Advice Column, Fertility, Lamelle Fertility, Recently

Could Prelox be your all-natural fertility solution?

  • Lamelle Pharmaceuticals
  • Category Advice Column, Fertility, Lamelle Fertility, Recently

Couples trying to conceive without any joy will know how bittersweet celebratory events like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can feel. After all, when you decide it’s time to start and family and things don’t come easy, it creates so much emotional trauma.

Fortunately, you’re not alone. Millions of people struggle with fertility and, globally, infertility rates are rising with as many as 1 in 7 couples facing the challenge. Still, there’s a big stigma attached to infertility in that it’s seen as a “female problem”. Many hear of a couple that’s battling to have a baby and their first thought is that they’re probably dealing with a gynaelogical concern on the woman’s side. The truth, however, is that infertility affects both sexes almost equally – about one-third of cases can be attributed to men and another third are accounted for by women.

Don’t lose hope

Fortunately, “infertility” doesn’t haven’t to be a final diagnosis. Thanks to rapid innovations in health, an increasing number of couples are experiencing the “baby joy” they once suspected was impossible. However, for many, their journey doesn’t have to follow the imagined route of “we’re struggling – let’s head straight to IVF, do not pass go”. Millions of couples face fertility challenges due to problems that can be relatively simple to solve.

As an example, often, the cause for a lack of fertility in men is sub-optimal sperm health, something that’s perfectly treatable. After all, one of the biggest threats to top quality sperm is oxidative stress caused by cell-damaging free radicals. (These damage the sperm’s head and tail, making it difficult to swim and successfully implant itself in an egg.)  Modern life makes free radical avoidance impossible – they’re literally in the air – but you can limit their destruction in a big way while significantly boosting sperm health with a proven male fertility supplement like Prelox.

An all-natural solution

Created by Lamelle Pharmaceuticals, Prelox contains all-natural ingredients including the super antioxidant, Pycnogenol. Aside from being potent, it’s also proven. One double-blind clinical trial showed that, after taking Prelox for just one month, men generated 93% more healthy, normally-formed sperm with a 55,5% improvement in motility. That’s a huge boost! Prelox also contains the amino acid L-Arginine that stimulates the creation of endothelial nitric oxide (e-NOS), an enzyme that can dramatically enhance sperm motility, literally increasing its ability to “swim” the long distance it has to travel to reach the egg.

The bottom line

Ultimately, if you’re trying to conceive without success, both you and your partner should make an appointment to chat with your doctors. As we said, infertility affects both men and women, almost equally. Still, while many things could contribute to the problem in both partners, it’s often merely a case of low quality sperm. In this case, you might be one of the many couples that can rectify this with a simple yet incredibly effective supplement, Prelox. It doesn’t require a prescription and there are no negative side effects. This way, you’d have nothing to lose and, potentially, everything to gain – including a bouncing bundle of joy. 

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