Author name: Crawford International

Crawford International has been a part of South African education for just under 20 years. Together, the schools that make up the Crawford Collection constitute the largest single private school organisation in South Africa. Together, they have challenged every traditional and conventional practice in education in our country. Their academic success is proven.

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Advice Column, Education, Mainstream Education, Parenting

Uncharted Waters – Education

Navigating through uncharted waters during this stressful time is very overwhelming for many of us and leads to anxiety and sleeplessness. Keep in mind that this is new territory for teachers, parents and our children. Find peace in knowing that we are all in the same boat. Steer your ship into calmness when there is a storm and choose the rules of your ship together as a family.

Advice Column, Child, Education, Mainstream Education, Online Education, Parenting, Tween & Teen

Parents’ Role in the Online Learning Journey

As we start our online learning journey, there are so many things to consider. Schools are social environments and as such function on the interaction between all the role-players, the pupils, parents and the staff. This has been disrupted, so we are working hard at ensuring that everyone remains positive and embraces whatever may come our way.

Advice Column, Parenting, Tween & Teen

The secret to speaking teen

Whilst modern technology and its increased usage is seen as a boon to teenagers, most parents have a total opposite view of this. The question then remains…… Is technology to be blamed for poor communication between parents and teenagers? The answer quite simply is NO since a lack of communication between parents and teenagers is an age-old issue.

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