Exam time is usually a dreaded and stressful period for parents and children alike, but a little support and motivation can go a long way in reducing stress levels.
Here are some guidelines of what you can do to make life a bit easier on your child (and in effect you too!):
- Create a consistent study environment. According to parentinfo.org it’s best to set up a study corner that is comfortable and inviting to work in, with as few distractions as possible. Everything should be close at hand so they don’t have to spend time searching for things like highlighters, post it notes, paper, etc.
- Keep communication open. It’s important to show that you are interested in your child’s studies. Ask them how they are doing, do they need any help, how did the exam go. Sometimes a child just needs to vent or know you care about their well-being.
- Encourage relaxation and taking part in other activities to unwind, like exercising, listening to music, painting and interacting with friends. These can aid significantly in stress management.
- When it comes to studying and breaks the Pomodoro Technique is the most effective in the world. Study for 25 minutes with 5 minute breaks in-between each study session. After four cycles of 25 minute studies, take a longer 30-minute break.
- Help your child stay focused with following a well-structured study schedule. According to brainbuxa.com discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. It’s important to enforce restrictions, but don’t micro-manage. Show your child that you trust him/her enough to take responsibility.
- If your child prefers being quizzed to prep for exams, put in the effort and make it a time of bonding rather than a time of frustration. Stay calm, do flash cards and reward accomplishments by sneaking in a favourite snack.
- Ensure that your child eats healthy and gets enough sleep. These are very important factors for the brain to recharge and function properly, especially during exam time.
- Always remember to use words of encouragement. Whether the exam went well or not. Help your child to stay positive. Most children are less worried about the exam itself than about disappointing their parents or losing the respect of their fellow classmates if they do badly. So if it didn’t go well, instead of dwelling on the mistakes, which they cannot change, rather help them relax and prepare for the next exam.
“The role of the parent is very important in this online teaching journey. Parents should create and promote a positive learning environment for the student. Parents should also encourage the student to follow a routine to stay focussed and to develop responsibility, self-discipline and independence. Our teachers, student mentors and tutors all have one goal in mind and that is to see our students succeed and prosper,” says Belinda van der Westhuizen, Wingu-Academy’s Director of Education and Assessments. “Most importantly, celebrate your child’s accomplishments and enjoy the journey with him/her.”
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