In a brand-new blog series, we will be exploring the various subjects offered by Impaq in the FET Phase (Grades 10 – 12). We spoke to education specialist Janet Zandberg and Impaq alumnus Carla Botha to learn more about Agricultural Sciences and Agricultural Management Practices as subjects. Agricultural Sciences vs Agricultural Management Practices While choosing […]

Moving home is said to be one of the most stressful life events, ranking alongside divorce, loss of employment, and long-term illness. However, moving – whether to a neighbouring suburb, a different province, or abroad – can also present wonderful new opportunities, including new jobs, new friends, and new possibilities! While the period immediately before […]

There is a lot of stigma surrounding homeschooling, with many people considering homeschooled children to be strange, anti-social outcasts. However, these wildly successful homeschooled celebrities prove that is not the case! Across all fields and industries – from acting to athletics – many celebrities have shown that homeschooling does not impede achievement but is a […]

In a brand-new blog series, we will be exploring the various subjects offered by Impaq in the FET Phase (Grade 10 – 12). We spoke to education specialist Bianca Pelser and Impaq alumnus Simon Meintjes to learn more about Dramatic Arts as a subject. Taking centre stage Simon Meintjes, who matriculated in 2017, joined Impaq […]

Emotional intelligence (also known as ‘emotional quotient’), briefly summarised, refers to a person’s ability to recognise emotions in themselves and others, differentiate and label emotions appropriately, and adjust emotions based on different environments. Regulating, expressing, and adapting emotions is, in essence, a set of skills and behaviours which – very importantly – can be learned […]

Like adults, children struggle with stress. And, like adults, children respond differently to stress depending on their age, personalities, and coping skills.  Signs of stress  Signs of stress in children often show up as physical or behavioural changes. Physically, stress can manifest as:  bedwetting,  a change in appetite,  sleep problems or nightmares, and  complaints of […]

It’s a well-known cliché that the teenage years are some of the hardest for both parent and child, and there is a kernel of truth in this. These are the years in which children are learning more about themselves and their place in the world. Part of this journey of self-discovery often entails testing their […]

Friendship is essential at almost every age, and making friends is an important developmental goal for children. In fact, making friends creates important contexts in which children can learn and practice social, communicative, and emotional development skills. The 5 Cs of friendship for children Compassion: Children who have close friends learn to have compassion and […]

Children of all ages learn through engaging with many different forms of media, including games. Games include board games, video games, and even online games, despite what you may have heard! Playing games help children develop many core skills like mathematical or language skills, social skills and healthy interaction, and logic and problem-solving skills.  We […]