Advice from the experts
Bill Corbett

Four Classic Reasons a Child Misbehaves

I’ve been working with parents and other caregivers for over 20 years, helping them find solutions to their children’s challenging behaviour s. The adults who come to me want to know what to do about the behaviour  and providing them with easy-to-apply solutions is my ultimate goal.  To get there, I ask the caregivers a series of questions about the behaviour  and all contributing factors that will help lead me to the underlying problem that is causing the child’s challenging behaviour. According to leading psychologists, a child’s behaviour  falls into one of these four primary categories. See if you can connect past or reoccurring incidents of challenging behaviour  from your child, to either of these. Communications When a child is tired, grouchy, and whiny, he or she is not likely to walk up to the parent and say, “Gee dad, I’m feeling a little tired right now.  Do you mind if I lie down and take a nap?” They are however, very likely to not cooperative, throw a fit, or refuse to get into the car seat. In this case, their behaviour  is communication about the fact that they have had enough stimulation and need sleep. Expression of Needs On occasion I would take my 3 year old granddaughter to the mall with me and like her mother many years before; I would sometimes end up chasing her through the crowd. In a quick moment if I let go of her hand, with a mischievous smile she would run from me yelling, “Catch me grandpa!”  Her giggling told me that she wanted to play with me and her way of expressing that need was to run away and get me to chase after her.  This required me to firm up the boundaries on the next trip and to find more appropriate ways to satisfy her need to play. Experimentation A woman contacted me for help with her five year old.  The little girl began walking around on her hands and knees, barking like a dog.  She was probably experimenting with the act of pretending to be a dog, to see what it felt like, and to see what the reaction of her adult caregivers would be.  The woman initially became very annoyed with the constant barking.  Her scolding created a new motivation in her daughter to do it more because it became unexpectedly fun for the little girl to drive mommy crazy! Unconscious Drives Famed psychodynamic psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that processes are constantly working in the unreachable subconscious region of the mind.  These processes are thoughts that can trigger emotions and behaviour s in an adult or a child.  If a child is living in a situation where adult chaos is present, the chaos can become worry, fear, or anxiety for a child which can then generate challenging behaviour s for the caregivers.  The adult chaos may be in the form of parents fighting, a single mother feeling and acting stressed, parents and grandparents in conflict, or even a teacher who has not been taking care of herself.  Children look to their caregivers for a sense that things are OK and when they don’t appear OK, the child is likely to reflect that unstable sense through their own behaviour .

Mia Von Scha


Control and freedom. We all want both. We like to feel some sense of power and authority and we definitely want the feeling that nobody has power or authority over us – freedom. These apparently contradictory ideas are actually one. What we all really want, the true control we want to yield, is the power over ourselves – to be able to direct our time and our lives and to be able to pursue what is most meaningful to us without interference from others. What we want is to control our own freedom. And parenting is the place where our misguided attempts to control others (instead of our own lives) plays out the most. If we sit quietly with our own frustration and anger and disappointment that we are directing towards our children and their behaviour; If we truly allow these feelings to surface without attack; If we go deeply into the pain underlying them, what we find is that our futile attempts to control our children always come from our own unresolved issues. Children pulse with their own life-force, with their own goals and dreams and desires. Children, too, have the innate desire to control their own freedom. But when we, the adults, are not living authentic lives then we feel the need to squash the freedom we see in them. We need to make them conform to the same societal expectations that killed our inner joy, to let go of childish fantasies and ‘grow up into the real world’. We create all sorts of control mechanisms – punishments, shaming, coercion, rewards and the giving or withholding of approval – and then agree on these as a society to justify our own sense of disillusionment with how our lives have panned out. We believe that our underlying motivation is pure: That we want our children to grow up and fit into society and be liked and acceptable. What we don’t realise is that the very techniques that we use to entice our children into conformity are the same things that will initiate their rebellion. Nobody can suppress their inner authenticity for long periods of time. Teenage rebellion is absolutely essential in a society that manipulates and coerces children into being something they are not; And is totally absent in communities that allow children freedom. What looks like successful control in childhood – a well-behaved, obedient child – is the perfect fertile soil for that teen rebellion. Control can never be an external factor. True control must always come from within. It must arise from living a life where we are true to ourselves and also allow others to be true to themselves. Children (and adults) who are internally free and happy and living on purpose never put obstacles the paths of others. It is fear that lies behind all other-control. And what we fear as parents is that our children will become unruly, unlikable delinquents. And our fear converts into control, which converts into rebellion, and we unwittingly create the very thing we are afraid of. Let your children be. But first, let yourself be. Take some time as you head into this new year to assess your life. Are you doing what you really want to do? Is your life meaningful and joyous and filled with engaging challenges? Are you free, or have you succumbed to the power of some authority? Do you wake in the morning excited to see what the day brings? There is a lot we can learn from our children if we stop trying to make them like us and instead we see if we could possibly be more like them. Start controlling your own life and your own freedom and you will see that letting go of control in terms of your children is not something you need to do, but something that will come naturally as you live a more authentic life. Sow the seeds of freedom in your own life and you will stop sowing the seeds of rebellion in theirs.

Mia Von Scha


Have you heard of a growth mindset? It’s become somewhat of a buzzword lately and that’s because it really does make a difference to a child’s ability to learn something and their confidence in trying new things. A fixed mindset is one in which we say things like: “I can’t do that” or “I am not good at something”. It’s the belief that our abilities are fixed – that we are either clever or not, either sporty or not. The growth mindset is the opposite. With a growth mindset we acknowledge that we can always improve with a bit of effort. We understand that our brains are not fixed, but constantly changing; that our abilities are not just genetic but influenced by what we do. We see that it is possible for all people to learn new things, even though it may be more of a challenge for some. Why does this matter? Well, with a fixed mindset a child is less likely to try new things, and more likely to give up when something gets difficult – which can seriously limit their options in life. It also leads to misidentification and self-handicapping – protecting themselves from failure by either not investing their self-esteem or identity into something difficult, or having a good excuse ready for falling short. So here are ten tips for maintaining and encouraging a growth mindset: Expose your children to information on how the brain changes and learns. Teach them that intelligence grows like a muscle and it needs challenge in order to get the right exercise. Don’t praise cleverness – praise effort. Focus on a child’s hard work rather than on the outcome of that work or on fixed measurements like IQ. Encourage failure. Praise children for giving something a go and for having the courage to face challenges. Let them celebrate their failures as a sign of being brave enough to try. Show them how failure leads to growth. Avoid superhero worship. Focus on everyday people who do amazing things through hard work and struggle. Tell them stories of your own doubts and challenges and how you made it through. Teach them to say, “How can I?” instead of “I can’t”. Using a question opens up creative thinking and stops the brain from giving up on the problem. Teach them to add “…yet” to the end of things they can’t do. For example, “I can’t do maths… yet”. This helps them to focus on what they still need to do to master something rather than on their current inability. Give them examples of others who have failed and succeeded e.g. basketball players missing more goals than they hit. Give them examples of where they have failed and succeeded e.g. struggling with a new computer game that they now play effortlessly. 10. Acknowledge their frustration when they are doing something difficult without jumping in and doing things for them. Everything is difficult at first. Our kids often don’t get good role models of this because they see us doing things that we’ve done for years and years and of course these things look easy. Then they try to do these same things and struggle. We need to remind them that we also struggled once. In fact, everyone struggles to some degree with a new task. But with practice and a dedication to continue, everything gets easier. We were all born with the ability to learn and grow – not just some people.

Bill Corbett


Before I go any further on this topic, it’s always a good idea to seek professional help with a child or teen who frequently becomes explosive and angry when told no. Keep in mind that this column is not a substitute for psychotherapy or family counselling. The advice that I offer is supplemental parent coaching that can help in many situations. The subject of today’s article is a common issue that many parents bring to me in my parent coaching practice. Generally, the child is usually anywhere from 7 to 14 years of age and often explodes at the smallest of problems, especially when they are told they can’t have or do something. The child is also likely to take out their anger on the parent or a sibling. So while you’re waiting for the appointment with your therapist regarding this problem, here are four things you can do immediately. Help them find their place in the family.  A large majority of these children tend to be first born. For many years, they enjoyed being in the family ‘spotlight’ and getting all of their parents’ love and attention. But as other children joined the family, they lost their place and don’t like it. By getting angry with limits and boundaries, they found a new and inappropriate way to fit in by becoming vocal and angry. Help them regain their position as the oldest child by seeking their help, their advice, and their assistance. Find purposeful ways for them to be in charge of activities that helps with the other children, such as reading to them, teaching, or mentoring. Allow them to have a few more privileges than the others so they will feel special and valuable to you. Stop doing too much for your child.  The triggers that cause the explosive episodes are sometimes over the parent trying to get the child to wake up in the morning, dressing them, controlling laundry, or getting them out of the house in the morning. If you’re trying to control the outcome of everything, stop. Some parents struggle with turning some responsibilities over to their children and many children or teens don’t like being controlled. Acknowledge good behaviour more often.  It’s unfortunate that it’s normal for many parents to point out when their children aren’t doing what they should, more often than pointing out when they ARE doing something good. Make it your mission to make a bigger deal of when your children are behaving or doing as you’d like them to do. Spend more time with the explosive child.  His behaviour may be his way of telling you that he doesn’t feel loved by, or important enough to, you. Schedule a date with each of your children (especially the explosive child) every week, even if it means for just a few minutes. Avoid taking him or her out to buy them something. The date should be about the experience of being together, not showering them with material things. Finally, when the anger comes out, don’t give it value by trying to stop it or by fighting back. Remain calm, stay quiet, and be ready to listen.

Toptots Head Office

Budgeting with children

Having children gives you a myriad of rewards that we all get to brag about. However, what’s not often spoken about is the costs surrounding raising children. When you have a child, costs can sky-rocket if you are not careful. However, there are ways you can budget and save when you have a baby or toddler. Write your budget down One of the biggest personal finance mistakes people make is not knowing exactly where their money is going. One takeaway coffee here, another quick grocery shop there, and our budget goes out the window. Try this exercise. Carry a notebook with you wherever you go. For one week, write down absolutely everything you spend money on. From in-store shopping to online shopping. Once you have done that, you can take a realistic look at where your money is going when it comes to the small things. Is there anything on that list you don’t have to have? Then cut it out. Add these expenditures to your usual monthly debts and expenses, and you will have a great starting point to start your saving journey. Make budgeting a team effort Budgeting with your partner is essential. When you are sharing the costs of a child and a home, knowing who spends money on what is important. Sit down with your partner and have an open discussion about where money is coming in and going out. Make decisions on who is paying for certain expenses and stick to that.  Savings should be an expense You should have a ‘savings’ section under your expenses. No matter how small the amount, savings should not come at the end of your budget with the thought process of ‘I will save what is left over.’ You should try and save before you spend any money. Whether it is to a savings pocket, an investment fund, or a short-term endowment policy – make putting a little money aside a priority. Cut back on expenses Once you know where your money is going, it is much easier to start cutting back on certain things. Amazed at how much money you spend on takeaways? You probably didn’t know the extent of that amount until you had it written in front of you. Go through your expenses, set aside a reasonable amount for spoils, and cut back on the rest. Baby saving tips Buy in bulk – keep a lookout for any specials on baby products and groceries and buy these in bulk. Remember to consider that your baby is growing and may need a new size nappy or different aged formula in the near future. Significant bulk purchases for savings are nappies, wet wipes, toiletries, unperishable food, and cleaning products.  Make your own food – we know this is time-consuming, but bulk-making your own baby/toddler food and freezing it into portions is a fantastic money saver. Try to stick to one-pot meals that are filled with nutrients and label your freezing containers with the content and date. Google affordable meal recipes, and you will be surprised by the number of affordable meals out there. Clinic vaccinations – When vaccinating your child, take the extra time to go to your local government clinic for them. The wait may be longer, but the cost-saving is worth it. If you would like to get the vaccinations that are only available privately, then book with a private clinic for just those. Second-hand goods – It’s easy to get swept up in the mania of baby products and goods. And there may be a part of you that wants to ‘keep up with the Jones’. But we are here to tell you that your baby won’t notice whether their pram or cot is brand new or second-hand. Decide what you are willing to have second hand, then search the web and Facebook marketplace for the best deals you can find. Please just make sure that you do not pay upfront for items that you haven’t seen!  Sell it – If you are not planning on having another child in the near future, as soon as your baby outgrows something – sell it! 

