Advice Column, Early Learning, Education, Junior Colleges, Recently

Is playdough therapeutic for our children?

  • Junior Colleges
  • Category Advice Column, Early Learning, Education, Junior Colleges, Recently

Today we will be covering the topic – of playdough.

It has a wide array of developmental learning and sensory benefits for children. 

What can playdough teach children, and what skills does it develop?

Fine motor skills

It helps the children`s hand development, strength, dexterity, and controls the need to manipulate everyday items such as scissors, pencils, zippers, and buttons.

Social emotions skills

Children explore abilities, life experiences, and emotions and learn about cooperation, collaboration, self-control, and making friends.

Language and literacy

Children discuss what they are creating or their sensory experience; while doing that, they are expanding their vocabulary words like (poke it, squeeze, pull, put and squish it)

Science and Maths

They create shapes, comparing sizes (small, big, empty, full, etc.) This exercise exposes children to a vast array of Maths and Science concepts. Children can also learn about colours, textures, and shapes as they learn how to manipulate the play dough.

It is a fun activity for all children

Your child can benefit from using play dough, and these are some benefits

  • Enhances their fine motor skills
  • Improve their pre-writing skills.
  • Develops their creativity and imagination.
  • Enhances Social skills
  • Increases curiosity and knowledge.
  • Develops hand and eye coordination.
  • Sensorimotor, tactile and olfactory.

As parents, we always ask ourselves whether play dough is safe for our children. It is non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-allergenic except as noted. Children who are allergic to gluten may have an allergic reaction.

Lastly, tips for parents and teachers on how to extend playdough activities

Mixing different food colouring.

  • Add glitter.
  • Create monster playdough by putting googly eyes.
  • Stick candles as a birthday cake.
  • Use silver wear for cutting, tooth pics, cups, bowls, wine cork, pine corns, bottle tops, strainers, pipe cleaners, and rolling pins.

Playdough is therapeutic for children of all ages. 

Please encourage your children to play using it.

Start today.

By Tessa Masilo (Teacher at Junior Colleges Sunninghill)

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