According to CollegeRaptor (USA), non-traditional (alternative) schools “were first introduced as a way to help students who could not fit into the regular school system because of various behavioural problems”. Colleges in South Africa in the 1980s had a reputation for being senior high schools for those students that no traditional mainstream school would accept. […]

Parents need to ensure that they get a solid understanding of what is required from a high quality We have also seen an explosion of new online “schools”, where in many instances, previous non-entities in education miraculously became overnight experts in matters of learning pedagogy, curriculum, and child development.  The recent pandemic, and more specifically […]

Many parents find the process of finding the right school for their child rather daunting, there are, however, preliminary question they need to consider and answer in order to make an informed decision “What do I need to look for?” “What questions do I need to ask?” “How will I know a particular school is […]

According to CollegeRaptor (USA), non-traditional (alternative) schools “were first introduced as a way to help students who could not fit into the regular school system because of various behavioural problems”. Colleges in South Africa in the 1980s had a reputation for being senior high schools for those students that no traditional mainstream school would accept.  […]

As parents or guardians, most of us work long, exhausting days. We understand that with the price of food, petrol, school fees etcetera, work is a given – if we are fortunate enough to be employed – and this is not something we are ever going to change. The downside is that hard work often […]

Receiving report cards are one of the major annual milestones at traditional schools, aimed at providing insight into how a child is progressing in a specific year. But as students enter the second term, many parents are receiving the report cards for the first term now and already dreading the next assessments that will be […]

At the start of a school year there is much to consider and for high school students the start of a school year is just the time to start afresh, where need be, or continue their strong trajectory towards academic success at the end of Grade 12. The release of the results of the Class […]

Moving to a new school with new classmates, new teachers, and new subjects, can be overwhelming for a teenager, especially if it involves a transition to high school. It is completely normal for students to feel nervous about starting high school, but it does not need to be scary! Parents play an important role in […]

Being a mother of teenage boys and a principal of a high school has taught me a few lessons about the start of a school year. The first is that my expectation of a perfectly seamless start to the year is just not possible! One would like to imagine that the principal’s sons are highly […]

There’s a saying that goes: Start as you wish to finish. Resolving to give the very best from the very beginning, and putting in the necessary work every day, will ensure high school students perform to the very best of their ability this year and reach their goals, says Izak Stander, Principal of Abbotts College […]