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Safety and sustainability from a single pool cover – the PowerPlastics Solid Safety ticks all the boxes

The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover is the leading child safety pool cover in South Africa, favoured for its tamperproof design, overall aesthetics and its ability to create a more sustainable pool.  The PVC cover is supported by batons that rest on the coping and the tension is created with ratchets, providing a complete barrier over the pool. The upside to the water being sealed off to the natural elements is that the cover also saves water, electricity and chemicals.  Parts of South Africa are experiencing water shortages due to either drought or struggling infrastructure, so the need to save water is critical. A solid safety cover gives 98% water savings. And because the water is kept cleaner, the amount of chemicals and filtration needed is reduced. This could have a huge impact on alleviating load shedding if every pool was filtered less. Add these savings up month by month, coupled with safety benefits, and you will find yourself getting a lot more out of your pool – child safety as well as sustainability and a reduced carbon footprint from one pool cover, putting your mind at ease on multiple levels. This is what makes safety covers stand out when compared to other safety methods like nets and fences which still leave the water exposed to the natural elements.  PowerPlastics Pool Covers first designed the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover, which has gone on to become the bestselling cover to prevent drownings. The cover tolerates 220kg and can be semi-automated to allow for single-person use. There is no substitute for adult supervision but by using the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover as one ‘layer of safety’, you will achieve further peace of mind as well as rescuing your household budgets.  Learn more and get an instant quote on the PowerPlastics Pool Covers online store. There are safety covers, and then there are safety covers. Know what you are buying. Understand compliance. Remember this is your child or pet’s life on the line here so it is perfectly OK to ask the difficult questions. A solid safety cover may seem like an easy enough cover to copy but a poor understanding of materials, installation methods and cover upkeep, coupled with lack of experience, all have a direct impact on your cover’s efficiency and longevity. When efficiency relates to lives, it can’t be more critical. If you have any reservations about a pool safety supplier, trust your instinct and go with a brand like PowerPlastics Pool Covers that has been covering pools for decades, not weeks. The questions get a lot harder after a tragedy has occurred in your pool and you are found to be non compliant with SANS 10134. The finer details of safety compliance There has been wide industry collaboration and years of research that has gone into laying out the pool safety guidelines and, in South Africa, the function is addressed by the SABS, forming part of the national building standards, specifically SANS 10134. The cover specs you need to know / the technical questions you should be asking the pool cover supplier to ensure your compliance are: Are there any gaps or openings that allow unsupervised entry? If yes, can I fit a ball of 9cm x 14cm x 30cm through the gap? (this being the size of a child’s head or torso). Can the device bear weights of up to 220 kg? (static load test). Opening test – is the cover sufficiently anchored to prevent a child gaining access to the pool water? Does rain or sprinkler water drain off so the cover is dry within 10 minutes, with no pools forming on top of the cover?


Seven tips for supporting your child to develop a love for reading

As well as providing children a window through which to explore their imaginations, reading books allows for the development of essential skills for school and later life. These include comprehension, a wider vocabulary, increased concentration and self-motivation, an awareness of the world around them (particularly if they are interested in non-fiction), and higher levels of empathy and emotional intelligence through relating to the characters they encounter in their favourite books. Some children have a natural interest in reading – they will happily nestle down and read a book of their choice. Christopher Melrose, Deputy General Manager of Kumon Australia & New Zealand, recalls that he was such a child. “I used to enjoy reading the Doctor Do-Little series, and a series called The Three Investigators, about three young boys who solved crime mysteries”, Christopher says. “There was a book by Gerald Durrel called, My Family And Other Animals, which I loved. It was set on a Greek island named Corfu”. “I also used to get given our school textbook list at the end of the year. I remember I was always really excited on the day that I received all my school books [and] I’d actually read all of the novels that were on the reading list for that year. I wasn’t doing it to get ahead or for academic reasons; I just liked reading”. Now Christopher is adamant about encouraging children to read for enjoyment, both for children who are naturally inclined and those who might be a bit more reluctant. Below, we provide some solutions for parents who want to see their children develop a love for reading. When they are young, read aloud with your child Children are never too young to be exposed to reading. Reading aloud to your children introduces them to the beauty of language. When your child observes you reading, they will follow your example and in time, will start to read on their own. We recommend you spend 5-10 minutes reading a book to your young child every day. When reading aloud, make it fun When reading together with your child, let them hold the book. It’s often easier to sit behind your child as they do this. Make sure you read with lots of expression. Put on different voices for book characters – the more fun you make it, the more they will develop a love of books and reading. Before reading a book aloud for the first time, it is best to read the book to yourself first. This will allow you to add more expression when you read it to your child. Establish a routine for reading We highly recommend creating a reading routine. For example, 10 minutes reading before school or at bedtime will demonstrate the importance of daily reading. You may like to schedule in regular visits to your local library to attend events such as story times that promote reading together with your child. If your child is reading independently, spend time at the library or bookstore (or even online for e-books) choosing books together. You can then read passages from each other’s selected books to share the excitement and love of reading. Choose books that are appropriate for their current ability As your child reads, always keep in mind whether the book is suitable for their ability. If your child is having trouble reading a word, simply tell them what the word is so they can continue reading. If they are making many mistakes and losing enthusiasm for the book, it may be best to choose an easier book instead. Visiting Kumon’s Recommended Reading List could be a helpful first step in choosing the most appropriate book:  When they are ready, encourage your child to read a wide-range of books Children can be encouraged to read on their own at any age. Most children will develop a strong reading habit and love for reading when parents actively read to them from a young age. Reading a range of books broadens knowledge and interest in further learning. Consider recommending not only fiction but non-fiction books for your child to read. This will broaden their knowledge of particular topics. Turn reading into a family activity Be sure you ask your child to describe to you their favourite part of the book they are currently reading. Some families have special book-reading times where all family members sit together and quietly read their own books. This is often followed by a few minutes of discussion. Seek out reading opportunities that go beyond books When visiting public spaces like museums or parks, draw your child’s attention to the great variety of information that can always be found at such places. This helps link reading to real life. The Kumon English programme aims to foster a love of reading and learning in every child. To find out more about what Kumon has to offer, visit This article is courtesy of the Kumon Australia website* __________________________________________________________________________________ * 


Understanding Responsive vs Reactive Parenting

Parenting is a journey filled with countless moments that shape a child’s development and the dynamics within a family. In South Africa, where diverse cultures and traditions influence how children are raised, understanding the difference between responsive and reactive parenting can be particularly valuable. Responsive parenting is about tuning into your child’s needs and responding thoughtfully and emphatically. It involves actively listening to both verbal and nonverbal cues, understanding and validating their feelings, and creating a stable environment where they feel secure. When parents respond with empathy and encouragement, they not only support their child’s exploration and learning but also provide the guidance and reassurance necessary for healthy development. “In South Africa, where the emphasis on strong community and family ties is deeply ingrained, responsive parenting plays a crucial role in fostering trust and connection within the family,” says Ursula Assis, Country Director of Dibber International Preschools. “Being responsive to your child’s needs, especially in communal settings like family gatherings, helps them feel integrated and valued, laying a strong foundation for their emotional development, self-esteem, and social skills.” On the other hand, reactive parenting occurs when responses to situations are driven more by immediate emotions rather than thoughtful consideration. This often results in quick reactions to a child’s behaviour without fully understanding their needs or the context of the situation. Emotional reactions, rather than considered responses, can lead to inconsistency in discipline and create confusion for children about what is expected of them. In busy households, where parents juggle multiple responsibilities, reacting impulsively can strain relationships and create a tense home environment. Finding the right balance between responsive and reactive parenting is key to nurturing a healthy family dynamic. One effective strategy is to take a moment to pause and breathe before reacting to challenging behaviour. This pause allows parents to respond more thoughtfully and constructively rather than impulsively. Understanding a child’s unique temperament and needs can also help tailor responses more effectively. For example, if a child feels overwhelmed in a busy setting, offering a calm and reassuring response can help them feel more comfortable. “Parenting is not about being perfect; it’s about being present and intentional,” adds Assis. “Parents can gain valuable insights and encouragement by seeking support from family, friends, or parenting groups. Regularly reflecting on your parenting approach and adjusting as needed can also help strike a better balance between responsiveness and reactivity.” Parenting is a continuous learning experience. Parents can create a nurturing environment that supports their child’s growth and development by striving to be more responsive and less reactive. In a country like South Africa, where family and community play such a crucial role, responsive parenting benefits children and strengthens the bonds within families and communities. Embracing the journey with patience and reflection fosters a loving environment where children can truly thrive.

