Advice Column, Education, Kumon, Recently, Study Tips


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  • Category Advice Column, Education, Kumon, Recently, Study Tips

Have you ever heard your child say that maths isn’t fun? While maths can be challenging, there are a variety of ways to make maths more engaging and fun for kids of all ages. 

First, help your child understand how they can use maths in real-life scenarios. From cooking to careers, there’s a ton of instances that maths is useful, and recognizing that can help them understand why it’s important to continue practicing. Once they understand a bit more about how maths is used, try some of the below methods to make learning maths more engaging.

Play maths games

There are a ton of maths games out there that effectively teach while being entertaining. No matter what maths level your child is on, there is a game that can tie in learning a new concept or strengthening one that they want to improve. Playing maths games takes away a feeling of intimidation and encourages kids to have fun while practicing their skills.

Incorporate it into their interests

Let’s say your child loves to help you cook. You can incorporate maths seamlessly into your preparation by discussing recipes while cooking. If your child loves soccer, you can talk about how maths can be used to figure out different plays and positions, and how the statistics side of it can tell a story.

Incorporating maths into an interest that they love will show kids that maths is useful and something that can help them expand their skills.

Hands-on learning experiences

Have you ever seen a jar filled with sweets and the option to guess how many are in the jar? This is a great example of a hands-on learning experience because of the options to incorporate maths skills. While guessing is a fun element, counting different coloured sweets can bring in addition, multiplication, and even fractions. It’s a great way to show maths beyond paper and pencil problems.

Read books that talk about maths

If your child is interested in reading or learning about maths in a different way than just through numbers and equations, try finding books that incorporate maths. Many children’s picture books use maths to count or talk about objects. A short search on the internet will give you so many book suggestions, but one that might be really useful is this one from Stanford University: “40 Children’s Books That Foster a Love of Math

Enrol in an enrichment programme

Sometimes maths isn’t fun because a child is struggling with the foundational skills. To make maths more engaging, consider an enrichment program that consistently challenges and incorporates practice. This will help to build their skills and ability to problem solve which in turn can help them feel more confident to tackle maths concepts.

The Kumon Maths Programme develops strong problem-solving and calculation skills from the four basic operations through algebra and calculus. In the Maths Programme, students will develop a solid foundation of maths skills that can help them excel in and out of the classroom. In addition, the Programme develops confidence, concentration, perseverance, self-discipline and the ability to learn new work on your own. If you would like to find out more about the Kumon Maths Programme, visit us at 

This article is taken directly from the KUMON NORTH AMERICA website:

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One Comment

  • Pertunia Khoza July 26, 2023 at 7:36 am

    Needed to see this article 🙏


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