Reflecting on the last 365 days of lockdown in South Africa, it’s clear that education has undergone immense changes that will forever alter the way that our children learn. As the country’s largest homeschooling provider, we at Impaq have noticed how more families are increasingly viewing homeschooling as an appealing alternative.  Over the last year, […]

Reflecting on the last 365 days of lockdown in South Africa, it’s clear that education has undergone immense changes that will forever alter the way our children learn. As the country’s largest homeschooling curriculum provider, we at Impaq have noticed how more families are increasingly viewing homeschooling as an appealing alternative.  Over the last year, […]

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of human life. It has made people across the globe think differently about how we work, how we play, and most importantly, how we learn. The virus prompted one of the most significant shifts in education since the 1st Industrial Revolution, and many parents are now embracing homeschooling […]

After receiving an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, it can be overwhelming for the parents or caregivers of an autistic child to cope with the various challenges ASD may present. However, with the appropriate support structures and strategies in place, caring for an autistic child can become more manageable.  Also read: Autism 101 – what […]

What is autism?  Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of developmental disorders that impair a person’s ability to communicate and interact with other people. As the name suggests, ASD refers to a broad range of conditions characterised by a person’s challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech, and nonverbal communication. Despite ASD consisting of […]

Although lockdown restrictions have been eased, many parents are still choosing to keep their children at home for safety reasons. Consequently, many children have turned to playing video games (also known as ‘gaming’) as a source of entertainment to cope with boredom. And while some parents might argue that it is a waste of time […]

We talk about learning sciences as something that has appeared recently or is new to the educational world – this cannot be further from the truth. In this article, we look back to the 1880s, specifically at Hermann Ebbinghaus’s work. Ebbinghaus was a German psychologist who specialised in memory and learning. His most famous experiment […]

“Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves, and to learn what is possible.”– MaryAnn F. Kohl Art has been a source of communication and recreation for centuries. Art therapy, which emerged as a distinct health discipline in the 1940s, is a form of therapy where creative materials and methods […]

While most public schools opened this week, many parents are still rightfully concerned about sending their children back to school. Two of these parents, Sophia Saib and Lisa van Rensburg (both former teachers), decided to teach their children at home. They share why you don’t need to be a teacher to homeschool. Why homeschooling? “In […]

When people think of science, technology, engineering, or maths, they tend to think only of bespectacled old, bearded men. The truth is, though, that women have been pioneers in STEM fields since humans invented them! While sadly often overlooked or forgotten in the annals of history, women have made invaluable contributions to science throughout the […]