Advice Column, Baby, Pregnancy & Baby, Toddler

How long should my baby be awake for between naps?

  • Kaboutjie
  • Category Advice Column, Baby, Pregnancy & Baby, Toddler

When my babies were young I was concerned so much how long my baby should sleep and how many naps he or she should have. Things got a lot easier with routine when I realised that the length of time in between naps is really important too!

Time Awake in between Naps is vital to your baby’s routine

How long baby is awake in between naps is very important, if you try and put your baby down to sleep before he is ready he won’t sleep and if you wait until he is overtired you might struggle to get him to sleep.

Watch out for signs of tiredness and use the following guidelines for how much awake time your baby needs:

Here are 5 Steps to get your baby into a routine that you might find very helpful.

How long is your baby awake in between naps?

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