Advice Column, Bonitas, Health, Pregnancy, Pregnancy & Baby, Recently

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 32 of your pregnancy

  • Bonitas
  • Category Advice Column, Bonitas, Health, Pregnancy, Pregnancy & Baby, Recently

You officially have 8 weeks until delivery, but this is likely not to be exact, as many babies aren’t born on their due dates. Your body may be feeling sore and tired, thanks to the strain your growing little one puts on you.

Your body at week 32

As you get closer to delivery day, you may notice more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions, which is just your body’s way of preparing for the real-deal. Your feet and ankles may be swollen and your back and pelvis are probably taking strain.

Constipation, shortness of breath, fatigue, a sore mouth and leg cramps are also all common pregnancy symptoms at this time. Look after yourself (and your baby) and don’t be afraid to ask for help or to put your feet up for some well earned rest – growing a baby is hard work!

Your baby at week 32

Your little one is now roughly the size of a melon and they are practicing breathing, sucking and swallowing to prepare their body for the outside world. Your baby is also busy shedding the lanugo, which is the fine hair covering their body. Most of it will be gone by the time they are born, although some babies are born with some lanugo covering parts of their body. Your baby’s finger and toenails are also growing – you may even find them fairly long when they are born.

Things to keep in mind at week 32 of your pregnancy

You may be wondering how realistic your due date is, although pregnancies are 40 weeks long, as little as 5% of moms give birth on their due date. Most women give birth to their babies between week 37 and 42, although about 11% of moms-to-be deliver prematurely. If you don’t go into labour within a week of your due date, you will most likely have a nonstress test which monitors your baby’s heart rate and checks they are reacting normally to stimuli. When you hit 42 weeks, your doctor may induce labour.

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