Everything FINALLY seems to be settling down a few months after welcoming your new baby – she is in (somewhat of) a routine, her sleeping patterns are getting better and you have even managed to get more done this week. Just when things are coming together your hair starts to fall out! The average person […]

During pregnancy, many women experience at least some degree of urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary loss of urine. The incontinence may be mild and infrequent for some pregnant women, but it can be more severe for others. The kind of incontinence experienced during pregnancy is usually Stress Incontinence (SI), which is the loss of […]

Becoming a new mom is a thrilling, yet daunting experience! From the moment, you find out you’re expecting a little bundle of joy, you need to make numerous life changing decisions – even before the big arrival. Choices need to be made – everything from what colour to make the baby’s room, to who will […]

If you missed the announcement last week Friday, then SUPRISE! Dan and I are expecting our first little bebe in April next year. We are so excited, so nervous and feel so incredibly blessed. But along with all the ooh-ing and aah-ing at the cute baby clothes at Cotton On Kids, I’ve been navigating  my […]

The miracle of pregnancy is universal and timeless, and even though we are, by divine design, capable of going through this process, it does have a pronounced effect on our bodies and our sexuality. During this event, higher levels of progesterone cause drowsiness while the increased estrogen lifts our mood, making us more radiant than […]

The world for the pregnant woman is one filled with excitement, anticipation, anxiety and, in many instances, a very real fear or trepidation, particularly for first timers. HypnoBirthing® is designed to alleviate the factors which cause fear, allowing you to birth your baby using your body’s natural, perfectly designed, and ultra-efficient muscles and pain relief […]

Birth is a deeply spiritual event, mysterious and miraculous. The arrival of a newborn is awe inspiring and ultimately life changing. But it is exactly how that newborn comes into this world that leaves many new parents heads spinning. There is so much fear of pain, blood, risk and pressure from every direction. Everyone expects […]

In a fast paced world where people are constantly chasing time, deadlines, and are driven by the need to succeed, high levels of stress are common place. Medical research has shown time and again that chronic stress can have a negative impact on long-term health, but the implications on fertility and the ability to conceive […]