Advice Column, Breastfeeding, Early Learning, Junior Colleges, Recently

The importance of Breastfeeding

  • Junior Colleges
  • Category Advice Column, Breastfeeding, Early Learning, Junior Colleges, Recently

Breastfeeding is best for babies. Breastmilk is made especially for your baby by you, so it has everything your little one needs for their first months of life.

At Junior Colleges, we recommend that you breastfeed your baby for as long as possible, and we will assist you as much as possible through this period of your life while your child is at our school.

There are advantages and disadvantages to breastfeeding that we have listed to assist you with your decision.

Advantages for the Newborn Baby

  • Breast milk is a complete food for the baby. It is well-balanced and provides water and nutrients. It is easy to digest. 
  • During feeds, there is a bonding between mother and child.
  • The milk changes according to the specific need of the baby.
  • High protein content encourages brain development.
  • Protects against infection as antibodies are passed from mother to child.
  • Less nappy rash, colic, gastric disturbances, and constipation.
  • Lower risk of cot death.

Advantages for the Mother

  • Mother will regain her figure quicker.
  • Lower risk of breast cancer.
  • Easy to travel with the baby.
  • Always fresh.
  • Always in sterile containers.
  • Always at the right temperature.
  • Breast milk is free of charge.


  • Daddy cannot be as involved as with bottle feeding.
  • Mommy may have limited movement and activities.
  • Poor techniques may cause nipple problems and painful feeding.
  • Any mother’s medication, drugs, or alcohol use may affect the baby she is feeding.
  • Breastmilk digests quicker than formula, and the baby may need more frequent feeding.

Breastfeeding and the Working Mother

  • Usually, the working mother will feed early in the morning when the baby wakes up; during the working day, she should express milk into sterilised containers and keep it in the fridge. 
  • She should feed as often as possible in the afternoon and evening to keep up the milk supply. Remember, the more you feed, the more milk your body will produce. The baby may also demand more feeds during the night, which can be quite difficult if the mother gets up early the next morning to go to work.
  • Breastfeeding is Still Best
  • Breast milk is the best choice for the newborn baby. It is the perfect first food, and the mother should try her best to breastfeed her baby if possible. Babies only need breast milk during the first few months of their lives.

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