Parenting Hub

Transport Month and the Silent Killer Let’s Be Quick to Save Lives

The African Brain Child research group (ABC) in Paediatric Neurosurgery at the University of Cape Town found that our hospital sees some 2 000 children (age 0 -12) with head injuries annually. Road accidents account for almost 80% of severe head injuries in children at the hospital. Of children admitted after a severe TBI (traumatic brain injury) sustained as a passenger in motor vehicle accidents, 96% were not wearing a seatbelt. Statistics showed a 22.6% increase in the Western Cape’s road accident deaths for the festive season last year. According to Arrive Alive, car safety seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers. Since 2012 over 11 500 children have been placed in car safety seats through the Car seats for kids campaign run by our partner, Wheel Well. The “Be Quick to Click Car Seat Drive 2024”, initiated by African Brain Child in partnership with Supa Quick and Wheel Well, is a call to safeguard the lives of children against traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) – “the silent killer” –  by putting more children into secure car safety seats this October, Transport Month. Anthony Figaji, Professor of Neurosurgery, South African National Research Foundation SARChI Chair of Clinical Neurosciences, and Director of African Brain Child, sees road accidents as the single biggest killer of healthy children in South Africa: “We have seen the human cost of motor vehicle accidents and TBI’s in children we have not been able to save” he says. “We have also seen those we have been able to save, but whose lives have been permanently impacted by injury that is readily preventable with the click of a seatbelt. There is an African saying that ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ It also takes one to protect it. We need to rally personal responsibility around seatbelt usage – together as society.” For children, surviving a TBI often isn’t the end of the story; emerging research shows that a single TBI may cause long term inflammation that can damage neurons for years after the injury. This means that a child suffering a TBI today may face further degeneration of their brain 20 or even 30 years from now. From gathering dust to saving lives: an urgent call for car seats Seatbelts are an essential safeguard against TBI’s for older children, but toddlers and babies need the protection of a quality car safety seat. It is illegal in South Africa for an infant (a child under 3 years) to travel without being strapped into a suitable car seat – but they can be expensive and something that many families simply can’t afford. In South Africa, most children impacted by TBI’s are from lower-income households. At the same time, many families have car seats, quickly outgrown and now unused, sitting in the garage – “we’ll get around to selling it online at some point” – that could be donated, refurbished and fitted to safeguard the life of a child. How concerned South Africans can support the Be Quick to Click campaign: Car Seat Donations: Unused car seats can be dropped off at any Supa Quick branch nationwide and Be Quick to Click will donate it to a family that needs it in October, Transport Month. The Be Quick to Click team will clean, inspect, and ensure that each seat meets the highest safety standards, before passing it on to a family in need. Car Seat Sponsorship: By making a financial contribution, individuals or companies will directly support efforts to provide safe car seats for children across South Africa. Donations will help Be Quick to Click to cover the costs of cleaning, refurbishing and certifying used car seats, or purchasing new ones, for families who need them. Every donation counts toward making our roads safer for children. Receive a Car Seat: To mark Transport Month Be Quick to Click, Supa Quick and Wheel Well will hand over donated, checked and vetted car seats to families on 26 October 2024 at Supa Quick, cnr Main & Constantia Main Rd, Plumstead, Cape Town. Any family wanting to receive a car seat can come down to Supa Quick between 9am – 12pm to receive a car seat on the day. Support Be Quick to Click: Be Quick to Click is a project of the African Brain Child Initiative to drive public awareness, both in road users and authorities, of the importance of seatbelt usage and the ready prevention of TBI’s. ABC is an internationally respected, leading research unit in traumatic brain injury in Sub-Saharan Africa. Based in the Paediatric Neurosurgery Unit at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, ABC is committed to providing advanced medical and surgical care, innovative research and promoting public awareness through social engagement. To join the drive to save lives, visit For more information on the impact and prevention of TBI’s in children, download the Be Quick to Click Research Report here.


Parent’s late night worries proliferating Google searches: What are the top eight concerns?

As the world quiets down and little ones drift off to sleep, many parents find themselves in the glow of their screens, typing out their latest concerns and questions. The age of instant information has made it easy for parents to seek answers in the middle of the night. Kelly Eyre, Quality and Pedagogy Lead at Dibber International Preschools explores the top eight concerns keeping South African parents of children under six awake and offers insights and advice to ease those worries. Developmental Milestones Every parent wonders if their child is on track with their development. From the first words to taking those initial steps, concerns about whether a child is meeting milestones can be overwhelming. Parents often compare their children’s progress to others, which can fuel anxiety, especially when extended family or community members express concern. It’s crucial to remember that every child develops at their own pace, and there is a wide range of what is considered normal. However, if you’re concerned about your child’s development, it’s important to consult with professionals, including paediatricians, early childhood educators, and therapists. Teachers and managers of schools and early childhood centres can also provide valuable insights into your child’s progress and suggest activities to support their development at home. Health and Nutrition In South Africa, where access to healthcare can vary widely, parents may worry about whether their children are getting the right nutrients or are healthy. Concerns often centre around ensuring a balanced diet, understanding the importance of specific nutrients, and knowing how to handle common childhood illnesses like colds or fevers. South African parents may also face challenges related to food security and access to nutritious foods. It’s essential to offer a variety of foods and encourage healthy eating habits from an early age. Consulting with healthcare professionals, such as paediatricians and nutritionists, can provide reassurance and guidance. Understanding the local healthcare system and having access to emergency services or local clinics can also help parents manage health concerns more effectively. Education and Learning With the country’s diverse education system, parents often worry about giving their children a good start. Questions about the best early childhood education options, how to encourage a love of learning, and whether they’re doing enough at home are common. The country’s unique blend of public, private, and home-schooling options can make this decision even more complex. To support your child’s early education, consider engaging with teachers and school administrators to understand the curriculum and how you can complement learning at home. Creating a stimulating environment through educational toys, books, and interactive play can also nurture a love of learning. Remember, the goal is to foster a supportive learning environment that encourages curiosity and exploration, regardless of the formal schooling path chosen. Behavioural Issues Tantrums, picky eating, and bedtime struggles can cause sleepless nights for many parents. These common behavioural issues often lead parents to search for solutions and advice on managing these challenges without resorting to harsh discipline. Finding a balanced approach can be challenging in South Africa, where different cultural norms and parenting styles exist. Positive parenting techniques, such as using time-outs, setting clear boundaries, and offering choices, can help manage these behaviours. Understanding developmental stages and the reasons behind certain behaviours can also provide context and reduce frustration. Engaging with professionals, including paediatricians and child psychologists, can offer strategies tailored to your child’s needs. Additionally, teachers and caregivers can provide insights into your child’s behaviour in different settings and suggest consistent approaches across home and school environments. Safety Concerns In a country with diverse social and economic landscapes, safety is a top priority parents. Concerns often revolve around childproofing the home, road safety, and teaching children about stranger danger and personal safety. Given the country’s unique context, parents may also worry about neighbourhood safety, access to safe play areas, and emergency preparedness. To address these concerns, parents can take practical steps such as installing safety gates, securing hazardous items, and teaching children basic safety rules like not talking to strangers and understanding emergency contact information. Additionally, it’s beneficial to familiarize yourself with local safety resources and community support systems, including neighbourhood watches and emergency services. Schools and early childhood centres often have safety protocols in place, so engaging with teachers and administrators can also provide peace of mind and ensure consistent safety practices. Screen Time and Technology In our digital age, parents often worry about the impact of screen time on their young children. The prevalence of smartphones, tablets, and TVs has made it challenging to limit exposure, leading to concerns about the appropriate amount of screen time and its potential effects on development. South African parents may also face the challenge of balancing educational content with entertainment. Experts recommend that children under two years old should avoid screens altogether, and for older children, screen time should be limited to high-quality, educational content. Co-viewing programs with your child and discussing the content can enhance their understanding and learning experience. Encouraging other activities, such as outdoor play, reading, and creative arts, can provide a balanced approach to technology use. Schools and early childhood programs can also guide appropriate technology use, ensuring that it complements rather than dominates a child’s day. Socialisation and Friendships Parents frequently worry about their child’s social development, especially if they are shy or reserved. Common concerns include questions about making friends, attending playdates, and developing social skills. In South Africa’s culturally diverse context, parents may also consider how to expose their children to different languages and customs. Encouraging interaction with peers through playdates, preschool, and community events can help children develop social skills and build friendships. Participating in group activities, such as sports, dance, or cultural programs, can also foster social development and a sense of belonging. Parents can model positive social behaviour by demonstrating good manners, empathy, and effective communication. Additionally, teachers and early childhood educators can provide feedback on your child’s social interactions and suggest ways to support their development both in and out of the

NB Hearing & Balance

Understanding the Differences between Hearing Loss and Auditory Processing in Children

Hearing loss and auditory processing issues are two distinct conditions affecting children’s ability to understand and interpret sounds in their environment. While they may share some similarities, such as difficulty with speech and language development, they require different approaches to diagnosis, intervention, and management. Hearing Loss vs. Auditory Processing Disorder Hearing loss refers to a reduced ability to hear sounds and can range from mild to profound. This can be caused by various factors, including: Genetics Conditions that occur in utero  Infections Exposure to loud noises Structural abnormalities in the ear Children with hearing loss may have difficulty detecting soft sounds, understanding speech, and localising where sounds are coming from. On the other hand, auditory processing disorder (APD) involves difficulty processing and interpreting auditory information in parts of the auditory system in or after the ear, despite having normal hearing sensitivity. Children with APD may struggle with tasks such as following directions, understanding speech in noisy environments, and discriminating between similar sounds. Challenges and Implications Both hearing loss and APD can impact a child’s language development, academic performance, social interactions, and overall quality of life. Without appropriate intervention, these challenges can persist into adulthood and affect various aspects of functioning. Diagnosis Diagnosing hearing loss typically involves a comprehensive diagnostic hearing test, which includes tests to assess hearing sensitivity and the type and degree of hearing loss. In contrast, diagnosing APD is more complex. Audiologists use a test battery that isolates certain skills, such as being able to separate or join sounds, being able to identify rhythm and pitch sequences, being able to associate sounds with their meanings, and being able to fill in missing information when sound is incomplete or distorted, to mention a few.  Early Intervention and Management: Early intervention is crucial for children with hearing loss or APD to maximise their potential for speech and language development. For children with hearing loss, intervention may include hearing aids, cochlear implants, auditory-verbal therapy, or sign language instruction, depending on the degree and type of hearing loss. For children with APD, intervention focuses on improving auditory processing skills and compensating for deficits. This may involve auditory training exercises and auditory processing therapy with an audiologist, environmental modifications to reduce background noise, and strategies to improve listening comprehension and academic performance. Sometimes, help may extend to speech-language therapy or occupational therapy to help with skills that have been impacted by the underlying auditory processing challenges.  Whether It’s Hearing Loss or APD, We Can Help While hearing loss and auditory processing disorders present unique challenges, early detection, diagnosis, and intervention are key to minimising the impact on children’s development and functioning. At NB Hearing and Balance, our team of professional audiologists can help children with hearing-related difficulties thrive and reach their full potential by implementing appropriate support and management strategies for parents, educators, and other healthcare professionals. Contact any of our Cape Town offices, conveniently located in Sea Point, Durbanville, Hout Bay, Wynberg, and Noordhoek (Fish Hoek area) on 021 203 4327.

