Advice Column, Education, Study Assistance, Study Tips, Syllabis

Mastering Exam Prep: How to Ace Writing Exams Without Losing Your Mind (or Social Life!)

  • The Turning Point Education
  • Category Advice Column, Education, Study Assistance, Study Tips, Syllabis

Let’s be honest—preparing for writing exams can be a lot. Balancing intense study sessions while still trying to live your life and maintain your sanity? That’s no small feat! But here’s the good news: you can nail your exams without turning into a stressed-out hermit. With the right strategies, you can strike that perfect balance between smashing your academic goals and taking care of your emotional and social well-being. So, let’s dive into how you can prepare for your writing exams without burning out.

1. Create a Study Plan That Works for You

First things first: let’s talk study plans. If you don’t have a game plan, exam prep can quickly turn into a chaotic mess. The trick here is to break down what you need to cover into bite-sized chunks. Use tools like Trello or Notion to map out your study sessions and track your progress. This way, you’ll know exactly where you’re headed each day—no more last-minute panic sessions!

And hey, life isn’t perfect, so leave some wiggle room in your schedule. Flexibility is key. If you miss a session or need a break, don’t sweat it—just adjust and keep moving forward. This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed or trapped in an impossible routine.

2. Take Time to Chill Out

Exams are stressful, and your brain needs a break from all that information overload. That’s where relaxation techniques come in. Deep breathing, meditation, or even a bit of progressive muscle relaxation can do wonders for calming those pre-exam jitters. If you’ve never tried mindfulness before, apps like Headspace or Calm can help you get started.

And guess what? You don’t need to carve out hours for this. Even a few minutes between study sessions to stretch or do a quick breathing exercise can leave you feeling refreshed and more focused. Less stress = better focus. It’s a win-win.

3. Feed Your Brain the Good Stuff

We all know that studying makes you hungry, and it’s super tempting to reach for snacks that keep you going in the moment (hello, caffeine and sugar!). But trust me, fuelling your brain with nutrient-rich foods like nuts, seeds, berries, and leafy greens will help you in the long run.

When you eat well, you feel well, which means you can stay sharp and energised without those dreaded sugar crashes. Oh, and don’t forget to hydrate! Your brain can’t function properly when it’s running low on water. So, keep a water bottle close by while you’re studying.

4. Move Your Body

I get it—you’re busy and the thought of squeezing in a workout seems like the last thing you want to do. But staying active doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym for hours. Even a brisk 30-minute walk or a quick yoga session can help clear your head and lift your spirits.

Exercise boosts endorphins, which are natural stress-busters. And the best part? You’ll come back to your study session with more energy and focus. So, find little ways to move during the day. It makes a huge difference!


5. Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Here’s a hard truth: pulling an all-nighter might seem like a great way to cram in more study time, but it’s actually hurting your performance. Your brain needs sleep to process and store all that information you’ve been cramming in.

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and if you can, stick to a regular sleep routine. Avoid scrolling on your phone before bed—blue light messes with your ability to fall asleep. Instead, wind down with something relaxing, like reading or listening to some chill music.

6. Get Smart with Study Techniques

Don’t just study harder—study smarter. Techniques like summarisation, flashcards, and active recall can help cement what you’re learning. When it comes to writing exams, practice makes perfect. Time yourself while doing mock essays so you get used to writing under pressure.

The more you practice, the less intimidating the actual exam will feel. Plus, going through practice exams will help you spot areas where you might need a little extra focus before the big day.

7. Set Small, Achievable Goals

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re staring down a mountain of material to study. But the trick is to set small, manageable goals for each session. Instead of aiming to “study all day,” break it down: “summarise three chapters” or “write a practice essay.” It’s more doable, and you’ll get that sweet sense of accomplishment when you check things off your list.

And don’t forget to celebrate those small wins! Whether it’s treating yourself to a break or just giving yourself a mental high-five, these little victories keep you motivated.

8. Stay Social

It can be tempting to lock yourself away and grind through your study sessions alone, but isolating yourself can actually make stress worse. So, make time for the people who lift you up. Whether it’s grabbing coffee with a friend or FaceTiming your family, these interactions are crucial for keeping your emotional health in check.

Think of social breaks as a reset button—they help you step away from the books, recharge, and come back ready to dive back in.


9. Cut Back on Screen Time

We all love a good scroll through social media, but too much screen time can mess with your mental health, especially during stressful times like exams. Try to set limits on how much time you’re spending online, especially when you should be focusing on your studies.

Instead of turning to your phone during breaks, try reading, going for a walk, or just giving your eyes a rest from the screen. Trust me, your brain will thank you.

10. Create Your Ideal Study Space

Your environment has a massive impact on how well you focus. A cluttered or distracting space can make it harder to stay on task. So, set up a study space that works for you—somewhere organised, quiet, and free of distractions.

Adding a few personal touches like motivational quotes, a plant, or even good lighting can make a big difference in how productive you feel. If your space feels inspiring, you’ll be more motivated to hit the books.

11. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you’re struggling—whether it’s with the material or just feeling overwhelmed—don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Sometimes just talking to someone, whether it’s a friend, teacher, or counsellor, can help lighten the load.

Many schools also offer resources like tutoring or counselling services to help students through stressful times. Don’t be afraid to use them if you need to.

12. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment, and it’s a great way to combat exam stress. A few minutes of mindful breathing or a body scan can help ground you and keep your focus sharp.

You don’t need to dedicate hours to it—a quick session during a study break can do wonders for your mental clarity and stress levels. Try it out and see how it can transform your focus and calm your nerves.

13. Make Time for Fun

All work and no play? Yeah, that’s a recipe for burnout. It’s super important to make time for activities that bring you joy, whether it’s reading, painting, or even just catching up on your favorite show.

These little breaks are like a reset for your brain. They allow you to recharge so you can dive back into your study sessions feeling refreshed and ready to tackle more.

14. Stay Positive

Finally, remember that your mindset matters. Stay positive, and don’t forget to remind yourself of what you’re capable of. A little bit of positive self-talk goes a long way in keeping those exam nerves at bay. Visualising yourself confidently walking into your exam and doing well can actually boost your performance.

Challenges will come up, but approach them with the belief that you can handle them—you’ve got this!

Finding balance during exam prep is totally possible—you just need the right approach. By keeping your study plan flexible, taking care of your mental and physical health, and allowing yourself time to relax and recharge, you’ll be set to tackle your writing exams with confidence. Remember, it’s not just about the exam—it’s about keeping yourself in a good place while you prepare. Balance is the key to success.

Written by Clare van Eerden

The Turning Point Education partners with families through their educational journeys. It is owned and managed by a qualified and experienced teacher who is passionate about children’s academic success. Our mission and vision is to provide the best educational support and to make a difference in every child we work with.

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