Advice Column, Early Learning, Education, Junior Colleges, Parenting, Recently, Toddler

The Importance of Emotional self-regulation in Children

  • Junior Colleges
  • Category Advice Column, Early Learning, Education, Junior Colleges, Parenting, Recently, Toddler

When it comes to children of any age, parenting is tough. One might think they know the answer, and then the question is changed. 

Like us, children sometimes find it challenging to regulate their emotions which often leads to meltdowns and the inability to problem-solve. 

Emotional self-regulation is as follows: Emotional self-regulation refers to the ability to control and be aware of one’s emotions to take on tasks more effectively.

Although this may seem impossible in little humans, it is vital for ongoing development. Children learn to self-regulate over time – some benefits include the following: 

  • Improvement in emotional intelligence 
  • A sense of self-discipline may develop 
  • Becoming more independent 
  • Adapting better to environmental changes

As adults, we often find it difficult to control and manage our emotions and behaviours, so the question you may be asking yourself now is, “How am I supposed to get my screaming child to manage and control their emotions?”

Well, here are a few simple ideas to get you started.

Number 1:  regulate your own emotions and body before approaching the situation and trying to help your child handle it. It is often said that children feed off of their parent’s emotions and behaviours. As hard as it may be – try to sound calm. It would help if you also let them identify how they may feel. (Feelings chart can assist)

Number 2: Participate in regulation strategies with your child. This may be things like spending time in a calm and quiet place; the critical component is a connection or tense and release activities (ball up your fists as tightly as you can while breathing in and releasing your fist or exhaling). There are many more effective strategies, but this step’s primary focus is establishing a calmer environment.

Number 3: Make use of a problem-solving wheel with different strategies. Visual aids may benefit your child as they can act as a reminder of regulation strategies.

Number 4: Verbal reminder: talk your child through each strategy. Allow them to choose which method they would like to use. Giving your child choices is always an excellent technique to establish independence. 

Number 5: Listen to your child and ensure that you allow them to express their needs, working collaboratively to find solutions that may be helpful. 

These simple suggestions make it easier for you as a parent to connect with your child’s emotions and allow them to establish and regulate their feelings.

We tend to forget that our little people are people and sometimes require a helping hand to navigate life.

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