Resilience and endurance are indispensable qualities in today’s fast-paced world, and parents play a crucial role in cultivating these traits in their children. But while we all understand the importance of these traits, helping our children develop them isn’t always easy. In my many years as an educator and now school principal, I have, however, […]

One of my first bad memories of primary school was when I was moved from the “A” class to the “C” class because I struggled with numbers. I was by far the best reader in class and finished books way ahead of my peers, but for some reason in this school, my mathematics results were […]

In the ever-evolving field of education, meeting the diverse needs of children extends beyond conventional teaching approaches. A critical factor that has garnered attention is the comprehension of emotional dysregulation and its significant influence within the classroom setting. As educators and parents endeavour to cultivate the optimal learning environment, acknowledging and tackling emotional dysregulation is […]

In my almost two decades as an educational professional, I have witnessed a recurring pattern that I’ve come to call “Third Term Turmoil.” This phenomenon typically occurs in the August/September period, where teenage disciplinary issues tend to peak. I’ve developed a theory to explain this pattern, which centers around seasonal changes and academic pressures. As […]

Life has its own plans; sometimes, things do not work out as we hoped. Some high school students and parents are currently finding themselves amid a relatively stressful time, having to come to terms with June exam results that were not at the standard they expected.  Perhaps some red lights are going off for you […]

I recently attended a principal’s conference where Professor Benjamin Rosman, who is a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand, presented a talk on the Power of AI-Language Models. He demonstrated ChatGPT writing code and generating personalised images. Seriously impressive!  I’ve always considered myself to be […]

The importance of school students setting realistic goals should not be underestimated. If your child has not yet set goals for the year, now is the time to do so without delay! Without clear goals we do not have anything tangible that we are working towards, we are just floating along without any real direction. […]

The idea of having to choose subjects for the final phase of a child’s schooling career can be daunting, especially as these choices determine a child’s options for tertiary studies. Although it might sound like the easy way out to drop subjects that a student least enjoys, many parents and their children do not know […]

The idea of having to choose subjects for the final phase of a child’s schooling career can be daunting, especially as these choices determine a child’s options for tertiary studies. Although it might sound like the easy way out to drop subjects that a student least enjoys, many parents and their children do not know which subjects […]

The transition from Grade Nine to Grade Ten marks an important and eventful time in a student’s educational trajectory. One of the critical aspects of this transition is characterised by the selection of subject streams – coming up for all Grade Nines in the next few weeks – that essentially determine future study and career […]