The perception of vocational education for neurodiverse learners can vary significantly across different societies and cultures. However, there are several potential reasons why vocational education for neurodiverse learners might have faced negative stigma in some places: Stereotypes and Misunderstandings: There is often a lack of awareness and understanding of neurodiversity and the unique strengths and […]

While it is not uncommon for South African school students to struggle with Mathematics during their educational journeys, more awareness is needed about a learning disorder called Dyscalculia, to ensure that students who may be Dyscalculic are able to access the help they need timeously and effectively, an education expert says. Dyscalculia is a learning […]

At Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School, we recognise that our neurodiverse learners’ differences are part of a natural variation that don’t need to be remediated or changed.  Our learners often find a sense of community with peers in the neurodivergent population.  We see that they start to form a sense of identity and independence when […]

At Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School for Neurodiverse learners, Hospitality classes are an important part of the Vocational curriculum. Not only does this subject prepare our learners for possible work opportunities and more independence, but also provides unique opportunities for learners to develop important life and social skills.   Cooking can be a relaxing and […]

Reading is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency and motivation. Reading in its fullest sense involves weaving together each of these aspects and each is important. Our brains were not wired for reading – therefore it needs to be taught. Dr Seuss put it quite simply – Reading opens the door to the […]

What is Phonological Awareness? Phonological awareness refers to the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds or phonemes in spoken language.  Having good phonological awareness skills means that a child can ‘play’ with sounds and words.  For example, a teacher or speech therapist might ask a child to break the word ‘dog’ into its individual […]

Early years: 3-7 Parental involvement influences cognitive development, literacy (reading, spelling, writing) and number skills. Ages 7-16 Parental involvement influences learner achievement more than family background, parental education or socio-economical factors do. Parental involvement plays an essential role- in a child’s development and success. Research has consistently shown that children whose parents are involved in […]

Challenges related to emotional regulation are becoming increasingly common among children in today’s society. Emotional regulation refers to a child’s ability to manage their emotions in a socially acceptable way, including the ability to delay immediate responses or use alternative responses. But many parents and educators aren’t readily able to identify whether a child’s behaviour […]

At Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational school in Johannesburg, we have seen the real benefits of using technology in our classrooms. The use of technology boosts and extends students but is also incredibly useful for removing many of the barriers to learning that our students face.  There are endless apps, extensions, add-ins, and widgets, but rather […]

Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of parents today have children who require additional assistance academically, emotionally or both. For these parents, concerns are never far away that their child will battle in the world of the future, and that they might not ultimately achieve personal and career success. But an educational psychologist says parents […]