Advice Column, Early Learning, Junior Colleges, Recently, Toddler

Sensory, Sensory, and again Sensory

  • Junior Colleges
  • Category Advice Column, Early Learning, Junior Colleges, Recently, Toddler

Why do you always hear Sensory play so much in Pre-school?

Sensory play forms part of playing. It plays a big role in a child’s development from an early age. That is why we, as teachers, always say that children learn through play. It helps children to develop neuropathways and better comprehend classroom subject matter such as language and motor skills

Throughout the world, there are four different ways to learn things, which is also called the VARK method. 

1. V for Visual learner (eyes/sight), 

2. A for Auditory learner (ears/hearing), 

3. R for Reading and Writing learner (eyes/hands) and 

4. K for Kinesthetic learners (whole body/physical/hands-on) or a combination of these

Our five senses are used when we take part in sensory play, which stimulates the neuro system. This is very important because having different senses stimulated allows children to learn and figure out through which sense they learn best.

How can you, as a parent, make a sensory bin at home?

You will need a large container where children can explore space, measurement, and textures ( and use their five senses. You don’t always need to add all five senses at once. Fun, interactive, and messy are a must. The messier, the better (sorry, Moms!).

You can include the following items in your sensory bin: beads, cotton, cups, feathers, flour, flowers,measuring tools, play dough, raw and cooked spaghetti/pasta, rice, wool, etc.

What does a sensory bin look like?

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