Winter often confines families indoors, but Dibber International Preschools encourages families to view this as an opportunity to bond and learn together. Ursula Assis, Country Director at Dibber International Preschools, emphasises the importance of embracing indoor activities that entertain and enrich. “During the colder months, it’s a great idea to engage in activities that keep […]

Technology has become part of our daily life. Living in a time where everything is rushed and screen time opportunities are growing, children are exposed to screens for increased periods. What is the effect of increased periods of screen time on my child’s language development? According to recent research, screen time may have some positive […]

Causes and possible solutions! As a parent, it is devastating news to learn from the schoolteacher or principal that your child is a bully. Thinking that your child could harm others is a painful thought. Children’s friendship skills are essential indicators of your child’s general mental health level. If your child participates in verbal or […]

Why it’s important to nurture empathy in kids? Parents should consider teaching empathy and nurturing emotional intelligence in their children for several reasons. In its most basic form, empathy is the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes and comprehend their emotions and experiences. Empathy can also be useful in teaching children about bullying and […]

Why do you always hear Sensory play so much in Pre-school? Sensory play forms part of playing. It plays a big role in a child’s development from an early age. That is why we, as teachers, always say that children learn through play. It helps children to develop neuropathways and better comprehend classroom subject matter […]

As educators in the early learning phase, we believe that we are tasked with the responsibility to make sure our learners are reaching their milestones at the correct time. If we can assess that a young learner is struggling at an early age, we will be able to assist and work on lacking developmental issues, [...]

Who knew that being a mom or dad meant you would have to come up with delicious meals every day for the rest of your days? Dinner time can be very stressful, yet it can be super easy if you are prepared and organised. What do we know about children’s nutrition? A balanced diet consisting […]

Self-esteem stems from a sense of competence — or, to put it another way, children gain confidence due to their successes, not because of the recognition they receive from family and friends. As a preschool teacher, I saw many children gain trust and self-assurance as they learned and achieved new tasks and objectives. As parents, […]

A sensitive period is a block of time in a child’s life where they show intense interest in particular objects and experiences surrounding them in their environment. Children go through many sensitive periods for a certain time. They don’t all peak, develop or end simultaneously but can overlap each other. Sensitive periods urge the child […]

The first five years of a child’s life are crucial for learning and development since the brain is at its most flexible. The brain creates up to one million neural connections every second. First, however, our little ones need our help. Scientists refer to it as ”Serve and Return” This is to interact, converse, and […]