If you’re serious about skincare, chances are you’ve got a mega-moisturising hyaluronic acid serum (also referred to as HA) in your artillery. Still, it’s hard to believe there once was a time when few had even heard of it and many assumed it was an exfoliator. Thing is, HA isn’t acidic at all. In fact, […]

We hear a lot about “anti-pollution” skincare but, if you’re living that glorious work-from-home life in the burbs as opposed to dashing around downtown, do you really need to worry about it? As it turns out, totally!  In 2021, not a single country met the World Health Organisation’s air quality guidelines. Also, over 90% of the population live […]

If you’ve got dry, sensitive skin, you’ll know that the winter months can be tough. Aside from becoming even drier, your complexion can end up looking dull and ashy. Fortunately, with a cutting-edge hydrator and a super star anti-ager, specially formulated for sensitive skin, there’s nothing stopping you from enjoying plump, radiant-looking skin, regardless of […]

They say summer bodies are made in winter and the same can be said about great-looking skin. After all, the chilly months are the ideal ones to invest in a course of peels with Lamelle Research Laboratories. Peel and reveal   We all know unprotected sun exposure is bad news for our skin. After all, […]

If there’s one thing Lamelle knows all about it’s how to beat dry skin. After decades of research, we’ve created some of the world’s most innovative moisturisers and no you’re not imagining it – your skin really is drier and “thirstier” in winter. As the cold kicks in, the humidity levels drop and the air […]

As South Africans we are accustomed to the harsh summer sun, and are used to applying SPF before heading down to the beach, or going for a run. But did you know that the sun’s UV rays are equally dangerous during the colder months? While you’re unlikely to experience a sunburn from UVB rays during […]

Are you battling with breakouts? Many things contribute to the formation of acne but, for the most part, we can thank our fluctuating hormones. These can cause our skin to become oily and shed in clumps as opposed to cell by cell, forming bumps and pimples. Fortunately, this type of inflammatory acne can be dramatically […]

Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, acne will always be a confidence crusher. Fortunately, Lamelle Research Laboratories has created Clarity, an effective acne management system, that addresses all of the four triggers that contribute to spotty skin. Something else we’ve learned from our extensive research? To get the very best results, you have to manage […]

Just the other day they were enthralled by Peppa Pig. Then, before you can say “TikTok”, you’re dealing with a social media-obsessed teen. Something else you’re likely to be facing is a struggle with is acne. After all, around 85% of people will develop it in their lifetime and it usually starts around puberty going […]

Despite being one of the most common inflammatory skin conditions in the world, acne is still very misunderstood. So much so, that myths still abound. Fortunately, at Lamelle Research Laboratories, we’re acne experts that can help you sort the facts from the fiction. Myth 1: Only teenagers get acne Nope, not true! It would be […]