It’s easy to say that you must have reasonable expectations of your child, but what is “reasonable”? In this day and age and particularly in South Africa, we have been conditioned to believe that there is only one path to success, and that our children need to have academic talents at all cost. But not […]

Autism, is currently referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) although people with ASD themselves consider Autism a neurodiversity rather than a disorder. Almost 2% of the world’s population is diagnosed as being on the Autistic spectrum. “Spectrum” because some people appear to be mildly affected and others profoundly so. Since each person is an […]

Choosing the best school for your child is one of the most important decisions a parent must make. This decision, while exciting, can also be a daunting and pivotal moment for both you and your child, and is a deeply personal one. It involves the exploration of your child’s passions and potential. While academic excellence […]

Getting an official diagnosis can be your first step toward supporting your child’s development and well-being. Here are just a few of the benefits that come with having a documented need: Access to Therapies:  Oftentimes insurance will not cover therapy if the child does not have a  diagnosis that warrants it. With an official diagnosis, you […]

Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health cover, highlights eight symptoms of ADHD and emphasises the importance of early detection and intervention for enhanced quality of life. “ADHD, although common, remains misunderstood,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Recognising key symptoms of this condition is the first step toward seeking professional consultation and […]

Visual perception is a fundamental aspect of human experience. It is the brain’s ability to make sense of what the eyes see. It allows us the ability to interpret, filter, organise and make sense of the world around us, from recognising faces, to reading words, to judging distances and perceiving colours. During development, good visual […]

In 2017, I attended a course on Irlen Syndrome. During this course, I came to realize that I might also be dealing with Irlen Syndrome. This perceptual processing disorder profoundly influences how individuals process and interpret visual information, primarily affecting their ability to understand visual stimuli. People with Irlen Syndrome often experience visual discomfort and […]

Parenting is a remarkable journey filled with the joy of witnessing your child’s growth and development. One aspect of this is sensory development as children learn to engage and interact with the world around them. However, for some children, particularly those who face sensory processing difficulties, this journey comes with unique challenges. These challenges become […]

Empowering Your Child’s Learning Journey: Recognising the Need for Academic Learner Support (Remedial Therapy) Every child’s learning journey is unique, and as parents, we play a crucial role in nurturing their academic growth and development. However, some children may face challenges that require specialised support to reach their full potential. In South Africa, academic learner […]

Autism, commonly known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is not merely a disorder but a celebration of neurodiversity. Affecting nearly 2% of the global population, Autism manifests uniquely in each individual, presenting a spectrum of experiences from mild to profound. Through collaborative efforts from a team of professionals at Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School, we […]