The Turning Point Education

The Impact of Screen Time on Children’s Physical Development

 In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and televisions has significantly increased the screen time of children worldwide. While these technologies offer educational and entertainment benefits, excessive screen time can negatively impact children’s physical development. This article explores how screens affect children’s eyes, brain development, and sleep. Effects on Vision Digital Eye Strain One of the most immediate physical effects of excessive screen time is digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome. Symptoms include dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and difficulty focusing. These issues arise because children, like adults, tend to blink less frequently when staring at screens, leading to dry eyes and discomfort. Moreover, prolonged focusing on screens can strain the eye muscles, causing fatigue. Myopia (Nearsightedness) There is growing concern about the link between screen time and the increasing prevalence of myopia among children. Research suggests that prolonged near work activities, such as reading or using digital devices, may contribute to the development and progression of myopia. A study published in the journal Ophthalmology found that the prevalence of myopia has increased significantly over the past few decades, partly due to lifestyle changes that include more screen time and less time spent outdoors. Outdoor playtime is crucial for eye health, as exposure to natural light and the opportunity to focus on distant objects can help prevent myopia. Encouraging children to take regular breaks from screens and spend time outside can be beneficial in mitigating this risk.  Impact on Brain Development Cognitive Development Screen time can have both positive and negative effects on cognitive development, depending on the content and duration of exposure. Educational programs and interactive apps can support learning and skill development. However, excessive or inappropriate screen time can hinder cognitive growth. Studies indicate that children who spend too much time on screens may have difficulty developing critical cognitive skills, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. The rapid shifts in attention required by fast-paced video games and shows can lead to shortened attention spans and reduced ability to concentrate on tasks that require sustained focus. Social and Emotional Development Excessive screen time can also affect social and emotional development. Children who spend significant time on screens may miss out on important face-to-face interactions with family and peers, which are crucial for developing social skills, empathy, and emotional regulation. Furthermore, exposure to inappropriate content or excessive use of social media can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and a distorted self-image. Effects on Sleep    Disruption of Sleep Patterns One of the most well-documented effects of screen time on children’s physical development is its impact on sleep. The blue light emitted by screens interferes with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. This disruption can lead to difficulty falling asleep, reduced sleep quality, and shorter sleep duration. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that children with more screen time, especially in the evening, were more likely to experience sleep problems. These issues can have cascading effects on physical health, cognitive function, and emotional well-being. Sleep Deprivation and Its Consequences Sleep deprivation in children can result in various negative outcomes, including impaired academic performance, mood disturbances, and a weakened immune system. Lack of sleep can also contribute to obesity, as it affects hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. Ensuring that children have a consistent bedtime routine and limiting screen time, particularly before bed, can help promote better sleep hygiene. Strategies for Managing Screen Time Given the potential negative impacts of excessive screen time on children’s physical development, it is crucial for parents and caregivers to implement strategies to manage screen use effectively. Here are some recommendations: Set Limits: Establish clear guidelines for screen time, ensuring that it is balanced with other activities such as outdoor play, reading, and family interactions. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children aged 6 and older have consistent limits on the time spent using media, while children younger than 6 should have no more than one hour of high-quality programming per day. Encourage Outdoor Activities: Promote outdoor play and physical activities to support overall health and reduce the risk of myopia. Time spent outside allows children to engage in physical exercise, socialize with peers, and experience natural light, all of which are beneficial for physical and mental well-being. Create Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas in the home, such as the dining room and bedrooms, as tech-free zones to encourage family interactions and promote healthy sleep habits. Model Healthy Habits: Parents and caregivers should model responsible screen use, demonstrating balanced media habits and prioritizing face-to-face interactions. Choose Educational Content: Select age-appropriate, educational content that supports learning and development. Co-viewing programs and engaging with children about the content can enhance the learning experience and provide opportunities for discussion. Monitor and Discuss Content: Be aware of the content children are exposed to and engage in open conversations about what they see and how it affects them. This can help children develop critical thinking skills and understand the impact of media on their thoughts and emotions. While screens are an integral part of modern life, it is essential to be mindful of their impact on children’s physical development. By understanding the potential risks associated with excessive screen time and implementing strategies to manage screen use, parents and caregivers can help support healthy growth and development. Encouraging a balanced approach to screen time, combined with outdoor play and face-to-face interactions, can promote children’s physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being in the digital age.

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Quick tips for a safe pool

So you have a pool and you have small kids that you watch like hawks when outside. But do you really have total peace of mind? Could you get there in time if your toddler made it out to the pool while you were distracted for a moment? Drownings happen in seconds.  To lower the statistics pool safety is now regulated by way of SANS 10134 – the recommended Standard for swimming pools. It is every home owner’s duty to understand and comply with this much-needed pool safety regulation.  Quick tips for a safe pool: Cover the pool with the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover as soon as swimming is over.  Always have an adult supervising. Use the Safety Monitor tag from PowerPlastics Pool Covers and request the free child drowning prevention guide.  Know what drowning looks like. It really isn’t like in movies with splashing and loud calls for help. In a drowning, the child can be upright and look like he/she is just treading water. Start CPR as soon as you find the child and don’t stop until paramedics get there. Always use a SABS-compliant safety cover such as the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover, which comes with certification. Thermal pool covers or ‘bubble’ covers that lie directly on the water should never be considered as child safety pool covers as they do not bear weight. Request a quote today or shop online.


Indoor Family Activities for those cold Winter Days South African Style

Winter often confines families indoors, but Dibber International Preschools encourages families to view this as an opportunity to bond and learn together. Ursula Assis, Country Director at Dibber International Preschools, emphasises the importance of embracing indoor activities that entertain and enrich. “During the colder months, it’s a great idea to engage in activities that keep our spirits high and our family connections strong,” says Assis. Creative Indoor Family Activities for the Winter Season Assis suggests several indoor activities that are perfect for family bonding during Winter: Teaching New Life Skills: This is  an excellent time for children to learn practical skills such as sewing, cooking, or organising. These activities are not just educational; they are opportunities for families to bond over shared tasks and stories. In-House Dance Party: To keep energy levels up and beat the Winter blues, Assis recommends turning up the music for a dance party in your living room. This activity is fun for all ages and a wonderful way to stay active. Indoor South African Braai: Bring the beloved tradition of a braai indoors. Families can cook traditional dishes on the stovetop or oven, creating a festive and educational culinary experience. Indoor Scavenger Hunts: Transform a regular day into an adventure with an indoor scavenger hunt. This activity is fantastic for kids to explore their home environment in a fun and engaging way. DIY Craft Projects with a South African Twist: Crafting projects like beaded jewellery or mini Zulu shields occupy hands and open discussions about South African culture and heritage. Cooking Traditional South African Dishes Together: Winter is perfect for warming up the kitchen with the aromas of dishes like bobotie or koeksisters, teaching kids about culinary traditions while creating delicious meals. Storytelling and Writing: Encouraging children to tell stories or write together fosters creativity and language skills. This time can also be used to share family histories, deepening connections between generations. Creating a Family Time Capsule: Capture memories by creating a time capsule with items that signify current family life to be opened in the future. Playing Traditional South African Games: Games like Morabaraba or Jukskei teach children about cultural history while providing a fun challenge. Exploring South African Music and Dance: Discovering South African music’s diverse sounds and movements can be an enlightening and enjoyable experience for the whole family. Embracing the Spirit of Ubuntu Indoors “The spirit of Ubuntu—’ I am because we are’—guides our approach to these activities, reinforcing the interconnectedness and warmth within families and communities,”  concludes Assis. By incorporating these engaging and educational activities into their routine, families can ensure that the winter season is a time of joy, learning, and togetherness.

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Prevent child drownings with these practical tips for pool safety

Don’t let your pool’s water levels drop. Keeping the pool topped up allows for small arms to easily grab the edge if needed.  For every two children in the pool, have one adult supervising and use the Safety Monitor tag system. The more children, the more supervisors needed. Be aware that children’s pool parties are high-risk events.  Turn off fountains and water features. Not only do they waste water and power, they can cause ripples and splashing, making it harder to see when a child has encountered difficulty in the pool or has sunk to the bottom.  Ensure that every adult in the home knows CPR, including domestic workers. Never hire a baby sitter or au pair who can’t swim. Don’t let anyone who has been drinking or on sedative medication supervise children in a pool.  Don’t leave toys in or near an open pool as children will be tempted to retrieve them. Teach your child to swim fully clothed and with shoes on. If your child develops a fear of water, don’t ignore this – a child who panics is at greater risk of drowning. Never allow swimming after dark. Discourage your dogs from swimming. Children and pets in a pool are not a good mix. Never leave the pool without securing it with your PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover. Never design / build a pool that cannot be secured for child safety.  The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover is SA’s bestselling safety cover to prevent drownings. The baton and ratchet system creates a tensioned PVC cover that a child is not able to tamper with. Babyproof your pool with this safety cover and enjoy peace of mind! 

Parenting Hub

Mamas Touch is Revolutionising Children’s Sleep with Weighted Sleeping Suits

Mamas Touch, an innovator in child sleep solutions, is revolutionising children’s sleep with its groundbreaking weighted sleeping suits. These unique suits are designed to address common sleep challenges faced by children and provide much-needed relief for parents. With a unique blend of comfort, security, and innovative design, Mamas Touch aims to provide the ultimate sleep solution for children weighing 10 kgs and up, including teenagers. Mamas Touch weighted sleeping suits are fully patented and trademarked and meticulously crafted to mimic the comforting sensation of a gentle hug. By incorporating gentle, evenly distributed weights on both the front and back, the suits help children feel secure and calm, promoting faster and longer-lasting sleep. This ensures that your child feels comforted regardless of their preferred sleeping position—be it on their front, back, or side. Unlike other sleep aids, Mamas Touch suits do not restrict movement, allowing children to walk and move freely.   The inspiration for Mamas Touch came from Shannon and Tyronne Henning, parents who struggled with their son Jaxxon’s sleep issues. “We were desperate to find a solution that didn’t involve chemicals or one of us needing to constantly hold him while he slept,” says Shannon. “After countless sleepless nights, we created a suit that simulates the feeling of being held, and it worked wonders for Jaxxon. Now, we’re excited to share this solution with other parents.” Three Key Goals of Mamas Touch Weighted Sleeping Suits: Reduce Time to Fall Asleep: Helping children drift off to sleep faster, ensuring a smoother transition from wakefulness to sleep. Reduce Fussiness: Creating a calm and soothing environment that minimises tossing and turning, making bedtime a peaceful experience. Help Children Stay Asleep: Promoting longer and more restful sleep periods, allowing both children and parents to enjoy uninterrupted rest throughout the night.   Benefits of Mamas Touch Weighted Sleeping Suits: Reduces Sleep Dependencies: Our sleep suit reduces sleep dependencies, helping your child feel secure without the need for constant parental intervention. Promotes Relaxation: Gentle weight distribution mimics the sensation of being held, soothing children to sleep. Improves Sleep Quality: Encourages deeper, more restful sleep for better overall health and development. Therapeutic Benefits: Provides deep pressure therapy, promoting relaxation and tranquillity. Support for Diverse Needs: Beneficial for those with sensory processing disorders, ADHD and autism. Good sleep is crucial for a child’s growth and development. The University of British Columbia emphasizes that poor sleep can negatively impact growth hormone production, cognitive function, emotional regulation, and overall physical health. Mamas Touch weighted sleeping suits are designed to help mitigate these issues by ensuring children get the quality sleep they need. Adequate and quality sleep is essential for the overall health and development of children. Here are some key health benefits of good sleep: Enhanced Growth and Development: Sleep supports physical growth and brain development, crucial during early childhood. Improved Cognitive Function: Quality sleep aids in better concentration, memory, and learning capabilities. Stronger Immune System: Good sleep boosts the immune system, helping children fight off illnesses and infections more effectively. Better Emotional Regulation: Adequate sleep contributes to more balanced emotions, reducing the likelihood of mood swings and tantrums. Overall Well-being: Regular, restful sleep improves energy levels, mood, and overall well-being, helping children thrive. At Mamas Touch, the belief is in the importance of good sleep for both children and parents. The mission is to provide effective and comforting solutions that make a real difference and transform bedtime into a peaceful and restful experience for the whole family.


