When you hear about hot flashes, most women immediately think “menopause” and reckon it’s something they’d only have to worry about in their mid to late 40s. Thing is, this annoying, make-up ruining, life-interrupting symptom can affect you as early as your late 30s during perimenopause, the lead up to your final period. Even more annoying? While, on average, perimenopause lasts around 4 to 6 years, it can bother you for as long as 10. That’s a long time to want to walk around with a fan in your handbag but, happily, you don’t have to. Lady Prelox, an all-natural supplement developed especially for women, has been proven to help alleviate hot flashes. But before we get into why it’s a brilliant solution to an age-old problem, let’s first chat about why your body’s thermostat feels like it’s running wild and what you can do to temper it.
Hormones and hot flashes
When you enter perimenopause, a time when your ovaries start to run low on eggs, you can expect hormonal fluctuations that trigger a laundry list of symptoms. These include mood changes, a loss of libido, vaginal dryness, trouble concentrating, exhaustion, migraines, insomnia, night sweats and the aforementioned “super fun” hot flashes.
Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to improve your experience as you transition into the period-free part of your life. For starters, don’t underestimate the importance of a healthy diet and getting enough exercise. You also definitely don’t want to smoke. While the increased risk of cancer should be enough to put anyone off, studies have shown that female smokers are more likely to go into menopause earlier than non-smokers. They’re also more likely to experience more frequent as well as more intense symptoms, particularly hot flashes.
So what’s a woman to do?
Lifestyle changes aside, you have several treatment options that include taking hormone therapy and medications like low-dose antidepressants. Still, many women prefer to go the natural route and this is where things can get murky. For example, black cohosh is a herb commonly used with the intention of improving the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes. However, there’s not enough evidence to suggest it’s effective and there’s no guarantee you’re ever buying a product containing the very particular variant of herb proposed to suppress the flash. Fortunately, not every natural option is a gamble and this is where Lady Prelox fits in – a million miles ahead of the competition.
Patented and proven

A patented estrogen-free health supplement, Lady Prelox contains premium plant-based ingredients that include Pycnogenol® (a derivative of French maritime pine bark extract), Rosvita® (rosehip extract) and two amino acids – L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. Together, they’ve been clinically proven to significantly improve hot flashes and night sweats in peri-menopausal women in as little as four weeks! Better yet, it wasn’t just the study’s participants’ ability to beat the heat that improved. Lady Prelox also enhanced their ability to focus and reduced their feelings of anxiety.
But wait – there’s more!
As if these weren’t all the reasons you’d need to consider Lady Prelox a must for any woman entering the next phase of life, there’s another big benefit you’ll want to know about: Lady Prelox is also clinically proven to boost sexual function and satisfaction in women between 37 and 45 by a whopping 88%. It’s also proven to boost sexual satisfaction in menopausal and even post-menopausal women by 60% and more. Again, these improvements were all evident within just 30 days. Talk about a brilliant bonus!
If you’re struggling with hot flashes and other menopause-related symptoms – or simply want to enhance your sex life – Lady Prelox really is the obvious all-natural solution.
Visit: https://www.preloxrange.co.za/ for more information
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