Advice Column, Health, Lifestyle

Brain food – Eating for optimum brain function

  • Skidz
  • Category Advice Column, Health, Lifestyle

As parents we always want what is best for our children, but we don’t always necessarily know what that might be. With some research we find what milestones our children should be reaching and how we can help them develop their brains. You might even have met a parent who refuses to feed their child sugar and might have thought it mean or wondered why. You might be one of the parents who have done it so that your child doesn’t get all hyper from sugar but why is it so vitally important to fee your child a healthy balanced diet? Many people know of the advantages that it has for the body, but how does it affect the brain?

For the brain to work effectively it needs two things. A high-energy diet, this means lots of fruit and vegetables and oxygen. This is why exercise is not only good for the body but also for the brain.

Your child’s diet needs many important minerals and nutrients to grow and develop optimally.

Linoleic acid which is a polyunsaturated fat which is not made by the body is vital for proper transmission of information. In simple terms our brains transmit information through axons. These axons are insulated by the myelin sheath which needs polyunsaturated fat to repair itself. Basically, the better the insulation the better information is transmitted. So include vegetable oil and nuts in your diet.

Iron is also important, as an iron deficiency decreases attention span, delays development, and impairs learning and memory. Potassium and Sodium is also needed in the right combination, which is found in raw fruit and vegetables. These include bananas, apricots, avocados, tomatoes, potatoes and pumpkins. Table salt however is not recommended.

There are 5 simple steps to follow to feed your child’s brain.

  1. Eat a good breakfast with plenty of fresh fruit. Include half a banana or some kiwi. You can serve it with some plain full cream yoghurt too.
  2. Eat a good lunch, which includes fresh vegetables.
  3. Make fish, nuts, and vegetable fats important parts of your diet.
  4. Exercise regularly to oxygenate the blood. Encourage your kids to actively play outside, climb and run. Something to get the heart going.
  5. Drink plenty of water to get rid of the toxins in the body. Fizzy drinks or any other drink loaded with sugar should rather be avoided, so also tea and coffee for mom and dad, as these all dehydrate the body.

Combine a healthy diet with age appropriate exercises and activities to give your child a head start by developing both his or her body and brain. SKidz Clever Activity Boxes provides the perfect exercises for brain and physical development. Each set includes a variety of activities with all the equipment needed to do them. Learning through purposeful play and exploring is what it encourages.

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