Transitioning from School Holidays to School Term: A Guide For Work-From-Home Moms

Balancing remote work with kids during school breaks poses its challenges, yet transitioning from the relaxed pace of holidays to the structured routine of the school term can be equally demanding. Here are some practical tips to smoothly navigate this shift and swiftly regain your work rhythm: Get Kids Back into School Routine Early Establishing a routine for meals, bedtime, and chores a few days before the start of the school term can help ease the transition for both you and your children. Encourage earlier bedtimes to ensure your kids are well-rested and ready for the early mornings that come with the school routine. Set expectations for household chores to ensure everyone is pitching in and contributing to the smooth running of the household. Check Uniforms, Stationery, And Books Check your children’s school uniforms, ensuring they have everything they need for the term ahead. If there is a change of uniform due to season changes make sure that you check their uniforms still fit and ensure you have time to buy bigger sizes before they start the new term.  Check that school bags are packed with the necessary stationery and textbooks. Replace any items that are missing or worn out. Make sure your children’s designated study areas are clear of clutter and ready for them to do their homework and study effectively. Plan Your Term Calendar Mark important dates in your planner, such as parent-teacher meetings, school events, exam and assessment timetables, and your children’s extracurricular activities. Take note of any changes in your children’s sports or activities schedule, especially if they transition from summer to winter sports in the new term.  Reset By Taking A Day Off When Kids Go Back To School Consider taking a day off from work on the first day back to school to help ease the transition for both you and your children. Use this day to catch up on household tasks, organise your workspace, and reset your own routine after the school holidays. Spend quality time with your children in the evening, discussing their first day back at school and addressing any concerns they may have. Prioritise Self-care Navigating the school holidays while working from home can feel like a marathon, with constant juggling between professional duties and parenting responsibilities. As the kids head back to school and you finally have some breathing space, it’s crucial to shift gears and prioritise self-care. Those weeks of non-stop activity may have drained your energy and left you feeling depleted. Now is the time to schedule in moments of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation to replenish yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Whether it’s indulging in a hobby you love, indulging in your favourite skincare range, taking long walks in nature, or simply enjoying a quiet cup of tea, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine as you transition back to your regular work-from-home schedule. Your well-being matters, and by investing in self-care, you’ll not only recharge yourself but also enhance your ability to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead. Boost Your Immune System It’s a scenario many of us have experienced: transitioning from a hectic, non-stop schedule to suddenly having more downtime. Surprisingly, this shift can sometimes leave us feeling under the weather. When we’re constantly on the go, our bodies adapt to the demands placed upon them. However, when that pace slows down, our immune systems may momentarily weaken, leaving us vulnerable to illness. This is not unusual and can be attributed to various factors, including changes in stress levels, disruptions to sleep patterns, and alterations in diet and exercise routines. In times of heightened stress, our bodies produce more cortisol, a hormone that can suppress the immune system. When stress levels decrease, our immune response may rebound, potentially leading to symptoms of illness.  Additionally, sudden changes in routine can disrupt our body’s natural rhythms, making us more susceptible to infections. So, while it’s important to embrace moments of rest and relaxation, it’s equally crucial to support our immune systems during these transitions to maintain optimal health. Start Off Slow One common mistake many work-from-home moms make is overloading themselves with work as soon as their kids go back to school. It’s essential to start off slow and ease back into your work routine gradually. Begin with a manageable workload and gradually increase it as you and your family adjust to the school term. Avoid burnout by setting realistic expectations for yourself. Remember A Change In Routine Can Be Disconcerting Even though you may think you have the whole morning to get things done when the kids are at school, a change in routine can be very disruptive and hard to adjust to. Be easy on yourself as you transition from the more flexible schedule of the holidays to the structured routine of the school term. Understand that it may take time for both you and your children to adapt to the new schedule and be patient with yourself as you find your rhythm again. Transitioning from school holidays to the school term can be a challenging time for work-from-home moms, but with careful planning and preparation, it can be a smooth and manageable process. By starting off slow, getting your kids back into a school routine early, checking uniforms and supplies, planning your term calendar, and taking a day off to reset, you can set yourself and your family up for a successful start to the new term.


Safeguarding the Future: Child Protection Week and Your Child’s Future Health

Every year, Child Protection Week serves as a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of South Africa’s children. Held from the last Sunday in May to the first week of June, this national campaign raises awareness about the threats children face and empowers communities to act. This year’s theme, while yet to be announced, will undoubtedly focus on creating a nurturing environment where children can thrive. As parents, this week takes on a deeply personal meaning.  We are the primary guardians of our children’s safety and well-being, not just in the present, but also for their future health.  While Child Protection Week focuses on immediate threats, it is also an opportunity to consider the long-term health of our children.  One way to do this is by banking their stem cells at birth with a reputable cord blood bank like CryoSave South Africa. Stem cells are the body’s master cells, holding the remarkable potential to develop into a variety of specialized cell types.  These cells have the power to revolutionize medicine, offering potential treatments for a wide range of diseases  including leukemia, lymphoma, genetic disorders, and even some autoimmune diseases. While medical advancements are ongoing, the umbilical cord blood and tissue collected at birth are a rich source of stem cells.  By storing these stem cells with a cord blood bank, parents are making a proactive investment in their child’s future health.  CryoSave South Africa, a leading cord blood bank in South Africa, provides a safe and secure option for this vital biobanking. Here’s how CryoSave South Africa aligns with the spirit of Child Protection Week: Investing in the Future: Just as Child Protection Week advocates for safeguarding children’s futures, storing stem cells offers a potential health shield for your child. These stem cells may be a valuable resource for future medical treatments, offering hope for a healthier tomorrow. Building a Legacy of Care: The decision to bank cord blood is a testament to a parent’s commitment to their child’s well-being. It is adynamic step that demonstrates a willingness to explore all avenues to ensure a healthier future for their offspring. Promoting Family Health: Stem cells from a sibling can also be a potential match for a child needing a transplant. Storing cord blood with CryoSave South Africa can benefit not only the child whose stem cells are banked, but also their siblings. During childbirth, the umbilical cord and placenta are rich sources of stem cells.  These stem cells have the potential to develop into various cell types, offering possibilities for future regenerative medicine.  CryoSave South Africa utilizes a state-of-the-art processing and cryopreservation technique to safely store these stem cells for potential future use. While Child Protection Week focuses on immediate dangers, it also serves as a springboard for conversations about long-term well-being.  CryoSave South Africa offers expecting parents comprehensive information sessions and consultations to guide them through the decision-making process.  Understanding the potential benefits and limitations of cord blood banking allows parents to make an informed choice for their child’s future health. Child Protection Week is a crucial reminder of our collective responsibility to safeguard South Africa’s children.  As parents, this extends beyond immediate threats to encompass their long-term health.  By exploring options like cord blood banking with CryoSave South Africa, we can invest in a future filled with hope and the potential for a healthier life for our children. Remember, while Child Protection Week focuses on present dangers, CryoSave offers a chance to protect your child’s health far into the future. Visit CryoSave for more information on stem cell banking:



A fresh parenting style has been capturing caregivers’ attention worldwide: Responsive Parenting. Ursula Assis, Country Director of Dibber International Preschools, sheds light on this emerging trend, explaining its significance and its profound impact on child development. Understanding the Core of Responsive Parenting Assis describes responsive parenting as a holistic approach that focuses on the child’s needs, emotions, and developmental milestones. This style is distinguished by its sensitivity, empathy, and commitment to fostering a secure, nurturing environment. “Responsive parents are keen observers of their child’s behaviour. They engage in active listening, validate their child’s feelings, and provide guidance that is attuned to the child’s emotional state,” Assis explains. This approach is about being present and connected with the child, ensuring that the parent’s actions and responses are consistently supportive and encouraging. It’s about establishing trust and mutual respect, where the child feels valued and understood. The Four Pillars of Traditional Parenting Styles To appreciate the uniqueness of responsive parenting, Assis contrasts it with the four traditional styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. Each style represents a different approach to discipline, communication, and nurturing. While Authoritative parenting shares some similarities with the responsive model, especially in terms of nurturing and communication, responsive parenting goes a step further by prioritising the child’s emotional and psychological needs. The Benefits of Adopting a Responsive Approach Research has shown that responsive parenting has a myriad of benefits. “Children raised in a responsive environment tend to excel in cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development,” Assis states. These children often develop secure attachments with their caregivers, which leads to better problem-solving skills, independence, and emotional regulation. Furthermore, responsive parenting fosters a peaceful home environment where children feel loved and supported, reducing the likelihood of behavioural issues. Practical Applications of Responsive Parenting Responsive parenting is actionable in daily interactions. It involves: Being sensitive to the child’s needs and responding warmly. Accepting and understanding the child’s emotions. Setting realistic expectations and helping the child achieve them. Engaging in meaningful conversations and reasoning with the child. Demonstrating consistent behaviour for the child to model. Embracing Imperfection in Parenting Assis emphasises that responsive parenting is not about perfection. “Even the most responsive parents have their off days. It’s about the effort and intention behind our actions,” she remarks. Mistakes and missteps are part of the parenting journey. Apologising and reconnecting with the child after a mistake teaches them about humility, resilience, and emotional intelligence. Responsive parenting represents a paradigm shift in how we approach child-rearing. It underscores the importance of a nurturing, empathetic relationship between parent and child, laying the groundwork for an emotionally healthy, secure, and capable future generation. As Assis concludes, “In the end, it’s not about adhering to a perfect parenting model but about being the loving, present, and responsive caregiver that every child deserves.”

