screen time has become a survival tool for many families.  While the conversation around screen time for children – how […]

Our bodies need “fuel” for every organ, and the brain is no exception. Giving our brains the right food can aid concentration and memory greatly, both of which are necessary for studying and completing tasks and assignments. In today’s article, we discuss five of the best foods and drinks for boosting brain function. Fatty fish […]

It’s plastic-free July, which means that for the month of July, the challenge is to eliminate single-use plastics and to use as little plastic as possible. Knowing where to start can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be: start small by getting rid of single-use plastics and work your way towards using less plastic […]

We’re all on edge because of the coronavirus. Our daily lives have been disrupted, we aren’t sure what tomorrow may bring, and, for many of us, the nonstop news and social media coverage are overwhelming. Therefore, it is not uncommon to feel anxious or worried during this time. If you or your children are feeling worried,  […]

In a previous article, the importance of the ability to visualise – a reading method which strengthens reading comprehension – was emphasised. Being able to visualise allows readers to gain a more thorough understanding of the text and content they are reading by creating pictures in their minds as they read. What is visualisation? Explained […]

While some schools in some provinces have recently opened, many learners are still learning at home. Some learners have taken to homeschooling like a duck to water, but others are finding it a bit more challenging, even after a couple of months. Impaq’s learners are always home-based, so we asked them, their parents, and tutors to share their tips on how to study from home on Impaq’s Facebook and Instagram pages.