Advice Column, Early Learning, Education, Junior Colleges, Recently

Developing confidence in young children

  • Junior Colleges
  • Category Advice Column, Early Learning, Education, Junior Colleges, Recently

Self-esteem stems from a sense of competence — or, to put it another way, children gain confidence due to their successes, not because of the recognition they receive from family and friends. As a preschool teacher, I saw many children gain trust and self-assurance as they learned and achieved new tasks and objectives.

As parents, it’s normal to want to instill trust in your children. Here are some suggestions for how to do that:

1. Make time to have fun

Playtime is one of the most significant investments you can make in your child. Playing with your children for hours demonstrates to them that they are important and worthy of your attention.

2. Give them small tasks to do

Children deserve opportunities to show their talents and believe their efforts are respected. At home, this means enlisting their assistance with tasks such as:

  • Putting the table together for dinner or lunch
  • Organising their toys
  • Dusting, vacuuming, and sweeping
  • Dishwashing
  • Performing laundry sorting or folding
  • Car washing
  • Gardening 

Remember your child’s passions and allocate them a job that helps them feel useful.

3.  Always pay attention

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to set aside time to give your child your undivided attention. It boosts your child’s self-worth by sending the message that you think they’re important and valuable to you. 

4. Frequently encourage your child

Consider the last time anyone complimented your efforts and told you they believed in you. This kind of motivation gives people the trust boost they need to keep going and helps children develop the best type of confidence possible. But remember that too much praise can pressure you to succeed and generate a constant need for other people’s approval. It’s preferable to teach your child that the effort—and seeing everything through to completion—is what matters most.

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One Comment

  • Anonymous July 25, 2022 at 10:55 am

    We get our kids to help with their lunches each day. It is fun to do small things as a family and even though my son is only 4, he really enjoys getting involved


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