Parenting Hub

Children and gaming- Balancing fun and responsibility

Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, explores the world of children and gaming, focusing on balancing fun and responsibility. “In today’s digital age, gaming has become integral to many children’s lives. Whether it’s playing on a console, PC, or mobile device, the allure of video games is undeniable,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “While gaming can provide entertainment, education, and even opportunities for socialisation, it’s important for parents to guide their children in making informed choices about gaming habits.” The Appeal of Video Games Before delving into the topic of balance, it’s essential to understand why video games strongly appeal to children. Video games offer a unique and immersive experience that can captivate players of all ages. Here are some of the reasons why children are drawn to gaming: Entertainment: Video games are entertaining and offer diverse experiences, from solving puzzles and exploring virtual worlds to engaging in epic battles and storytelling. Social Interaction: Many video games allow children to connect with friends or make new ones through online multiplayer modes, fostering social interaction and collaboration. Challenge and Achievement: Games often provide a sense of achievement and progression as players overcome challenges, earn rewards, and level up, boosting self-esteem. Creativity: Certain games encourage creativity and problem-solving, enabling children to build, design, and experiment within virtual environments. Escapism: Gaming can help escape real-life stressors and provide a safe space for children to unwind and relax. The Importance of Balance While gaming offers numerous benefits, a healthy balance between gaming and other life activities is crucial for a child’s development. Excessive gaming may have harmful repercussions, including: Reduced Physical Activity: Spending excessive hours gaming can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, potentially contributing to health issues like obesity. Sleep Disturbances: Late-night gaming sessions can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and mood swings. Academic Performance: Neglecting schoolwork and responsibilities in favour of gaming can harm academic performance. Social Isolation: Overindulgence in gaming may lead to social withdrawal and strained relationships with family and friends. Addiction and Compulsion: In some cases, children can develop gaming addiction, characterised by an obsessive need to play at the expense of other activities. Setting Boundaries Establishing clear boundaries and guidelines for gaming is essential for responsible gaming. Here are some strategies for setting boundaries: Screen Time Limits: Determine daily or weekly screen time limits for gaming to ensure that children allocate time to other activities like homework, outdoor play, and family time. Consistent Schedules: Create a consistent gaming schedule that aligns with other daily routines, such as school, meals, and bedtime. Monitor Content: Be aware of the content and age-appropriateness of your child’s games. Set parental restrictions to prevent access to adult or inappropriate material. Communication: Maintain open and ongoing communication with your child about their gaming habits, interests, and concerns. Encourage them to share their experiences and express their needs. Encourage Variety: Encourage your child to participate in various activities, such as athletics, arts, and hobbies, to promote balance and fulfilment. Quality Over Quantity Rather than focusing solely on the amount of gaming time, emphasise the gaming experience’s quality. Encourage your child to choose games that offer educational value, promote creativity, or align with their interests. Engage in discussions about the games they enjoy and explore opportunities for learning within the gaming context. Parents may consider co-playing or participating in gaming sessions with their child. This allows you to understand their gaming world better and provides an opportunity for shared experiences and bonding. Education and Awareness Promote responsible gaming by educating your child about the potential risks and benefits. Teach them about balance, self-control, and the potential consequences of excessive gaming. Encourage critical thinking by discussing in-game purchases, online etiquette, and the distinction between virtual and real-life actions. Introduce them to resources that guide responsible gaming and online safety. Organisations like the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) offer valuable information and tools for parents and children. Gaming as a Reward and Motivation Harness the motivational power of gaming by using it as a reward for completing tasks and responsibilities. Encourage your child to finish their homework, chores, or other commitments before indulging in gaming time. This approach helps instil a sense of responsibility and time management. Seek Professional Help if Needed If you suspect that your child is struggling with gaming addiction or compulsive gaming behaviour, consider seeking professional help. Mental health professionals, including therapists and counsellors, can provide guidance and support for both children and parents dealing with gaming-related issues.


Keeping Your Little One Safe: Essential Burn Prevention Tips for New Parents

Every parent worry about their child’s safety, and the kitchen can be a minefield of potential hazards – especially for curious little ones. Burns are a common concern, with thousands of scalding incidents happening every year. But fear not, new parents! By following a few simple precautions, you can create a safe and enjoyable cooking environment for you and your budding chef. Pippie’s Story: A Powerful Reminder Pippie Kruger’s story is a stark reminder of the importance of burn prevention. This brave South African child suffered severe burns at a young age. Thankfully, advancements in medical care, like stem cell therapy, helped Pippie through the recovery process, allowing for successful skin grafting. While medical technology offers incredible support, prevention is always the best medicine. Tips for a Safe Home: Kitchen Safety Zone: As mentioned earlier, the kitchen can be a hotspot for burns. Implement the “No Child Zone” concept, keeping your child in a safe play area while you cook. Utilize back burners, turn pot handles inward, and keep hot food and drinks out of reach. Beyond the Kitchen: Burns can happen anywhere. Secure fireplaces and space heaters with sturdy barriers. Keep electrical cords out of sight and away from curious hands. Teach your child about the dangers of outlets and never allow them to play with electrical appliances. Sun Safety: Sunburns are a form of burn, and even on cloudy days, UV rays can damage your child’s delicate skin. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher liberally and reapply often, especially after swimming or sweating. Hot Water Woes: Scalding is a serious threat. Adjust your water heater to a safe temperature, ideally 48°C (120°F) or as recommended by the manufacturer. Install scald-resistant faucets in the bathtub and sinks your child uses. Chemical Concerns: Household cleaners and chemicals can cause burns. Keep them securely stored in high cabinets or locked away, out of reach of inquisitive youngsters. Remember: In case of a burn, immediately cool the affected area under cool running water for 10-15 minutes. For serious burns, call emergency services (10111 in South Africa) for immediate medical attention. By following these simple tips and fostering a safety-conscious environment, you can ensure your kitchen becomes a place of happy memories, not unfortunate accidents. Let us all work together to keep our precious little ones safe from burns!



How do we do this? Nurturing resilience in young children is paramount for their growth and development in a country and world filled with challenges. Ursula Assis, Country Director of Dibber International Preschools, sheds light on this crucial aspect of parenting, teaching, and early childhood education and development. As Assis explains, resilience refers to a child’s ability to respond positively to adverse events. While some may perceive resilience as an innate trait, she stresses that it can also be cultivated through cognitive, emotional, and social skills. “Resilience is not just about bouncing back from setbacks; it’s also about equipping children with the tools to navigate life’s uncertainties with confidence and adaptability,” says Assis. Here are nine practical ways parents can foster resilience in their young children, according to Assis: Setting Boundaries: Assis advises parents to set boundaries and encourage independence in their children. Saying ‘no’ when appropriate and allowing children to tackle tasks independently instils a sense of self-reliance and responsibility. Avoiding Overprotection: While ensuring safety is essential, she cautions against overprotecting children. Allowing them to explore, experiment, and occasionally experience failure is crucial for their growth and resilience. Building Strong Family Bonds: A supportive and loving family environment lays the foundation for resilience. Spending quality time together, fostering open communication, and nurturing emotional stability contribute to a child’s ability to cope with challenges. Asking Empowering Questions: Assis suggests asking ‘how’ questions to encourage problem-solving skills and a positive outlook instead of focusing on mistakes. This approach helps children develop resilience by shifting their perspective from dwelling on failures to finding solutions. Embracing Mistakes: Making mistakes is a natural part of learning and development. Assis advocates for allowing children to make and learn from mistakes, emphasising that resilience is built through overcoming challenges. Encouraging Healthy Risk-Taking: It is key to highlight the importance of encouraging children to take calculated risks and step out of their comfort zones. Providing guidance on assessing risks and taking appropriate precautions empowers children to explore new opportunities confidently. Storytelling and Inspiration: Sharing stories of resilience and perseverance inspires children to believe in their own abilities. Assis recommends storytelling as a powerful tool for instilling values of determination, passion, and resilience in young minds. Positive Communication: The tone of communication plays a significant role in shaping children’s perceptions and responses to challenges, with parents encouraged to communicate positively and emphasising encouragement and support rather than fear or negativity. Providing Unconditional Support: While fostering independence, the importance of maintaining a supportive presence in children’s lives needs to be stressed. Knowing they have a reliable source of love and guidance gives children the confidence to navigate obstacles and seek help when needed. In conclusion, Assis reiterates that parents play a crucial role in modelling resilient behaviour for their children. By incorporating these strategies into parenting practices, parents can empower their children to thrive in the face of adversity. Dibber International Preschools is dedicated to supporting parents in this journey of fostering resilience and nurturing the next generation of confident, resilient individuals.

Parenting Hub

Sleepless Nights: Understanding and Addressing Pain and Fever in Children

There’s no “right” moment for pain and fever to strike. Yet, when they jolt your child awake in the wee hours, the challenge often feels magnified. Understanding the symptoms of pain and fever and knowing how to address them can make the experience less daunting for everyone involved. Why Do Children Experience Fever? Fever in children is defined as a temperature of 37.8°C or higher.1a It’s essential to understand that a fever is not an illness. Instead, it’s like the body’s alarm system, indicating that it’s actively confronting an illness or infection.1b  This natural response serves a crucial purpose; it kickstarts the immune system, mobilising it to fend off invaders. In essence, when the body’s temperature rises, it’s creating an environment that’s less hospitable to germs.1c However, as beneficial as this might be internally, it’s not always a comfortable experience for our young ones. The elevated temperatures can lead to feelings of unease, discomfort, and restlessness, which can be concerning for parents and caregivers.1d Why Do Children Experience Pain? Pain in children can stem from multiple causes. Some of the straightforward causes include the usual bumps and scrapes that come with active play2a or the common headaches that might stem from a long day2b. There are also those tummy troubles which can range from a simple upset stomach to more severe aches2c. Various infectious illnesses can also be culprits, such as ear infections, strep throat, pesky stomach bugs, skin infections, and even pneumonia2d. Don’t forget the short-lived but often sharp pain that accompanies immunisations2e, and for our littlest ones, the discomfort of teething 2f.  How Pain and Fever Can Impact Your Child’s Sleep We all know that a child’s sleep is crucial for their physical growth, mental development, and overall well-being.3 However, when they’re unwell, their sleep can get disrupted. The goal is about reducing your kiddo’s distress and increasing their comfort so they can get a better night’s sleep. How to Help Your Child If pain or fever is bothering your child, it’s crucial to address it promptly and appropriately. Here are a few ways to provide relief: Fluids: Keep the juice and water coming! A fever can lead to dehydration, so make sure they’re drinking often and staying hydrated.4a Bathing: A tepid bath can do wonders to cool a feverish child down. Just remember, cold water or rubbing alcohol are no-nos. They can be harmful!4b Dress Code: Think summer vibes. Toss out the heavy PJs and let them wear something breezy and light.4c Snuggle Essentials: If they’re feeling a bit chilly, drape them with a light sheet. It’s all about keeping them cozy!4d The Power of Panado®: Always choose a pain and fever medication that is suitable for your child’s age and weight and measure the dose accurately: Always check the label or call your paediatrician for the correct dosage for your child.4e  Dosage details for the Panado®  range of products can be found at and are calculated according to your child’s age and weight. A fever should naturally break on its own in one to three days, but you will want to seek out your paediatrician if your child’s fever persists.4f Turn to the Power of Panado® Paediatric Range of Products Panado®  contains paracetamol, which boasts over 150 years of clinical experience.5  It’s fast-acting6 and gentle on sensitive tummies.7 Panado®  paediatric range of products includes Panado®  Paediatric Syrup, Strawberry,8 Panado®  Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint Alcohol and Sugar-Free,9 Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets10, Panado®  Infant Drops11 and recently launched Panado® Grape flavour which colourant-free, tartrazine-free, alcohol-free, and sugar-free.13 Parents trust12 Panado®  for the power to fight their little one’s pain and provide fast6 relief when needed most.  Panado® products are available at Baby City, Pick n Pay, Checkers, including Hypers, Shoprite, Clicks, Dis-Chem, and Independent Pharmacies. For more information, visit visit and join the conversations on Facebook.   2023083110309095   References:   University of Rochester Medical Center. Fever in children. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. UPMC Health Beat. Types of pain in children and how to treat it. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. The importance of sleep for kids. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. Children’s Health. What to do when your child has a fever. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. 150 years of paracetamol. GP Pharma Update Mar/Apr 2019 Moller PL, Sindet-Pedersen S, Petersen CT, et al. Onset of acetaminophen analgesia: Comparison of oral and intravenous routes after third molar surgery. Br J Anaesth 2005;94(5):642-8. doi:10.1093/bja/aei109. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. Goodman & Gilman’s.The pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 13th ed. Acetaminophen. p696 Panado® Paediatric Strawberry Syrup approved package insert, March 2002. Panado® Paediatric Syrup Alcohol and Sugar-Free professional information, May 2022. Panado® Paediatric Syrup professional information, May 2022. Panado® Infant Drops (Drops) approved professional information, August 1990. Circana, MT,  October 2023 MAT. Panado ® Paediatric Alcohol Free – Grape Flavour. Approved package insert. October 2022.

