Advice Column, Fertility, Lamelle Fertility, Lifestyle, Recently

Fertility: New Research Says It Might Be Your Metabolism

  • Lamelle Pharmaceuticals
  • Category Advice Column, Fertility, Lamelle Fertility, Lifestyle, Recently

Struggling to Conceive? New Research Shows a Possible Underlying Cause

NEW: Natural, Safe and Effective Female Fertility Supplement

The strange link between problems conceiving and insulin resistance – and how it points to a poorly understood and underdiagnosed ovarian health condition affecting 1 in 10 women


Once-a-day ovarian health: Two flavours, super easy to mix and take daily for a host of fertility, hormonal and metabolic benefits – new Ovaria by Lamelle 

Is there anything more monumental for a couple than having a baby? No. Not even the wedding day or those eventual milestones when Baby starts growing up can compare to the pregnancy and the birth – officially starting a family.

Yet, more and more today, it just doesn’t happen for everyone. And it’s devastating for a woman when you just don’t conceive. Is it me? What’s wrong with me? And then, when it seems everyone around you is starting their families, there’s the eventual: Why is it only me?

But here’s the thing. It’s not only you.

The leading cause of infertility

According to studies, anovulation (not having your period) is the number-one cause of fertility concerns in women around the world. And new research into a poorly understood and often underdiagnosed condition might hold the answer as to why.

Evidence shows that 1 in 10 women could have a condition known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). A condition that, among a few other worrying effects, is known to cause fertility problems.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Described as a disorder of the hormonal, metabolic and reproductive systems (all at once), women with PCOS often have irregular or absent periods. And it usually goes along with acne, excess hair growth and problems maintaining your weight. 

How it causes infertility

Doctors found that women with PCOS tend to have a high androgen (male hormone) count in their body. Now, it’s normal for a woman to have some androgens, but abnormally high levels are known to cause hirsutism (hair growth) and often oily and acne-prone skin.

What’s more, those same androgens are proven to break down the follicles that make up your ovaries. Causing irregular and missed period and eventually infertility.

So, if you’ve ever had a bit of extra hair and acne, maybe some problem maintaining your weight. There might be a link to any problems you experience in conceiving. The good news is that you can talk to your doctor or gynae and have yourself tested. Especially since PCOS is linked to other life-threatening conditions.

Linked to insulin resistance

New studies show that PCOS actually starts with your metabolism. Researchers realised that the bodies of most women with PCOS have trouble processing insulin, the hormone it uses to extract and store the energy from carbohydrates. 

And if your body struggles with insulin, it builds up in your blood and triggers your ovaries to overproduce androgen (male hormone). The technical term for that is hyperandrogenism, and you can probably already guess its symptoms: acne, excess hair growth, weight problems, irregular periods and infertility.

Suddenly it all makes sense. 

You’re not weird or different. It’s more common than you think. And you can get help right now.

If you think you may have PCOS

It’s worthwhile making an appointment to have yourself tested. We know how to treat PCOS today. And many women around the world who struggled to conceive were able to get treatment and move on with their lives.

In fact, this friendly message if brought to you by Lamelle Pharmaceuticals, who’ve just launched an all-new product that helps promote ovarian health in women with PCOS.


Ovaria is a nutritional supplement for optimal ovarian health in women with PCOS.

The naturally-occurring ingredients in Ovaria bind to cell receptors, activating the signalling pathways that regulate thyroid hormones and, most importantly, insulin in the body. This means Ovaria helps activate glucose transporters and helps your cells use the glucose. And, in so doing, Ovaria helps normalise blood insulin levels, which normalises androgen and improves the symptoms of PCOS, including weight gain, oily skin, hair growth, acne and fertility.


  • Improves ovulation to enhance fertility in women
  • Normalises the menstrual cycle – in case of period problems
  • Improves insulin resistance – useful for managing weight problems
  • Improves blood glucose level (fasting glucose)
  • Reduces hirsutism – used for hair growth problems
  • Reduces the severity of acne – used for acne problems
  • Improves insulin resistance, reducing type 2 diabetes risk and its complications
  • Reduces blood androgens – used for acne, excess hair and sebum

Ovaria comes in two delicious flavours – orange and peach. You drink one sachet of the powder mixed with a glass of still or sparkling water every day. And it’s so safe, you can even take it while breastfeeding.

Ovaria contains 4000mg of Myo-Inositol, the required daily dose clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of PCOS symptoms. Trust Ovaria.

You’ll find Ovaria at your nearest reputable pharmacy or simply order it online via Lamelle’s health store:

PCOS may be common, but it’s not normal and you don’t have to be defined by it. You won’t know how bad you were feeling until you feel better. 

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