The last few years have been a wild ride. You’re working like a dog. You’re tired. You’re stressed. And you can see it all over your skin. And nope, it’s definitely not all in your head. One of the main triggers of inflammaging – aging that’s caused by chronic, low-grade inflammation – is stress. Many […]

We all know that sun exposure is bad news for our skin. It causes lines and wrinkles. It’s the fast track to sagging skin. It’s a free pass to pigmentation. You get it. We know you get it. But did you know that the sun also damages your DNA? (But here’s a spoiler alert for […]

Reveal instantly smoother, more radiant skin and target congested pores – for combination and oily skin types Regular exfoliation will always be one of the key pillars of healthy, youthful-looking skin. But, as it turns out, you can get too much of a good thing. Using a very abrasive, grainy scrub can aggravate existing acne; […]

If you’re serious about skincare, chances are you’ve got a mega-moisturising hyaluronic acid serum (also referred to as HA) in your artillery. Still, it’s hard to believe there once was a time when few had even heard of it and many assumed it was an exfoliator. Thing is, HA isn’t acidic at all. In fact, […]

When you hear about hot flashes, most women immediately think “menopause” and reckon it’s something they’d only have to worry about in their mid to late 40s. Thing is, this annoying, make-up ruining, life-interrupting symptom can affect you as early as your late 30s during perimenopause, the lead up to your final period. Even more annoying? While, […]

Couples trying to conceive without any joy will know how bittersweet celebratory events like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can feel. After all, when you decide it’s time to start and family and things don’t come easy, Fortunately, you’re not alone. Millions of people struggle with fertility and, globally, infertility rates are rising with as […]

When life is busy, weeks fly by like days. Unless you’re tracking your period via an app or pay close attention to the calendar, you might not even notice should you miss a period. Also, if you’re dealing with a spotty cycle or taking birth control to actively “skip” a period, it can be even […]

As a man, chances are you’ve spent a period of your life ensuring you don’t impregnate your partner. But what happens when the time is right to make a baby? Only couples trying to conceive without success will know the true frustration of fertility problems. However, they’re definitely not alone. According to the World Health […]

As the creators of Ovaria, a leading ovarian-health nutritional supplement for women with PCOS, we know your ovaries are an amazing organ. While they’re merely the size of an almond, they can hold up to millions of eggs. Not all of these will mature to become – quite literally – ripe and ready for fertilisation […]

One of many great things about living in sunny South Africa is the weather. Each year, we get an average of 2 500 hours of sun! Alas, along with the beautiful braai weather comes the bad – a high incidence of actinic keratosis (AK), a pre-cancerous lesion caused by unprotected sun exposure. What makes this type […]