Parenting Hub


Praise is a powerful tool that can shape how a child thinks about themselves and ultimately impacts on their behaviour, motivation and self-actualization. When used mindfully, praise can help to create an affirmative, enabling learning environment and the development of a growth mindset. An education expert says it is important to understand the dynamics of effective praise, to ensure it has the intended impact. “As a parent/guardian or teacher, understanding the nuances of praise and the significant impact that it has on a child’s development and psyche is paramount. While praise is essential, it is equally important to encourage effort, resilience, and the development of a love of learning in the child. Combining this with a supportive environment means empowering the child and enabling them to thrive and be successful,” says Lynda Eagle, Academic Advisor at ADvTECH schools. Eagle says effective praise should be specific, celebrate effort, and emphasise practise. “Praise should focus on the actions, rather than the innate characteristics of a child,” she says. BE SPECIFIC AND DESCRIPTIVE Being specific helps children understand what they did well, and how they can build on or extend their skills, understandings and knowledge. “Instead of using a generic praise such as ‘good job’ it would be more impactful acknowledging the work that has been done and the effort applied – ‘I noticed how carefully you arranged those blocks when creating your pattern. Would you like to explain to me your thinking?’,” advises Eagle. When praising a child, it is important that the adult is fully present and shows genuine interest. This fosters connections and helps build reciprocal relationships. It is an opportunity to engage with the child to share in their experiences to gain a deeper understanding of the child’s thinking. CELEBRATE EFFORT AND PROGRESS Where a child is working towards a goal, then it is important to provide support and encouragement over time. Adults can offer praise and acknowledgement of the work that has been put into achieving the result. This highlights the fact that the effort and process in achieving the goal is as, if not more, important than the outcome. Acknowledging that learning through our mistakes is a valid part of the learning process removes performance paralysis and inculcates a growth mindset. “Mistakes and setbacks are seen as important learning opportunities. Praise children when they manage disappointments well and encourage them to keep trying and moving forward.” Eagle says body language is also important. “Using an enthusiastic tone, adopting a relaxed posture, while smiling and acknowledging the child, drives the message of support home and gives children the psychological boosts they need to continue doing their best. Take care to be sincere however, as children can sense inauthenticity and fake praise.” BALANCE AND REFLECTIVE PRACTICE It is important to remember that excess praise or praise that is not sincere, may undermine the child’s intrinsic motivation and the development of a strong internal sense of accomplishment. Further, as noted by Carol Dweck, this may lead to the “development of a false perception regarding their true abilities and skills”. By offering praise when warranted, and providing constructive and mindful feedback when necessary, the child builds trust in the process and the support provided as they navigate their way through the various learning experiences. Eagle says encouraging and engaging in reflective processes aids children with the recognition of what went well, what they may do differently and the next steps. This helps foster the development of self-motivation and self-assessment, and ultimately the transferring of knowledge, skills and understandings, to new and unfamiliar settings – now and in their future. Mindful and specific praise builds trust and will have a profound impact on a child’s development. “By mastering the art of praise, parents and teachers can inspire confidence, resilience, a growth mindset and most importantly, a love of learning in their children,” says Eagle.

Kip McGrath Education Centres

A Helpful Guide to Keeping Your Child Safe on the Internet

Educate yourself, stay informed about the internet, social media platforms, and the latest online trends. Understand how they work, the potential risks involved, and the privacy settings available. This knowledge will help you guide your child effectively.  Establish clear rules and boundaries and set clear guidelines for internet usage at home. Discuss the appropriate amount of time they can spend online and the types of websites, apps, and content they are allowed to access.  Communicate openly and create an environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their online experiences, concerns, or any uncomfortable encounters. Encourage open conversations about the internet and address any questions or issues they may have.  Teach responsible behaviour and educate your child about online behaviour. Teach them the importance of treating others with respect, avoiding cyberbullying, and not sharing personal information online. Teach them about the potential consequences of their actions.  Use parental controls. Utilise parental control tools and filtering software to monitor and restrict your child’s access to inappropriate content. These tools can block specific websites, set time limits, and provide you with insight into your child’s online activities. Set privacy settings. Help your child configure privacy settings on their social media accounts and other online platforms. Teach them to keep their profiles private and only accept friend requests from people they know in real life.   Teach online safety. Educate your child about online safety measures, such as creating strong passwords, avoiding suspicious links or downloads, and reporting any inappropriate behaviour or content they encounter.  Encourage critical thinking. Teach your child to think critically about the information they find online. Help them evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources and recognise potential scams or misinformation.  Monitor online activity. Regularly check your child’s online activities, including their social media profiles, chat logs, and browsing history. Be vigilant without invading their privacy. Let them know you are monitoring their online presence to ensure safety.  Foster trust. Build trust with your child by respecting their privacy within reasonable limits. Let them know they can come to you if they encounter any problems or concerns about their online experiences. Avoid overreacting to minor issues, which may discourage them from seeking help in the future.  Encourage offline activities. Promote a healthy balance between online and offline activities. Encourage your child to engage in hobbies, sports, and face-to-face interactions with friends and family.  Stay engaged and involved in your child’s online world. Engage in their interests, ask questions about their online experiences, and show genuine interest in their online activities. This involvement helps you understand their online behaviours and identify potential risks.  Remember, maintaining open lines of communication, educating your child, and actively monitoring their online activities are key to keeping them safe on the internet. By implementing these strategies, you can help your child navigate the digital landscape with confidence and security.  At Kip McGrath, we understand the importance of ensuring your child’s safety and well-being, both online and offline. That’s why we offer FREE assessments to help identify their unique learning needs and provide personalised tutoring programs tailored to their academic growth. Visit our website today to book a free assessment and discover how Kip McGrath’s qualified teachers can empower your child’s learning journey. Together, we can create a safe and supportive environment for your child’s educational success. Let’s work hand in hand to keep your child safe and thriving in the digital world and beyond. Schedule a free assessment now and equip them with the skills they need to navigate the internet confidently and responsibly. Choose Kip McGrath for expert guidance and a safe space to nurture your child’s potential. Book a free assessment today and embark on a learning adventure that leads to a brighter future. Kip McGrath offers personalised learning programmes for primary and secondary students in their core subjects.  A free assessment helps to identify a child’s strengths and learnings gaps. Individualised lessons are planned and offered by qualified teachers tailored to address each child’s specific learning needs. The learning programme specialises in comprehension, reading, spelling in English and Afrikaans, as well as Maths.

Dr Candice Shah

Children and nutrition

Adequate baby and child nutrition is imperative in order to achieve appropriate growth & development, build defence against infections and to decrease the overall incidence of life-threatening disease in childhood. Approximate energy, protein, iron, and folate requirements during childhood Age Energy kJ/day Protein g/day Iron mg/day Folate mcg/day 0-6 months 2700 13 6 65 7-12 months 3500 14 10 80 1-3 years 5500 23 10 150 4-8 years 7000 30 10 200 9-13 years 10000 45 18 300 (Adapted from the National Academy of Sciences- USA) Baby nutrition (0-6 months)  During the first 6 months of life most nutrient requirements are met by exclusive breastfeeding. Babies should thereafter be weaned onto solid foods such as vegetable feeds and cereals. It is important to view weaning as both a nutritional and developmental experience as babies explore various tastes and textures. Breastmilk is advantageous because it contains several active enzymes, hormones, and growth factors. Breastmilk also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Research has also shown that breastfeeding can delay the onset of allergy. The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched in 1991 by the World Health Organization to support breastfeeding mothers. Infant and toddler nutrition (1-3 years) This age group requires a good balance between breastfeeding and complementary feeds. It is recommended to start with a few teaspoons of nutrient dense food prepared hygienically. It is important to track the weight of the child during this crucial period of weaning. Food fortification is another implementation that helps prevent iron deficiency and nutritional anaemia. Child and teenager nutrition (5-12 years) Eating habits developed during this stage of development sets the scene for the approach to food well into adulthood. Encouraging three healthy meals a day is recommended but appetite may decrease during this phase which may worry parents. However, the incidence of childhood obesity is on the rise in South Africa which can put children and teenagers at significant risk for chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension.  Malnutrition Malnutrition may present as an abnormally high or low body mass, poor growth, failure to thrive, swelling of soft tissue (oedema) and recurrent infections due to a compromised immune system. Inappropriate intake of energy and protein may lead to malnutrition. Furthermore, certain micronutrient deficiencies may lead to unique signs & symptoms, such as Vitamin A deficiency or iron deficiency.  Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) This type of malnutrition depends on how long protein and energy has been insufficient for the child. Other factors that impact the severity of PEM include age of the child and other associated vitamin, mineral and trace element deficiencies. It is vital to keep track of a child’s weight for height which can be a useful indicator of protein and energy intake.  Vitamin A deficiency  Vitamin A is found in milk, egg yolk, fish oils, some vegetables and fruits. The diets of children with Vitamin A deficiency are often deficient in other nutrients. A deficiency in Vitamin A can cause dry eyes, night blindness and an increase in the severity of serious infections. Research has shown that Vitamin A supplementation during complicated measles decreases the duration of complications. If Vitamin A deficiency is suspected, a dose of Vitamin A should be given immediately. Vitamin A should be made easily available for children at local clinics and hospitals. Diets rich in Vitamin A containing foods should be encouraged such as green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, squash and carrots. Vitamin B complex deficiency Vitamin B complex can protect against disease and is essential for metabolic processes. Some signs of Vitamin B complex deficiency include dermatitis, diarrhoea, dementia, mood instability and anaemia. Good food sources of B vitamins include, meat (especially liver), seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes, leafy greens and seeds. Vitamin C deficiency Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron. Interestingly, cow’s milk is low in Vitamin C and breastmilk is rich in Vitamin C. Other sources of Vitamin C are citrus fruits, broccoli, berries, melons, potatoes, papaya, guava and tomatoes. Vitamin C deficiency results in poor collagen, poor wound healing, bleeding and haemorrhage. Iron deficiency  This can occur commonly in especially the first year of life because milk is low in iron. Iron deficiency can lead to a poor immune system causing an increase in infections, gastrointestinal symptoms, impaired effective absorption of food and vitamins, impaired thermoregulation, fatigue, and impaired cognitive function.  Zinc deficiency Zinc is a trace element which aids in metabolic processes and immunity. It also helps maintain epithelial integrity and growth. Zinc deficiency is associated with growth faltering, low birth weight babies and skin lesions. Zinc supplementation is widely available for those children who may require it. Prevention of nutritional disorders Good health education as early as during and after pregnancy, at clinics and schools is critical. The use of Road to health booklets, growth and weight charts should be easily accessible in order to prevent malnutrition.  “My plate” is one tool accessible on This resource will allow children to explore food ideas and serves as a visual reminder to make healthy food choices. Conclusion My hope is for all children to grow up healthily while cultivating a positive attitude towards food. Food is vital fuel providing energy that can allow our children to thrive if chosen appropriately and in the correct portion sizes. The caregiver is the most important individual in a child’s life. You can make it easier for your kids to choose healthy options by keeping fruits and vegetables on hand and nutrient-dense foods easily available in the home. Sit down as a family and indulge in nutritious, wholesome meals together. A balanced diet is a balanced body. Dr Candice Shah Specialist Paediatrician Netcare- N1 City Hospital, Cape Town

Social Kids

Age restrictions, are they purely suggestions when it comes to social media?

