
Andalene Salvesen travels the world as a speaker and parenting coach. She is a mother of four and a proud grandmother of 10. She is the author of the book “A brand new child in 5 easy steps” as well as co-author of “Raising happy, healthy children” with Sally-Ann Creed. She was the owner and principal of a school in Cape Town for 8 years. This background, along with her immeasurable passion for children compelled her to compile a parenting seminar combining extensive knowledge and valuable experience. She has been presenting this course for nearly 20 years in a variety of venues and locations. Through this, the need for families to have personal one on one attention for their particular needs became apparent – and for more than a decade, she and her team of parenting coaches have helped families by coaching them through tantrums, sleeping, eating and discipline problems in the privacy of their own homes. This has earned her the title of Super Granny under the auspices of the Munchkins brand.

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