Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Tween & Teen Advice

6 Ways Camp is Good for Parenting

  • Sugar Bay
  • Category Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Tween & Teen Advice

Sending your kids away for a sleepover camp should be a very exciting time for both parents and kids. The negative aspects like missing the kids, worrying about their safety and well-being are often outweighed by the positives.

Here are 6 reasons why sending your kids to camp is good parenting:

Develop trust with your child

Sending your child away for an extended holiday by themselves, shows them that you trust them to do things alone without your supervision and guidance. It communicates to them that you trust that they will make good decisions while you are not around. At the same time it also shows children that they can trust you to not abandon them, especially younger children. By returning home after a week, and being happily welcomed back, children will feel more secure about being away from you next time – whether that is for an afternoon, or a few days.

Alone time with yourself or your spouse 

Quality time with your partner, or with yourself is important too. Happier parents make happier homes, and it is alright to admit that you need some time to recharge your batteries, or rekindle the romance in your relationship. In this way, both children and parents can benefit from the short time spent apart from each other. A week away at camp may go a long way in helping you appreciate each other, and may bring you closer together.

Encourage fitness with fun activities

With all the physical activities that camp offers, there is no way you can accuse your child of becoming a ‘couch potato’. Camps’ team building activities ensure that all kids are encouraged and pushed to their limits to try new things and conquer their fears. Fun and games at camp are indeed exercise with laughter and friends – the best combination ever!

Support your child’s development outside of school

Rather than sitting at home watching TV all holiday, by sending your child to camp, you are creating an opportunity for them to have fun, be adventurous, make wonderful memories and friendships in another environment. At camp, kids get the opportunity to try new projects, explore new places and learn new skills. Many kids will return home and display an admirable amount of independence and initiative. They learn how to conquer fears, and how to be a leader and a team player among many other things.

Improve your child’s social skills

Camp is a safe place where kids are free to express their personalities. One of the primary focuses of camp is to get kids to communicate; with themselves and others. Many campers who come to camp as introverts, leave camp more confident and outspoken. Campers are always working in teams, which is a great way for them to learn how to socialise and work together with one another.

Increased self-discipline

Discipline is a difficult hurdle for most parents, as many of them are too hard, while others may be too soft. At camp, your kids teach themselves and each other the meaning of good behaviour. They learn discipline by listening, observing and following the instructions and good examples of their peers and supervisors. Campers are anxious to behave and listen to the instructions to avoid making mistakes, or missing out on tasks, because of bad behaviour. Many parents will agree that the self-discipline learned at camp is definitely taken home.

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