It may feel at times that age restrictions are simply suggestions, however when it comes to the safety of our children online, it’s probably best to pay attention. Age restrictions are in place for a reason, every parent or guardian knows their child best, pushing the limits within reason with your consent. Every parent has the right to decide for their own child.  You know your child better than anyone. However, when it comes to social media, you can’t control the world.  We’ve all experienced it. Social media can send you to strange and wonderful places. The videos can entertain and memorise you. We’ve all fallen victim to the social media scroll.  When it comes to our children, the average age restriction for social media is 13. Legally it is 16 for WhatsApp, a channel frequently used by younger children to communicate. This also happens to be a platform where cyberbullying is gaining momentum.  No, we can’t rely on the actual platforms to enforce this at log-in. Although it can be argued that it is their responsibility. This age limit comes from US legislation from 1998 which banned the collection of children’s personal data without parental consent. For many parents, schools and cyber safety experts, this minimum age has become a benchmark.  The truth is social media can be toxic. Young children have not yet developed their emotional intelligence to filter out certain content, to read between the lines and to interpret information with a critical eye. Allowing children to access these platforms exposes them to an array of people, places, and situations. All of which you cannot control.  The risks are real. The University of Syndey has cited the below to be major risks. Risks include being exposed to online bullying and harassment.   They can be exposed to misinformation and inappropriate content.  Master manipulators can set into gear their sexual grooming. Youngsters are the most vulnerable to privacy breaches. Children enjoy the freedom that social sites give them, making them feel older than they are, this leads to excessive use, leading to addictive tendencies.  Academic studies claim there are links between social media and poor mental health and low self-esteem. Despite there being no correlation between excessive social media use and poor self-esteem, we cannot ascertain a direct causation. It’s important to note that should a young person already experience low self-esteem and depression they will tend to use social media significantly more than others. Emotional intelligence  Emotional intelligence is not the ability to understand the difference between happy or sad, like or angry! It’s the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. There are five key elements to consider before you ignore that age restriction:  Self-awareness Self-regulation Motivation Empathy Social skills Every year we see significant changes to our children’s behaviour, and in the blink of an eye, we start to notice a big change that has happened in front of our eyes. Let’s give them the time they need to be kids.  We’re not saying social media is all bad, it’s a great place to deepen relationships, learn and grow and can be used for positive reinforcement offering great well-being insights and motivation. We’re saying, our children should explore this space when they are ready and equipped to face this world.  Refer:,become%20something%20of%20a%20benchmark.

Fanciful Faces Inc

Fanciful Faces Inc.: A Magical Wonderland for Your Celebrations!

Step into the enchanting world of Fanciful Faces Inc., where joy takes center stage, and every celebration becomes a canvas of laughter and delight. Known for their extraordinary entertainment services, this company is not just a party planner; it’s an architect of unforgettable moments and a creator of magical memories. A Kaleidoscope of Services  Imagine a world where face painting isn’t just an art form but a transformative experience. Fanciful Faces Inc. turns faces into living masterpieces, thanks to their skilled artists who are more like dream-weavers than painters. And when it comes to clowns, these jesters of joy are the heartbeat of any event, spreading infectious laughter and whimsy wherever they go. But the magic doesn’t stop there. Balloon sculpting turns ordinary balloons into intricate wonders, while jumping castles become portals to a gravity-defying kingdom of pure delight. It’s not just about services; it’s about crafting an experience that lingers long after the confetti settles. A Sprinkle of their Signature Spectaculars: Face Painting: Where smiles become masterpieces. Clowns: Masters of mirth and laughter engineers. Balloon Sculpting: Ordinary balloons transformed into extraordinary wonders. Jumping Castles: Bouncy kingdoms where gravity takes a backseat. Water Slides: Splashy aquatic adventures for sun-soaked celebrations. Magicians: Illusionists turning events into enchanting experiences. If you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to Fanciful Faces Inc., and they’ll happily tailor the perfect entertainment for your event! A Symphony of Joy and Fun Picture the sound of children’s laughter harmonizing with the playful melodies of Fanciful Faces Inc.’s entertainers. Their events are not just about services; they’re an orchestrated symphony of joy. Each celebration becomes a crescendo of laughter, a dance of delight, and a parade of unforgettable moments. A Haven of Happiness for Every Child Beyond creating magical moments, Fanciful Faces Inc. is committed to fostering a haven of joy for every child. In their belief, childhood is a treasure trove of enchantment, and no child should miss out on the magic. With Fanciful Faces Inc., every celebration becomes a treasure hunt for joy. Looking to the Future As Fanciful Faces Inc. spreads joy today, the dream is to paint even larger canvases of happiness in the future. Envisioning more laughter, more celebrations, and more magical adventures on the horizon, Fanciful Faces Inc. goes beyond being a part of your celebration; it’s a dedicated partner in shaping a future where joy knows no bounds. With plans for community outreach and exciting collaborations on the horizon, fuelled by the unwavering desire to spread love and happiness far and wide. Closing Note – Choose the Canvas of Joy  In the grand tapestry of life, Fanciful Faces Inc. is the brushstroke that adds vibrancy, the burst of confetti that creates magic. Choosing them isn’t just about getting a service; it’s embracing an experience where every smile, every giggle, and every moment becomes a stroke on the canvas of joy. Choose Fanciful Faces Inc. – where every event is a masterpiece of merriment!

Bill Corbett

How to Teach Kids to Care

I hear parents complain that their kids don’t appreciate what they have. So much is available to our kids today that it’s hard for them to imagine being without. Then when they push their parents for more, it triggers a feeling of resentment for the parents as they think about all they’ve done and provided for their kids so far. My own kids occasionally threw in the, “All my friends have an (insert anyone of these here: iPhone, TV, Xbox, Six Flags pass, etc.), why can’t I have one?” It’s common for them to think that every other child has what they want, even though it may not be true. Remain calm when they make these claims and stand firm in your position to not cave at their demands. Instead of reminding your children of all that you’ve bought or done for them, let their cries for more stuff be your reminder to get them involved in something that gives to others. From food banks, to pet adoption groups, to the Salvation Army and churches, all communities have opportunities for individuals, families and even children to volunteer in service to others. There is no better way to teach your children the act of giving then to do it right alongside them. Avoid dropping your kids off with an organization for them to volunteer, unless it’s an organization that is specific to youth participation. You are the primary and most important teacher for your children so roll your sleeves up and get in there with them to participate. I read a news story recently, featuring a 16-year-old boy in Rhode Island who started a project of providing brand new donated shoes to homeless children. In the four years it’s been running, he’s provided 16,000 pairs across 32 states. The article in People magazine included testimony from recipients of this giving organization’s gifts to families. And where did this admirable young man get the notion to start such a wonderful organization? His parents took him to a homeless shelter when he was five years old. When he realized that his light-up sneakers did not compare to the shoes worn by the homeless children, which were falling apart, that experience remained with him and influenced his actions as he approached the teen years. As the story supports, telling your children about those who are less fortunate than they are, may not be enough to matter. When I was a child, I remember my elders warning me about all the children that were starving in foreign countries, in hopes of getting me to eat my dinner. Providing an experience for your children in seeing and hearing from those less fortunate can make all the difference. One final thought on this matter of teaching children and teens to care. Suppose there are some things that you do want to provide for them. Instead of running out and making an instant purchase, consider a dollar-for-dollar matching initiative if they have the means to earn money. Or at the very least, put limitations on when and how long they can use the item. Delayed gratification is something more children need to experience to appreciate what they do and do not have.

Bill Corbett

Do Your Kids Know How to Express Love and Compassion

Here’s an exercise I learned from a 9-year-old girl little girl, my youngest daughter who today is 28 and expecting her first child. She revealed the exercise during one family meeting 19 years ago when it was her turn to facilitate.  In our family meetings, everyone rotated through the facilitator role which created intense excitement for each of our three kids when it was their week to lead the group. On the night of Shauna’s turn to facilitate, she reminded me to turn the answering machine on so that no calls would interrupt our meeting. If we had today’s technology back then, I can guarantee that she would have collected everyone’s cell phones and placed them in another room so that no distractions took anyone away from this sacred, weekly event. After an opening poem was read or prayer was said, Shauna immediately passed out a few supplies to each person; a business-sized envelope, a small stack of slips of paper, and a bunch of crayons and markers. Along with those supplies, placed in front of her was a ball of yarn and a metal single hole puncher. She waited until she had everyone’s attention and then began by providing instructions. We were instructed to decorate our envelope in any way that we wanted, as long as we included our name. She came around to each of us and punched two holes in the flap of the envelope and then cut a foot-long piece of yarn from the ball she had. Back at her seat at the head of the table, she instructed us to tie each end of the piece of yarn to one of the two holes in the envelope flap, creating somewhat of a handle. Once everyone had a personally decorated envelope with a loop of colored yarn attached, she instructed us to use the slips of paper to write love notes to each person in the family and to place them into appropriate family member’s envelope. Near the end of the family meeting, she led us down the hall to hang our envelopes on our bedroom doorknobs, ready to accept more handwritten notes. Later that night, I was amazed when all three kids willingly went to their rooms when bedtime arrived. Later when I checked in on them, each of them was hidden under their blankets, busily writing by flashlight. And when my wife and I turned in for the night, we found our yarn-hung envelopes overflowing with notes written by the three children. We too ended up staying awake later than usual that night, reading the cutest love notes written in their child-like handwriting, relating all of the things they loved about us or things they were happy about. It brings tears to my eyes now as I remember all the things my kids related to me in those precious little notes. Somewhere in a box in my basement is a large manila envelope, holding some of those handwritten love notes that will be keepsakes for as long as I live. They contain the loving words of my precious children who today are trying to find their way in this world as adults. I pull those treasured notes out now and then to recall the words they wrote when they learned to express their love for their mother and I, and each other.  

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